Paragon Tails Videos

Videos by Paragon Tails. Petcare service, Behavior Online consultations, Dog training for all breeds, specialized in Puppy raising, socialization and family manners. Offers Scent games.

Stimulating an old Afghan Hound with puzzles- clever dog!

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Stimulating an old Afghan Hound with puzzles- clever dog!

Impulse control requires slow and consistent training.paragontails offers family manners sessions with excellent results.

Mental and physical stimulation is vital to keep your dog relaxed, but time is not always our ally to allow us enough quality-time with our dogs. Still, engaging with Fido even five minutes a day in enrichment activities can help his well being and strengthen the mutual bond. The dogs are naturally excellent hunters and scavengers, and here is an example of a stimulating agility game that Fido would enjoy. Look at Fido's excitement when he runs through a tunnel to get the treat!

The power of the release cue in trained dogs
The power of the release cue!

Notice the strong eye contact and the tail wagging. This dog shows eagerness. Happy dog!

Mentally stimulating a young dog with scent games

Heat exhaustion can kill your dog if untreated.

Lana is a 12 years old cat whom I rescued from a kill shelter. She did not move from her cage for six months being extremely shy. When I took her home she would not allow me to approach her or touch her or just be near her. It took me about five years to be able to approach her without her hiding. Now she is my girl.. so close to me...

Scent games st Paragontails! Fun on a rainy day!

Trading a young dog how to respond to the cue down and stay longer in the position.

Here with bubba , a Shiba inu we board.

When dogs don't know each other there are safety measures to take. Watch this short video. At paragontails, we walk new dogs before releasing them off leash.

Dog training in context- My kitchen training
Kitchen training: When you are too busy to train your dog, just start the day with his breakfast training before going to work, it will do wonders in good family manners and improve your bond with your dog.