Cedar Creek Baptist Church

Independent fundamental Baptist Church
KJV. Only


Do to some unfortunate circumstances, we will not be having homecoming this Sunday. We will have our normal Sunday services at 11:00 and 5:00. Thank you for understanding


I hope everyone is staying hydrated and cool. But as we face the heat here daily, let's keep in mind there is a place called hell that people go to everyday because we are not telling them about Jesus. These folks would give anything to be here in this heat daily verses what they suffer there. So we want our loved ones to go there? Are we sure they aren't going there? How much do we love them to REALLY tell them the truth. Not some watered down hog wash because we worry about hurting their feelings. Please think about this when you pay that one you love on that back and say it's alright. Don't worry, God will forgive you and you are okay. Even when we know they aren't saved. So pray hard, believe hard and be hard by telling the truth.
Have a blessed day and stay cool.


Fears of the night! Not sure about others, but it is most likely when I get ready to sleep at night that the fears evolve. Fears of life! Not sure how bills will get paid?
Did I do all I could for everyone today?
What is the DR going to say?
Have I done my job?
Will I get to spend enough time with family?
But darkness is Satan's time. This is when he plays. But Psalms 91:5-7 (read all of Psalms 91) tells us to not fear that darkness. God is the light and if we count on him, Satan can't come in. He hates the light and the more we carry in ourselves, the less he can come and play. Most of the time what darkness we are worried about is so silly that we don't even understand why we worry ourselves. Because God is the bank, healer, worker, and everything else we need.
So love laugh and love today and tonight, because we are safe no matter the problem!!!


Laughter!!! The small stuff. Do we think about how much we do or don't laugh? Try waking up with laughter in your soul and see what kind of day it is.
God tells us laughter is good for the soul.
Even the doctors today knows that is a healing mechanism.
So find something good to laugh at.
Have a blessed day


Well, good morning ๐ŸŒž all!!! Hope all had a blessed Sunday! ๐Ÿ˜Š Yesterday was another amazing service for me. Wow!! I kinda got hit on one cheek in the morning and the other last night. David got me then brother Steven Porter last night. How are we trying to convince folks to be a child of God? Well, not by walking around pointing and doubting. We sure doing without that way.
Then, what road are we walking? The wide or the narrow? What blessings are we missing taking that interstate like everyone else?
Well, Galatians 6:9 tells us not to faint in our walk.
That means we are being fickle. No one wants to be a child of God if we are fickle. Would you? So love it and show them God's amazing grace and love!!!! Show them traveling that less traveled Rd has rewards that can't be found on the the wide well traveled road. Lord, you miss ALL the grand things of the Lord.


Let's go spend the day in the Lord's house.
Come join us if you don't have anywhere else to go at Cedar Creek Baptist today.
We are so excited to see what he has for us today!!!
All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Have a blessed Sunday.


We are going on an adventure. We are going to be at lake Merriweather in Woodbury, Ga. Doing a show today. As we encounter so many different people today, there will even be those that we think are a boogie man. We have to keep in mind how merciful our Lord is with us. Many probably think we are a boogie man at times. So before we judge that person who comes through our booth today, we have to stop and think about where the Lord has brought us from. The world itself is an adventure!!! But isn't that what we thrive on? Adventures! Always something new. And there will always be a "boogie man" around the corner, or a new challenge, we can't let the boogie man get cracker Jack or Dave the toolman, because they help keep all these fun adventures alive. But the Lord keeps me straight and helps me not fear the boogie man or judge that other person or stay safe so keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜, keep praying and don't ever quit the Lord! And stay safe from the boogie man today!


do we listen to those words?
If we so listen to those words, we would always want to praise him.
How many times have we had something go wrong and discover, if it hadn't, things would have been far far worse?
Something's even Dave the toolman can't fix. Only the good Lord can.
So when you are having a bad day, there is an underlying reason and it saves many more heartaches.
Keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜.


How many times do we tell God, we will do it MY way?! Yep, MY way. Don't mess with MY way. I know what I'm doing and I am royalty so I am gonna do it My Way. Well, Naaman thought the prophet Elisha to come to him and to do some spectacular way of healing and it angered him when all he was told to do was to to the dirty river of Jordon and dip seven times.
It took him getting out of self and went to do what God said so, he got healed!!! Healed folks. Because he Did what GOD SAID. So why do we think we are any different? Slow down, listen and do not think we are that special that we can do it our way and God bless us. His way is so much easier people. So let's remember to try his way instead of our way.
God bless everyone!


In the time Harry Truman was president, there was no instant media, if you wanted to speak to someone, you either called them or wrote them a letter. In most cases, you could only afford to send a letter.
So many times when angry, he wrote them, then laid the letter on his desk and left it for 24 hours. If after that time of cooling off he was still sure of what he said, he mailed it. In most cases, the letter never made it to who he wrote.
Why? This gave him time to decide if it was a good or bad thing. Did he mean what he said? Was this something true or of just anger?
James 1:6 tells us the tongue is a fire. It defileth our whole body.
Why so? Because we speak more from anger than love.
We can't even wait 24 minutes before we message, call, or think about what we are doing. We INSTANTLY express our anger. Think before you post, speak. Anger on that fiery tongue can and will destroy someone's testimony as well as a chance to see a soul come to know the Lord.
Have a blessed Monday!!!!


Good morning ๐ŸŒ„ all!!!!
Happy Sunday to you.
I read something this morning that made me think a lot about judgement.
We all know God tells us to raise up a child in the way and he/she will follow.
Proverbs 22:6
This says when he is old.
Does that mean they will do EVERYTHING RIGHT!!!???
No. Do we as adults always do right?
Why do we expect our children to?
And just because we train them in the way of the Lord doesn't mean they are perfect either. They have been taught who their advocate is!!! That's the difference between our children and the world's. They have hope, the world teaches no hope. So when the world is laughing at your child and making ugly statements about them being no different, just remember they have something the world doesn't. And when they judge you for it, remember, the Lord knows all and he is proud to know you taught them well.
And just because the world's child messed up doesn't mean we judge them
Do they know better? And if we aren't their hope to show them the Lord, who do they have? So love them and their parents. It may mean the difference between Heaven or Hell!!
Love all and have a blessed day!


Happy Tuesday!!!!
Hope everyone has managed through the storms. Yep, they got rough. Even Lucy was ducking from them. She is the smart one. Lol she let Dave the toolman know it was bad, and then danced around until we let her out only for her to go hide.
Sounds like us. We know something isn't right , so we turn circles then try to hide.
Proverbs 12:25 tells us the best way to handle storms. When we have a heavy heart, bow our heads and pray, then listen, because the word God gives us will sure uplift us.
Have a blessed day all!!!!


Are we prepared?
Are we ready spiritually for our daily lives?
Are we prepared for the fight against the darkness of the devil?
Have we set ourselves up to win or to lose the battle?
Ephesians 6 tells us how to win. What we need to take the devil out along with all his army. And remember, the devil will fight dirty. He doesn't fight where you see it coming.
Psalms 91:1 let's us know that although we need to prepare, God has given his Angels charge over us so we ARE NOT fighting this alone!!!
Happy Monday and stay vigilant.


Hot diggity dog, it's Sunday!!!! I hope all are excited and ready to go visit with him in church today. I know I am ready. Need to see all my church family, need alter time, need to be fed spiritually. I know he tells us to serve daily, I I do my best. But there is something about being in his house that just plain makes life better. Of course he didn't hesitate to be in his father's house. This is where his earthly parents found him as a young lad. And he reminded them, this is where he belonged. Luke 2:43-51.
So get up, tired ole feet and all, get dressed, get excited and see what the Lord has for you today!!!! Love all!


Well everyone, it's Friday!!! Just two more days before we get to be in Sunday services again. Happy happy!!!
I don't know about y'all, but sometimes the Lord sure can knock me a good knot on the head. Yesterday a dear friend reminded me that I have been slacking. She was telling me how she loves to pray for her colleagues and it really doesn't matter when or where. Each day she has been helping a young lady and they pray when the young lady needs it. Right then and right there. No matter where they are. You know what, that is what the Bible says in 2Timorhy 1:8 to not be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord or the power thereof. " Not quoted exactly read it yourself please" if someone asks for prayer or even if they don't, pray, you know when it's needed. Pray then and there, pray everywhere. Don't slack. Don't do it for show, bring the power down. It not only helps you spiritually, think of all those around you that it may touch. Lives can and will be changed. So thank you my dear friend for reminding me of that.
On a side note, Tim the toolman sure is stronger than folks think. Haha, don't ask him to pull something back in place, just ask Stevey the serious fellow, he will break it
Plus more. Haha, we now have to fix more than the lawn mower, man, we just got the trailer fixed and we got to do more work. Lord help his strength, don't take it, just help him remember how strong he is like Sampson.
Everyone have a BLESSED DAY!!!!!


Sunday: June 23, 2024
Preaching is Brother Leon Merrill
With The Shadrix Trio singing for us.
Come enjoy a wonderful day of pray, singing and fellowship.


Good morning ๐ŸŒž, as we begin another glorious day, hope we all are doing well. Just wondering if we are as excited about seeing Jesus as Zachchaeus was in Luke 19. He even went and climbed a tree to see Jesus. Woo, can you imagine being THAT excited. I believe all of us has been. Some have lost that excitement. Some are tired and some has quit caring. Lord forgive us because I believe Jesus is that excited to see us. Think about how Jesus reacted to Zachchaeus. He does the same for us everyday. Just turn to him. So as you start today, pray for the excitement, give him your all and see how wonderful ๐Ÿ˜Š your days ends.


Happy happy Tuesday. Yep, posting early early today. Going on an adventure with Tim the toolman today. Not like we don't usually have one everyday. Yesterday's was replacing a part on the car. Well, that's where Phillians 4:13 has to be repeated many many times. ๐Ÿ˜ Lord only knows I'm no mechanic. But I sure was determined to do it. In the end, it was all good. Just a bolt here, a bolt there, disconnect this and that.๐Ÿซค Remember, don't drop that bolt, the engine might eat it๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Isn't that the same way life is. Sometimes, God has to take us apart to put us back together better. Although he is way better at this mechanic ๐Ÿงฐ thing than I am. Trust him, keep telling yourself you can do all things through him, and you will find it always runs smoother than before he started replacing that fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, or whatever he has to take apart to replace with love, patience, and more power in him.


Hope all has as wonderful Sunday services as we did. Man, God sure showed up yesterday. He is an awesome God. I am so amazed at how God uses our young. Never fails I get in trouble by him ๐Ÿ˜ for something. Have to go to the alter and ask forgiveness and while in the alter, little Chase comes to pray. Let me tell you, if that doesn't make you think, he prayed and I know God heard him. I would rather him pray for me than anyone else. He prayed and prayed. If we had his heart, just think of the mountains we could move.
I can't imagine what his prayers was, but I know they were heard.
As we begin our week, think as a child and allow the Lord to work in your heart.


Happy Sunday!!! Hope everyone is as excited about it being Sunday as I am. I know each of us is needed in church. Romans 12 speaks of the many being of one body. Just like if we are missing a part of our body, if you are missing in church on Sunday, we are missing a part of our body. Each of us have a very important roll in the church. You may only sit and cry, or shout and praise, you may just sing a song, or even do nothing, but you are important to what God has for someone. So, if you are wondering what is the point, you need to know Romans 12:5 clearly states we are important. So, don't doubt, and don't miss out. Prayers of every service and looking forward to seeing you today.


Come join us tomorrow and enjoy hearing Brother Gary Farlow at the 11:00 a.m. service. Then enjoy lunch with us to ๐Ÿฅณ celebrate his birthday. I promise, I won't light all 74 candles.


Good morning ๐ŸŒ„
Hope all have had a wonderful week.
Psalms 55:22 tells us to cast our burdens upon the Lord.
Life is full of surprises. Some good, some not so good. So let the Lord help you in ALL your thoughts. Let The Lord help guide you in all decisions. Even it is if you are buying a candy bar. Seems small, yes, that 1.50 could change something in your life. ๐Ÿ’• Love, ๐Ÿ˜‚ laugh and keep praising the Lord. Cause, in all this, your ๐Ÿฆถ stomping on the ole devil. And defeating him in his little schemes. God has all things in is hand's. He writes our story. Not Satan.

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1465 Sewell Mill Road
Newnan, GA

Opening Hours

11am - 12:30pm
6pm - 7pm

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