Rock Paper Team, LLC

Rock Paper Team is a team building company dedicated to your success. We build our events around your goals and desired results.

With 15 plus years of experience in team development, we are your personal resource, working with you, to ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS! At Rock Paper Team, we believe that team building is more than a game. It is based on the relationship between you and your teammates, building the strength and stamina that will lead you and your company to success.


Monday Motivation - Focus and Take the Shot

Life presents us with valuable lessons and experiences.

Take time to focus on what is important and grow from the negatives and don't get stuck.

We choose where to aim and shoot.

If you don't like the picture the camera is showing you, then approach it from a different angle or move on.

The Choice is Yours.

Let Your Light Shine!

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Pictures are worth a 1,000 words; however, what happens when you edit the picture and change the narrative.

Tonight I had the opportunity to celebrate a friend's birthday with other friends at a 1920s themed performance art experience with singers, dancers, burlesque artists and more.

in the original photo is my friend and I posing for a picture taken by a PhD student of Psychology who was sitting next to us. While taking the picture, this lovely dancer from the show photo bombed the picture and this is her entering the picture. I also took out a guy in the background who had a look of surprise on his face.

Besides the performances, a great and wonderful part of the evening was the energy and connecting of strangers.

People were encouraged to dress on 1920s clothes and there were vendors who sponsored food and drinks. This sparked conversations and a joy permeated the room.

Check your local.listings to find experiences that take you out of your comfort zone and give you permission to dress up and let loose - all the while engaging with strangers. You'll be amazed at the possibilities a night like this presents.

Let Your Light Shine!

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A word not used since the 1600s and yet it gets a meme. Xenagogue is a tour guide derived from the Greek language.

Searching and researching can be exhilarating. Whether it is for a Wednesday Word, a school/work project or just for fun.

A phrase that has always resonated woth me is "If you are not learning, then you must be dead."

Everyday we are presented with opportunities to learn, grown and have a better understanding. Take advantage of what life presents and don't shut yourself off from possibilities.

Who knows, when you are giving a tour, you may be called a Xenogogue and you will know it's a compliment.

Let Your Light Shine!


It's Important to Check Your Battery. Do you need to recharge?

Life throws a lot at us and it is important to check-in with yourself. There are times we are empty and need to refuel so we can build ourselves back to feeling great.

Don't ignore your instincts. You can't be good to the world and those you interact with if you are not good to yourself.

Let Your Light Shine!


image from


Have you ever thought about taking a different route to your office, school, favorite restaurant or store? Travel down a different road and see something new.

Travel does not have to be some exotic trip. I always find it amazing when I hear people are from an amazing city or region and they haven't seen the sights people (sometimes) wait a lifetime to see.

IYears ago, I remember passing tourists in NYC on my way to my office and they were stopped in front of a building and looking at the archway. I passed this building so many times, but I never looked at it.

That day I stopped to see what they were seeing and I was amazed. The arch of the entrance had these beautiful designs and etchings I never noticed before.

I made a promise to myself that from thst day forward I would take time to walk a different block, look up and around and not down or on my phone. This promise to myself has opened the world even more than I imagined.

Take time to travel to far away places, and more importantly, to your surrounding, everyday area.

Let Your Light Shine!


When I led choirs and was a cantor at churches and communities, two of the songs we would sing was "No Longer Strangers" and "All Are Welcome".

Welcome is this week's .

In businesses, educational institutions, non-profits and community organizations, it is important to Welcome people and help them feel comfortable.

This is why Onboarding is so important in am organization because it helps foster a healthy environment.

I always share with clients when providing Onboarding trainings that it is okay to ask people for their names. New hires are meeting a lot of people and it can be hard to remember names, policies and procedures. I also share with seasoned teammates to reintroduce themselves and not always leave it up to the new person.

Let Your Light Shine!


From Merriam-Webster Inc. Dictionary. Welcome is used 4 different ways in the English Language and when it was first used:

1 of 4- verb - transitive verb
: to greet hospitably and with courtesy or cordiality
: to accept with pleasure the occurrence or presence of
welcomes danger
welcomer noun

2 of 4 - interjection
—used to express a greeting to a guest or newcomer upon arrival

3 of 4 - adjective
: received gladly into one's presence or companionship
was always welcome in their home
: giving pleasure : received with gladness or delight especially in response to a need
a welcome relief
: willingly permitted or admitted
he was welcome to come and go
—W. M. Thackeray
—used in the phrase "You're welcome" as a reply to an expression of thanks
welcomely adverb
welcomeness noun

4 of 4- noun
: a greeting or reception usually upon arrival
a warm welcome
: the state of being welcome
overstayed their welcome

Time Traveler
The first known use of welcome was before the 12th century"


Messages can be misinterpreted so make sure you are clear and you include a subject line.

In professional and personal worlds, clarity and transparency are key. Not all information has to be shared with everyone; however, if you are trying to convey a message to get people to buy-in, then make sure you are clear and precise.

I know when I used to give instructions to my staff, I believed I was being clear. The reason - I created the program and, to me, it seemed very easy to accomplish. What I learned was just because I could see how it should go did not mean everyone else could get the flow through the instructions.

This was a great lesson to learn in all areas of my life.

I'm sharing this clip of the legendary Carol Burnett sharing how see fell in love with the American Soap Opera "All My Children" which ram on the ABC stations for 41 years.

Her daughters got her into the show. When her family was traveling one summer in Europe, she was going to miss her shows because it was before we could record shows.

A friend said he would send weekly recaps by telegram (again, not internet or email) to each of her hotels every Friday.

All was going well until the last stop when a hotel manager knocked on her room at 2 am to deliver the telegram. The hotel manager's hands were shaking because of the news he thought he was delivering to Ms. Burnett.

Watch the clip to see this legend tell a funny story.

Sometimes messages can be misinterpreted. Know who your audience is that receives them.

Let Your Light Shine!


Take these three steps to step out of:
The negative thoughts
The negative habits
The negative words
The Darkness

Experience Paradise on Earth with those around you when you focus on:
Good Thought
Good Word
Good Deed

In your personal.and professional life, you are in control of your thoughts, words and actions. This goes for how you engage through emails, social media, phone calls and in real life interactions.

Let Your Light Shine!


What are we waiting for? If you have something you want to try or do, then Do It Now!

I am someone who has lived in different cities on both sides of the coast. I have been blessed with experiences of theater, travel, restaurants, hiking and rock climbing, performing on stages and more.

When people say to me: "Wow! You have done so much." I used to say to them: "No, I haven't done anything more than other people."

Why I don't say that anymore are for a few reasons:
1. Everyone has different experiences and the people I am talking to have done things I have not done.

2. I knew back then there were people doing more than me and less than me. That was okay because I did what I could and what I wanted to at that time.

3. Some people choose to do what they think is in their wheelhouse and don't realize they can try new things or push the boundaries and experience something that scares them.

Now I ask: " What is something you have always wanted to do?" This question opens up great conversations and it's a thrill when I hear them talk about finally experiencing that bucket list item.

So whether it is a career path or a personal goal, don't hesitate. Go For It - even if it scares you.

Let Your Light Shine!

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When you have a person in your life who is Vivacious, you will not be bored or stagnant. A Vivacious person can help your work team be energized, your play or musical come alive, or your party have flair.

Merriam-Webster Inc. defines Vivacious (and gives some other facts) as:

"lively in temper, conduct, or spirit : SPRIGHTLY

Did you know?
Vivacious may not be onomatopoeic in a strict sense, but there’s definitely something lively—maybe even a bit va-va-voom—in the way its three syllables trip off the tongue. Perhaps this is why it has appealed to English speakers since the mid-1600s, when it was formed from the Latin adjective vivax meaning “long-lived, vigorous, or high-spirited.” Vivax comes from the verb vivere, meaning “to live.” Other English descendants of vivere include survive, revive, and victual—all of which came to life during the 15th century—and vivid and convivial, both of which surfaced around the same time as vivacious. Somewhat surprisingly, the word live is unrelated; it comes to us from the Old English word libban.

Word History
Latin vivac-, vivax long-lived, vigorous, high-spirited, from vivere to live

First Known Use
circa 1645, in the meaning defined above"

So embrace the Vivacious person on your work team, in your community or family, or in their performance. Celebrate them and lift them up. You'll be happy you did.

Let Your Light Shine!


I think adults can learn this lesson too (or relearn) - Be Kind

We never truly know what another person is going through. Hold up on be judgmental and work on being kind and considerate to others.

Let Your Light Shine!


A Mind Opened

The world is filled with Wonder. Looking at life with our own eyes and processing the experience in our hearts and minds is very important.

What disrupts experiencing Wonder is when we let beliefs (not personally experienced) cut us off from being Open-minded.

We are inundated with information which seeks to stek from opinions rather than facts. Even when we see or hear things with our own eyes, there are people who will say it is not real and it didn't happen.

We need to move away from fear. We need to embrace hope.

We need to move away from judgements. We need to embrace engaging with one another and learning from each other's experiences.

Find the Wonder that surrounds all of us. Take a breath and find what connects all of us.

Let Your Light Shine!


One Life

This movie is about a group of people whonworked together to save 669 children in Czechoslovakia at the beginning if World War II

Based on a true story, here is the synopsis:
"London broker Nicholas "Nicky" Winton helps rescue hundreds of predominantly Jewish children from Czechoslovakia in a race against time before the N**i occupation closes the borders. Fifty years later, he's still haunted by the fate of those he wasn't able to bring to safety."

What the synopsis does not share is that a British show called "That's Life" found the children (who were now adults) and they featured Nicky Winton and surprised him by having the children he saved in the audiences.

The work of saving these refugees was the work of many people coming together to get the paperwork properly filed, money to male it happen, families to adopt the children in London and so much more.

Give yourself the opportunity to see this film and learn a piece of history that we were just made aware of in recent times.

Lena Olin, Helena Bonham-Carter and Jonathan Price also star.

Let Your Light Shine!


Try One More Time

At the Oscar Awards this past Sunday, we saw Christopher Nolan and Cillian Murphy win their first Oscar's after 20-plus years in their careers as a director and the later as an actor.

If you are passionate in your craft or work, then keep going. Continue to learn, grow and approach your talent from different angles.

Trying one more time can work in your personal lives as well. If at first something doesn't work out (and it still interests you), then try again - or ask again.

It's our approach to situations that can make the outcome negative or positive. Treat people with respect and consideration and the results could work in your favor.

Let Your Light Shine!



Today's word Ubiquitous means:

": existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : WIDESPREAD" (from Merriam-Webster Inc. Dictionary)

Below is comparing Ubiquitous with the 2022 film "Everything Everywhere All At Once"

The theme of that movie involves everything (lol); however, a main theme is realizing our fullness and being open to possibilities.

Webster's Dictionary also share this fun recent pop culture tidbit:

"Did you know?

To be sure, the title of the Academy Award-winning 2022 film Everything Everywhere All at Once (starring Academy Award-winning actress Michelle Yeoh as the reluctant hero traversing the multiverse) is the better choice, but may we just say that Ubiquitous would have also made sense as a title? After all, ubiquitous describes the idea of the everything everywhere all at once in the blockbuster movie’s name and does it in one handy four-syllable word. Ubiquitous comes from the noun ubiquity, meaning “presence everywhere or in many places simultaneously,” and both words come ultimately from the Latin word ubique, meaning “everywhere.” Ubiquitous, which has often been used with a touch of exaggeration to describe those things that it seems like you can’t go a day without encountering, is the more popular of the two by a parsec. It may not quite be ubiquitous, but if you keep your eyes and ears open, you’re apt to encounter it quite a bit.

The first known use if the word was in 1772"

Let Your Light Shine!


Three Life Rules

In the past few years, I have allowed myself to get rid of rules I thought I was supposed to follow. I have given myself the freedom to not hold onto ideas, situations, people that were not life giving or limited growth.

When I saw this post, I knew I wanted to share it.


Because it states the path I have put myself on, or better yet, the path I have returned to in my life.

What I love about reconnecting to these rules is that I have been using them in workshops with clients in different formats.

We have to remember that there are areas of our life that we can control:
Our emotions.
Our reactions.
Our tone towards others.
Our Words.

Let these rules guide you along your path and see how the world opens up.

Let Your Light Shine


The Best in You!

We know when we are around the people that we mutually lift each other up and bring out the best in each other.

We also know when we are around people who are not serving our growth.

Listen to your gut, mind, heart or whichever tells you your truth. Surround yourself with positivity and see your world change.

Let Your Light Shine!

Photos from Rock Paper Team, LLC's post 03/08/2024

Boathouse Row in Philadelphia

KYW Newsradio reported the following:

"Boathouse Row is lit. 🔥

After being in the dark for about a year, Philadelphia's iconic landmark — with 6,400 individual new LED lights — drew a crowd on Thursday evening for its grand re-lighting."

Home to rowers local and far, this is an area know for teams who work together from practices to competitions.

Boathouse Row is a great symbol of a city, schools and the community coming together to work and play together.

Here is some history from

"Philadelphia’s Boathouse Row is a National Historic Landmark that reflects the city’s fusion of sport, culture, and history. The boathouses, built in the second half of the nineteenth-century, line the eastern bank of the Schuylkill River just north of the Fairmount Waterworks. Lit at night with thousands of glowing bulbs, they form a welcoming beacon to travelers entering Philadelphia along the Schuylkill River on Interstate 76.

The circumstances that led to the distinctive row of boathouses on the Schuylkill date to the early nineteenth century when Philadelphia, a commercial and cultural center of the early American Republic, became one of most historically rich and lively rowing cities in the United States. In 1821, the construction of the Fairmount Waterworks’ dam created favorable conditions for rowing on the Schuylkill and set an aesthetic that helped determine the style of the earliest boathouses. Temporary boathouse structures probably existed as the popularity of rowing grew, but construction of more permanent boathouses began in the 1850s under the auspices of the Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia and later with increasing involvement from the Fairmount Park Commission (formed in 1867). The Schuylkill Navy, founded in 1858, served as a membership organization for the city’s amateur rowing clubs and oversaw activity on the river. Surviving into the twenty-first century, it became one of the nation’s oldest amateur sports associations."

When visiting Philadelphia, check out this area at day and night.

Let Your Light Shine!



It's our outlook that can make the difference.

Being Thankful for good times and trying times can help us get through any situation.

It's easy to be thankful in good times; however, being thankful when the road is rough and things are not going easy can shift the experience.

When going through a bad situation it is easy to dwell on the negative. It is usually when we are past those rough points that we can look objectively and see the lessons learned or the growth we have experienced.

Image saying "Thank you" to what is going on when it is happening. Pausing and looking at the situation from all angles.

By giving yourself that moment, that grace, you allow yourself to see the situation from a different perspective. That perspective may give you the answers or guidance needed to handle what is happening.

Let Your Light Shine!


Wednesday's Word - Talented

Merriam-Webster Inc. Dictionary defines Talented as:


Definition of talented
as in gifted
having a special ability to do something well; having talent
a highly talented athlete
As a writer, she is enormously talented."

The best part of life is realizing that you don't have to know it all or do it all.

Everyone has been given a special talent or knowledge. By working together, we can create the best experiences, products, or moments.

"Think, Act, Be in We"

Together, with everyone using their talent, we can accomplish so much more in life.

Let Your Light Shine!


Tuesday's Tips - Focus

"I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time..."
- Charles Dickens

We are in an age where it can be hard to Focus. Some reasons why:

- information and people at our fingertips
- non-stop streaming platforms
- busy schedules and too little time and
- more (you name it for you)

So how do we reclaim our Focus, our ability to Concentrate?

Here are some ideas:
1. Learn to Meditate - Take time to clear your mind of the clutter and focus on what is important

2. Create Routines - Make time to exercise, eat right, engage with people socially. This will help boost your productivity to accomplish our work (both the work we love and the daily work to keep our lives in order - taking the trash out, shopping, cooking, paying bills, etc)

3. Make a Checklist - Organize your thoughts and tasks with a daily, weekly and monthly list. This way you can feel accomplished and find patterns that distract you from accomplishing your goals.

We are in control of our own Focus.

Let Your Light Shine!

Merriam-Webster Inc. defines Focus as:

: a center of activity, attraction, or attention
the focus of the meeting was drug abuse
put immigration into focus as a hot topic for commentators
: a point of concentration
: directed attention : EMPHASIS
The focus is on helping the homeless.
: DIRECTION sense 6c
the team lost focus
: a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding
tried to bring the issues into focus
: adjustment for distinct vision
also : the area that may be seen distinctly or resolved into a clear image"


Monday Motivation - Green Flags

A friend shared this on Facebook (Meta) and I said to them I will share this as well.

It's easy to see red flags and complain or get frustrated.

A challenge is when you experience the Green Flags - tell the person "Thank you!" or compliment them on being a positive person in your life and the world

Don't take those moments for granted thinking you can share what you appreciate about those in your life at a later time.

Make your thoughts and feelings known today.

Let Your Light Shine!


Fun Fact Fridays - Saint Patrick’s Day Month

When I was younger, I didn't really get into Saint Patrick's Day. I wore green and had shamrock stickers and ate the corned beef; however, it wasn't a day that permeated my whole self.

I remember going ro the Donegal Ball with friends in the Philadelphia area and I saw people celebrating the Irish community. Something clicked and I realized I was part of a bigger community. Since then, I have also been to the County Cork Gala.

As the years have moved along, I have had the privilege to be at many parades (the most communal one being after 9/11) and walk in a few.

I also went to The Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick Gala in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hilton Hotel when I lived out there. I was invited as a guest and it was an amazing evening of celebrating with dinner and speeches.

Every weekend in March (at least in the NYC area), there is a parade or celebration in the surrounding towns and counties every Saturday and Sunday.

May the luck of the Irish be with all of you.

Let Your Light Shine!


Wednesday's Word - Super

How does Super fit into your life?

We have supervisors, superintendents, superheroes and more.

There are people who.are super at their jobs, at their hobbies, at their relationships.

What makes them super? Time, dedication, practice, an innate skill and more.

What are you super at in your life?

Let Your Light Shine!

Merriam-Webster Inc. Dictionary defines Super in many ways:

1 of 4
su·​per ˈsü-pər
Synonyms of super
: of high grade or quality
—used as a generalized term of approval
a super cook
: very large or powerful
a super atomic bomb
: exhibiting the characteristics of its type to an extreme or excessive degree
super secrecy

2 of 4
[by shortening]
especially : a supernumerary actor
especially : the superintendent of an apartment building
[short for obsolete superhive] : a removable upper story of a beehive
[super entry 1] : a superfine grade or extra large size
[origin unknown] : a thin loosely woven open-meshed starched cotton fabric used especially for reinforcing books

3 of 4
a super fast car
: to an excessive degree

4 of 4
: over and above : higher in quantity, quality, or degree than : more than
: in addition : extra
: exceeding or so as to exceed a norm
: in or to an extreme or excessive degree or intensity
: surpassing all or most others of its kind
: situated or placed above, on, or at the top of
specifically : situated on the dorsal side of
: next above or higher
: having the (specified) ingredient present in a large or unusually large proportion

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