Labryo Fertility Center

Offering fertility solutions anchored by a team of experienced doctors & healthcare professionals


“Don’t judge by its cover”
Embryo grading is helpful, but looks can be deceiving—an embryo's true potential isn't always visible, and grading is only part of the story.
Some things to note

1. Grading is a VISUAL assessment of an embryo and allows for sorting and selecting the embryo that has the BEST chance of a successful pregnancy.
2. Grading is NOT a predictor to whether or not an embryo is euploid (normal) or aneuploid (abnormal).
3. Grading is determined by the embryologist. Therefore, your results may vary depending on skill and experience of who grades them.
4. There are different grading systems, so make sure to get an understanding of the scale your IVF lab uses to grade the embryo.

Please note this does not constitute as medical advice. Please speak with your physician to discuss or schedule and an Initial Consultation with a Labryo Fertility Center doctor to discuss further.

✉️ [email protected]
☎ (949) 891-1531


Here at Labryo, we work towards providing customizable care to the patient! We dedicate ourselves to helping you achieve your goals, so don’t hesitate to contact us today.

✉️ [email protected]
☎ (949) 891-1531


“You have the power of choice”
Empowering choices: Shaping the genetic future with informed decisions.

As part of your IVF treatment, you have the choice to perform PGT testing on your embryos.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a test performed on embryos to screen for genetic abnormalities before transfer/implantation. PGT results can give you important information for you to make the most informed decisions.

1. Gender Selection - If you are gearing towards a specific gender, PGT results will let you know the embryo’s gender, giving you the option to choose between a female or male embryo. We can even hide the gender if you do not want to know but still want to do PGT testing.
2. Abnormalities in Chromosomes - These results can identify embryos with the incorrect number of chromosomes and any structural abnormalities. By doing this testing, we know which embryos are euploid (normal) and are the ones to transfer back.
3. Genetic Disorder Screening - More advanced PGT testing, can detect whether or not genetic disorders are present such as Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, and Cystic Fibrosis.

Choosing to proceed with PGT is a personal choice, and does not impact your treatment plan. It can however increase the chances of success in your cycle as now you have more information to know which embryo is best to choose.

Please note this does not constitute as medical advice. Please speak with your physician to discuss or schedule and an Initial Consultation with a Labryo Fertility Center doctor to discuss further.

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 07/25/2024

It is World Embryologist Day! Today we have the pleasure of celebrating our wonderful Chief Embryologist, Molly Chu-Chen. An embryologist since 1999, she has an PHENOMENAL fertilization rate of 93% and is constantly aspiring to tackle the most difficult cases. In honor of this day, we invite you to get to know Molly a little bit better.

Q: What inspired you to become an embryologist?
A: I always knew I enjoyed helping others and wanted to be able to help bring life into this world. I wanted a front-row seat in seeing this all happen. Being an embryologist allows me to see everything happen up close, rather than just being like a doctor.

Q: What has been your proudest moment so far?
A: My proudest moment so far was when one of the patients was undergoing an egg retrieval and right before the anesthesia knocked her out, she reached out her hand to me. It reminded me that anxiety and nervousness was common during treatment, and I am glad she felt secure and safe when she knew I was there for her.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
A: I am a huge foodie! Therefore, I love cooking and eating. My favorite food is ramen. In my free time I enjoy shopping and gardening. I especially love planting vegetables so I can have fresh ones when I cook.

At Labryo Fertility Center, we aspire to give our patients a customized experience, tailoring to YOUR needs. So give us a call today! Patients of all ages and concerns are welcome.

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 07/28/2023

5 steps of IVF✅
It’s not complicates at all🥰
Let’s walk with Labryo on the amazing journey towards realizing the dream❤️


World IVF Day!!!
@ Labryo We won't give up on ANY chance.
An Egg without a Zona in another lab would have discarded, never inseminated.
But for Labryo, we make the impossible possible.
We treat every Egg and Embryo with care and believe EVERYONE should be given a chance at a family.


Our clinic offers straightforward, stress-free, and life-changing fertility solutions✨

Learn more about our clinic and the services we offer by visiting,✨


When it comes to fertility, men and women are equally impacted! If you have been unsuccessful in conceiving, we encourage you to be proactive and reach out to someone on our team to set up a consultation with a fertility specialist.

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 06/26/2023

Many men who are diagnosed with male factor infertility, face an emotionally complex journey but Labryo Fertility is here to help!

There are many different treatments our clinic offers that helps and we are highlighting two in this post.

A procedure called ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Insemination) is the process where the Embryologist manually selects the best s***m and inseminates the eggs individually. If the patient has poor morphology (shape) or quality then they can collect multiple times and freeze samples to allow for the best chance of finding good s***m.

There is also a procedure called TESE that can be performed and s***m can be aspirated directly from the testicles. This creates a better chance of obtaining good-quality s***m.

Learn more and schedule your consultation with our clinic by visiting,


Egg banking is a relatively new method of fertility preservation where a mature, unfertilized egg is retrieved from a patient and stored for future use. This is a great option for patients for the following reasons:

〰️ Patients planning to start a family in the future
〰️ Patients with conditions or circumstances that impact fertility
〰️ Patients interested in preserving younger eggs for future use
〰️ Patients seeking cancer or other medical treatment that could affect fertility
〰️ Patients working high-risk occupations that have increased chances of injury

Learn more by giving us a call and setting up an appointment with one of our doctors: ✨


There are many different fertility options for patients who are unmarried & LGBTQ+✨ Get in touch to learn about these services, we would love to help you grow your family💞


Male infertility is less discussed and often overlooked by OB/GYN physicians. The reality is that 30-50% of the causes of infertility are due to male-factor infertility issues.

There are many factors that can contribute to male infertility. Some of these problems can be structural abnormalities, s***m production disorders, ejaculatory disturbances, and immunologic disorders.

The good news is that Labryo Fertility is here to help! We offer a pain-free semen test that can even be done at home. Set up your initial consultation with our clinic to get started!

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]


Labryo's team of experienced doctors is fully committed to helping you start a family – which is why we have the ONLY fertility package that refunds based on performance🙌

Rather than paying per service, you pay for our performance, making us an accountability partner in your treatment. Because you deserve the best💗

Learn more:✨


Sending our love to all the fathers along with all the greaving and bereaved parents this Fathers Day 💙


Our clinic is currently seeking gestational surrogates👀 If you meet the below requirements, you could be compensated between $50-$80k depending on where you live.

The pre-requirements to be a surrogate are:
➡️ Between the ages of 21-35
➡️ BMI < 32
➡️ Delivery history: 1-4 (no more than 2 c-sections)
➡️ No illegal drugs, no smoking, no abusing alcohol
➡️ US Citizen or Green Card

Learn more and apply to become a surrogate by visiting,


There are many different fertility options for patients who are unmarried & LGBTQ+✨ Get in touch to learn about these services, we would love to help you grow your family❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 06/12/2023

If you’ve been trying to conceive, you may be wondering when the right time is to seek help from a fertility clinic like ours!

Below is an overview of when you should reach out to our team of specialists:

▶️ You're over 35 and you've been trying to conceive for 6+ months
▶️ You're under 35 and you have been trying to conceive for 12+ months
▶️ You have a known fertility issue (PCOS, Endometriosis, etc.)
▶️ You want to preserve your fertility with egg or embryo freezing

Get in touch with our team to learn more,


Labryo Fertility is here to help anyone and everyone start a family ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

Visit our website, send us an email, or give us a call for more information on the different fertility options we offer✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 06/10/2023

We have extensive success stories in helping LGBTQ+ patients start a family🏳️‍🌈 If you are a same-s*x male couple (s*x assigned at birth, not gender identity), swipe to check out some of the things you should consider before visiting our clinic for your initial consultation✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]


There are two treatment processes for same-s*x female couples available—IUI & IVF. Below is an overview of those two treatments and the steps that are a part of each process:

➡️ IUI
〰️ Set up an initial consultation to evaluate the female that will be both providing the egg and carrying the pregnancy.
〰️ Select a s***m donor, and have the chosen donor's s***m sent to the clinic
〰️ Start monitoring for the female to see when her body will ovulate
〰️ Administer a trigger shot at the time determined by a physician
〰️ Come in for an IUI procedure with donor s***m
〰️ Pregnancy test

➡️ IVF
〰️ Set up an initial consultation to evaluate the female that will be both providing the egg and carrying the pregnancy
〰️ Select a s***m donor, and have the chosen donor's s***m sent to the clinic
〰️ Start monitoring the female for the retrieval cycle and start administering IVF medications
〰️ Administer a trigger shot at the time determined by a physician
〰️ Come in for retrieval procedure
〰️ Lab will inseminate mature eggs retrieved and create viable embryos
〰️ Embryos will be biopsied and sent off to be tested to see if it has all 24 chromosomes and gender (optional stage)
〰️ Embryos will be frozen
〰️ Female that will be carrying the pregnancy will start monitoring at the beginning of the period and prepare for Embryo Transfer
〰️ Embryo transfer will be done in the office
〰️ Pregnancy test

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 06/07/2023

We have extensive success stories in helping LGBTQ+ patients start a family🏳️‍🌈 If you are a same-s*x female couple (s*x assigned at birth, not gender identity), swipe to check out some of the things you should consider before visiting our clinic for your initial consultation✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]


No matter who you love or how you identify, Labryo Fertility is here to help you start a family❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

Visit our website, send us an email, or give us a call for more information on the different fertility options we offer✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]


Currently, in the United States, there are an estimated six to fourteen million children being raised by same-s*x parents and we are proud to have been a part of bringing some of these children into the world💗

We have extensive success stories in helping LGBTQ+ patients start a family🏳️‍🌈

Visit our website, send us an email, or give us a call for more information on the different fertility options we offer✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]


We know that the journey to conceive isn't always easy, which is why we prioritize individual care, empathy, and compassion every time we meet with our patients✨

Give us a call today to set up a fertility evaluation to explore what your options are💕 You can also find thorough information on each of the different treatment options we offer by visiting the link in our bio✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 06/01/2023

In the spirit of Pride Month, we want to remind our LGBTQ+ friends that there are many different fertility options available that our clinic offers✨ Get in touch to learn about these services, we would love to help you grow your family💞


Male factor infertility success story🤩

⭐ A couple recently came to Labryo Fertility seeking fertility options. After finding out that the husband had low s***m count we were able to work with his urologist to help him increase his quality of s***m production. They now have multiple embryos ready to transfer.

⭐ We are excited that we were given the opportunity to help this couple in their pregnancy journey and we would love to help you and your partner if you have been struggling to conceive. Learn more and get in touch by visiting,

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 05/24/2023

A patient who is 35 with diminishing AMH and low antral follicle count recently found out she was pregnant✨

Before finding out she was pregnant, our team worked hard to provide her with the best chance of success and recommended a minimal stimulation protocol.

This patient got 3-5 mature eggs for each retrieval, where 100% of them were fertilized and 80% of them matured to day 5 blastocyst, and on each round, the patient had at least one normal embryo.

The patient elected to transfer two embryos, a boy and a girl, to give herself the best chance for pregnancy and is now pregnant with both🤰

We couldn’t be more excited for this patient and we can’t wait to help others that are seeking fertility solutions. To learn more about our clinic and to book a consultation, visit


If you have had tubal ligation surgery but would like more children, IVF can help increase the chances of successfully getting pregnant and can even be less expensive💫 Our team of doctors and specialists would love to help you in your journey—be sure to get in touch with our team to learn more 👥

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]


Sending our love to those struggling silently❤️

❤️to those of you who are seeking and going through fertility treatments...

❤️to those of you waiting for your rainbow baby...

❤️to those of you coping and grieving with loss

Photos from Labryo Fertility Center's post 05/19/2023

Take a look inside our office and IVF lab👀 Our team of doctors, coordinators, and embryologists would love to help you in your fertility journey. Visit our website, send us an email, or give us a call for scheduling and pricing information✨

☎️ 949-891-1531
✉️ [email protected]

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Videos (show all)

Curious about the benefits of PGT? #ivfjourney #fertilitytreatment #pgt #ttc #genetictesting #IVF
So what exactly is PGT?  #ivfjourney  #ivfsupport #genetictesting #pgt #ttc
An insight on how an embryologist gathers cells for PGT? #ivfsuccess #embryologist  #embryograding
Get an insider look on the PGT Testing Kit process!#ivfjourney  #ivfsupport #genetictesting #pgt #ttc #Embryology
Do you know what’s going on during your menstrual cycle?#menstrualcycle #ivfjourney #womenhealth
An embryo transfer through an embryologist POV #ivftransfer #ivfjourney #surrogate
ICSI no zona @ Labryo lab
Let’s take a tour of Labryo Fertility Center 💕
Hi, we’re Labryo Fertility Center👋Our priority is always the patient and we are committed to being an accountable, partn...
At Labryo, our goal is to provide the best outcomes while charging the lowest costs to patients! Why you may ask? ❤️ Tha...




2001 Westcliff Drive, Suite 300
Newport Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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