
Kualitatem is an award-winning application testing and QA company. Get in touch today to see how we And thus we are .. your very own.. QUALITY GROWTH PARTNERS!

Kualitatem is an independent Quality Assurance and software testing company. Serving over 60 satisfied, national and international, clients Kualitatem stands out for its commitment with Quality in finding and killing software bugs. Kualitatem is known for several areas in testing and QA including Performance testing, Automation Testing, Usability Testing, Security and Compatibility testing to name


I'm thrilled to announce that Kualitatem has joined hands with me for my upcoming expedition🏔

Together, we're taking on new challenges and pushing the limits of what's possible. Stay tuned for more updates!

Jamil Goheer

Getting QA To Work Better With Developers - Kualitatem 07/30/2021

We’re seeing a trend where management approaches centered around agile developmental standards are being brought in with more frequency than ever before. This is due to the frequency at which software and applications are being sought and naturally, without such implementations, quality is jeopardized. https://buff.ly/3laIABV

Getting QA To Work Better With Developers - Kualitatem Collaborative efforts are more important than ever as we navigate a pandemic. But implementation can be tricky. Read on to find out how you can achieve it.

API Testing: Key Advantages For Your Business - Kualitatem 07/26/2021

API testing is something that smart organizations do before deploying changes to production, and you should do the same. To ensure that the software application satisfies requirements, APIs must be evaluated in both staging and development environments. https://www.kualitatem.com/api-testing-key-advantages-for-your-business/

API Testing: Key Advantages For Your Business - Kualitatem Companies routinely monitor APIs during production to verify that the live API endpoints are up, running, and delivering the anticipated information to the user. As a result, testing teams will be notified if something goes wrong and will be able to resolve any issues before users realize anything i...


On this blessed occasion of Eid, Kualitatem wishes you and your family joy, happiness, peace, and prosperity. Eid Mubarak!

How Vulnerability Testing Secures your Business? - Kualitatem 07/14/2021

The risks we confront grow in tandem with the technological advancements we make and that requires us to do more than merely defend, we must endeavor to stay ahead of these threats.

Vulnerability assessments are one of the ways we can collect threat intelligence and secure our infrastructure from new ways of attack.


How Vulnerability Testing Secures your Business? - Kualitatem Vulnerability assessments are one of the ways we collect threat intelligence. Learn how you can save your business through regular vulnerability testing.

The Advantages of Cloud-Based Automated Software Testing - Kualitatem 07/07/2021

The pandemic has forced many businesses to enable cloud-based automated testing environments and while we think it is the future, some might point to its insecure nature as being a stumbling block. https://buff.ly/3jZ0arU

The Advantages of Cloud-Based Automated Software Testing - Kualitatem The most obvious benefit of cloud-based testing being easily scalable which makes future-proofing a worry of the past for testing companies.

Photos from Kualitatem's post 06/29/2021

UBL Digital Mobile Commerce 2021 a collaboration of Kualitatem with Total Communications concludes at Pearl Continental Karachi on a high note. Leading experts from finance, telecom and IT sector gathered at one platform to talk initiatives and challenges and how to overcome them.

Kualitatem is proud to have been a part of this event.


Kualitatem sponsors UBL Mobile Commerce Digital 2021 (Hybrid Edition), where experts from Telecom and Finance industries to talk about issues and challenges they face.

Reach out to our experts at Kualitatem Kiosk for more insight and what’s on offer on 29th June, 9 AM to 3 PM at PC hotel Karachi.


كواليتيتم كشركة حاصلة على شهادة الأيزو ٢٧٠٠١ تساعد المؤسسات والمشاريع على التأمين ، والامتثال ، وتحسين ثقة العملاء من خلال مراجعة وتدقيق مفصل. تواصل مع خبرائنا بالأيزو ٢٧٠٠١ اليوم لإجراء محادثة سريعة. https://buff.ly/2P96fow

#ضمانالجودة #الأمن #أمنالمعلومات #معاييرالجودة #التحولالرقمي

Reducing Production Defection - Actionable Tips Inside - Kualitatem 06/18/2021

While mistakes in development are unavoidable, the objective should be to build processes and processes that make identifying, debugging, and resolving faults easier. https://buff.ly/3gIExJh

Reducing Production Defection - Actionable Tips Inside - Kualitatem Many companies outsource the code refactoring process. A security testing company has an army of code reviewers who have only one mission - Find defects and patch them asap.


Kualitatem being an ISO 27001 certified company helps enterprises and ventures secure, comply, and better customer confidence with a detailed review and audit.
Reach out to our ISO 27001 experts today for a quick talk. https://www.kualitatem.com/contact/

How Does Performance Testing Directly Impact Your Business? - Kualitatem 06/02/2021

Entrepreneurs don’t need to know how to load a website in detail, but a fundamental awareness of operations that are critical to your business and for which you pay is beneficial. https://buff.ly/3z55boj

How Does Performance Testing Directly Impact Your Business? - Kualitatem You can be aware of any prospective difficulties and prepare how to deal with them in advance by using various sorts of performance testing. Hiring a professional company that provides performance testing services is a good idea in this case.

Manual vs Automated – Knowing When to Do What 05/26/2021

If you’ve got a test team that’s capable of handling the challenges of automating the test suite, then automation may be a fair idea. https://buff.ly/3wzgxP1

Manual vs Automated – Knowing When to Do What Understanding when to deploy manual or automated testing is an age-old dilemma QA consulting companies from the world over go through regularly. And the answer can only be sought after several factors that determine the outcome of software testing are taken into account. With the rise in...

How To Increase Quality By Following Agile Testing Practices? 05/17/2021

Change is never easy. But, as with most worthwhile endeavors, if you can focus and build new habits for yourself, the only question you’ll have is “Why didn’t we do this sooner?” https://buff.ly/2RsA7gW

How To Increase Quality By Following Agile Testing Practices? Waterfall project management divides production and testing into 2 phases: developers create a feature and then "throw it over the wall" to the QA team for testing through their QA Testing Tools. The quality assurance team creates and implements comprehensive test plans. When carefully searching...


May this Eid ul Fitr be filled with joy for yourself and your families, with lots of blessings, sheer prosperity, and complete health in the times to come. Rejoice in the joy of Eid and remember to and

Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Outsourcing Testing 05/05/2021

Even if you’re certain you want to go for QA outsourcing services, have a strategy in place, and know which tests you want to run, selecting a contractor may be challenging since several system integrators look and sound alike. https://buff.ly/3nRKfLX

Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Outsourcing Testing Buck up and read this article carefully if you want to stop any costly outsourcing testing blunders. Even if you're certain you want to go for QA outsourcing services, have a strategy in place, and know which tests you want to run, selecting a contractor may be challenging since several system...

Temenos T24 – The Future in Banking 04/28/2021

The speed at which banking will transform to meet the evolving consumer requirements depends on the integration of automated and modernized IT infrastructure by leading banks. https://buff.ly/3dVd8nk

Temenos T24 – The Future in Banking The last decade or so has seen the biggest shift in financial services, and more specifically, banking. The “cash-first” approach seems to have been sidelined for good across the world with many retailers and shoppers preferring electronic payments as a viable alternative. The adoption of...

QA Still Needs Humans More Than AI 04/21/2021

In many cases, testing has become quicker and more reliable when human input was taken out of the equation. Similarly, human QA testers also deploy the use of eye-tracking to understand why users aren’t clicking on obvious buttons and tabs. https://buff.ly/32wEU35

QA Still Needs Humans More Than AI While the revolutionization of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to exceed leaps and bounds each year, the case for automating just about everything grows with it. And there’s no denying the fact that in most, but specific, cases, our primal brains simply can’t work as efficiently as...


يمكن أن يؤدي تقليل التكاليف باستخدام إختبار الأتمتة إلى تخفيف ضغط التكلفة على عملك مع الحفاظ على الجودة مضمونة.

تواصل مع خبرائنا في كواليتيتم لمزيد من المعلومات.


#التشغيل الآلي #اختبارات #نشاط #اختبارالبرمجيات #طلبات #الشركات #خبراءالجودة


كواليتيتم شركة حاصلة على شهادة " أيزو ٢٧٠٠١" وتعمل في هذا المجال منذ أكثر من عقد من الزمان وقدمت للعملاء خدمات استثنائية في هذا المجال. نحن نقدم حلول Wallix PAM و Red Seal لتأمين أعمالك عبر الإنترنت.


#الأمن #الضعف #الأمنالسيبراني #المؤسسات #حضورعالمي #الاختراق #الحماية


لم يؤثر كوفيد-١٩ على البشر فحسب ، بل أثر على الإنترنت أيضًا. تستمر الشركات في الوقوع كفريسة لمجرمي الإنترنت والمتسللين أثناء استمرارهم في إجراءات "العمل من المنزل". يعد الحصول على الأمن السيبراني أمرًا مهمًا الآن ، أكثر من أي وقت مضى لجميع الصناعات على حد س


# الأمن الإلكتروني # نقاط الضعف # التطبيقات # الأمن # القراصنة # الجودة # البرمجيات


في عالم يتأثر فيه المستخدمون والمؤسسات بفشل البرامج كل عام ، فأنت بحاجة إلى شريك مُطَور الجودة الذي لا يوفر فقط امتيازًا في الاختبار ولكنه يوسع عملياتك ويحسنها لتوفير تطبيقات عالية الجودة. ساعدت كواليتيتم في إعادة ابتكار اختبار التميز عبر مختلف الصناعات ، بما في ذلك البنوك والتجزئة والاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية ، وما إلى ذلك ، لتحقيق نتائج قوية. اطلب استشارة اليوم مع أحد خبرائنا.


The Importance Of Maturity Assessment In DevOps 03/25/2021

Although some are still learning about DevOps’ effect, others have yet to fully appreciate DevOps’ potential. However, the most prevalent misunderstanding about DevOps adoption persists: ‘understanding it as a trip or a destination.’ https://buff.ly/31fxSPB

The Importance Of Maturity Assessment In DevOps The IT industry has been influenced by DevOps, which has changed the way teams run and interact in the process chain and workflow. Many companies might have implemented DevOps at some point in their product development journey by now. Although some are still learning about DevOps' effect, others...


Reduction of costs with Automation Testing can ease cost pressure on your business and yet stay Quality Ensured. Reach out to the experts over at Kualitatem for more information. https://buff.ly/2S6Nd1W

7 Practical Tips To Boost Your Web App Security - Kualitatem 03/17/2021

Web apps have become extremely important to businesses; It’s all too tempting to take these applications for granted. Similarly, web app developers and providers can overlook how vulnerable their products are. https://buff.ly/3bW76ly

7 Practical Tips To Boost Your Web App Security - Kualitatem Web apps have become extremely important to businesses; a new, cutting-edge enterprise using cutting-edge technology is almost certainly relying on web apps.

How To Align Your Automation Testing Strategy With Manual Testing? - Kualitatem 03/10/2021

Whether you have a large QA team whose tasks are separated between automatic and manual testing, or there is one tester whose task is to do both, the distinction between a testing approach that gives the team benefit and value would be to find the right balance. https://buff.ly/38qSLLr

How To Align Your Automation Testing Strategy With Manual Testing? - Kualitatem Striking the right balance between manual vs automation testing is the right way to test your mobile application. Learn how to perform efficient testing in this blog.


“Most testers spend their time doing two-dimensional testing in a spreadsheet because they can test customer table, branch, account type, and a few others, but it gets very difficult with other tables and all their relationships. So then often the ideas go to production and try to retreat this data and you’re getting more data than you want or less data than you need and then you still have to modify that information on spreadsheets. With GenRocket you can actually extract it into our platform” Hycel B. Taylor III -CTO, GenRocket, Inc

Reach out if you have any query at [email protected]

Check out the full webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLCY1pWu5sU&t=1159s


“The beauty of synthetic test data is that you can design it quickly to solve any test data challenges. So all of a sudden, you have the ability to design(test data), provision rapidly, and generate it for any test.” Garth Rose - CEO, GenRocket, Inc

Enterprises face the dilemma of provisioning quality test data continuously and in lesser time, to which Synthetic Test Data Automation is an amicable solution.

Reach out if you have any query at [email protected]

Check out the full webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLCY1pWu5sU&t=1159s

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Our Story

Kualitatem is an award-winning team specializing in Software Quality Audits and Information Security Audits. We have grown to be a Technology Consulting, Advisory, and Auditing leader recognized by Gartner (twice in annual reports). We have performed security, performance, usability, cross platform compatibility, automation, and functional testing for leading enterprise, government, and SME businesses. Kualitatem is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified company, with offices in New York, Dubai, and Lahore.

As customers continue to change their channel usage patterns, organizations have an imperative to deliver a seamless and user-friendly customer experience across various touch points. When adopting digital technologies, ensuring top-notch quality and data security become two crucial considerations. For the past 10 years, Kualitatem has been partnering with enterprises to ensure secure, reliable and bug-free implementations of their digital products and solutions.

We are the voice of quality, and our mission is to continue to raise the importance of quality experiences in everything around us in our lives.

Videos (show all)

Synthetic Test Data for Testing
Synthetic Data Webinar
Using Self-Service Synthetic Test Data for Testing
5 steps to building a highly productive test automation team.
Proven Practices To Stay Safe Online
Benefits of Compatibility Testing
Branding 101: The Basics...Happening this weekend!
Cyber Security Awareness Month 2018 - Kualitatem
Recipients of the CIO 100 Awards
Benefits of Code Review
Evolve Digital Transformation Forum



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