Da Green Kine

Da Green Kine

Da Green Kine is exactly what you might think. Green Products from Mother Earth with natural health in mind.


CBD oil is where 💰💰💰 is!

GW Pharmaceuticals earlier this year became the first drug developer to have the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve a cannabis-derived therapy.

Epidiolex, as it's known, is an oral CBD-based medicine that's designed to treat two rare forms of childhood-onset epilepsy.

In clinical trials, GW Pharmaceuticals' lead drug wound up significantly reducing seizure frequency from baseline relative to a placebo.

Eventual sales of GW Pharmaceuticals' top drug may top $500 million annually, but that will, of course, depend on insurer coverage and the willingness of physicians to prescribe Epidiolex.

CBD isn't just limited to cannabinoid-based drugmakers. Ma*****na growers can incorporate CBD into oils, capsules, pills, vapes, infused beverages, edibles, and pretty much any alternative form of consumption you can think of.

According to the Brightfield Group, a cannabis analytics firm, the CBD market was on track to generate $591 million in sales in 2018.

However, by 2022, h**p-CBD sales are projected to reach... drumroll... $22 billion.

For you math-phobes out there, this represents a compound annual growth rate of 147% over the next four years.

Now is the time to choose a CBD company and get invested. DM me for details on how to join my team.



No Bake Canna Honey Balls
1 cup canna honey
1 cup peanut butter
(For higher potency, use canna peanut butter)
3 cup rolled oats
1 cup dried fruit and/or nuts of your choice
1/4 cup shaved coconut
1 cup granola

Thoroughly mix canna honey, peanut butter, rolled oats, granola, and dried fruit. Roll into balls and roll in the shaved coconut to coat outside.
Serve or refrigerate.


The best multipurpose oil you can buy.


H**p oil and CBD oil are not the same. Each oil comes from a different part of the plant.

H**p oil is made from the 👉 seed. CBD oil is made from the 👉flower and leaves.

H**p oil is used in 👉protein supplements and others things - like lotion and soaps.

CBD oil is used 👉medicinally.

Photos from Da Green Kine's post 12/22/2018

Years of playing softball and injuries caught up to me recently. This surgery was a SLAP revision procedure.

I had felt grinding pain in my shoulder for some time knowing arthritis was inevitably the cause. However, when I began losing range of motion in my shoulder and strength in my hand as neuropathy started to set in, I had no choice other than to return to the operating room.

Pre-op, I began with CBD orally. Post-op I increased my oral intake and added the use of the topical pain rub infused with CBD. My therapists admit that they are just starting to hear about patients using CBD products to assist in their recovery versus narcotics. Insurance companies often restrict the amount of visits they will pay for sending patients home with exercises. Some heal, some don't.

The oral and topical use of CBD has allowed me to speed recovery with the least amount of pain that one would expect. Medical pilot projects have proven over and over the benefits of the use of CBD for years.

The elimination of op**te use post-op was my focus when I began my research prior to my surgery. I did not want to get on the pharmacy circus wheel with having to take one drug to counteract the effects of another which is usually the case. Article after article documented that my answers would be found by replacing Norco (typically prescribed op**te) with CBD.

Arthritis is a beast of a condition to fight but you can bet that I will continue to maintain my regimen. When asking my clientele who referred them, Im not surprised to learn that they came from my physical therapists!

Required Governmental Disclaimer - Products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The products are not intended to replace your medications or eliminate the advise of your health care practitioner.


The US President signed the 2018 Farm Bill yesterday giving farmers a much needed break. The US imports roughly $60 million in h**p from overseas. Countries like China currently produce nearly 50% of the worlds cannabis supply, giving them economic power over the US and with the trade wars, a potential threat to the cannabis industry.

By legalizing h**p, this provides a pathway into the US and for farmers to massively scale their business. CBD, an active compound in the cannabis plant, with a variety of known health benefits from treating cancer, anxiety and a host of other conditions will now have a door open for a massive (Billion dollar) industry.

So what does this mean? If you believe this means you can go whole hog and legally walk around with a fat boy...... Put that thought on ice baby!

What the farm bill did is reclassify h**p, a variety of the cannabis plant that contains only trace amounts of THC, meaning it is no longer part of the controlled substance act. The DEA will no longer regulate or control h**p. The US Department of Agriculture will, making it a non-drug commodity.


Every 19 minutes someone dies of a prescription drug overdose. Can cannabis solve this problem?


You do not have to be able to read Chinese to understand the medicinal benefits of "Ma".

For millennia, cannabis has been cultivated in China for use as a source of fibre, food, medicine and can be found throughout classical Chinese literature.

In the Tang Dynasty (581-683 AD) a physician reportedly used the juice from crushed cannabis leaves to treat excruciating pain from fractured bones.

In the 3rd century AD the famous physician Hua Tuo was said to have developed an anesthetic formula known as Ma Fei San (or cannabis powder).

In the 6th century AD, cannabis was noted for its use in “relieving impediment” a traditional disease known as “painful obstruction.”

A text note also suggested to “take cannabis flower with ginseng and know of things that have not yet come.” A later redaction suggests this may be an overstatement and instead suggests that the combination of cannabis and ginseng allows one to “know the affairs of the four directions” and also treats forgetfulness.

In a text from the 7th century, cannabis was said to treat wind-withdrawal, a traditional term relating to mental illness.

In the Great Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicinals, it was said that cannabis “dispels wind, relieves pain, and settles tetany” (a traditional disease associated with severe spasm).

It was therefore suggested that cannabis could be used in the treatment of “impediment patterns” (typically manifesting in pain and restricted movement), gout, withdrawal and mania, insomnia, and panting and cough.

“Blood and cold qi” was interpreted as an indication that cannabis could “quicken” the blood.

In the 1935 text Illustrated Analysis of Medicinal Substances, the author recommends cannabis for a variety of conditions including headache, menstrual irregularities, itching, convulsions, anemia, and dry cough.

In the context of modern pharmacology, cannabinoid-related research has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Meanwhile, this is considered ancient history in China.


United States Senior Senator from Kentucky and Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell isn't quite the Grinch one might think. McConnell has strongly supported the issues of h**p that has thrust the cannabis plant into the limelight.

Without McConnell’s efforts, the h**p provisions would never had found their way into the legislation initially. He went a step further by appointing himself to the conference committee that would bring the House and Senate together to agree on a final version.

McConnell knows h**p doesn’t get you high and that the drug war debate that swept up h**p was politically motivated, rather than policy-oriented.

Kentucky, McConnells' home State is also one of the best places to cultivate h**p in the world and pre-prohibition the state had a robust h**p sector.

H**p is defined in the legislation as the cannabis plant with one key difference: h**p cannot contain more than 0.3 percent of THC.

For decades, Federal law did not differentiate h**p from other cannabis plants, all of which were effectively made illegal in 1937 under the Ma*****na Tax Act and formally made illegal in 1970 under the Controlled Substances Act and the latter banned cannabis of any kind.

H**p is legal in the United States with serious restrictions. Pilot programs to study h**p were approved by both the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state departments of agriculture. However, it allowed small-scale expansion of h**p cultivation for limited purposes.

The 2018 Farm Bill is more expansive. It allows h**p cultivation broadly, not simply pilot programs for studying market interest in h**p-derived products. It explicitly allows the transfer of h**p-derived products across state lines for commercial or other purposes. It also puts no restrictions on the sale, transport, or possession of h**p-derived products, so long as those items are produced in a manner consistent with the law.

The new Farm Bill does not create a free system in which individuals or businesses can grow h**p whenever and wherever they want. There still are numerous restrictions.

Again, h**p cannot contain more than 0.3 percent THC, per section 10113 of the Farm Bill. Any cannabis plant that contains more than 0.3 percent THC would be considered non-h**p cannabis—or ma*****na—under federal law and would thus face no legal protection under this new legislation.

Under section 10113 of the Farm Bill, state departments of agriculture must consult with the state’s governor and chief law enforcement officer to devise a plan that must be submitted to the Secretary of USDA. A state’s plan to license and regulate h**p can only commence once the Secretary of USDA approves that state’s plan.

In states opting not to devise a h**p regulatory program, USDA will construct a regulatory program under which h**p cultivators in those states must apply for licenses and comply with a federally run program.

The law also outlines actions that are considered violations of federal h**p law (including such activities as cultivating without a license or producing cannabis with more than 0.3 percent THC). Failure to comply may garnish severe penalties.

One of the goals of the 2014 Farm Bill was to generate and protect research into h**p. The 2018 Farm Bill continues this effort. Section 7605 re-extends the protections for h**p research and the conditions under which such research can and should be conducted.

Further, section 7501 of the Farm Bill extends h**p research by including h**p under the Critical Agricultural Materials Act. This provision recognizes the importance, diversity, and opportunity of the plant and the products that can be derived from it.

Most importantly, section 11101 includes h**p farmers’ protections under the Federal Crop Insurance Act. This will assist farmers who, in the normal course of agricultural production, face crop termination. As the climate changes and as farmers get used to growing this new product, these protections will be important.

It is true that section 12619 of the Farm Bill removes h**p derived products from its Schedule I status under the Controlled Substances Act, but the legislation does not legalize CBD generally.

CBD generally remains a Schedule I substance under federal law. The Farm Bill and an unrelated action by the Department of Justice creates exceptions to this Schedule I status in certain situations. The Farm Bill ensures that any cannabinoid, a set of chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant that is derived from h**p will be legal, if and only if that h**p is produced in a manner consistent with the Farm Bill, associated federal regulations, association state regulations, and by a licensed grower. All other cannabinoids, produced in any other setting, remain a Schedule I substance under federal law and are thus illegal.

Photos from Da Green Kine's post 12/15/2018

There are so many different CBD products available to choose from. More specifically, there are two different types of CBD oil that you can take: isolate vs. full-spectrum CBD oil. What's the difference between the two? Is one better than the other?

The answer isn't cut and dry because it depends on the individual and their exact needs to get the right product.

CBD isolate is very potent and provides the body with near-immediate effects. It's the purest form of CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD oil contains a variety of other active compounds that work together, the "synergistic effect" of all the cannabinoids and other compounds in the h**p plant work well to provide powerful relief from a variety of symptoms.

Currently, there are over 100 known cannabinoids in the h**p plant, along with other compounds that have been shown to have a beneficial effect on the body.

When these interact with each other, what's known as an ‘entourage effect’ occurs in which all of the cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, and other compounds work together and interact with each other in the body.

When all of these compounds work together, they have a more powerful effect on the body. Nothing is removed in full-spectrum CBD extraction, and as such, it is not as vigorously processed before being manufactured into various formulas.

Full-spectrum CBD is available in a variety of different formats, including oils, tinctures, capsules, balms, topicals, crystals, vapes, and more. Depending on the exact reason for the use of CBD, different formulas may be more appropriate for different purposes.

Terpenes found in the h**p plant have been shown to relieve stress, improve mood, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, alleviate anxiety, and provide antiseptic properties, among others.

Full-spectrum CBD oil contains a number of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous.

Essential fatty acids are a major source of energy in the body, and they're also necessary for optimal heart health. Omega-3 and omega-6 are the two main essential fatty acids that the body requires and are ideally consumed at a ratio of 3:1. The average American diet, however, typically reverses this ratio disproportionately, with much more omega-6's being consumed than omega-3's. Full-spectrum CBD oil features both of these essential fatty acids in the ideal 3:1 ratio.

Both CBD isolate, and full-spectrum CBD oil are amazing products that can provide a host of medical benefits to the mind and body. When choosing between the two, it's important to consider your exact requirements.


Top 5 favorite benefits of CBD Oil:

Ability to Inhibit Cell Growth in Tumor/Cancer cells
Prevents Nervous System Degeneration
Greatly Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Aides in QUALITY Sleep
100% Natural Pain Killer

This is REAL science that is being used to now treat cancer, seizures, and other dangerous diseases with only a few drops...

I strongly suggest that you at least give it a try.

You'll be able to feel the anti-stress properties working they're magic throughout your day.


Photos from Da Green Kine's post 11/08/2018

Since the dawn of creation, man has been fascinated by deer antlers. They are the fastest growing bone material known to man, and over a course of 120 days a mature buck can grow in excess of 200 inches of bone on his head. Velvet makes a buck’s antlers appear much larger than they actually are.

Deer velvet covers the growing bone and cartilage that develops into deer antlers. People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.

Deer velvet is used to boost strength and endurance, improve the way the immune system works, counter the effects of stress, and promote rapid recovery from illness.

Deer antler velvet and its potency is understood by three sections: Tips and Uppers, Middles, and Bottoms. The jelly tips and uppers are generally from the end to the first fork and are found as any additional tines. The next section is the middles and goes from top fork to the next fork down the main shaft and is also found in the same range on advancer branches. Lastly is the bottoms which includes a flattened center section known as the trunk.

Deer-antler velvet, which is a coating that aids growth on a deer's antlers, has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It contains IGF-1, which is considered a precursor to human growth hormone. Also in Chinese medicine, deer velvet has been used to treat impotence, female disorders, urinary problems, skin ailments, and knee weakness. It also is employed as a tonic in children with learning disabilities or insufficient growth. Koreans use antler velvet to treat anemia and impotence and to stimulate the immune system, treat impotence, improve heart function, muscle tone, lung efficiency, and nerve function.

Additional studies have also suggested that IGF-1 can help promote muscle cell repair. This may explain why deer antler spray is believed to help promote quicker recovery from injuries and the microscopic muscle tears caused by exercising, helping lead to greater muscle growth over time.

The growth factor matrix found within deer antler velvet confirms the long held uses of many cultures around the world that use this tonic in delayed development of children and those who exhibit hormonal insufficiency. It also validates the modern uses in anti-aging by preserving and promoting lean mass (organ and muscle tissue), as well as overall recovery rates and regeneration of injured tissues. In addition, these factors easily show the growing popularity as a sports performance enhancement supplement and weight training bodybuilding supplement.

The NFL-banned substance present in deer antler velvet is insulin-like growth factor, IGF-1, which mediates the level of human growth hormone in the body. IGF-1 has also been banned by Major League Baseball and the World Anti-Doping Agency. She explains that IGF-1 in the velvet promotes rapid growth of the antler.

The most unique of the many bioavailable constituents found within deer antler velvet is a special class of proteins or peptides, known as growth factors which are also considered anabolic hormones. These molecules signal our various cellular structures for proliferation, regeneration and growth. They promote cellular metabolism by increasing the uptake of nutrition and other related compounds.

As with any supplement, check with your physician before use.


Photo Credit : Charlie Alsheimer


The endocannabinoid system has been recently recognized as an important modulatory system in the function of brain, endocrine, and immune tissues. It appears to play a very important regulatory role in the secretion of hormones related to reproductive functions and response to stress.

When a person smokes ma*****na, THC overwhelms the EC system, quickly attaching to cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and body. This interferes with the ability of natural cannabinoids to do their job of fine-tuning communication between neurons, which can throw the entire system off balance.

Extensive preclinical research—much of it sponsored by the U.S. GOVERNMENT indicates that CBD has potent anti-tumoral, antioxidant, anti-spasmodic, anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and neuroprotective properties. CBD directly activates serotonin receptors, causing an anti-anxiety effect, as well.

A preclinical study by Dr. Sean McAllister and his colleagues at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco report on how CBD destroys breast cancer cells by down-regulating a gene called ID-1, which is implicated in several types of aggressive cancer. Silencing the ID-1 gene is, thus, is a potential strategy for cancer treatment.


“Cannabidiol offers hope of a non-toxic therapy that could treat aggressive forms of cancer without any of the painful side effects of chemotherapy,” says McAllister.

Clinical research conducted by with GW Pharmaceuticals, a British company, has also shown that CBD is most effective as an analgesic when administered in combination with whole plant THC.


Attention IBS Sufferers -

Medical Cannabis Could Assist with an Endocannabinoid Imbalance

One theory about IBS suggests it’s caused by a deficiency of endocannabinoids. These substances are produced naturally in the body. Chemically, they’re very similar to substances like THC and CBD, which are found naturally in cannabis.

It’s known endocannabinoids play a role in the gastrointestinal tract, which lends credibility to this theory. Some preliminary research has also demonstrated that people with IBS tend to have lower levels of endocannabinoids.

Medical cannabis could help correct an endocannabinoid deficiency by supplementing the body’s natural supply with cannabinoids. In turn, this could help reduce symptoms of IBS.

Another interesting research finding was the effect medical cannabis had on gut flora. Specifically, cannabis appeared to change the ratio of Firmicutes bacteria relative to Bacteroides microbes, which live in the intestines.

The reason for this isn’t yet clear, but it does seem that medical ma*****na could play a role in promoting healthy gut flora. New research is demonstrating just how important gut flora is for good overall health, and more research over the next few years will likely demonstrate just what role medical ma*****na could play in achieving better health.

When it comes to medical cannabis and IBS is the number of CB1 and CB2 receptors located in the gut. CB1 receptors primarily affect the nervous system, while CB2 receptors tend to affect systems such as the immune response.

The number of endocannabinoid receptors in the gut suggests there could be a role these substances play in a number of bodily functions, including digestion and immune response.

Another interesting research finding has been that cannabinoids seem to help with muscle spasticity. This term refers to painful muscle spasms, often in relation to spinal cord injuries and other neurological damage.

It’s interesting to note the role muscles play in IBS, however, as IBS is usually understood to primarily affect the motility of the GI tract. This means the muscles don’t function as they should. Instead of the usual slow movements, the muscles become spastic and hypersensitive. This can lead to either diarrhea or constipation. IBS was even referred to as “spastic colon” in the past.

Given medical ma*****na’s effect on muscle spasticity, there’s reason to believe it may be able to reduce these issues in cases of IBS. Nausea and vomiting aren’t the most common IBS symptoms, but they can be frustrating nonetheless.

Research on medical ma*****na as a treatment for cancer patients has demonstrated how cannabis can be used to control these symptoms, however, and there’s reason to believe it may also be able to help those with IBS.

Is medical cannabis right for you? It could be. If you have IBS and want to know more about how medical ma*****na could help you, talk to your doctor. Click the link below for further info on products.


Untitled album 11/08/2018
Untitled album 11/08/2018

There have been multiple studies indicating CBD has anxiolytic properties; however, none have looked at the neurological functions related to anxiety. This experiment involved 10 patients diagnosed with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) in a double-blind design. During the experiment, regional blood flow was measured using neuro-imaging in two separate sessions.

For the first session, the patient was given either CBD or a placebo, whereas for the second session, the patient was given the opposite. Results indicate that CBD reduces anxiety in SAD.


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