Sumitomo Chemical: Group Companies of the Americas

Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. is part of a group of more than 160 companies operating worldwide. W In 2015, we will celebrate our 100th anniversary. in Japan.

is part of a group of more than 180 companies operating worldwide in such diverse business categories as Basic Chemicals, Petrochemicals & Plastics, IT-related Chemicals, Health & Crop Sciences, and Pharmaceuticals. We offer a wide range of innovative products and technologies that strive to address global needs and challenges. We have reaffirmed the importance of corporate social responsibility (


Now that the world has agreed to a new climate deal at the COP28 summit, we are honored to reflect on the role that Sumitomo Chemical plays in protecting and preserving our planet. We recognize the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship, and we remain committed to ensuring that our products and processes are safe for the environment and the communities we serve. This mindset is a key driver in our investments in research and innovation — we strive to develop new technologies that will help us and our customers reduce our environmental footprints. Our stated goals include protecting the atmosphere and aquatic environments; conserving resources and managing waste; properly managing chemical substances; protecting biodiversity; and protecting soil environments.

As a part of our company’s effort to reduce our environmental impact, we calculated Sumitomo Chemical America’s FY2022 carbon footprint at 409 MT CO2e. This included 187 MT CO2e from transportation (logistics), 207 MT CO2e from employee air travel, and 15 MT CO2e from electricity usage in our NY office. The CO2e from electricity usage in NY office is a part of our Scope 2 emission, and CO2e from the transportation and employee air travel is part of the Scope 3. In 2023, we offset this carbon footprint by purchasing carbon credits and supplemental renewable energy.

We want to take the opportunities to thank our employees, customers, and partners for their continued commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future for us all.


This Thanksgiving, we pause to express our deepest gratitude to the many stakeholders who play a vital role to our company, including our employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. Your hard work, trust, commitment, and partnership are the cornerstones of our success, and for that, we are truly thankful.

As we gather around tables with family and friends, we want to extend the warmth of our appreciation to you. Your continued support fuels our passion and dedication, propelling us toward our shared goals of helping solve global challenges and making a positive contribution to society at large.

May this Thanksgiving be a moment of reflection on the connections we've built and the collective achievements that make our work so meaningful.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Thanksgiving filled with laughter, connection, and gratitude.


A Sumitomo Chemical Team attended the recent Board Meeting of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) held in New York City. Sumitomo Chemical has been a member and supported the AEPW, an international alliance to solve the plastic waste problem, since 2019 when it launched and is one of the founding members.

Sumitomo Chemical has defined as an important contribution to society the development of a circular system for plastics as one of its material issues for social value creation. To resolve plastic waste problems, we will continue to strive to develop innovative technologies and products while also actively collaborating with various stakeholders.


Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the significant role science plays in society and our daily lives. The day aims to ensure that all of us are kept informed of developments in science, underscores the role scientists play in our understanding of the remarkable, fragile planet we call home, and encourages all of us to work towards making our societies more sustainable.

The World Science Day for Peace and Development offers the opportunity to mobilize all actors around the topic of science for peace and development – from government officials to the media to school pupils. UNESCO strongly encourages everyone to join in celebrating this day by organizing your own event or activity on the day.

At the Sumitomo Chemical Group, we strive to address a wide array of challenges facing society and the environment. Our commitment to sustainability and a healthy society aligns our work not only with The World Science Day for Peace and Development but also the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our Business Principle of maintaining harmony and benefit between the individual, government, and society guides all our actions, while our science-based innovative and technology support not just our own growth, but the creation of a sustainable world.


Sumitomo Chemical Team recently met with Ms. Sue Allchurch from the UN Global Compact and discussed their newly launched initiative “Forward Faster”. Sumitomo Chemical has been a long-time participant and supporter of the UNGC and are happy to continue our existing relationship and become even more actively engaged going forward. There are many opportunities and challenges for the Private Sector to act to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UNGC offers many tools and opportunities to help drive company engagement and we encourage companies of all sizes to get involved and help the world achieve the SDGs and make the world a better place.


Today, we join with people around the globe with a topic close to our hearts— , one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. We firmly believe that access to healthy food is a fundamental human right and are committed to making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Food brings people together in a myriad of ways, from family gatherings to first dates. Yet in a world of abundance, it's disheartening to know that millions still suffer from hunger and malnutrition. While many of us are able to enjoy the pleasures of food, we must remember those who struggle to put a nutritious meal on the table every day. World Food Day serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to take concrete steps towards ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry.

At Sumitomo Chemical our commitment to eradicating hunger goes far beyond words. Six of our Group Companies in the Americas—Valent USA, Valent BioSciences, Pace International, MGK, Mycorrhizal Applications, and Sumitomo Chemical Latin America—provide agricultural products and services that help get healthy, nutritious, and attractive food to people around the world. By investing in crop solutions, biorational solutions, and postharvest technologies that strengthen and protect crops, reduce food loss and waste, and encourage agricultural sustainability, Sumitomo Chemical not only helps get healthy food on people’s tables but promotes food security, thereby building a brighter future for generations to come.

Together, we can create a world where every person has enough nutritious food to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Let’s promote worldwide awareness of hunger and create a better, more sustainable food future for all!
To learn more about our activities, products, and services that contribute to sustainable food security, you can visit:
Valent USA:
Valent BioSciences:
Pace International:
Mycorrhizal Applications:
Sumitomo Chemical Latin America:


Today, we join the global community in recognizing – a day dedicated to raising awareness and support for mental well-being.

The Sumitomo Chemical Group recognizes the importance of mental health and its impact on our employees, communities, and the world. We’re committed to creating a workplace where our employees feel valued, supported, and empowered. This includes cultivating supportive managers, developing employee-focused mental health strategies, resources, and benefits, and providing support for a healthy life-work balance.

On this special day, let us all help break the stigma surrounding mental health and remember to emphasize the importance of taking care of our mental well-being, do our best to foster a culture of empathy, and encourage open conversations on this important topic. Remember, it’s okay to not be okay! Seeking help is a sign of strength.

Take a moment today to check in with yourselves and the people around you. Together, by spreading kindness, compassion and understanding, we can make a positive difference in the lives of our colleagues, our loved ones, and society at large.


Each year, from September 15th to October 15th, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month, a time dedicated to celebrating the history, heritage, and significant contributions of the Hispanic community. This encompasses the diverse backgrounds of people with roots in Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, South America, and Central America.

During this time, we are delighted to acknowledge our Hispanic and Latin colleagues, customers, friends, and neighbors. It is an opportunity to honor the profound cultural richness and remarkable accomplishments of these vibrant communities within the United States. From pioneering leaders and innovators to artists, entrepreneurs, and everyday heroes, Hispanic and Latin Americans have left an indelible mark on US history. Their dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to excellence have enriched our communities and inspired us all.
During this month, let's embrace the opportunity to learn from one another, to share stories and traditions, and to foster a deeper understanding of the Hispanic and Latin cultures that make Sumitomo Chemical even stronger. We will continue building a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their whole selves to work.

Join us in honoring National Hispanic Heritage Month, and let this month be a reminder that diversity is our strength. Together, we can create an environment that thrives on the strength of our differences. For more information on Sumitomo Chemical’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, please visit -1670338114.

Pace's Commitment to Sustainability 09/29/2023

The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste is recognized every year on September 29 in order to help reduce food loss and waste around the world. Reducing food losses and waste is of the utmost priority in a world where the number of people affected by hunger is on the rise yet large amounts of edible food are lost and/or wasted every day. Globally, around 13 percent of food produced is lost between harvest and retail, while an estimated 17 percent of total global food production is wasted in households, the food service and retail. Food loss and waste undermine the sustainability of our food systems. When food is lost or wasted, all the resources that were used to produce this food - including water, land, energy, labor, and capital - go to waste. In addition, the disposal of food waste in landfills leads to greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change.

At Sumitomo Chemical we are committed to helping reduce food waste and to minimizing society’s impact on the environment. Through innovation and advanced technologies, our Group Company Pace International offers customers a portfolio of sustainable solutions to help them deliver the freshest produce to consumers worldwide, including ecoFOG®, PrimaFresh® & Natural Shine®, and FreshVue™.

ecoFOG® is the leading thermofogging service for the application of postharvest protection products to fruit in storage. Over the last four years, ecoFOG® has protected over 4 Million Metric Tons of fruit and saved nearly 21 million gallons of water a year compared to conventional application systems.

PrimaFresh® & Natural Shine® help packers maintain the freshness of produce longer and extend fruit shelf life from the packinghouse to the consumer. In the past two years alone, Pace’s edible coatings have reduced losses of nearly 400,000 tons of fresh produce.

And FreshVue™ ethylene Control systems provide valuable protection that extends the freshness, appeal, and overall eating quality of fruit, keeping it fresher longer.

Today, on International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, we’re proud of the actions Sumitomo Chemical is taking to help reduce food waste around the world. Together, we can make a difference!

Pace's Commitment to Sustainability At Pace International, we believe in a Sustainable World of Abundance in which there is enough food for everyone. By harnessing innovation, collaboration, an...

Photos from Sumitomo Chemical: Group Companies of the Americas's post 09/25/2023

Our Sumitomo Chemical Team attended many events during UNGA Week. Many impact driven group's like UN Global Compact (UNGC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), World Climate Foundation and other influential partners are focused on creating a better future and so are we.
We are halfway to 2030, the target for achieving the SDGs, but unfortunately many challenges remain before we can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We must not just make flowery speeches; we must take action and move forward faster.
Since our inception, Sumitomo Chemical has worked to create value for our stakeholders using our advanced technologies and our corporate philosophy of contributing to society. We encourage you to join us as we move forward strongly and steadily toward a positive future for all.


Today, we recognize and celebrate the rich cultures and traditions of indigenous communities worldwide, as well as the many contributions and impact they make to on global issues such as environmental protection. On The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, we offer our deepest respect and solidarity to these resilient and diverse groups. The latest available world data reveals that there are an estimated 370 to 500 million indigenous people living in 90 countries. Many of these people live within communities noted for their unique languages, traditions, cultures, and governing systems.

At Sumitomo Chemical we acknowledge the importance of preserving indigenous knowledge and promoting sustainable practices that respect indigenous ancestral lands. We are committed to fostering partnerships that empower indigenous voices and support their rights to self-determination. Our “Sumitomo Chemical Group Human Rights Policy” commits our company to being compliant with all standards and laws protecting indigenous people, respecting all people for their ancestry, and to respect the culture and customs of every region of the world.

As we celebrate the invaluable heritage of the worlds indigenous people, we must also confront the challenges they face. From environmental threats to social inequalities, we join with others in advocating for a more inclusive and just world where all indigenous human rights are protected, and their wisdom is valued.

Join us in honoring and respecting the incredible legacy of indigenous communities around the world. Let's work together to build a future that embraces diversity, preserves cultural heritage, and upholds the rights and dignity of every individual.


Today, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we stand united in the fight against modern-day slavery and exploitation. This global issue affects millions of innocent lives, robbing them of their freedom and dignity.

The blue heart in our post graphic represents support of and solidarity with human trafficking victims. The “UN blue” color, conveys the UN’s commitment to combating this crime against human dignity and strongly opposes the cold-heartedness of traffickers.

Since 2005 we have participated in the UN Global Compact which has as one of its goals to end modern slavery and human trafficking. We are proud of the impactful company-wide position Sumitomo Chemical has adopted taking a strong stand against human trafficking. Our “Sumitomo Chemical Group Human Rights Policy” supports numerous initiatives against modern slavery and human trafficking, including supplier assessment and due diligence, supply chain management, compliance education and training, and a speak-up system.

We believe in using our platform for positive change. Let's raise awareness about the signs of trafficking and educate our communities to prevent this injustice from persisting. Here are some actions we can all take:
• Support NGOs combating trafficking through donations and volunteering.
• Support training for employees to identify the warning signs of trafficking.
• Advocate for stronger legislation and policies against human trafficking.
• Share this post to spread awareness about human trafficking.
• Engage in conversations — encourage more people to join the fight.
Every action counts. Please join us in raising awareness about this critical issue. Together, we can build a world where human rights are respected, and everyone can live without fear of exploitation.


At Sumitomo Chemical, we are committed to maintaining a positive impact on our planet. Today, on World Nature Conservation Day, we would like to unite with the global community to raise awareness about the importance of conserving and safeguarding our natural environment.

Nature is a source of boundless beauty, resources, and inspiration. It provides us with clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, fertile soils to grow our food, and awe-inspiring landscapes that nourish our souls. It’s our responsibility to be the guardians of this precious planet and ensure its well-being for present and future generations.

We invite you to join us in celebrating World Nature Conservation Day! Take a moment to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature, support organizations and initiatives that actively work towards the conservation and preservation of our ecosystems, embrace sustainable practices in your daily life, and educate yourself and others about the importance of nature conservation.

As a company, Sumitomo Chemical is taking many actions in support of sustainability and conservation, both within our business and externally. We are committed to advancing a green transformation of our company and being nature positive. Our efforts include taking steps towards becoming carbon neutral, reducing GHG emissions, and lessening environmental burdens through our efforts and development of our Sumika Sustainable Solutions products.

We are also proud to embrace the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #12, which commits to achieving sustainable use and management of natural resources by 2030. We have set targets for biodiversity conservation, air conservation, sustainable water and soil usage, and appropriate chemical substance management, and strive to enhance initiatives aimed at achieving these targets at each worksite and Group Company. You can learn more about our sustainability work here:

Today, let's come together to protect and preserve our planet. By working hand in hand, we can make a significant difference in safeguarding our natural heritage for generations to come.


Today, we join with the global community to celebrate and work to protect our majestic oceans. As stewards of this beautiful planet, we recognize the vital role that oceans play in sustaining life, regulating climate, and providing us with abundant resources. On this special occasion, we should reflect on the significance of our oceans and the urgent need to preserve their health. Together — by engaging in local cleanups, supporting marine conservation organizations, and reducing plastic waste — we can support the world’s oceans!

Dedicating only one day to the cause, however, seems like a paltry effort to ensure a sustainable future for our planet. We all must prioritize environmental protection on a daily basis.

At Sumitomo Chemical we are working to help protect the world’s oceans through our participation in the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, to solve the problem of plastic waste in the oceans. Our commitment to reducing plastic waste is also furthered by our participation in the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA), which works towards building a circular system for plastics and resolving plastic waste problems.

Sumitomo Chemical has been named on CDP’s “Climate A List 2022” and “Water Security A List 2022,” where it is recognized as a company delivering outstanding performance in action on climate change and water security. The Company has received the highest rating given by CDP (“A List”), for climate change for the fifth consecutive year, and for water security for the third consecutive year. Of approximately 19,000 companies that provided information on their environmental efforts for the CDP 2022 scoring, only 45 companies in the world, received the highest rating for climate action for five straight years.

This World Oceans Day let's come together and make a difference! By preserving the oceans, we're safeguarding the wellbeing of our planet and ensuring a brighter future for all.


In Sumitomo Chemical, we stand with the LGBTQ+ community as we celebrate Pride month.

We firmly believe that diversity and building a sense of belonging for all employees can be a business strength and drive competitive advantage. We are committed to respecting human rights in our business activities and strive to create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected. We do not discriminate against individuals based on employment status, age, s*x, ethnic or social origin, ancestry, nationality, disability, religion, beliefs, marital status, or any other status and do not tolerate any form of harassment, including s*xual harassment or workplace bullying. To support this understanding, all employees of the Group Companies in the Americas participate in training sessions to better understand examples of and how to avoid harassment in an effort to build and facilitate a robust and productive work environment for all. We consider Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a key issue for our future success. For more information on Sumitomo Chemical’s Seven Material Issues, please visit

Pride Month is a time to honor the courage, resilience, and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community. It's a time to embrace diversity, challenge stereotypes, and stand up against discrimination — a celebration that reminds us of the importance of creating a world where everyone can live authentically and without prejudice.

This Pride Month, let's come together to raise awareness, educate ourselves, and spread love and acceptance. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Pride and promoting equality for all. Together, we can build a future where every voice is heard, every story is valued, and love knows no boundaries.


At Sumitomo Chemical we are committed to being responsible stewards of the environment and recognizing the crucial role of biodiversity in sustaining life on Earth. On this International Day for Biological Diversity, we celebrate the rich diversity of species and ecosystems that make our planet thrive.

Biodiversity is the foundation of a healthy and resilient planet, providing essential ecosystem services such as clean air, water, and fertile soils. It supports the delicate balance of nature and contributes to the well-being of human societies. As a company, we understand the significance of preserving and enhancing biodiversity as part of our commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

An example of our focus on and commitment to biodiversity, Valent BioSciences LLC, one of our group companies and a global leader in the discovery, development, and commercialization of highly effective, low-risk, environmentally compatible technologies and products for agriculture, public health, and forest health, announced its acquisition of FBSciences Holdings, Inc. This acquisition enhances our portfolio and offerings of innovative and proven integrated biorational solutions, including biostimulants, biopesticides, and crop nutrition solutions.
Read more about the acquisition here:

Our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability extends beyond compliance, it is ingrained in our culture and is a driving part of our business.


Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month takes place throughout May each year and celebrates the contributions, achievements, and rich cultural heritage of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States. The AAPI term includes cultures from the entire Asian continent—including East, Southeast and South Asia—and the Pacific Islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. There are currently around 21 million people of Asian or Pacific Islander descent in the United States.

Asian Pacific Americans have played a vital role in shaping our nation's history and culture. During this month, we encourage you to take the time to learn about and celebrate the many contributions of Asian Pacific Americans in our society as a whole. We also urge you to actively engage in conversations and activities that promote understanding, respect, and inclusivity for all members of our community.

At Sumitomo Chemical we are committed to creating a workplace culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equity for all. We believe that by embracing and celebrating the unique perspectives, experiences, and talents of our Asian Pacific American colleagues, we create a more equitable, innovative, and productive workplace. You can learn more about our company’s policy of diversity, equity and inclusion here: -1670338114


As we celebrate Earth Day today, we are honored to reflect on the role that Sumitomo Chemical plays in protecting and preserving our planet. We recognize the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship, and we remain committed to ensuring that our products and processes are safe for the environment and the communities we serve. This mindset is a key driver in our investments in research and innovation — we strive to develop new technologies that will help us and our customers reduce our environmental footprints. Our stated goals include protecting the atmosphere and aquatic environments; conserving resources and managing waste; properly managing chemical substances; protecting biodiversity; and protecting soil environments.

As a part of our company’s effort to reduce our environmental impact, we calculated Sumitomo Chemical America’s FY2021 carbon footprint at 583 MT CO2e. This included 544 MT CO2e from transportation (logistics), 27 MT CO2e from employee air travel, and 12 MT CO2e from electricity usage in our NY office. In 2022, we offset this carbon footprint by purchasing carbon credits and supplemental renewable energy.

On this Earth Day, we want to thank our employees, customers, and partners for their continued commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future for us all.


The Sumitomo Chemical Group endeavors to make communities around the world more livable, safe, and sustainable. We contribute through our innovative technology including our ecologically responsible environmental health solutions focused on the forestry, professional pest, and vector markets.

We are committed to creating a culture of wellness and well-being at our company. We recognize that maintaining good health is essential to achieving personal and professional success and we actively encourage all our employees to prioritize their health and well-being.

As we celebrate World Health Day on April 7th, we encourage everyone to take time to reflect on your own health and well-being. Consider ways that you can take better care of yourself, such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. Remember that your physical and mental health are interconnected and taking care of one can help improve the other.

We are proud to support our employees in their pursuit of all aspects of good health, and we encourage them to take advantage of the resources and support that we offer. Together, we can create a healthier, happier, and more productive workplace.


Photos from Sumitomo Chemical: Group Companies of the Americas's post 04/04/2023

FabricNano and Sumitomo Chemical America partner
to develop the next generation of cell-free bio-manufacturing.


We at Sumitomo Chemical America celebrate International Women’s Month!
— Kayo Suzuki, Manager, Internal Control & Audit, Regional Headquarters in the Americas
— Yuka Ishihara, Administrative Assistant, General Affairs
— Yukari Inoue, Business Assistant, EH & AN
— Toshiko Murakami, Accounting Assistant, Accounting / Finance
— Klaudia Englert, Manager, Corporate Venturing & Innovation / Technical Representative

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Videos (show all)

We at Sumitomo Chemical America celebrate International Women’s Month!— Kayo Suzuki, Manager, Internal Control & Audit, ...
We at MGK celebrate International Women’s Month!— Aksana Nepal, Application Support Analyst— Amy McNeilly, State Special...
We at Sumitomo Chemical Latin America celebrate International Women’s Month!— Denisse Laborie, Product Development Speci...
We at Mycorrhizal Applications celebrate International Women’s Day!— Stephanie Garcia, Quality Compliance Manager— Summe...
We at Pace International celebrate International Women’s Day!—Anahi Martinez, Customer Service Specialist—Kaleen Van Pel...
We at Sumitomo Chemical Advanced Technologies celebrate International Women’s Day!— Maria Lopez, Quality &EHS Systems Sp...
We at Sumika Polymers North America celebrate International Women’s Day!—Candyce Davis, Senior Accounting Analyst—Cristi...
We celebrate International Women’s Day!—Amy Krones, QC Analyst, Valent BioSciences—Mary Johnson, Production Operator, Va...
We celebrate International Women’s Day!—Beth Connor, Sr. Regulatory R&D Manager, Valent Canada—Svetlana Bondarenko, Mana...
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