The Bilingual Extension Institute - LEADERSproject
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In addition, an incorrect diagnosis may mean that the child does not receive the services he or she does need. Yet, of course, it can be done.
This page is for friends of Dr. Cate Crowley and all those working to improve the quality of SLP services for bilingual and bidialectal students, and those from low income populations. The over-referral of bilingual, bidialectal students and students from lower socio-economic backgrounds to special education and related services is a pressing challenge in public school systems. Not only are unnece
Happy to share this article that I co-authored with Sara Horne of Smile Train and Dr. Chelsea Sommer of Florida International University on the impact of the Smile Train Mentoring Alliance for Global Speech published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. There is discussion of the inperson Smile Train cleft speech trainings that many have done with me over the years. I love to see all these dark places where the MAGS program is supporting mentors and mentees globally. DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000010298 It is open access. Please share!
Evaluating the Impact of a Global Cleft Speech Mentorship... : Journal of Craniofacial Surgery ence in LMICs creates a significant barrier to access to care for individuals with cleft lip and palate globally. The inaccessibility of cleft-specific clinical instruction and cleft-trained speech therapists impacts the effectiveness of intervention and, subsequently, the speech-language developmen...
Here is the leadersproj instagram account. We often post different materials there.
LEADERSproject (@leadersproj) • Instagram photos and videos 1,670 Followers, 492 Following, 98 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LEADERSproject ()
A review by Chalkbeat on the NYC DOE reading curriculum changes and options.
NYC's reading curriculum overhaul, explained What do the new curriculums look like? How do caregivers know if they’re working? And what should you do if your child continues to struggle?
I am so happy to share this article in the ASHA Leader about what some TC Bilingual Extension Institute grads did in the NYCDOE taking what they learned and becoming leaders in high-quality services for bilingual students with high intensity needs. Congratulations!!! See page 34 of the current ASHA Leader. Jeffery Nuñez!!!!
Beautiful day at the incredible Bauru cleft and craniofacial center with my new friend and colleague Dr. Maria Innis Pegoraro-Krook,
and my dear friends and colleagues Coco Grijalba, Dr. Alejandro Gonzalez, Dr. Marcia Perez, and Smile Train Mexico Janet and Alma, Cascio of Smile Train Brazil, and Ivan of Smile Train Colombia.
Hermoso día en el increíble centro craneofacial y de fisura labiopalatina de Bauru con mi nueva amiga y colega, la Dra. Maria Innis Pegoraro-Krook, y mis queridos amigos y colegas Coco Grijalba, el Dr. Alejandro González, la Dra. Marcia Pérez y Janet y Alma de Smile Train México, Cascio de Smile Train Brasil e Iván de Smile Train Colombia.
So happy to share this video in Catalan on the problems with nonspeech oral motor exercises for speech therapy, with the underlying research. Estoy muy feliz de compartir este vídeo en catalán sobre los problemas de los ejercicios motores orales distintos del habla para logopedia, con la investigación subyacente. Ens alegra compartir aquest vídeo en català sobre els problemes dels exercicis motors orals no parlats per a la logopèdia, amb la investigació subjacent.
Deixa de fer pràxies a la teràpia de la parla: No milloren la parla! En aquest vídeo, logopedes de tota Espanya comparteixen la pràctica actual basada en l'evidència sobre com són d'ineficaços els exercicis motors orals conegu...
Posting again re Gestault Language Processing for those interested in evidence-based practice. Please read!
Here is a post about the collaboration between the community SLP and the SLP on the cleft/craniofacial team. Thanks to Angela LaGambina and Katie Dillon for this contribution!
SLPs Unite: Community and Cleft Team Collaboration A community SLP and a craniofacial team SLP collaborate in their work with every patient.
Here are free and low cost summer programs and internships shared by Advocates for Children and Inside Schools.
InsideSchools We visit New York City public schools to give you the inside story you can't find anywhere else.
Bilingual SLP Institute grads of 2024!!!! (first half)
Our 2024 graduates of the Bilingual SLP Extension Institute here at Teachers College Columbia University wanted to make this video! They are a fantastic group--they did the hard work to acquire the content knowledge and clinical skills to provide quality services.
What to do as a bilingual SLP? #shorts What should we do as bilingual SLPs? This video was made by the Bilingual Extension Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Thanks to the families of FICAT who organized our Barcelona cleft speech training and all the speech therapists who came from all over Spanish--and Portugal, and to my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Diana Bohorquez, and the incredible TC CSD students Azana Green, Melanie Rosa-Chavez, Natasha Reyes, and Xena Gonzalez! Gracias a las familias de FICAT que organizaron nuestro curso de logopedia en Barcelona y a todos los logopedas que vinieron de todas partes de España y Portugal, y a mi querida amiga y colega, la Dra. Diana Bohórquez, y a los increíbles estudiantes de TC CSD, Azana Green. , Melanie Rosa-Chávez, Natasha Reyes y Xena González! Gràcies a les famílies de FICAT que van organitzar el nostre entrenament de la parla cleft a Barcelona i a tots els logopedes que van venir d'arreu d'Espanya i Portugal, i a la meva estimada amiga i companya, la Dra. Diana Bohorquez, i als increïbles estudiants de TC CSD Azana Green. , Melanie Rosa-Chavez, Natasha Reyes i Xena Gonzalez!
Gestalt Language Processing is one of those approaches to developing language of autistic people that is building primarily on social media. I was happy to find this open access article from the journal Autism and Developmental Language Impairments. Published this year, here is the full article. Here are its conclusions and implications: "Conclusions & Implications
The term ‘gestalt language processor’ is definitionally and conceptually troubled, the assertion that autistic people are GLPs is misleading and unhelpful, and evidence is lacking that GLP represents a legitimate clinical entity. The theoretical basis of NLA lacks empirical support. NLA stages are implausible and their accompanying assessment and support recommendations lack justification. We recommend the use of alternate, individualized, theoretically-sound, evidence-based, neurodiversity-affirming supports that are sensitive and responsive to the heterogeneity that defines autism."
Thanks to our speech therapy colleagues and friends in Indonesia and our TC CSD students, here is a cleft palate speech therapy hierarchy video in Bahasa so there will always be resources online both at and the LEADERSproject channel in youtube. See if you can understand it even though it is in Bahasa!! Terima kasih kepada rekan dan teman terapi wicara kami di Indonesia dan siswa TC CSD kami, berikut adalah video hierarki terapi wicara langit-langit mulut sumbing dalam Bahasa sehingga akan selalu ada sumber daya online baik di dan saluran LEADERSproject di youtube. Terima kasih kepada rekan dan teman terapi wicara kami di Indonesia dan siswa TC CSD kami, berikut adalah video hierarki terapi wicara langit-langit mulut sumbing dalam Bahasa sehingga akan selalu ada sumber daya online baik di dan saluran LEADERSproject di youtube.
Hierarki Terapi Wicara Bagi Pasien Celah Lelangit Video ini membahas hierarki terapi bicara langit-langit mulut sumbing dan juga memberikan pendekatan dan strategi pengobatan untuk mengatasi bicara mulut sum...
Happy to share the door metaphor in Bahasa, Indonesian. Senang berbagi Metafora Pintu dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Bagaimana anak-anak dengan langit-langit mulut sumbing menghasilkan bunyi bicara: Metafora pintu Untuk orang tua, ahli terapi wicara, dan profesional lainnya yang menangani anak yang lahir dengan langit-langit mulut sumbing. Terapis wicara ini menjelaska...
Attended the NYSSLHA annual convention in White Plains and gave two talks with Lorena Diaz, CCC-SLP. Lorena was incredible!! NYSSLHA is coming back to life!!! Great conference. Thanks to Gemma Moya-Galé for inviting us. We will be back next year.
Happy that most of the TC CSD grad students were able to be part of our Vietnamese talk--Chloris Li, Maggy Kotsakis, and Nahla Mensay. I know some of our Vietnamese colleagues were on virtually. I wish we all could have been there!!
Great day at the American Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conference in Denver with Sara Horne, Meg Lico, Dr. Chelsea Sommer, and me.
Please share. Our clients/patients deserve quality speech therapy.
Why nonspeech oral motor exercises do not improve speech: Evidence-based responses to questionsl Thanks to Drs Maggie Watson and Greg Lof for providing this evidence-based Q&A on the problems with using nonspeech oral motor exercises. Dr. Cate Crowley, D...
Interesting new way to share research.
How to ensure that more children with repaired cleft palates receive quality speech therapy The study analyzed the impact of an approach to building capacity for cleft palate speech therapy. It quantified the increase in content knowledge and clinical skills about cleft palate speech therapy. There were three testing points, one before the trainees did the online course, one on the morning...
Happy to share that our Open Access article, "Impact of an International Training on Interventionists' Expertise in Cleft Palate Speech: Results From Oaxaca, Mexico", was published today in American Journal of SLP, the highest impact journal in SLP in the world. Thanks to my co-authors, the amazing Dr. Erika Levy, David Yanowitch, Drs. Miriam Baigorri, KyungHae Hwang, Kelly Cordero, Alejandro Gonzalez, Mariane Goes, Diana Bohórquez, Nicholas Sierra, and Socorro Grijalva Coco Zavaleta.
Impact of an International Training on Interventionists' Expertise in Cleft Palate Speech: Results From Oaxaca, Mexico Purpose: International cleft lip and palate surgical charities recognize that speech therapy is essential for successful care of individuals afte...
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project. In the article we thank, "This study was funded, in part, by a gift to Teachers College Columbia University from Maureen Topper and by Smile Train, México, and Mobile Surgery International, Oaxaca. Special thanks to all of the interventionists and individuals and their families with cleft palate, with or without cleft lip, who participated. Great thanks to Amy Rodriguez, Jackie, Burpee, and Arianna Salgado and thanks also to Carol Berrios, Mical Gomez, Natalie Lyman, and Leat Ruben for their assistance in Oaxaca. The authors are also grateful to Daiana Chang and Magdaline Kotsakis for their research assistance."
Impact of an International Training on Interventionists' Expertise in Cleft Palate Speech: Results From Oaxaca, Mexico Purpose: International cleft lip and palate surgical charities recognize that speech therapy is essential for successful care of individuals afte...
We are filling up for the 2024 Bilingual SLP Extension Institute. We have an inperson weekend cohort that meets six weekends, two in the summer (ending July 1) and four weekends in the fall. The online cohort is asynchronic, but there are assignments and activities and feedback every week. Both start in May. Here is the link with lots of information and the link to apply. Then tuition cost for the 6 graduate credits at TC is the same for 2024 as it was for 2023 $6950 for all six credits.
Bilingual Extension Institute | Teachers College, Columbia University Teachers College, Columbia University, is the first and largest graduate school of education in the United States, and also perennially ranked among the nation's best.
Mi amiga y colega La Dra. Diana Bohórquez. Hasta Denver y despues Barcelona!!!🥳😍🤓
Just returned from speaking at the Asociación Mexicana de Comunicación, Audiología, Otoneurología y Foniatría (AMCAOF) in Mérida, Mexico. I was able to hang out with the other international presenter, my buddy Dr. Luis Riquelme, and Dr. Carlos Manzano who invited both of us. Dra. Laura Gutiérrez Valdez is red is the current president of the association. So great to be part of capacity building in language and cleft speech with my Mexican colleagues! Love getting them to use SLAM (so many already do!!!) and cleft speech therapy strategies. Acabo de regresar de hablar en la Asociación Mexicana de Comunicación, Audiología, Otoneurología y Foniatría (AMCAOF) en Mérida, México. Pude convivir con el otro presentador internacional, mi amigo el Dr. Luis Riquelme, y el Dr. Carlos Manzano quien nos invitó a los dos. La Dra. Laura Gutiérrez Valdez en rojo es la presidente de la Asociación. ¡Qué bueno ser parte del desarrollo de capacidades en lenguaje y habla hendida con mis colegas mexicanos! Me encanta lograr que utilicen SLAM (¡¡muchos ya lo hacen!!!) y estrategias de terapia del habla para fisuras.
Yo seré Dra. Diana Bohórquez en Barcelona del 7 al 11 de junio para una capacitación en habla de fisuras y cirugía VPI. La inscripción está abierta. Por favor comparte con logopedas que conozcas en Barcelona y España.
Yo seré Dra. Diana Bohórquez en Barcelona del 7 al 11 de junio para una capacitación en habla de fisuras y cirugía VPI. La inscripción está abierta. Por favor comparte con logopedas que conozcas en Barcelona y España.
Curso Logopedia Pàgina web de l'associació Fícat. Trobaràs informació sobre la patologia i tractament de la fissura de llavi i/o paladar, sobre les ajudes que et corresponen i rebràs suport pel dia a dia.
my wonderful grad assistants in our The Bilingual Extension Institute - LEADERSproject lab are working to create a TikTok presence for Leaders Project to let more people know about the free materials. Please follow and share (*and don't laugh too much!)
Leaders Project on TikTok .project 132 Followers, 133 Following, 128 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Leaders Project
Wonderful article on my friend and colleague, Dr. Adeola Olusanya in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Dr. Adeola Olusanya : Cleft surgeon who doubles as Cleft Speech Therapy Provider for the love of her patients. | Smile Train Africa Can you tell us about your background and how you became a speech therapist? First, let me say I am not a speech therapist, as there’s a lot more to speech therapy than cleft care, as I have come to realize. I am a Cleft Speech Therapy Provider, what some may call an ‘Interventionist.’ I came ...
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