Ginkgo Tree Health

Exercise programs for seniors/illness/injury recovery. Certified pilates teacher. Health coach soon!


I love roasting veggies. I finally purple cauliflower! I love eating these with rice and a tahini lemon dressing. It’s hard to get the veggies ready so my husband and I trade off prep duties. He peeled and I chopped. The nice thing about roasting veggies is that you don’t have to stand there and stir. I get to lay down on the couch while they cook to conserve energy and manage my dizziness. I also have a rotisserie chicken so I don’t have to cook it! Making things easier when you have e disabilities.

Photos from Ginkgo Tree Health's post 07/15/2024

When you live with chronic illness, flare ups are something we know well. When they happen it’s easy to get discouraged and completely upset. I know I do. But, there are little things we can do to help while we come back to some kind of baseline.

Check out the slides.

Photos from Ginkgo Tree Health's post 07/14/2024


Hello! I’m Julia, and I have invisible, visible and dynamic disabilities! I have FND(functional neurological disorder), PCS (post concussion syndrome), and endometriosis. July is disability pride month!

💚Green is for sensory disabilities.
💙 Blue represents emotional and psychiatric disabilities
🤍 White represents non-visible and undiagnosed disabilities.
💛Gold represents neurodiversity
♥️ Red represents physical disabilities

If you’d like to check out they hire people with and without disabilities. I have choreographed and danced in this company for years.

Happy disability pride month!

Photos from Ginkgo Tree Health's post 06/25/2024

When you’re in the middle of an anxiety spell it is hard to think. So if you make a list or tool box of ideas that can help you relax you can just refer to it and pick one to try. Make your list as small or big as you feel you want it. If one doesn’t work, try another one. Or a couple at the same time. Be kind to yourself. You are trying not to get rid of anxiety but rather greet it and meet yourself where you’re at. With time you will calm down and get back to neutral.

The 10 Best Brain-Supporting Foods and Snacks 05/15/2024

The 10 Best Brain-Supporting Foods and Snacks The brain is our most complex organ. It serves as the command center and controls all functions in the body, interprets our surroundings, and is the hub of our intelligence. There’s a variety of ways to support your brain health, including physical exercise, mental stimulation, and some lifestyle ...


Don’t know what to eat before or after a workout? Here’s some good ideas!


Nuts and seeds are so good for you! If you’re not allergic, of course. Here’s my trail mix me and my husband make:
Sunflower Seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Chocolate chips
Dried tart cherries

We skip cashews and walnuts because we are sensitive to those nuts. What kind is trail mix do you make?


It’s important to eat many colorful foods! If you see mostly beige or brown foods you’re not getting as many nutrients from the food. If you’re eating some chicken and rice, add in a couple colorful veggies like carrots and broccoli to the side! Eating a couple eggs and toast for breakfast? Consider adding in a half an orange or some berries on the side! You can also take pictures of your foods during the day and see how many colors you get. Don’t stress too much. Try adding in one more colorful food each day and see how it goes! Before you know it, you’ll be more consistent.


When you live with chronic illness or conditions it can be too much often. Life can just become way too exhausting. Take the time to take care of yourself. It’s not selfish. You deserve to rest!


Small doses ☺️ sugar is addicting. I usually keep bars of dark chocolate in the house for my sugar cravings. Or I put chocolate chunks in my trail mix. Natural sugars in fruit is yummy, too. Limit your sugar intake but it’s ok to have little bits here and there! I do this for my brain health and endometriosis. It helps. I don’t crave as much sugar if I don’t eat it.


As I am beginning my health coaching program I thought I’d share info along the way.

There is so much great health knowledge out there but is it all helpful for everyone? What may work wonders for one person may be causing problems for another. Bio-individuality is the idea that there’s no one size fits all in health. One form of exercise or food may be incredibly helpful for one person but can make another person feel sick.

It’s important to get to the root of the issues and figure out what works best for healing.

I have a mystery condition after my several head injuries and it’s caused my head to feel a fatigued, woozy, dizzy sensation. I cannot do much exercise. If I do, I feel worse. I cannot eat certain foods that seem healthy because they make me feel off. So I do what’s best for me.

So if something seems to not be working right even though someone said it was a healthy way to do it, then maybe it’s best to change it. And that’s ok!


March is also Endometriosis Awareness Month!
I have endometriosis. Here’s a little info about endo and my story:
Endometriosis is a whole body inflammatory disease affecting 1 in 8-10 women. It is NOT a reproductive disease.
It is lesions and disease that is similar to the lining of the uterus but different. It can grow anywhere in the abdomen area and pelvis and diaphragm or lungs, or elsewhere. It can take 7-10 years for diagnosis.
The main symptoms can include but not limited to severe period pain, severe pain during the month, ovarian cysts, GI issues, fatigue, bloating, painful s*x, painful bowels, food intolerances, painful urination, urgency, infertility, etc.

I have had 1 diagnostic surgery that caused more pain. The surgeon used ablation method which does absolutely nothing but burn off the surface layers. This does not treat endo.
A hysterectomy does not cure or treat endo. Endo has nothing to do with the uterus. Lesions grow around the pelvis and abdomen.
I had 4 excision surgeries to excise my severe endometriosis. I had my right tube and o***y removed. This was a huge game changer for me.
After a year from my 4th excision my pain started to die down. Now I have manageable and more mild pain to even NO pain! And if I do have pain it’s at the beginning of my period and doesn’t last long. My periods aren’t as heavy as they used to be. I don’t have GI issues anymore. I do have pelvic floor issues but I went to PT a few times and that helped me out a lot. My low abs are not as strong from surgeries. But Pilates helps with that.

The only treatment for endo is excision surgery from an approved surgeon from Facebook Nancy’s Nook Endometriosis group. They have a list of all the surgeons in the USA and maybe some international ones as well. Surgery is the only way to diagnose. It cannot be seen on imaging. Cysts can be seen on imaging but you must get the tissues into pathology to confirm diagnosis. Endo lesions can come in all sorts of colors and looks.

A healthy lifestyle can help improve symptoms but they do not make the pain go away or remove the disease. The disease can cause organ damage and must be excised. I had it growing everywhere.


This is TBI awareness month! I have had at least 7 concussions in 7-8 years. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Living with post concussion syndrome has made my life very difficult. On top of that I have functional neurological disorder. My last concussion caused symptoms to last that are unusual and unidentifiable. It has completely disabled me. I want you to know that concussions when started early can be treatable. Everyone is different. Some can heal even after several years. But in my case, I have not been able to heal. The knowledge about the brain is limited. Our brain is so precious. Concussions are very serious and can completely change one’s life. As mine did. Please be kind to others. This is an invisible illness that is quite visible when you pay attention. I do my best to function. But it is very hard. My symptoms are hard to describe and I have been to several specialists. Concussions can cause more than head symptoms. It can affect your whole body. It can also be a trigger for other health conditions. Please don’t take a concussion lightly. Seek treatment immediately so that you have a better chance of healing. If I knew what I know now back then I may have had a chance. Rest is best is not good treatment plan. Rest for a few days and then gradually begin activities and start a treatment plan with a concussion specialist. If you’d like to know more about my story, please comment below. I try to remain hopeful. It’s amazing how one injury can change your whole life.


Women supporting women!
✨give me a follow on instagram to stay connected and learn more about health and keeping yourself mobile!
✨I am a disabled Pilates teacher, health coach in training at IIN
✨I help people stay mobile regardless of age, health status, disability, etc.
✨I love helping people with their overall health
✨I have several mild TBIs, endometriosis, Functional Neurological Disorder, and have had to learn how to live with the neurological issues. I get living with chronic illness.


I am Julia! I am a certified Pilates teacher teaching since 2011. I just enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to be a health coach! I’m excited to be able to help others in more ways than just Pilates!

Is Drinking Lemon Water Good For You? 02/12/2024

Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning on empty stomach can help detox your liver and even lower your cholesterol!
and help your GI.
This is a simple lifestyle change!
I’ve been drinking it for a couple weeks now consistently and I’ve noticed a postitive difference!

Is Drinking Lemon Water Good For You? Drinking lemon water


I am guilty of this. I think most of us would prefer a quick fix with a personal health issue over doing the work to create a lasting change. It’s hard to do the work!

For instance, when I had panic attacks regularly I wanted them to go away with little to no effort. But they never went away. When I reached out for help and took the time to learn the skills and put them into regular practice, I eventually stopped getting panic attacks. It took months for this but that’s what it takes. Sometimes longer. However, I am doing so much better because of all the practice and continued practice to regulate my anxiety.

Same thing when it comes to gaining strength and flexibility, or changing your lifestyle in general. Wouldn’t it be easier if there was a pill for that?

Of course it would be easier. And there are ways to make your life easier. In steps. Small steps. If you’re motivated to make a change, great! It can be hard to have motivation when we are depressed and in pain. I have been there. Eventually it will hit you, “I am tired of being in this unhealthy place” and you will need to change your lifestyle. You can always begin again. It sucks to feel sucky.

Change is uncomfortable. We are used to things being a certain way. But what happens when it stops working? What do you do?
One step at a time. Even if it’s a millimeter.


Our bodies are meant to move. In order to prevent disease and injury it is important to have some kind of movement practice. Think about preventative measures for when you’re older. We want to be able to move around without major pains and ailments.

If you’re not doing much now, I have home workout challenges that will help you get the ball rolling.
They are great for beginners, seniors, returning from injury, or low energy. My videos will make your body feel good. Your spine and torso will feel more mobile. Your mood will be boosted.

14/21/28 day challenges! They include seated workouts, standing workouts, gentle mat workouts.

Message me for more info!


I have been drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning. It has been greatly helping my digestion and hydration. Especially since my meds can cause digestion issues. I am not a coffee drinker. Coffee is not very hydrating. So buy some lemons and warm up your water and squeeze some lemons!

Photos from Ginkgo Tree Health's post 01/24/2024

It’s so hard to exercise when you don’t feel well from chronic heath issues, or have injuries, or even depression. But, if we never move our bodies, even with arthritis, it will be worse. If you want to start with a more gentle approach, I have created home video programs! 14/21/28 day challenges. They use a chair or the mat. It is all beginner friendly and very easy to follow! Message me today to find out more!

Photos from Ginkgo Tree Health's post 01/23/2024

Starting exercise is the hardest part if it’s not part of your routine! It’s hard also to figure out what kind of exercise is the most fitting for your needs.
I have created beginner friendly videos that include being seated in a chair, standing using a chair, and mat work. It takes you through movements that help spinal, shoulder, and hip mobility and strength, as well as core strength. Check out my pinned post for more info on the 14/21/28 day challenges!
What helps motivate you to exercise?? Tomorrow I’ll tell you more about why I exercise even with high fatigue and chronic illness.


✨What is your biggest hurdle in beginning a new exercise routine?
✨What stops you from continuing an exercise routine?
✨do you have trouble finding the right exercise program?
✨do you prioritize your health or does it fall to the side?
✨Do you have trouble figuring out what kind of exercise you like that would be fun to go back to?
✨do you have trouble finding the right instructor?

Tomorrow I will list a number of ways to help you motivate yourself to make a change and prioritize your health! Please answer any of these questions below in the comment section!


I have new home workout programs that and gentle and great for mobility, strength, and flexibility! It’s a great way to start exercising if you don’t at all. And it’s a great warmup for those who want to exercise more intensely. I know what it’s like to need to move with less intensity. I have exercise intolerance. So this is a great way to exercise without the heavy lifting. Message me for more info!

Photos from Ginkgo Tree Health's post 01/16/2024

✨New Gentle Exercise Home Programs✨
I have 4 new awesome home programs!
Who is this for?
➡️people who need to move slower, more gently, and would like to be more mobile.
➡️seniors or anyone who would like to begin exercising gently in a seat or on the mat or standing
➡️people who would like a warmup to begin other exercising like walking
➡️sedentary folks, if you don’t move much this is a great place to start!
➡️chronic illness folks. I have chronic illness which is why I made these. Sometimes you only have 5-15min in you.
➡️those recovering from injury.
➡️if you already do exercise and would like a warmup, this is a great way to start your workouts!

If you don’t know which program would suit you best, send me a message and I’ll help you figure out which one would be best!

I have practiced the videos on my own and I feel much better after doing them. My spine and body feel more mobile. And sometimes if I have the energy I would use it for a warmup then go for a walk with my dog.

By supporting yourself and buying these, you’re also supporting me, a woman with invisible disabilities. I cannot work much at all due to health conditions so this will help me out as well!

Send me a message if you’d like to start!
Link in bio for website to take a look.


Hey! So I am going to make some home videos for a great price!
It will be for beginners, seniors, those with chronic illness, or sedentary folks. I will have a video for: exercises lying down, seated in a chair, and standing work. It will be Pilates based with other influences.

Who’s interested? I have a lifelong experience with movement and am currently dealing with chronic health issues so I know how to move slowly and gently.

When you have chronic health issues it’s hard to exercise. Trust me. I have exercise intolerance. So I have to carefully choose my movements and timing.

If you purchase these videos you’re not only supporting yourself but me as well, as I cannot work very much due to illness. I greatly appreciate your support and hope to get these out within the next few weeks!

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Videos (show all)

Life is hard enough. But, living with disabling chronic illnesses just adds to this. It changes you. You have to go thro...
Living with uncertainty with chronic illness and disability is very hard. Many of us have to live a certain way with par...
When you have chronic illness you know how precious those spoons are (energy). Please be kind to us as we have to think ...
Do you get lower blood pressure or orthostatic intolerance? My blood pressure often drops a bit when i stand up from lyi...
That one question everyone hates asking every single day? What is for dinner!? Go back to simple healthy basics. A grain...
Try purple rice! It’s super tasty and has 400% more antioxidants than blueberries according to the box! This brand also ...
Here are a number of exercises you can do while using a rollator. I just got mine in the mail today and wanted to try th...
Sometimes you just gotta have fun with it! 😂 When you have FND but people think you’re just dancing lol #fnd #functional...
Ultima - lemonadeEssential elements - ACV - lime #hydration #dysautonomia #orthostatichypotension #concussion
If you have stiff and achy joints, try this in the morning! This video doesn’t have all the reps but you can do 5-10 rep...
In my health coach training program we went over info about dood addiction. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine...


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