Alisme Law LLC

We help small business owners fight for what's theirs.

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 08/02/2024

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Dealing with issues between shareholders can be challenging. Here are three common causes of disputes and how to address them:

1. Lack of Transparency:
Open communication is key. Always establish clear communication channels to avoid being kept in the dark and demanding more information about the business.

2. One-sided decision making;
Always create a balance in decision-making with both the minority and majority shareholders.

3. Unfair profit distribution:
Ensure everyone agrees on how to share the profits to avoid complaints in profit distribution.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 08/01/2024

Before you think about unfairly distributing profits in your business, remember that once a disgruntled shareholder rightfully sues, the court can intervene to redistribute profits to ensure fairness among shareholders.

Here are the criteria for court intervention:

♟️Breach of Fiduciary Duty: Majority shareholders misuse their power.

♟️Violation of Shareholder Agreement: Terms are not followed.

♟️Unfair Practices: Profits are manipulated or hidden.

♟️Imbalance in Contributions vs. Rewards: Disproportionate profit sharing.

♟️Lack of Transparency: Inadequate financial disclosure.

Maintaining transparency and fairness in profit distribution is crucial to avoiding legal disputes and ensuring all shareholders are treated equitably. This will protect your business and uphold trust among your stakeholders.

Don't let unfair practices slide. Contact us to defend your rights and ensure you get what you deserve. With our experience in business litigation, we'll guide you through these challenges and protect your interests.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/31/2024

Being cheated out of business profits can be really frustrating and sad.

You feel like you've been betrayed, especially if you think you've worked hard and deserve your share. Here are 4 signs that you might be getting cheated out of your business profits:

1. You see the business growing, but there's no money in your bank account. Maybe the majority shareholders are not sharing the profits.

2. Insincere profit distribution. Watch out for unclear ways in which profits are being shared.

3. Lack of transparency and financial reporting. If you don't get clear reports, something might be wrong.

4. Consistent underperformance in your returns. If your returns are always lower than expected, it could be a sign.

Are you going through something similar and need help? Comment “the End,” and we will schedule a consultation.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; contact us at (917)-970-1212 for personalized legal assistance.


If you are a minority shareholder in a tech company and believe that the majority shareholders negatively impact your rights or the business, you can seek redress. Here’s how we can help:

♟️ Review the Shareholder Agreement: We’ll identify clauses that protect your interests and enforce fair treatment.

♟️ Consultation and Strategy: Our legal team will outline a tailored strategy based on your specific situation.

♟️ Demand Transparency: We can request detailed financial records and profit distribution statements to uncover discrepancies.

♟️ Mediation and Arbitration: We’ll explore these options to resolve disputes collaboratively and save time and costs.

♟️ Court-Ordered Remedies: If necessary, we can take legal action to seek a court-ordered profit adjustment or other remedies.

♟️ Ongoing Support: We’ll provide continuous support to protect your rights and address future issues.

Don’t let unfair practices go unchallenged. Reach out to us to protect your interests and ensure you receive your fair share. Our expertise in business litigation will help you navigate these challenges effectively.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


Here is one thing no one tells shareholders about profit distributions: you have to closely look at the financial statements that show how profits have been distributed. It's easy to assume everything is handled fairly, but assumptions can lead to significant financial loss.

Always verify your profit distributions against your ownership stake.

If you find discrepancies, discuss them with your other shareholders. If nothing is done when you approach the majority, you have the right to take legal action.

You can actually sue for a court-ordered profit adjustment to ensure you receive what you are entitled to, and we can help you do that. Comment "HELP" DM us to have this protect your interests in the company.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/26/2024

Minority shareholders have rights, and if you feel you're not receiving your fair share of profits, you can seek a court-ordered profit adjustment. The court can order an independent audit to review the company's financial records, identify discrepancies, and mandate a fair redistribution of profits.

Don’t let unfair practices go unchallenged—let us help you stand up for your rights and protect your financial interests. Always consult an attorney to help navigate this process and protect your rights.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


You're a tech company, and your partnership has gone sour. You want to resolve it as painlessly and undisruptively as possible. Here are some steps to consider:

♟️Mediation and Arbitration: Start here if your agreement includes these clauses. Mediation allows partners to resolve issues amicably with a neutral third party.

♟️No Agreement or Mediation Fails: Consider formal litigation to protect your interests and ensure a fair resolution.

♟️Why Mediation is Best: Mediation helps preserve the business relationship by finding a mutually beneficial solution.

♟️Consult an Attorney: Always seek legal advice to guide you through the process and protect your rights.

Don't let a sour partnership disrupt your business. Seek the right legal advice to navigate these challenges smoothly.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; contact us at (917)-970-1212 for personalized legal assistance.


Stop People Pleasing, Save Your Business

Trying to please clients, especially at the cost of your business's interests, can be detrimental. Over-accommodating client demands often lead to scope creep, making you susceptible to litigation due to disputes over timelines, costs, and deliverable quality.

Action Points:

♟️Document Changes: Always write client requests for additional tasks and amend the contract accordingly.

♟️Assess Impact: Before agreeing, evaluate how new requests affect timelines, budgets, and resources.

♟️Communicate Clearly: Keep an open line of communication with clients about the impacts of their requests.

♟️Set Boundaries: Be clear about what is included in the project scope and what constitutes additional work.

♟️Regular Reviews: Conduct regular project reviews to ensure everything is on track and any changes are formally documented.

Have you ever faced this issue before? What losses did you incur?

Balancing client satisfaction with business sustainability is critical. Remember, we're here to help you assert your boundaries and protect your business.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


Our client stopped being prone to law suits by stopping these 2 bad habits and asking two questions:

♟️Client Pleasing: Our client learned to assert boundaries and manage client expectations effectively instead of being overly accommodating and allowing scope creep.

♟️Poor Documentation: By improving documentation practices, our client ensured that all agreements, changes, and communications were recorded accurately and transparently.

The Two questions:

♟️Ask the client, “What exactly do you want from this business relationship?”
♟️Ask yourself, “Can I deliver on those exact terms, or will adjustments be necessary?”

This approach saves time, prevents misunderstandings, and fosters mutually beneficial partnerships built on clear expectations and deliverables.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


Given the fact that joint ventures have been a go-to-market solution for many tech companies to grow their presence in a market, several factors can often lead to their breakdown:

♟️Misaligned Goals and Objectives: Partners often have different strategic goals, leading to conflicts and inefficiencies.

♟️Poor Communication: Lack of clear and consistent communication can cause misunderstandings and disputes.

♟️Imbalance of Contributions and Rewards: Disparities in what each partner contributes and receives can lead to resentment and conflict.

♟️Cultural Differences: Differing corporate cultures and management styles can create friction and hinder collaboration.

♟️Lack of Exit Strategy: Joint ventures can become mired in disputes when partners want to leave without a clear plan for dissolution or exit.

These reasons emphasize the importance of clear agreements and proactive management in the success and longevity of joint ventures. Because, we've often times seen this, we leverage our expertise in business litigation and dispute resolution to protect your interests and promote the sustainable growth of your joint ventures. Call us today!

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


Litigation in tech partnerships can be a nightmare because misunderstandings and disputes can quickly escalate. Here are some of the most common causes of litigation in tech partnerships:

♟️Lack of Partnership Agreement: Roles and responsibilities are unclear without a formal agreement, leading to conflicts.
♟️Unclear Defined Terms: Vague terms can result in disagreements over project scope, deliverables, and expectations.
♟️Unequal Distribution of Work: Imbalanced workloads cause resentment and strife among partners.
♟️Lack of Access to Information: One partner controlling all the information can lead to mistrust and frustration.
♟️Lack of Communication: Poor communication results in misunderstandings, misaligned goals, and unresolved conflicts.

Are you currently facing these legal challenges? Call us and we have a chat, we are here to help. Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/18/2024

Software performance issues are one of the biggest causes of disputes with tech companies. From our experience, it's a sticky road because determining whether the issue falls within the parameters discussed and the promises made at the beginning is crucial.

To address this situation promptly and strategically, here's our approach:

📌Issue Analysis:

♟️Identify the Root Cause: Conduct a thorough analysis to understand why the software did not meet the client's expectations. This involves reviewing project documentation, testing results, and client communications to pinpoint discrepancies or misunderstandings.

♟️Legal Considerations: Assess the contractual obligations regarding performance standards and warranties outlined in the agreement. Evaluate if the client's complaints constitute a breach of contract or if there are mitigating factors that warrant negotiation or legal defense.

By addressing performance issues proactively, you can manage client expectations, reduce disputes, and protect your business interests.

Contact us at (917)-970-1212 if you're facing performance-related disputes. Let’s discuss how we can help you navigate these challenges.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us


We're thrilled to welcome our new associate attorney, Epiphany Alexander, to the Alisme Law team! Epiphany brings a wealth of experience and a truly global perspective to our practice.

From a young age, Epiphany knew she wanted to make a difference through law, driven by her passion for writing and research. Her journey led her to prestigious institutions across three international jurisdictions, including the United States, European Union, and United Kingdom, where she gained invaluable insights into law and trade.

With a background that spans family law to commercial disputes, Epiphany's empathy and expertise are invaluable assets. She's dedicated to protecting the legal rights of small businesses and navigating complex legal landscapes with skill and integrity.

Join us in welcoming Epiphany to the Alisme Law family! 🎉

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/15/2024

Valuing your business correctly during a buyout is crucial.

📌Save this post in your arsenal of important business posts.

When considering a buyout offer, ensure you're not undervaluing what you've built. Fair compensation should reflect not just the financials, but also your contributions, market position, and potential growth. Don't overlook intangible assets like brand reputation and customer loyalty. It's about more than just numbers—it's about recognizing the full value of your hard work and vision.

Make sure you consider these five things;
1. Financial Metrics
2. Intangible Assets
3. Future Potential
4. Terms of the Buyout
5. Legal Implications

Do you have a question about these five considerations? Let us know; we're happy to help.
Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/13/2024

Like any relationship, joint ventures are a whirlwind of emotions for business owners:

♟️Excited: You're excited as you combine strengths and resources with your partner to conquer new frontiers.

♟️Apprehensive: There's that initial twinge of nerves—will this partnership really work out? Are our goals truly aligned? Cue the early jitters.

♟️Optimistic: Ah, the visionaries! You see success on the horizon, imagining the groundbreaking projects and achievements ahead.

♟️Frustrated: Reality check. When challenges arise, disagreements over strategies or contributions can lead to severe head-scratching moments.

♟️Relief: Ah, sweet relief! Milestones have been achieved, conflicts resolved, and your partnership is not just surviving but thriving.

Navigating these emotional highs and lows is our forte at Alisme Law. While we're not therapists (though we've been told our legal prowess sometimes feels like therapy), we excel at guiding you through the complexities of joint ventures, especially during the frustration stage. With clear communication, mutual respect, and strategic alignment, we ensure your interests are safeguarded and your collaborations are primed for success.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


For years, non-compete clauses were standard in partnerships, restricting partners from starting similar ventures elsewhere. The FTC's recent decision to ban these clauses marks a significant shift. If your agreements still include non-compete clauses or if you're exploring alternatives post-ban, it's essential to consider your next steps carefully.

What You Can Do:

♟️Review Existing Agreements: Assess your current contracts to identify any non-compete clauses and understand their implications.

♟️Consider Alternative Protections: Explore legal alternatives like confidentiality agreements or non-solicitation clauses to safeguard your business interests. Ensure these alternatives do not replicate the functional effects of non-compete clauses. (Legal counsel will help with this)

♟️Seek Legal Guidance: Consult with a business attorney to navigate these changes effectively. They can help ensure your agreements comply with new regulations and protect your interests moving forward.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.

I'm Joam Alisme, and I help business owners handle any business disputes at Alisme Law LLC so they can focus on other important things. If you need help with any business dispute, follow and DM me.

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/10/2024

Always adjust the project scope formally when a client requests additional tasks in the middle of a project.


Imagine you’re developing a mobile app for a retail client, and they ask for a new loyalty program feature halfway through. If you proceed without a formal scope adjustment, you risk delays, increased costs, and potential disputes.

If you ever find yourself in this situation, make sure to;

1. Document the Change: Get the new requirements in writing.
2. Review the Impact: Assess how the changes affect timelines and costs.
3. Amend the Contract: Update the contract to reflect new tasks, timelines, and costs.
4. Communicate Clearly: Keep open lines of communication with the client.
5. Monitor Progress: Regularly review project progress to ensure everything is on track.

Following these steps, you can manage scope changes effectively and maintain strong client relationships.

If you're currently experiencing or struggling with a scope dispute in your business, give us a call, and we can discuss some of your options.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; for personalized legal assistance, contact us at (917)-970-1212.


If you are a tech company and want to make changes, ensure the change is done in WRITING. Don't simply agree orally, as it can lead to changes in terms and objectives and potential delays. A party can refuse to recognize the work done even though it was orally agreed upon. Of course, we can figure out how to compensate you, but prevention is better than cure.

Yesterday, we discussed scope creep, one of the biggest problems tech companies face. If you are currently involved in a dispute about scope and fair compensation, call us. We want to discuss some options with you.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; contact us at (917)-970-1212 for personalized legal assistance

Hey, I'm Joam Alisme, and I help business owners handle complex legal disputes at Alisme Law LLC so they can focus on other important things. If you need help with any business dispute, follow and DM me.

Photos from Alisme Law LLC's post 07/08/2024

One of the primary legal challenges tech companies face is managing scope creep effectively.

This oversight often leads to disputes over timelines, costs, and deliverable quality, potential breaches of contract, client dissatisfaction, and increased legal and financial risks for software companies.

Proactive communication, regular project reviews, and robust change management processes are essential to safeguard against these risks and maintain healthy client relationships.

We always help clients in this situation, prioritizing their business interests. If you are facing this challenge. Call us at (917)-970-1212.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; contact us for personalized legal assistance.


Drafting a solid contract isn't just about outlining terms but preempting disputes. Here are three crucial clauses that could save you from costly litigation:

♟️Mediation Clause: When disagreements arise, this clause mandates both parties to attempt mediation before rushing to court. For instance, imagine a tech partnership where development timelines differ; mediation allows them to resolve issues without escalating.

♟️Attorney's Fees Clause: If one party breaches, they cover legal fees. In a scenario where a software project stalls due to coding errors, this clause ensures accountability and discourages frivolous lawsuits.

♟️Grace Period Clause: Providing a buffer period for resolving issues can prevent misunderstandings from sn*******ng into disputes. Consider a hardware delivery delayed by logistics; a grace period allows adjustments without immediate legal action.

Integrating these clauses into your contracts safeguards interests and fosters a collaborative approach to resolving conflicts. Ready to fortify your agreements? Set up a consultation call and lets discuss.

Disclaimer: The above material is for informational purposes only; contact us (917)-970-1212 for personalized legal assistanceLet's ensure your contracts protect, not just bind.


🇺🇸 Happy Independence Day from all of us at Alisme Law! 🎆

Today, as we celebrate the spirit of freedom and unity, we reflect on the values that shape our legal practice: justice, integrity, and the pursuit of fair outcomes for every client—wishing everyone a safe and joyful Fourth of July with loved ones!

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You're a tech company, and your partnership has gone sour. You want to resolve it as painlessly and undisruptively as po...
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