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Wishing you and your loved ones health and happiness in the Year of the Rabbit! Happy Lunar New Year!

Juneteenth Freedom Day 06/21/2022

“Juneteenth is a moment where we step back and try to understand the Civil War through the eyes of enslaved people….A Juneteenth holiday is just the impetus and enabler of the change that ...would need to occur to get people’s minds and spirits in the right place….” says Karlos Hill, Professor, African & African-American studies, University of Oklahoma and the author of "Beyond the Rope: The Impact of Lynching on Black Culture and Memory."

Read the full post blog post at https://www.zequality.com/post/juneteenth-freedom-day

Juneteenth Freedom Day “Juneteenth is a moment where we step back and try to understand the Civil War through the eyes of enslaved people….A Juneteenth holiday is just the impetus and enabler of the change that ...would need to occur to get people’s minds and spirits in the right place….” says Karlos Hill, Profe...


29.8% of LGBTQ+ employees experienced some form of discrimination (including being fired or not being hired) because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, says a 2021 study by the Williams Institute at UCLA; with reports of negative comments, slurs or jokes about LGBTQ+ people at work, by a staggering 67.5% of LGBTQ+ employees! All of which point a finger at a non-inclusive workplace!

Given that 5.6% of adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ+, as indicated by a 2021 Gallup study, so statistically there would be around 560 employees in a 10,000 strong workforce who identify as LGBTQ+, of whom, around a quarter or about 144 are not out to anyone at work. A recent Forbes study shows that hypothetically, the 15 minutes spent by this small group in a non-inclusive organization, per day, either educating people on LGBTQ+ inclusion, or masking their real identity, would translate into 65 hours spent per person per work year, resulting in a quarter of a million dollars of Company money, being expended by 144 employees, on doing something which they shouldn’t have be doing in the first place!

In fact, extrapolating these figures, $2 billion would reportedly be the colossal hidden cost being forked out by US employers as a whole on this account! Reduced talent attraction, a smaller recruitment pool, lower levels of engagement, higher levels of attrition, and decreased innovation are some of the adverse add-ons to this already unwanted hefty bill to employers, for failing to create an inclusive space for LGBTQ+ employees!

The negative financial impact of exclusion in a workplace, rarely trains the lens on the unique circumstances of members of the LGBTQ+ people, who are the ‘invisible minority’ who can pass as straight and/or cisgender. The same Forbes Report indicates the likelihood of more than 5.6% of the population being LGBTQ+ who are not self-identifying on surveys, with the number of closeted LGBTQ+ people being likely to be higher than 25.8%. So choosing to ignore the data reality and the necessity of fostering dignity and respect in the workplace is a disastrous mistake- both morally and for business too!

Acting as allies in support of our LGBTQ+ colleagues — even in their absence — increases the visibility of inclusive behavior and helps create a welcoming space where LGBTQ+ folks can be their whole self at work, and bring their best to the table!


“People are not motivated by the bottom line. It’s about the human factor—and purpose is the driver. It’s what … inspires us to do great things ….” says Joey Reiman in “The Story of Purpose.” It reveals peoples’ craving to feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves- which in the current scenario, has to a great extent replaced the historic employee turnover reasons of higher salary, or lack of promotion avenues!

The realization that EMPLOYEES are in fact “the product” or the essence of the goods and services that customers experience every day, rather than mere hires - is the sea change in the employee perspective lens viewed by high engagement firms; propelling employers to reinvent roles, focus on continuous development rather than mere training- an investment in their valued workforce. Create a work culture so inclusively attractive that employees will be inexorably drawn to make a prolonged commitment – beyond mere engagement – to implement shared organizational goals and values!

The average turnover cost of replacing a single employee ranges from half to double their annual salary, apart from the adverse impact on team morale and the extra workload on the remaining employees.A study of about 2000 employees indicates that engaged employees are 59% less likely to seek out a new job.

So what can get them to stay? Help them connect what they do- to what they care about!


Looking to source “mission critical” scarce talent to fill the yawning gap caused by overwhelming industry demand in the rapidly expanding areas of data analytics, AI and IT services implementation?

Innovate to survive is the new mantra taught by the pandemic! Companies are resorting to meeting this shortfall, from the largely untapped pool of neurodiverse talent excelling in pattern recognition, writing orderly code, mental visualization, and creative thinking, essential for the concerned tasks.

Considered “oddballs” by “normal standards,” these are the “variety” added to the mix, adept at complex problem solving, who not only see things differently but often spot what others don’t!Studies in fact peg the productivity of organizations’ neurodiverse teams at a significant 30% more than others.

In the words of Harvey Blume, “Who can say what form of wiring will be best at any given moment?”


"Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum...What might be right for you, may not be right for some…It takes different strokes to move the world.”

In the words of John Elder Robison, co-chair of the Neurodiversity Working Group at the College of William & Mary and a patient of Asperger’s syndrome “…people with differences do not need to be cured; they need help and accommodation instead.”

-Working styles, communications, one-to-one meetings and flexibility-managers need to discern and adapt to how each neurodiverse professional works best.
-Subdued lighting and noise-cancelling headphones, are inexpensive to provide but huge on increased comfort levels.
-A 16% increase in profitability, 18% in productivity, and 12% in customer loyalty- is the impact seen by organizations who’ve provided mentors to differently abled professionals.

Employers need to meet their neurodiverse employees “where they are” and forge a bond through accommodations that will leverage their talents and be a win-win for all.

Who Pays Tolls at Work, and Who Cruises on an Open Highway? 05/02/2022

Sidelined or sometimes silenced in meetings, excluded from key decisions and overlooked for advancement- this is the exorbitant TOLL FEE imposed on women and marginalized “outsiders,” who inch along at a snail's pace on a speed breaker- dotted- Career progression track - while “insiders” get to “cruise” along an open road!

And as if that’s not bad enough- the toll gate is not a solitary one! Opportunity, influence, and scrutiny are the three tolls that loom large, forcing those without the “resources” to pay the toll, to exit the workplace “highway”! Read what authors say about this in their thought provoking article:

Reduced productivity, low retention and recurring hiring and training costs, along with occasional payouts from costly lawsuits, generate heat felt by the organizations who operate these toll booths and extract the tolls!

The win-win way forward, lies in shutting down these tolls for good, and replacing them with initiatives to ensure equal respect and equitable scope in roles.

Who Pays Tolls at Work, and Who Cruises on an Open Highway? As organizations continue to navigate a changed world amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and the reverberations of the Black Lives Matter movement, many of the issues that affect underrepresented groups in organizations, including women of all different races and ethnicities, have resurfaced with intensit...


“Will I land a job this time?” wondered Tim anxiously. A data analytics wiz with a double Master’s degree, he seemed like an ideal candidate for the post! Until he walked in for the interview- wearing headphones, repeatedly fiddling with his shoelaces, and avoiding eye contact! Definitely “different” by so-called “normal” standards- and for more reasons than one! Tim is autistic- and extraordinarily gifted in pattern recognition, memory, and mathematics!

It just needed a company willing to adjust its selection process to spot his unusual abilities and scoop him up! The payback? With his challenges comfortably accommodated to leverage his abilities, Tim’s become one of the most highly productive members on his team!

Sometimes displaying challenging eccentricities and “wired” differently from others, NEURODIVERSE employees with autism, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dysgraphia, dyspraxia, Tourette syndrome, and Down syndrome- are gifted with exceptional focus, high analytical, problem-solving abilities – essential skills for digital success. All these along with out-of-the-box thinking, which boosts a company’s efforts to innovate and create value, are what these uniquely talented diverse individuals bring to the table!


Studies have shown that mandatory and legalistic DEI training, hiring tests, performance ratings and grievance systems, are all traditionally used bias-reducing practices, that may unintentionally have the exact opposite effect.

What’s important, is not to impose change, but to suggest what can be done differently – to make a difference! Conducting Diversity audits or employee engagement surveys are like a periodic health check on how DEI policies and procedures impact employee engagement and morale. These audits are a step in the right direction towards developing and integrating a diversity strategy to enhance organizational performance.

Devise a dynamic DEI strategy for your organization - one that is measurable, transparent and constantly "in progress"- evolving and restructuring - to align with changing scenarios and employee needs and of course, organizational goals!

Do You Need To Change?


Research shows that adults like to apply their own experiences, to help solve a problem.

The Personal Touch: Socializing, exchanging trivia, emotional bonding, expressing a genuine interest in a peer’s personal life, and offering a safe space when heightened emotions need venting.

All these heighten the sense of belonging!


Want to ensure that your diverse workforce sticks with you through the hard times of the pandemic and beyond? Turn off “auto-pilot” practices and start probing the how and why of policies/procedures to disrupt the “inertia” of traditional biased systems. Cultivate ‘openness’ for DEI accountability in your corporate culture through a three-pronged approach, advises this Entrepreneur article: https://lnkd.in/g5j6mP8G

-An Open Mind- Do you espy a chance to make a difference with this hire or promotion- with bias-free hiring/evaluation in sync with organizational intentions? Relook your entire hiring and other processes through a broad- perspective- lens to check if there is a need to revisit procedures for improvement!

-An Open Book- Shareholder pressure on companies to release demographic data and board makeup, and workers’ scrutiny whether companies walk the talk on DEI- reflect the key issue of organizational accountability for meeting DEI goals. The cyclical system of report- reflect- correct that is used to base individual decisions on collective outcomes in revenue and expense related financial matters -can be similarly applied to spot biases in recruiting, promotion cycle inequities, and set targets to improve DEI. Transparent data reporting can help organizations reflect and decide whether they need to address structural or behavioral issues — or both — to meet their DEI goals.

- An Open heart- A safe and equitable workplace to bridge the divide- where all stakeholders can connect with the company’s vision, values and purpose.

Ride out the wave of resignations by hitting the “reset” button to create a workplace culture of transparency and belonging that makes employees choose to stick around!


Peer Power can catalyze behavior change in an organization. Peers who share mutual respect, may support one another in ways that can shape opinions or, create resistance.

The Helping Hand: Voluntary peer assistance for work tasks through sharing of information and contacts , guidance , subtle endorsement at meetings which significantly amplifies peer impact on deliberations.

All these are performance enhancers!


Promoting DEI in the workplace is everyone’s duty. But someone has to be accountable, else nothing will get accomplished. Who’s responsible for delivering on the promises made and ensuring that there is action and change that employees can see and feel?

Hiring, training and leading the day-to-day activities of diversity, inclusion, and equity, are squarely in the HR realm, but DEI doesn’t end there. It’s a key element in business strategy , embedded in the activities and culture of the organization. So when it comes to making strategic decisions about a DEI plan that impacts the company’s brand and performance, the responsibility undoubtedly lies with the C-Suite.Creating an inclusive environment that enables members to share ideas, express concerns and suggest improvements is totally up to senior leadership, who must be open to the feedback they receive. The buck stops here !

So who owns your DEI strategy?


Diversity Training is not a magic wand that causes unconscious biases deeply engrained over the years, to disappear instantaneously! In fact, studies show that traditional diversity trainings aren’t very effective at all.Training takeaways may be short-lived. Those trainings that can be effective, at the most generate awareness, and cannot be expected to produce lasting behavioral change.

Diversity training programs most definitely need to be augmented by other tactics such as recruiting initiatives, mentoring programs, and diversity task forces, for them to yield the desired results, of motivating employees to apply and reinforce what they’ve learned, through positive action.

Do your DEI initiatives extend beyond training?


Given the heightened focus on DEI in the current scenario, why do diverse hires often fail to score ?

Post hiring disconnect – which is quite often the result of an unfinished plan for DEI strategy implementation – may be one of the main grounds.

Try a perspective-switch, from viewing diverse hiring as a one- off recruitment exercise to merely tick off a quota box, to an employee- lifecycle-support exercise to foster development beyond the onboarding process . Organizational training, mentoring, professional development- all need to reflect a supportive, inclusive culture, where diversity is not only welcome, but is nurtured to reach its full potential and more! Such sustained personal investment, could be expected to yield a surfeit of innovation!

Is your workplace inclusive?


In the wake of The Great Resignation, and the plethora of available job opportunities, talent attraction/retention and productivity enhancement, are now largely found to hinge on whether employees consider the workplace to be inclusive - one that allows them to bring their true selves to work!

It’s actually PEERS who help define what it means to work in an inclusive workplace, and it is their inclusion or exclusion of other individuals, that makes a significant difference to performance! So says Juliet Bourke, who has identified three sets of behaviors that reflect Peer inclusion, which though small, appear to have an enormous impact on motivation, psychological safety and speed of problem solving.

What has been your experience of peer power at your workplace?


Here’s a tip if you are the founder of a startup that is growing really fast. You cannot accomplish all the DEI objectives you may have placed before you. But if you provide monetary incentives to your leaders and managers for implementing inclusive policies, then it’s a win for your organization, as inclusive businesses are twice as likely to exceed their yearly financial targets.


The best way to ensure that DEI policies are adhered to is by making sure that the management at every level in your company believes in it. This is because managers at different levels hire, grow and develop employees into who they eventually become. If managers are held accountable for DEI outcomes in your company, that’s a win for everyone who is a part of it.



If your organization is not culturally competent and doesn’t welcome other cultures and freedom of thought and expression this will lead to an us-vs-them divide in the organization. To be more culturally competent, conduct surveys to gauge it first. Then encourage employees to:

- Learn about themselves
- Learn about other cultures
- Interact and adapt to diverse groups
- Attend conferences on diversity


Let’s begin the week with a tip on DEI at the workplace. So here’s one. To bring DEI into any workplace, leaders must accept diversity and inclusion to be as important as the core business objectives of the organization.



Everyone following DEI would have heard of . It’s the practice of using small affirmations to encourage your teammates’ efforts, acknowledging them publicly, in order to make the team move faster and better towards collective goals.


A LinkedIn study found a notable drop in the number of women and people of color ascending the corporate ladder. How do companies address a lack of minority representation? By investing time and money to ensure their DEI talent remains onboard. Minority talent can be retained by providing long-term support and engagement. End result: enjoy higher retention among this valuable workforce.


Follow these simple steps to rate your recruitment strategy and figure how you fare.

Is your sourcing team reaching out to at least 25% under-represented candidates?
Are you receiving a quarter of your applications from diverse candidates?
Given the opportunity, will an under-represented candidate join your company?
Does this ratio stay the same throughout the funnel: Number of applications received from diverse clients Vs the number hired?
Do DEI employees stay with the company for as long as the others?

If your answer is YES for 4 or more points, then you are on the right track in managing DEI. A lesser score will need a closer look to address gaps.


"A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.”
~ Sundar Pichai


Here’s some food for thought. Many accepted hiring strategies can be unconsciously discriminatory, as they often do not account for biases in the process of finding candidates.
Have a serious relook at your hiring strategies and score how you stand when it comes to having inclusive hiring practices.

Look out for my next post where I share the scoring metrics.


Have we accurately gauged the real impact of “belonging” on employee engagement? Organizations may have their DEI strategy all planned out, but if they can’t foster a sense of “belonging” in the workplace, then it’s a wasted effort! When people struggle to be their authentic selves, they often try too hard to fit in and eventually lose heart, instead of being able to share their uniqueness at all levels. Do your employees feel truly valued, and perceive that their views really matter? Experiencing a comfort level that encourages meaningful connections and interactions, which in turn frees the mind to innovate, share ideas and commit to enterprise goals - that’s how a sense of belonging impacts the workforce!


Your DEI plan does not begin and end with just hiring numbers, but rather, calls for hand-holding during the entire employee lifecycle journey, which may seem like a tall order at times- but is one that’s certainly achievable. What’s important, is that your DEI strategy has an overall long-term strategic objective, with clear targets for achieving success and that you are prepared for an investment in terms of time and cost. And most importantly, a committed personal investment by your leadership, to drive the strategy implementation from the front and express how they would like to see their DEI initiatives pan out in the organization, else it would end up as a case of just spinning one’s wheels, without making any real progress!


While nurturing the advancement of the underrepresented group, DEI strategy implementation may face strong opposition within the organization from others, who see it as a threat to their own progress. One way of being certain that your team stays in sync with company policies, is to tune into your employee feedback about your DEI strategy implementation and take positive action on what you hear. Ensure that all sides know exactly what’s in it for them. This will not only enhance engagement and commitment, but will also help processes move seamlessly and address pushbacks. It will empower the entire team to understand the long-term positives of working on such defining projects!

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The best way to ensure that DEI policies are adhered to is by making sure that the management at every level in your com...


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