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Students who need assistance with funding their education most of the time apply for student loans. In some cases, other students have difficulty in making payments and consider applying for student loan forgiveness after some time. The question is, will it be hurting your credit if you apply for forgiveness?

Luckily, unlike debt settlement or bankruptcy, where some or all of certain types of debt can be discharged, student loan forgiveness doesn't hurt your credit and can be an excellent way to get help paying back what you owe, yet it would be best to check the pros and cons for yourself as each program has its own set of requirements and how much forgiveness it offers.

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Student loan forgiveness is the process of discharging or canceling student loan debt, typically after you meet certain requirements. It releases borrowers from their obligation to repay part or all of their loans. Unfortunately, only federal loans are eligible for forgiveness and the eligibility is limited to borrowers in certain public service, education, or military professions.

In addition, students who feel their educational institution defrauded them can apply for loan forgiveness under the category of "borrower defense".

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Every day is different, and some days are better than others, but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it. -Muhammad Ali


Student loan borrowers have a variety of options to choose from when the time comes to start repaying their loans. Federal loans provide the most flexible options, while private student loans are more limited.

The repayment that will suit you best depends on the kinds of loans that you have, how much you owe, and your capacity to pay. Here are the options you can use as your guide to choosing the best repayment option for you.

8. Income-Sensitive Repayment Plan

Only Federal Family Education Loan borrowers are eligible for this repayment option. Monthly payments in this plan are based on annual income, with loans paid over 15 years. This is beneficial to FFEL borrowers who want a lower monthly repayment than they would get on a Standard or Graduated Repayment plan, but not those borrowers who are interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

NOTE: The Department of Education suspended interest and monthly payments on federally held student loans until August 31, 2022. The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in March 2021 also includes a provision that student loan forgiveness issued between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, will not be taxable to the recipient.

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Student loan borrowers have a variety of options to choose from when the time comes to start repaying their loans. Federal loans provide the most flexible options, while private student loans are more limited.

The repayment that will suit you best depends on the kinds of loans that you have, how much you owe, and your capacity to pay. Here are the options you can use as your guide to choosing the best repayment option for you.

7. Income-Contingent Repayment Plan

Any direct loan borrower with an eligible loan is eligible for this repayment option. Still, parent PLUS loans are not eligible for this. Here, monthly payments are 20% of your discretionary income or the amount you would pay over 12 years with a fixed payment based on your income, whichever is less.

This is beneficial to those borrowers who can afford to commit more of their monthly income to loan repayment, but not the amount required by a Standard Repayment Plan. This is also beneficial for those who are interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Borrowers who owe anything other than Direct Loans or married couples who file jointly and are in a higher tax bracket do not benefit from this repayment option.
NOTE: The Department of Education suspended interest and monthly payments on federally held student loans until August 31, 2022. The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in March 2021 also includes a provision that student loan forgiveness issued between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, will not be taxable to the recipient.

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Never let your money control you. Let money be your slave and never let it overrule your life. If you let it control you, you might get used to it and resulting in bad financial habits.


Student loan borrowers have a variety of options to choose from when the time comes to start repaying their loans. Federal loans provide the most flexible options, while private student loans are more limited.

The repayment that will suit you best depends on the kinds of loans that you have, how much you owe, and your capacity to pay. Here are the options you can use as your guide to choosing the best repayment option for you.

6. Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR)

This gives eligibility to those borrowers with Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford loans, student PLUS loans, and consolidation loans but not PLUS loans made to parents. Borrowers must also have high debt relative to their income. In this repayment option, monthly payments are either 10% or 15% of discretionary income, based on when you borrowed, but it never gets more than what you would pay on a 10-year standard repayment plan. After 20 or 25 years of payment, you will be eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

This is beneficial to people who have a high debt balance and need smaller monthly payments due to a lower income, as well as anyone interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness but not those borrowers who can afford to put more than 10-15% of their income toward repayment each month and pay off their loans faster.

NOTE: The Department of Education suspended interest and monthly payments on federally held student loans until August 31, 2022. The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in March 2021 also includes a provision that student loan forgiveness issued between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, will not be taxable to the recipient.

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Student loan borrowers have a variety of options to choose from when the time comes to start repaying their loans. Federal loans provide the most flexible options, while private student loans are more limited.

The repayment that will suit you best depends on the kinds of loans that you have, how much you owe, and your capacity to pay. Here are the options you can use as your guide to choosing the best repayment option for you.

5. Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) Repayment Plan

This gives eligibility to any Direct Loan borrower with an eligible loan. Parent PLUS loans, for example, are not eligible. It would be best to check the loans eligible and ineligible to verify if you are to consider this repayment option. In this repayment plan, your monthly payments are set at 10% of your discretionary income. This benefits all direct loan borrowers who need a low monthly payment and don't mind potentially paying more in interest over the life of the loan compared with a Standard Repayment Plan. This also benefits those who are interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness but not those married couples who file a joint return and have a higher combined income.

NOTE: The Department of Education suspended interest and monthly payments on federally held student loans until August 31, 2022. The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in March 2021 also includes a provision that student loan forgiveness issued between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, will not be taxable to the recipient.

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Financial freedom is not an easy process. It will require a mental process in terms of having the perfect mindset, an emotional process to create a stronger you to endure a sacrifice that you should make, and lastly, an education process to be financially literate and financially responsible in all aspects that will assist you in acquiring a perfect mindset.


Student loan borrowers have a variety of options to choose from when the time comes to start repaying their loans. Federal loans provide the most flexible options, while private student loans are more limited.

The repayment that will suit you best depends on the kinds of loans that you have, how much you owe, and your capacity to pay. Here are the options you can use as your guide to choosing the best repayment option for you.

4. Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Repayment Plan

Borrowers who received a disbursement of a Direct Loan on or after October 1, 2011 are eligible for this repayment option. This plan takes monthly payments at 10% of discretionary income but never exceeds what you would pay on a Standard Repayment Plan. This benefits those who need a low monthly repayment plan and/or are interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness, while borrowers whose income fluctuates significantly from one year to the next do not benefit from this option.

NOTE: The Department of Education suspended interest and monthly payments on federally held student loans until August 31, 2022. The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in March 2021 also includes a provision that student loans forgiveness issued between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, will not be taxable to the recipient.

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Student loan borrowers have a variety of options to choose from when the time comes to start repaying their loans. Federal loans provide the most flexible options, while private student loans are more limited.

The repayment that will suit you best depends on the kinds of loans that you have, how much you owe, and your capacity to pay. Here are the options you can use as your guide to choosing the best repayment option for you.

3. Extended Repayment Plan

All borrowers are eligible, yet Federal Direct Loan and Federal Family Education Loan borrowers must owe more than $30,000. Here, payments may be fixed or graduated with loans paid in full over up to 25 years. IT benefits borrowers who have larger loan balances and need a smaller monthly loan payment. This does not benefit borrowers who are interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness or who want to pay the least amount of interest possible on their loans.

NOTE: The Department of Education suspended interest and monthly payments on federally held student loans until August 31, 2022. The American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in March 2021 also includes a provision that student loans forgiveness issued between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2025, will not be taxable to the recipient.

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Achieving financial freedom is a dream for everyone. Be willing to sacrifice together with hard work and perseverance and be financially free someday.


It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

8. Plan and Save for retirement

Retirement may seem like a lifetime away, but time passes so fast that you wouldn't notice it arriving sooner than you expect. The younger you start the better and the more benefit you will have from the magic of compounding interest.

Setting aside money for your retirement as early as possible does not only allow it to grow over the long term but also reduces your current income taxes if funds are placed in a tax-advantaged plan.

If your employer offers a 401(k) or 403 (b) plan, start paying into it right away, especially if your employer matches your contribution. Also, it would be better to learn the difference between the Roth 401 (k) and the traditional 401 (k) if your company offers both.

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It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

7. Pay off your student loans

It would be best to pay off your student loans and reduce your expenses right in time. It is recommended to read an overview and understand the various options you can choose from in repaying your student loans. By doing this, you will be able to choose what best suits your budget and your situation.

One thing that can slow down your student loan payoff is paying only the minimum due.

If you can pay extra, you may want to target one loan at a time while paying the minimum on everything else. The question is, what method do you use? It is the snowball method or the avalanche approach? Have a better understanding of these 2 payment methods and make the right decision.

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Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
– Pele


It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

6. Consider Your Family

Thinking ahead of time isn't bad especially if you are thinking for the sake of your family. To protect your assets in your estate, ensure that your wishes are followed when you die, be sure to make a will, and possibly set up one or more trusts. You also need to look into insurance may it be auto, home, life, disability, and long-term care. In taking up insurance, you need to also check your insurance premiums. Periodically review your policy as well, to make sure it meets your family's needs through life's major milestones.

In addition, take time to teach your children about the value of money and how to save, invest, and spend wisely while they are young.

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It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

5. Monitor your credit score regularly

It is recommended to check your credit scores regularly. Credit cards are the main tool through which your credit score is built and maintained, so watching you're watching your credit spending goes hand in hand with monitoring your credit score. It is important to have a solid credit report and a good to excellent credit score if you want to obtain a mortgage, loans, or any other type of financing.

It would be best to subscribe to any credit monitoring service that provides regular credit score updates. By doing this, you will be able to detect and address mistakes, inaccuracies, or fraudulent activities on your account. You can also obtain annual free credit reports from the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion as mandated by the Federal Law. You can get it through annualcreditreport.com, a federally authorized site sponsored by the Big Three.

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"Trust your instincts when they tell you to 'pause' and think it over." -Susan G. Owen

There are times in life that we get instincts whenever we are doing something or trying to achieve our dreams. If you think there's something wrong that could affect the outcome, pause for a moment and think it over before moving forward. If you already have a conclusion, then that's the time to decide whether to start a new one or to continue with what you have started.


It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

4. Use credit cards wisely

Credit cards can be major traps, but it's unrealistic not to own any in the contemporary world. They are not only crucial t establishing your credit rating but also a great way to track your spending, which can be a big budgeting aid.

Manage your cards correctly by keeping your credit card utilization at a maximum (30%) and paying off your full balance every month. Your credit card payments must also be entailed in your monthly budget plan to keep intact with achieving your long-term goals.

Using a debit card, which takes money directly from your bank account is another way to ensure that you will not be paying for accumulated small purchases over an extended period with interest, but make sure to use your debit card only with things that stick to your monthly budget plan so you can only spend what is needed and what you are obliged to.

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It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

3. Limit Debt

To keep debt from getting out of hand, don't spend more than you earn. Not spending more than you earn will also be a big help with your credit as being able to utilize only what is needed and not having too many or unnecessary loans and debts listed on your report. Sometimes going into debt can be advantageous if it leads to acquiring an asset, yet you must be extra careful in taking out debt as it may affect your personal finance and your credit at the same time.

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Life is uncertain. It is best to save money and ensure your future as early as possible. Be financially prepared and stable. Start by fixing your credit and managing your financials well.

Sign up now at https://bit.ly/3L485PN and let's get started with your credit.


It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family financially. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

2. Create an Emergency Fund

It is important to ensure the money is set aside for unexpected expenses such as medical bills, big car repairs, job losses, disasters, and more. It will be needing at least six months' worth of living expenses being an ideal safety net. Generally, it is recommended to put up 20% of each paycheck every month and continue funneling the monthly 20% towards other financial goals once you've filled up your emergency fund.

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It is better to start financial planning, yet it's never too late to create financial goals to secure your family finances. Here are the best practices and tips for personal finance. Financial planning will also help you get rid of bad credit by being able to funnel all your expenses and get paid on time with your bills and payables.

1. Create a budget

A budget is essential to living within your means and saving enough to meet your long-term goals. It will help you plan ahead of your expenses and know how much is left for your savings while still being able to have funds placed for your emergency fund and retirement plan. The 50/30/20 budgeting method offers a great framework.

On the other hand, you can also use a growing number of personal budgeting apps for smartphones.

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Life is the best thing that ever happened to you and you need therefore to appreciate it since life even in all its seasons is still worthy of your appreciation.

-Nicole Gopher Mampuya


Borrowing money to pay for school is the solution for many students. The question that first comes to mind would be how best to pay off your student loans. There is no magic, yet there are things that you can do that would make paying back student loans easier.

You should start by reading this overview to understand the basics, then learn about and consider various options.

Here are the 9 tips to help you get a handle on your student loans and even pay them off faster.

9. Try bi-weekly payments.

Another method you can try with paying off student loans is switching from monthly to bi-weekly payments. Here in this strategy, you'll have to make one extra loan payment per year. You need to talk to your loan servicer to find out whether the automatic bi-weekly payment could be an option. If not, you can check if you'll be able to make additional principal payments at any time through your online account access.

The advantage of making extra bi-weekly payments yourself over an automatic payment is that you can make payment only when it fits your budget and skip them if you don't have any extra cash.

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No matter the task, perseverance is the ability to keep going despite obstacles and challenges. Perseverance is the realization that challenges along the way are only minor detours on the march to success.

-Byron Pulsifer


Borrowing money to pay for school is the solution for many students. The question that first comes to mind would be how best to pay off your student loans. There is no magic, yet there are things that you can do that would make paying back student loans easier.

You should start by reading this overview to understand the basics, then learn about and consider various options.

Here are the 9 tips to help you get a handle on your student loans and even pay them off faster.

8. Look into forgiveness and reimbursement programs

Public Service Loan Forgiveness is designed to offer student debt relief for students who pursue careers in public service. Here in this program, you make a set number of payments while working in a public service job and the remainder is forgiven.

If you don't qualify for loan forgiveness, you may be able to get help with your student loans through your employer. Try talking to your HR department about whether student loan reimbursement is available as an employee benefit and what you need to do to qualify for it.

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