Sea Change Networking

Sea Change Networking is an expanding community of people and synergistic organizations oriented around excellence, teamwork, and contribution.

What is Sea Change Networking?

- Sea Change Networking is the premier training resource for generating breakthrough results in the art of maximizing one’s social capital.

- Our work is founded upon a unique methodology for alliance building called The Science and Art of Breakthrough Networking.

- Our most advanced programs were born out of the demand for a senior-level networking venue for d


In What Kind of Shape Is Your Network?

How the Hologram Principle Impacts Our Networking Success | Sea Change Networking 12/11/2018

How the Hologram Principle Impacts Our Networking Success.

How the Hologram Principle Impacts Our Networking Success | Sea Change Networking How the Hologram Principle Impacts Our Networking Success Leave a reply {4:33 minutes to read} In my 20 years as a social capital coach, I’ve noticed that my clients’ success in “unlocking referrals” from their network boils down to how well they engage in the relationship development “pro...

How Storytelling Increases Referrals (and Stops the “You-ing”) | Sea Change Networking 08/10/2018

How Increases (and Stops the “You-ing”)

How Storytelling Increases Referrals (and Stops the “You-ing”) | Sea Change Networking How Storytelling Increases Referrals (and Stops the “You-ing”) Leave a reply {3:04 minutes to read} Storytelling is one of the most powerful networking tools. Especially if networking for you is about developing referrals from referral partners (vs. networking to find prospects at an event). If ...

Stop You-ing People If You Want Referrals (and How the Brother-in-Law FactorTM Can Help!) | Sea Change Networking 01/10/2018

Stop You-ing People If You Want (and How the Brother-in-Law FactorTM Can Help!)

Stop You-ing People If You Want Referrals (and How the Brother-in-Law FactorTM Can Help!) | Sea Change Networking Stop You-ing People If You Want Referrals (and How the Brother-in-Law FactorTM Can Help!) Leave a reply {5:42 minutes to read} One of the most costly “hidden habits” in networking is how we use pronouns; namely, how we as a culture default to the use of the 2nd person singular pronoun — you .....

The Value of Sacred Gardening Time™ | Sea Change Networking 03/07/2018

The Value of Sacred Gardening Time™

The Value of Sacred Gardening Time™ | Sea Change Networking The Value of Sacred Gardening Time™ Leave a reply {3:40 minutes to read} When my clients experience a flooding of dividends from their social capital, they often call me in a panic. Whether they’re receiving a wave of new clients or invitations to collaborate, how do they handle all these opport...

What Would Sir Richard Branson Do? Overriding Overwhelm and Accessing Our Limitless Self | Sea Change Networking 29/05/2018

What Would Sir Richard Branson Do? Overriding Overwhelm and Accessing Our Limitless Self.

What Would Sir Richard Branson Do? Overriding Overwhelm and Accessing Our Limitless Self | Sea Change Networking What Would Sir Richard Branson Do? Overriding Overwhelm and Accessing Our Limitless Self Leave a reply {6:30 minutes to read} The impact of the industrial age on our thinking is far-reaching. Linear thinking is a perfect match for a society based on hierarchical structures. Many of our existing inst...

Disempowering Withdrawals and How They Impact Our Relationships | Sea Change Networking 19/04/2018

Disempowering Withdrawals and How They Impact Our Relationships.

Disempowering Withdrawals and How They Impact Our Relationships | Sea Change Networking Disempowering Withdrawals and How They Impact Our Relationships Leave a reply {5:33 minutes to read} Just as there are a variety of deposits we can make into a relationship for it to flourish, there are also various types of withdrawals we need to be aware of to manage the health of a networking par...

Maximizing Networking Groups: Is Your “Referral Machine” Fully Built? | Sea Change Networking 15/03/2018

Maximizing Networking Groups: Is Your “Referral Machine” Fully Built?

Maximizing Networking Groups: Is Your “Referral Machine” Fully Built? | Sea Change Networking Maximizing Networking Groups: Is Your “Referral Machine” Fully Built? Leave a reply {4:12 minutes to read} The biggest challenge referral groups face is that until the right ingredients have come together to create a dynamic and well-built group, that “referral machine” isn’t quite ready t...

Pick Up The PACE™ in Your Referral Partnerships | Sea Change Networking 27/02/2018

Pick Up The PACE™ in Your Referral Partnerships.

Pick Up The PACE™ in Your Referral Partnerships | Sea Change Networking Pick Up The PACE™ in Your Referral Partnerships Leave a reply {4:38 minutes to read} The key to increasing referrals is increasing collaborative dynamics — and ultimately, the level of trust — between two people. One of the most powerful tools I’ve developed in my work as a social capital co...

Networking Is More Like Farming | Sea Change Networking 30/01/2018

If is more like farming, how do I effectively manage my crops?

Networking Is More Like Farming | Sea Change Networking Networking Is More Like Farming Leave a reply If networking is more like farming, how do I effectively manage my crops? By Cynthia Greenawalt, referral marketing expert. We’ve heard it before: networking is more akin to farming than it is to hunting. The act of hunting to put food on the table cre...

Are Happy Customers Really the Best Salespeople? | Sea Change Networking 28/12/2017

Are Happy Really the Best Salespeople?

Are Happy Customers Really the Best Salespeople? | Sea Change Networking Are Happy Customers Really the Best Salespeople? Leave a reply {3:57 minutes to read} While it’s true that someone who has experienced our product or service is able to speak powerfully and authentically about the beautiful job we do, being a good salesperson is more than just being effective at p...

Where Do Your Contacts Rate on the Affinity Scale™? | Sea Change Networking 04/10/2017

Where Do Your Contacts Rate on the Affinity Scale™?

Where Do Your Contacts Rate on the Affinity Scale™? | Sea Change Networking Where Do Your Contacts Rate on the Affinity Scale™? Leave a reply {4:51 minutes to read} When I help my clients take inventory of their social capital, the intention is to double and triple their referrals and increase the yield from this massive asset. Ask any investment advisor: to get to where we...

The Natural Progression That Leads to Referrals | Sea Change Networking 01/08/2017

Increasing the Yield from Our Networking Crops.

The Natural Progression That Leads to Referrals | Sea Change Networking

Why a “Declared Client” Disappears & How Our “Attraction Factor” is the Remedy | Sea Change Networking 15/06/2017

It’s not about getting them back as …then what’s the goal?

Why a “Declared Client” Disappears & How Our “Attraction Factor” is the Remedy | Sea Change Networking {3:21 minutes to read} In my 20 years of coaching and training, here’s what I’ve found to be at the heart of success in the art of…

3 Degrees of Rita | Sea Change Networking 09/06/2017

This exercise shows the madness of pushing aside the 300 people you already know to make room for 200 you barely know.

3 Degrees of Rita | Sea Change Networking {4:05 minutes to read} I recently had an amazing conversation with a potential client. Let’s call him Bob. I asked him to draw a dot on a piece of paper, which represented one of my favorite clients: Rita. I then asked him to draw a circle around Rita, to represent her first-degree relationships.

Which House Are You on the Block? Maximizing Your Networking Real Estate | Sea Change Networking 12/05/2017

Raising the IQ so that everyone is speaking the language of

Which House Are You on the Block? Maximizing Your Networking Real Estate | Sea Change Networking {3:24 minutes to read} I was speaking in front of a group of entrepreneurs recently. I used a powerful analogy, asking them to imagine a beautiful neighborhood north of New York City with a block of 10 homes varying in price from 2 million to 10 million dollars.

How Is Asparagus Farming Like Networking? | Sea Change Networking 04/05/2017

How Is Asparagus Farming Like Networking?

How Is Asparagus Farming Like Networking? | Sea Change Networking Several years ago I gave a workshop discussing the benefits of being a “farmer networker” vs. a “hunter networker” (

First 2 Steps to Making Powerful Connections | Sea Change Networking 18/04/2017

Being a masterful connector can be whittled down to 5 simple steps.

First 2 Steps to Making Powerful Connections | Sea Change Networking {3:05 minutes to read} Of all the tools for unlocking referrals and yielding a greater return from our garden of relationships, one of the most effective is making powerful connections. With my Power Partners Initiative™ clients, we develop…

Next 3 Steps to Making Powerful Connections | Sea Change Networking 18/04/2017

Networking IQ Supports Wild Connecting...

Next 3 Steps to Making Powerful Connections | Sea Change Networking {5:03 minutes to read} As we explored in my previous blog article, being a masterful connector can be captured in 5 simple steps:

Reaching Deep Into Your Goldmine: Shifting From Reactive to Proactive Referrals | Sea Change Networking 20/02/2017

Unleash a massive surge in the you receive.

Reaching Deep Into Your Goldmine: Shifting From Reactive to Proactive Referrals | Sea Change Networking {4:00 minutes} Referrals can be grouped into two categories: Proactive and Reactive. The value of categorizing referrals is so we can study them to become more masterful.

Facts Tell, Stories Sell: A Fresh Look | Sea Change Networking 30/12/2016

Hidden gems: What if breakthrough results dwell in our blind spot?

Facts Tell, Stories Sell: A Fresh Look | Sea Change Networking Facts Tell, Stories Sell: A Fresh Look Leave a reply By Angela Cason I have been in advertising and marketing for 30 years and pitched tons of businesses, but I had never been the person who had to get the meeting. When we started TEMPO Strategic in 2010, to provide the digital expertise our clients...

Are You Making Premature Withdrawals from Your Relationship Accounts? | Sea Change Networking 28/12/2016

Are You Making Premature Withdrawals from Your Relationship Accounts?

Are You Making Premature Withdrawals from Your Relationship Accounts? | Sea Change Networking Are You Making Premature Withdrawals from Your Relationship Accounts? Leave a reply {4:02 minutes to read} Using a farming analogy, there are three stages before a harvest is ready: planting, fertilizing, and fruit bearing. In terms of networking relationships, the three stages are Know You, Like Yo...

Harnessing Your Raving Fans Through the Taster Model | Sea Change Networking 15/12/2016

Harnessing Your Raving Fans Through the Taster Model

Harnessing Your Raving Fans Through the Taster Model | Sea Change Networking Harnessing Your Raving Fans Through the Taster Model Leave a reply {3:06 minutes to read} Once you’ve developed a base of referral partners, choose the top 10-15 that are in a deep state of trust with you. They understand what you do and perhaps refer you to others several times per year. They are C...

2 Ways to Nurture Networking During the Holidays | Sea Change Networking 11/11/2016

How can you leverage events during the holiday season?

2 Ways to Nurture Networking During the Holidays | Sea Change Networking 2 Ways to Nurture Networking During the Holidays Leave a reply {2:04 minutes to read} One of the most powerful ways to leverage the holidays is to look at the events on your end-of-the-year calendar and find out which ones are open to you bringing guests. Make a list of your VIPs (from current refer...

You’re Having Coffee with the Wrong People (Breakthroughs Live in the Blind Spot) | Sea Change Networking 27/10/2016

You’re Having Coffee with the Wrong People (Breakthroughs Live in the Blind Spot).

You’re Having Coffee with the Wrong People (Breakthroughs Live in the Blind Spot) | Sea Change Networking You’re Having Coffee with the Wrong People (Breakthroughs Live in the Blind Spot) Leave a reply (4:08 minutes to read) My life’s work is to empower people to access breakthrough results. I’ve been studying brain science, quantum physics, and peak performance strategies for close to 2 decades. Why? I...

Networking “Deposits” That Make You “Coffee-Worthy” | Sea Change Networking 16/09/2016

More ways to move up on their priority list.

Networking “Deposits” That Make You “Coffee-Worthy” | Sea Change Networking Networking “Deposits” That Make You “Coffee-Worthy” Leave a reply In my last article, “Are You Coffee-Worthy?” we explored how you can become a high-priority contact who can request “coffee time” with someone you’ve recently met. When you’re new to them, you’re sort of at the bottom of the line in t...

Are You Coffee-Worthy? | Sea Change Networking 01/09/2016

Here are a few ways to move up on their priority list.

Are You Coffee-Worthy? | Sea Change Networking Are You Coffee-Worthy? Leave a reply When we meet someone at an event and want to explore the opportunity to collaborate, the typical go-to is to schedule a coffee. Recently, one of my clients came to me frustrated because people weren’t making the time to have coffee with him, even though it would…

Why Referrals Are So Magical | Sea Change Networking 06/06/2016

Who is your Golden Goose?

Why Referrals Are So Magical | Sea Change Networking Why Referrals Are So Magical Leave a reply {3:01 minutes to read} Let’s explore one of the most magical—yet, for the most part, hidden—elements in the realm of referral generation. If Sally, one of your trusted advisors or influential connectors from your network, refers you to Mike. Even though you...



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