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The #1 medical community empowering today's physicians. Discuss topics critical to your practice, earn with surveys, and more. Join us! 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

Physicians: Sign up for Sermo today at


Lights, camera, action! 🎬 Tune-in to see Sermo CEO Peter Kirk sit down with Dr. Drew to discuss moving medical research forward through Be Your Possible.

And, join the movement! Visit to follow Peter’s 1,000 half-marathon journey to raise $1 Million for life-saving research.


Hot off the press: the 3rd annual Run for Research breaks new records!

🏃10,160 runners/9,517 HCP runners
🌎86 countries
👟53,121 km covered
🩺$500,000 unlocked for medical research
🚀$850,000 TOTAL donation to date - go team!

Check out the full press release 👇


Oh what a night! We’re honored to share that Sermo’s Compliance Analyst, Sarah Cooper, has been named a 2024 BOBI Award winner for excellence in business intelligence. 🏆

For nearly two decades, the BHBIA BOBI awards have showcased the people and projects supporting healthcare professionals and making a difference in patients’ lives through insight generation. At Sermo, we are committed to best-in-class compliance and are proud to be honored for industry excellence.

Congratulations to Sarah and all of this year’s winners!


In the most recent Sermo Barometer study (our 33rd, but who’s counting!?), 436 US Advanced-Practice Providers (APPs) shared their perspectives and experiences on how they support patient care, collaborate across the care team, and stay up-to-date on new treatments.

Here’s the scoop:
💵 APPs want more information about cost management programs (68%) and insurance coverage (65%) from pharmaceutical manufacturers.
✍️ 89% of APPs support their independence in prescribing authority.
🩹 97% recognize their role as a solution to physician shortages.

HCPs – join the conversation at!


Run for Research is HERE and we’re wishing all runners (all 10,000+ of you!) happy strides as we hit the road for medical research today. Lace up with pride - its because of YOU we are donating $500,000 - and don’t forget to spread the Run for Research love!

📸 Snap a sweaty selfie and share it with us at [email protected]
📱 Be loud and proud on social using the hashtag
🩺 If you are an HCP member of Sermo, publish a post titled “I Ran for Research” and upload your photo/video for the community to see.

Happy running and THANK YOU for being a part of our unstoppable movement for medical research!


Run for Research is right around the corner and our all-star physicians, Peter’s Pacers, are back to lead us across the finish line!

And, we’ve got news. BIG news. We are thrilled to share that we have officially registered 5,000+ runners (almost at 10k!), unlocking a $500,000 donation to the causes you choose!

There’s no stopping now. You can still register to join us on June 9th from anywhere in the world. As always, we’re keeping it easy and with our eye on the prize: funding medical research! We’ll foot the bill, all you have to do is sign up, choose your charity, and hit the road on June 9th anywhere you are.

Register here and we’ll see YOU at the finish line! ➡️


Want to live to 100? Italy may have the secret! 🇮🇹

With the highest aging population in Europe and an unusually high number of centenarians, experts have long studied the country’s longevity.

What do doctors think? Tune-in to our latest physician poll on aging to 100 (and beyond!) to find out.


Are you ready to make strides for medical advancement?

Run for Research is back for its 3rd year in a row and registration is OFFICIALLY OPEN to all runners worldwide! Here’s how to get involved:

🌎 Join us on June 9th from anywhere in the world!
🏃 You run, WE unlock a $100,000 donation to the medical research causes YOU choose for every 1,000 runners registered (up to $500k)
📢 Lace up and let it be known! Spread the word to colleagues, friends and family - the more kms we cover, the bigger the impact we can make on patient outcomes.

Click here to register:

See you on the road!


Neuroscientist Dr. Richard Restak of G.W. Hospital University is debunking a common aging myth and setting the record straight: memory loss is not an inescapable condition of old age.

Sermo physicians agree. Our latest poll reveals that 83% of doctors agree that memory decline is NOT an inevitable part of aging.

Tune-in now for insights on how to prevent memory loss 👇 and join the conversation on!


Celebrating the leadership of women this International Women's Day, especially those in healthcare. Let's embrace diverse perspectives and pave the way for a female-fueled future! Thanks to Sermo member Dr. Kristin Yates Coleman for the strong reminder 😎 💪


At Sermo, we are committed to advancing healthcare 365 days a year (with a LOT of help from our HCP community, of course!) So, set those New Year’s Resolutions aside, and tune in for our "Anti-Resolution Resolutions" brought to you by Sermo’s Medical Advisory Board. These easy tips will help you maintain healthy habits all year long.

Photos from Sermo's post 02/29/2024

Hot tip? We’ve got 7! Check out our latest physician resource that highlights useful tips for effectively managing medical practices. Full article here 👇

Best practice management software 02/26/2024

Calling all current and potential users of practice management software! Join us as we deep dive into the importance of these tools, how to select the best product for your clinic, and review top practice management software options available.

In our comprehensive guide, we’re covering everything you need to know, including:

👉 How to choose medical practice management software
👉 The best practice management software for your organization
👉 What to consider when implementing practice management software
👉 Future outlook for practice management software

Best practice management software Choosing the best practice management software for your organization is crucial. ✓ Learn how to choose the right medical practice software for your needs.

Physician Resources Archives 02/22/2024

Physicians, we’ve got you covered!

From the ultimate guide to medical credentialing to the best practice management software, we’re here to help make YOUR jobs easier (and, more lucrative!).

Stay up-to-date and empowered with timely information and insights at our dedicated Physician Resources hub 👇

Physician Resources Archives Identifying and navigating ethical issues in healthcare The first and most important maxim of the healthcare industry is Primum non nocere, or “First, do no harm.” It sounds simple enough, but the healthcare industry is complex, and everyone in this demanding field…

Deep learning-aided decision support for diagnosis of skin disease across skin tones - Nature Medicine 02/20/2024

New research from MIT Media Lab and Sermo delve into the realm of dermatology diagnosis, utilizing a digital experiment to evaluate physicians’ diagnostic accuracy on images of inflammatory-appearing skin diseases. Over 1,000 physician participants opted-in from Sermo’s global community.

The findings shed light on the complexities of dermatological diagnosis, paving the way for enhanced decision support systems and training initiatives to bridge diagnostic gaps and ensure equitable healthcare delivery.

Key highlights include:

🔎 Specialists achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 38%, while generalists trailed at 19%.

🔎 Decision support from a fair deep learning system boosted overall diagnostic accuracy by over 33%, but highlighted a widening gap in accuracy among generalists, particularly across different skin tones.

🔎 DLS decision support significantly increases diagnostic accuracy, while leading to the inclusion of relatively few incorrect diagnoses.

🔗 Check out the full article and report here.

Deep learning-aided decision support for diagnosis of skin disease across skin tones - Nature Medicine In a large-scale study involving 389 board-certified dermatologists and 459 primary-care physicians from 39 countries, the impact of a deep learning-aided decision support system on physicians’ diagnostic accuracy was tested across 46 skin diseases and for both light and dark skin tones.

Healthcare leaders feeling their way into, through AI adoption 02/09/2024

Sermo Barometer 32 is here and 100+ U.S. healthcare decision-makers have shared their outlook on AI over the next few years and beyond.

➡️ More than 90% expect AI adoption will help make or break their institution’s prospects for success over the long haul, meaning five years out and beyond.

➡️ Only one-third anticipate AI integration will help determine success levels over the next 12 months.

➡️ 70% are splitting the difference. They expect AI to play a decisive role in the implied equation—successful deployment vs. missed opportunity—over the next three to four years.

While interest in AI and machine learning is high, they have a long way to go to leverage it successfully. To take a deeper dive into the future of AI in health systems and hospitals, head to the full article.

Healthcare leaders feeling their way into, through AI adoption More than 90% of newly surveyed healthcare leaders expect AI adoption will help make or break their institution’s prospects for long-term growth and success.

What doctors should know about popular weight-loss drugs 02/06/2024

Weight-loss medications continue to sweep the news, with celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey touting their effectiveness.

In Sermo’s 31st Barometer survey of 346 healthcare professionals, 89% said they’d seen a recent increase in patients requesting weight-loss medications and 92% of primary care physicians (PCPs) said they’d actively prescribed the drugs. Some patients are even coming to physicians already knowing which medication they want.

To get the DL on these popular weight-loss drugs and more, head to the full AAMC article.

What doctors should know about popular weight-loss drugs Experts say the drug could help curb the obesity epidemic, but the cost, shortages, and side effects could limit its effects on public health.


Ever wonder what keeps decision-makers in hospitalS/health systems up at night?

In our most recent Sermo Barometer (the 32nd to be exact, but who’s counting 😉), 100+ US-based healthcare leaders working in hospitals or healthcare facilities shared their perspectives on AI implementation challenges, strategic shifts in care settings, pressing staffing issues, and more.

Explore the insights on our interactive dashboard:

The Weight Loss Medication Dilemma: A Physician’s Perspective 12/20/2023

Weight loss medications continue to be a hot topic—in the news, across social media, and among patients and physicians alike.

With 89% of 300+ global Sermo practitioners reporting an increase in patients requesting weight loss medications—often as a result of celebrity or influencer testimonials—doctors are faced with navigating unrealistic expectations.

Sermo Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Ashish Rana is addressing “The Weight Loss Medication Dilemma” head-on. Check out the full PM360 article here 👇

The Weight Loss Medication Dilemma: A Physician’s Perspective Survey any physician if they’ve been asked by a patient about a prescription weight loss medication and you’ll hear a ...

Photos from Sermo's post 11/02/2023

We wouldn't be Sermo without our doctors -- or our employees! We were thrilled to receive the ScaleUp Award for innovation and growth this spring, and since then, we've been celebrating with our teams around the world. See why this recognition and our staff are so special! 💜


Today is the last day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there’s no time like the present to raise your cancer IQ! So, before we bid farewell to this important month, we’re excited to shine a spotlight on Sermo Medical Advisory Board Member and gynecologist Dr. Sara Farag’s top 5 tips for breast cancer diligence. Tune in to find out how best to stay ahead of proactive prevention and early detection.


Barometer Study 31 is now LIVE! We’ve been busy gathering frontline HCP perspectives and expertise from across the globe, tracked over time.

Tune in to find out what global physicians have to say about prescription weight loss trends and preventative care technologies 👇


💯 – we think so too! PharmaVoice just named our CEO PeterKirk to their annual list of 100 life science leaders measurably impacting the healthcare industry.

Peter is a cancer survivor who credits medical research – the doctors and scientists who pushed the boundaries of medicine decades before – for his own life-saving blood stem cell transplant at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in 2021. Now, he’s running 1,000 half marathons by the 10th anniversary of his transplant to raise $1 million to help others get their fighting chance (200 down!).

We’re grateful for the work of all of this year’s industry honorees and physicians globally who make good health possible.

Learn more about Peter and other honorees here:


The traditional role of a doctor (think: long hours, always on call) is having a transformative *moment*! Part-time physicians are on the rise with a substantial 77% of physicians saying they’ve noticed an increasing trend of part-time physicians in their medical community.

Hear what Sermo MAB member and Neurologist Dr. Heidi Moawad has to say about this growing trend and the flexibility it affords today’s physicians.

Have you picked up a side hustle? Comment below or join the global conversation at


Our global Sermo Medical Advisory Board is thrilled to welcome our latest member, Dr. Patrick Fleming! Dr. Fleming hails from Canada and is an academic dermatologist and clinical trialist at the University of Toronto.

Dr. Fleming’s clinical interests include inflammatory skin disease including psoriasis and eczema. Stay tuned for his dermatology insights on a range of topics!


It’s the last day of Psoriasis Awareness Month and Sermo physicians are weighing in on the disease currently affecting 125 million worldwide. While HCPs are optimistic about finding a cure, the challenges of stress and societal stigmatization pose a significant need for widespread awareness and meaningful conversation around the condition.

Tune in to our latest poll results and hear what physicians have to say about psoriasis 👇


Beach bound? Dr. Estylan Dan Arellano, Sermo Medical Advisory Board Member, is sharing how to ‘say yes’ to the final sun-kissed days of summer—safely!

Tune in and take these tips on the road for stress-free sun safety 😎

Health Care Provider Knowledge Regarding Alpha-gal ... 08/07/2023

Improved patient care often starts with awareness. Case in point: Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is a tick bite–associated allergic condition characterized by a hypersensitivity to an oligosaccharide found in most mammalian meat. It is potentially life-threatening and cases are on the rise.

A recent Sermo survey conducted in partnership with the CDC among 1,500 HCPs nationwide uncovered limited AGS knowledge:

💡42% of respondents were not aware of AGS

💡35% were not confident in their ability to diagnose or manage AGS patients

Improved HCP education could help facilitate a rapid diagnosis of AGS, improve patient care, and support public health understanding of the condition.

Read the full article here:

Health Care Provider Knowledge Regarding Alpha-gal ... This report describes a survey that found a limited ...

Can a robot 'friend' ease loneliness? 08/03/2023

Friend or foe? New research from Duke, Cornell, and the University of Auckland affirms that the future of friendship among lonely individuals could come in the form of AI-powered robots.

With widespread loneliness and social isolation on the rise, serious health consequences, such as increased risk for mental illness, obesity, dementia, and early death, are cause for heightened concern. That’s where AI-powered robots come in. New technology advancements are enhancing the potential of robots to reduce stress and loneliness, engage in conversations, and even mimic the voices of loved ones.

“With the right ethical guidelines, we may be able to build on current work to use robots to create a healthier society,” the authors write.

HCPs agree. A Sermo survey of 300+ physicians showed that 69% agree that social robots could provide companionship, relieve isolation, and potentially improve mental health.

Read the full article here:

Can a robot 'friend' ease loneliness? The number of Americans with no close friends has quadrupled since 1990. Can companion robots alleviate the loneliness epidemic?

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Videos (show all)

Lights, camera, action! 🎬 Tune-in to see Sermo CEO Peter Kirk sit down with Dr. Drew to discuss moving medical research ...
In the most recent Sermo Barometer study (our 33rd, but who’s counting!?), 436 US Advanced-Practice Providers (APPs) sha...
Want to live to 100? Italy may have the secret! 🇮🇹  With the highest aging population in Europe and an unusually high nu...
Memory Decline
Sermo's Medical Advisory Board
Today is the last day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there’s no time like the present to raise your cancer IQ! So,...
Barometer Study 31 is now LIVE! We’ve been busy gathering frontline HCP perspectives and expertise from across the globe...
Sermo Scope
Smoke free



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