ADR Dental, New York, NY Videos

Videos by ADR Dental in New York. Top NYC Pediatric Dental Specialists. Treating patients from infancy, the teen years and into young

Turn your winter blues into winter whites! #teethwhitening

#concierge #dentalhousecalls #teledentistry #dentaloffice

 #whitening #health #parents #nyc #conciergedentistry #housecall #hamptons #nyc  #kidslife #ueskids #tribeca #uwsmoms #chelsea #fidi #westvillagenyc #greenwichvillage #pediatricdentistry #brush #floss #dentist #healthy #healthyliving #teeth #oralhealth #dentistlife

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Turn your winter blues into winter whites! #teethwhitening #healthyteethmakebeautifulsmiles #concierge #dentalhousecalls #teledentistry #dentaloffice  #whitening #health #parents #nyc #conciergedentistry #housecall #hamptons #nyc  #kidslife #ueskids #tribeca #uwsmoms #chelsea #fidi #westvillagenyc #greenwichvillage #pediatricdentistry #brush #floss #dentist #healthy #healthyliving #teeth #oralhealth #dentistlife

Are you ready for the Big Game? A championship get-together demands super snacks but not at the expense of your teeth. That’s why we’ve put together a few tasty game day snacking ideas with healthy ingredients.  Of course, these are snacks, and none of them are perfect. Regardless of what you eat, don’t forget to brush! #healthyteethmakebeautifulsmiles #concierge #dentalhousecalls #teledentistry #dentaloffice What makes it tooth friendly: ⭐️ Raw veggies require lots of chewing which stimulates and promotes healthy gums. Carrots contain beta-carotene that your body uses to create vitamin A which works to build strong teeth. ⭐️ A sour cream dip gives a boost of calcium which also helps to keep your teeth strong. ⭐️ The cheese on the sidelines is the quarterback in the party tray. Cheese is a snack winner with tons of tooth strengthening calcium and a protein called casein, which is very effective in protecting the surfaces of your teeth. ⭐️ Whole wheat crackers are great for their beneficial fiber, but crackers and chips can stick to teeth and promote bacteria growth. ⭐️ Enjoy the snacks and game and be sure to brush and floss after the game!