Friends of the Hubbell Library, New Orleans, LA Videos

Videos by Friends of the Hubbell Library in New Orleans. The neighborhood group that supports the Cita Dennis Hubbell Branch of the New Orleans Public Library

Other Friends of the Hubbell Library videos

We had so much fun at last month’s Sundays at the Suites free community concert with The One Percent! And we’re ready to do it again this Sunday (March 1, 2:30-3:30 pm) with Perdido Jazz Band! Join us for great jazz and fun times with your neighbors at The Suites at Algiers Point Assisted Living & Memory Care! Check out another video of The One Percent in the comments below! Free and open to everyone of all ages!

We had a great time at our first Sundays at the Suites community concerts a few days ago. The Jamie Bernstein Acoustic Trio (Jamie Bernstein Music) was so great, and had our very happy audience singing along! Join us for our next one on Sunday, Feb 9, for sone funk, soul, and R&B with The One Percent!