ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors

We are the student ambassadors for the Department of Technology!

We are hoping to spread information about all of the majors in the department in one location while also keeping everyone up to date with events and activities held by the department.


RSO Feature of the Month! Construction Management Student Association (CMSA). They even won 1st place for the RSO Parade Award for their amazing float this past weekend for Homecoming 2021!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 10/01/2021

Congratulations to our 1st place Scavenger Hunters!! 🥳 Thanks to everyone who came out for the cookout/scavenger hunt.

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 09/26/2021

Our ambassadors got to talk to prospective students at the Open House yesterday!


Come join us on Oct 1st at 1pm for a FUN Scavenger Hunt with a Cookout! We will have free food. RSVP through the QR code!


*RESCHEDULED for Oct 2nd*

We are hosting our first tailgate party this Saturday, Sept 4th at 1-3 pm! We are so excited to see everyone there as we celebrate the first football game of the semester! Come out and join us!


Welcome back to Wisdom Wednesday! Today we are featuring not only a Department of Technology alum but also a Student Ambassador alum!!

What is your name, major, graduation year, occupation?

Name: Christine Gesell
Major: Graphic Communications
Graduation Year: 2019
Occupation: Associate Account Manager for Specialty Print Communications
- For those of you wondering what that means/ what I do at my company. Here is a brief description of what we do.

Specialty Print Communications is a direct mail printer. We pride ourselves on being data driven which really help us connect on a personal basis to each individual person. SPC offers a wide range of direct mail capabilities to help you reach your campaign goals and create a better relationship with your customers. As an account manager, I work directly with the client to take their promotional mail piece throughout the entire production process.

What advice do you have for current students?

For ISU students in general, I would say take advice from your professors, ask them questions, and pick their brains, and reach out to them when you are struggling. They can always help you and have great insight. As for current students within the graphic communications program, my biggest advice would be to get involved within the major such as joining the organization and internships. You are able to make so many connections and contacts if you get involved and talk with people that are in the industry. Lastly, I would say to everyone, try to not become overwhelmed. There are so many career opportunities that you can explore. You really need to find something that you are truly passionate about and that you can see yourself doing in the future.


Hey Everyone! Welcome back and HAPPY EARTH WEEK! This Wisdom Wednesday features an SRE alum! Read on for his advice for all our technology based students!

Name: Josh Bertolet
Major: Renewable energy technology
Year: 2013(I think)
Occupation: IBEW inside wireman

Advice: Show up and get involved. Being present for every class goes a long way in establishing a relationship with professors. Making it a habit translates to the career when you are viewed as dependable and reliable. Being involved will help you understand what your interests are and what kind of career you want to pursue. Some of those extracurricular activities

Don’t pigeon hole yourself into a career directly related to your degree. Part of getting a degree establishes that you are capable of following through to completion with a tough task. You’ve managed to negotiate the bureaucracy that is US higher education. You’ve invested in yourself that you have the ability to succeed when it’s hard.

My career diverged from renewable energy but remained in the energy sector. I pursued a career through the IBEW apprenticeship program shortly after graduation. The pay and benefits are what initially attracted me. The work variety and brotherhood with fellow electricians are what keep me. I’m currently working on the expansion of the Rivian plant in Normal.


Check out these Technology Capstone Presentations featured at this years 2021 Research Symposium! Thanks for all your hard work students!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 04/09/2021


Time for another Friday to feature one our Student Ambassadors! This Friday we feature Graphic Communications Student Ambassador Sydney Hatchel!

What is your name, major, and year?
My name is Sydney Hatchel, my major is Graphic Communications - with a concentration in Marketing Graphics Technology, and I'm a senior this year!! (1 month to go!)

What do you like to do for fun?
I love to spend time with my friends when I can, and of course love to spend time with my adorable puppy. I also love traveling and adventuring, most of it being local since the pandemic but hoping to do a lot more after graduation. I also enjoy listening to music and you can probably find me listening to my music 24/7 (no joke).

What has your favorite class been at ISU?
My favorite class would’ve had to been TEC 150. I took that class my freshmen year and was the first class I was taking specifically for my major in Nelson Smith. It was the class that I realized that I was in the right major and I was going to have a great 4 years here at ISU.

What has been your favorite experience at ISU?
My favorite experience would have to be becoming a student ambassador (and I’m not just saying that for the post haha) I was asked to apply to become a student ambassador my sophomore year. And now 3 years later, I still love being an ambassador for my major and for the Department of Technology. It has been the greatest experience and has helped me grow professionally and personally in the past 3 years.

What are you looking to do after college?
I am looking to move out of state hopefully and get to gain more experience in my industry while getting to adventure and travel a bit. I hope to still get a chance to bring more awareness to how cool my major is and what all we can do with our major, since there is such a vast amount of positions you can hold with our degree.

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 04/05/2021

Welcome to our final Major Monday! The last Major to highlight in the department is Engineering Technology!

What is your major all about?
Engineering Technology at Illinois State University is an applied program that allows students to explore the integration of engineering principles and modern technology. The courses in Engineering Technology focus on the management of people, processes, and materials through hands-on, application-oriented activities. As a result, our students are well equipped to become technically-oriented managerial professionals and leaders in business and industry.

Does your major have any affiliated RSO's?
Our RSO is Engineering Technology (ET) Club. The ET Club is an ISU registered student organization with the goal of allowing the students to pursue their skills and knowledge in a fun alternative environment outside the classroom. This is achieved through regularly scheduled meetings with key-note speakers, field trips, national competitions, and other group activities.

What are some job opportunities in your major?
Most graduates from our Engineering Technology program have the word "Engineer" in their job title. So what is the difference between Engineering and Engineering Technology programs?

While Engineering majors eventually do work involving conceptual design or research and development with a heavy use of analytical tools and theoretical design, the Engineering Technology program at Illinois State will prepare you to improve engineering processes, manage projects, and apply existing technology to solve complex problems.

Job titles include:
Project Engineer
Process Engineer
Production Engineer
Quality Engineer
Manufacturing Engineer

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your major?

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/31/2021

Welcome back to Wisdom Wednesday! Have we got some wisdom for your brains today from our SRE ambassador coordinator!

What is your name and major(s) taught?
My name is Matt Aldeman, and I teach in the Sustainable & Renewable Energy and Engineering Technology programs.

What advice do you have for students to be successful?
So this is advice for current students, right? In that case, I think I have two main pieces of advice for students to be successful. The first is to get involved in activities and groups. They serve several purposes: they help you get to know other students in your area, which is beneficial socially and can also help because you can ask them course-related questions. They also tend to result in team projects, which are great for talking about in future job interviews and resumes (doing well in classes is great, but it’s often the stuff outside of classes that is really the most beneficial). They also help you interact with faculty outside of class time. My second piece of advice is to make an effort to get to know your instructors. Ask questions in class, go to their office hours, email them, ask them for advice, etc. We like to interact with students, so it’s not a bother when students come to us.

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/29/2021

Hello and welcome to another week here at ILSTU! This Major Monday we are featuring Technology and Engineering Education (TEE)!

What is your major all about?
Technology and Engineering Education is all about teaching future educators the basics of all of the other technology majors so one day they can go and teach in middle and high schools. Students take classes from the Computer Systems Technology, Construction Management, Engineering Technology, and Graphic Communications Technology to equip them with knowledge from each area and a few classes to explore what topics interest them most, usually what they want to teach in the future. In addition, students are prepared to teach with the great teaching classes from the College of Education.

Does your Major have any affiliated RSO's?
Our affiliated RSO is TEECA, Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association. TEECA works to share and better resources for technology and engineering education. It also helps organize and run STEM based competitions for students ranging from elementary school to high school.

What are some job opportunities in your major?
The demand for technology and engineering teachers has never been higher in Illinois or across the United States. Most Technology and Engineering Education majors secure teaching positions before graduation. Our overall job placement rate is nearly 100 percent. The majority of our graduates go into teaching right after graduating. Topics they are licensed to teach in are computer aided design, woodshop, automotives, graphic communications, construction, and manufacturing. Most students who do go into shop and automotive usually supplement the courses at ISU with automotive classes at Heartland Community College.

Is there anything new you would like to highlight about your major?
This coming Spring 2022 class has that largest student teaching class in over ten years!

That's awesome to hear! We are lucky to have such an amazing opportunity to train some of our favorite teachers growing up! We all have that one tech teacher that inspired us to follow this technology career we have chosen, we are happy TEE is an option for our students!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/26/2021


Another Friday, another feature of one of our Department of Technology Student Ambassadors!

Whats your name, major and year?
Ryan Kraft. Senior in Computer Systems Technology

What do you like to do for fun?
I like to listen to music, play video games, workout, and hang out with friends

What has your favorite class been at ISU?
My favorite class is TEC 245 - Applications of Operating Systems. The material is so interesting and doing the labs makes me feel like I'm actually applying all the knowledge I've gained over my college career.

What has been your favorite experience at ISU?
My absolute favorite experience was the cultural food fair in Hewett Manchester in 2019. It was so much fun to try different foods from dozens of other countries and it was all free! I highly recommend everyone go there once they start doing it again.

What are you looking do after college?
I’m looking to find a tech support job here at ISU. I currently work tech support as a student and love everything about the campus environment. This is why I want to pursue a full time job here.


It's Wisdom Wednesday! Let's hear from an ambassador coordinator this week. These are the professors that recommend students to be ambassadors as well as lead tours with the ambassadors for prospective students.

What is your name and major(s) taught?
Dr. Pranshoo Solanki, I teach Construction Management courses.

What advice do you have for students to be successful?
Whatever you do, always give your 100% and never give up. Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

There you have it students, keep on giving it your all!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/22/2021

Welcome back to another Major Monday! This week we are featuring our biggest major, Construction Management!

What is your major all about?
Accredited by the American Council For Construction Education (ACCE), the Construction Management major develops leaders for the building construction industry.
Through an interdisciplinary curriculum, students receive a background in construction management, administration, technology, architectural and engineering principles, business, applied science, and mathematics.
The program focuses on production, technical, and management capabilities rather than design and craft skills.

Does your major have any affiliated RSOs?
Yes! It is the Construction Management Student Association (CMSA). CMSA is a highly active student organization that enhances educational experiences and career opportunities through professional networking. CMSA serves as the umbrella group for student chapters associated with professional construction organizations. CMSA facilitates extracurricular field trips, speaker meetings, career events, community service, and social events. Several of the organizations also sponsor scholarships and construction management competitions for students.

What are some job opportunities in your major?
Some job titles that our students are prepared for:
Project manager or assistant
Construction manager
Field Coordinator
Quality assurance supervisor
Safety officer
Building code administrator
Self-employed contractor
Business development associate

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your major?
We recently had Construction Management career fair. Now we are planning to have CM golf outing on April 23, 2021 where several of our current CM students, faculty and ISU alumni get together.


Congrats to the CM major for this big news! Check in with our page this Monday for “Major Monday” to find out more about Construction Management!

Good news! CM program at ISU is listed as one of the top 7 CM schools in the nation by Builder Funnel!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/17/2021

Welcome back to Wisdom Wednesday! On Wednesday’s we share wisdom, History, Alumni and Professors.

Last week we talked about Turner Hall which is home base for the Department of Technology, but there is one other building that houses one of the majors for the Department of Technology. Nelson Smith Building, located to the west of Turner Hall, and barely 0.2 miles away, holds the Graphic Communications Technology major in the basement of the building. The reason to this major being located in a separate building then all other majors in the Department of Technology is due to ISU Printing Services also being located in the basement. This allows us to share equipment with them such as printing presses and technology, as well as have more resources for the courses we take. Located in the rest of the building is University Police, Human Resources, Mail Services, and Environmental Healthy and Safety which is why most people don’t even know there is a major that is located in the building. As for its history, Nelson Smith Building was named after one of ISU’s own photographers, Nelson Smith. Ironically, we learn photography is Graphic Communications Technology so it fits quite well for us to be located there with its history. Prior, to the buildings named change to Nelson Smith Building, it was originally called General Services Building which opened back in 1970. So to all who pass this building without knowing what it is (other than ISUPD), that is all the interesting facts and history about this great little building that is also a part of our lovely Department of Technology!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/12/2021

We are here to feature all our senior ambassadors! Next up, Kate!

What is your name, major, and year?
Katelyn Dunnagan, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Minor- Environmental Studies, Senior

What do you like to do for fun?
When I have spare time, I enjoy relaxing with friends and family. I also spend time swimming or grabbing a great murder mystery novel. I have a cat that keeps my nights busy and never dull.

What has your favorite class at ISU been?
TEC 258, this class was by far my favorite because we have hands on experience with solar panels that are located in the Renewable Energy lab and we get to generate energy and see energy trends in real life. We also get experience with kid wind kits. The kid wind kits are small wind turbines that we build and have the chance to modify elements to it to be able to get the highest energy output. Very involved and fun class to take.

What has been your favorite experience at ISU?
Working on the solar grill with the renewable energy society for the Department of Sustainability. This project was eye opening to see be able to physically work with an off-grid system. This project I was able to work with batteries and wire the entire system. As well as be a co-author for a now published paper in the American Society for Engineering Education that talked about the project, it would have been presented in person in Montreal this past summer but due to COVID it was presented via an online conference. This project was by far the highlight of my educational career and gave me a lot of experience in working with a team and working directly with generating a system from the ground up.

What are you looking to do after college?
I am currently looking for jobs in the solar industry mainly located in North Carolina. I am wanting to work with solar either utility scale or residential. I am also interested in energy efficiency models and advising.

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/10/2021

Welcome to Wisdom Wednesday. History, Alumni, Professors, we've got all sorts of wisdom to share.

Turner Hall is well known by the Department of Technology students, as it is our home base! "Turner Hall opened in 1963 and was named after Jonathan Baldwin Turner. He lead the way for programs in agriculture and industrial technology at Illinois State. Turner served as President of the Illinois Teachers Institute. He was also known for his progressive ideas on education." "He was heavily involved in the social movement of the 1850s that produced the land grant universities that pioneered public higher education in the United States. " Turner Hall houses many state of the art lab spaces, classrooms, study areas and computer labs for our TEC students!


Welcome Back to Major Monday! This week we are featuring Computer Systems Technology!

What is your major all about?
The CST major is a mix between computer science based courses and computer management. This major is extremely versatile and will expose you to computer networking, programming, web development, hardware functions, and project management courses. The best part of this major is that there’s plenty of room for customization! While you will need to complete courses in defined areas, you’ll be able to choose which courses are your focus.

Does your major have an affiliated RSO?
The affiliated RSO for the CST major is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE. As the worlds largest technology professional organization the IEEE club hosts technology professionals to help students develop ideas on how what they learn in the classroom translates to the real world. IEEE members will have the opportunity to network with these professionals as well as fellow group members.

What are some job opportunities in your major?
The great thing about the versatility of the CST major is that it translates into a lot of different careers. Some examples are:

Database Administration
Software Developer
Logistics Specialist
Business Analyst
Web Developer

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/05/2021


On Fridays we will feature a student of the Department of Technology Student Ambassador program!

What is your name, major, and year?
My name is Brittany Weber, my major is Sustainable and Renewable Energy, and I'm a senior this year!! (finally!)

What do you like to do for fun?
Every weekend I play video games with my best friends. I got a PS5 for Christmas, I love it. I used to like to travel with my family, looking back fondly on those memories while writing this, one day I hope to do it again. I love plants, I have a lot of those bad boys, they bring me joy while stuck inside.

What has your favorite class been at ISU?
My favorite class has probably been Philosophy 236- Values and the Environment, it's unlike anything else I've studied and it gave me a new perspective on why we put such high value on the environment, how we turn that into monetary terms, and who should really "own" and use the land.

What has been your favorite experience at ISU?
Creating the Solar Grill. I love that thing. It was a year long project that I headed, I got the opportunity to write a conference paper and present it at a conference with my friend and fellow ambassador Katelyn Dunnagan, and now it will be with the program for a long time as a fundraising source for the Renewable Energy Society. It was just so much fun. I also was awarded the Bone Scholarship, having accomplished that is a huge honor, I've never been a part of history and I'm just so happy that ISU has recognized my hard work in our small major.

What are you looking to do after college?
I have a couple aspirations for my future career. I've studied agrivoltaics here at ISU, I would love to implement community scale solar with a community garden in the same space, giving electricity and a food source to underprivileged areas most at risk for the negative effects of climate change. That however doesn't exist, yet, so I'm looking into city or organization positions that are similar, hoping to convince them of my agrivoltaic dreams!

Photos from ILSTU Technology Student Ambassadors's post 03/01/2021

Welcome back to Major Monday! This Monday, we are featuring Graphic Communications Technology!

What is your major all about?
We blend digital media and print media technology to design and produce integrated products that use photography, video, 3D animation, and digital print technology. You get to learn how to become technical creative professionals, get to work in our labs with the latest cutting-edge graphic communications software and equipment, learn how to produce graphic media in all its forms-everything from eye-catching packaging and store décor to websites and augmented reality print products.

Does your major have any affiliated RSO’s?
The Graphic Communications Education Association (GCEA) is our RSO provides students with a wide range of career-building opportunities. In addition to connecting socially and professionally with other students who are serious about their major, students can attend field trips, manage live production projects, and network with current professionals. Many of the T-shirts, can coolies, and Frisbees made for campus organizations are custom designed and produced by GCEA's production team.

What are some job opportunities in your major?
Graduates of the graphic communications program are in high demand, with 95% securing employment in the industry within 3 months of graduation. Most common starting positions include: Production Artist, Web Content Manager, Project Manager, Prepress Technologist, Production Associate, Client Services Representative and E-commerce Manager. We also have a large amount of employers that regularly hire and reach out to students from our major here at ISU including: RR Donnelley, LSC Communications, GFX International, Quad Graphics, American Graphics Systems, SGS International, Inc., Leo Burnett, Martin One Source, Curtis 1000, BFC and Quantum Ink!

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your major?
This year, we are in the process of being reaccredited by the Accrediting Council for Collegiate Graphic Communications (ACCGC). Being accredited ensures that our graphic communications program in higher education meets the established standards. We’ve been accredited since 2015!!


Welcome to Major Monday! Each Monday we will highlight a major in the Department of Technology. Up now, Sustainable and Renewable Energy!

What is your major all about?

The Sustainable and Renewable Energy Major covers the economic, social and technical aspects of renewable energy and sustainability. Students have the ability to choose a minor to better fit their career goals.

Does your major have any affiliated RSOs?

The Renewable Energy Society as well as a new chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (National chapter at ISU) are offered as involvement opportunities for SRE students. RES works to connect with the community, host speakers, and discuss topical news in their bi-weekly meetings. Regular meetings take place on Wednesdays from 6-7pm on Zoom, or when the weather warms up, will also offer an in person meeting on the quad. You can follow them here:

What are some job opportunities in your major?

When looking for jobs, students will be well versed in energy (solar, wind, biomass, geothermal) as well as sustainability (buildings, communities, efficiency) to prepare them for a diverse job search. Students graduating from this program will have a well-rounded set of skills to enable them to excel in a booming industry of sustainable or energy related jobs. If you've ever thought of a future in sustainable and renewable energy, feel free to contact our SRE student ambassadors Brittany Weber ([email protected]) or Katelynn Dunnagan ([email protected]) for more info!

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your major?

This year seven students are competing in the Department of Energy’s Solar District Cup Competition and the team has just been announced as finalists. The team will present their proposal to industry professional judges in April.

Senior engineering technology student gains valuable experience in summer internship - News - Illinois State 09/03/2020

Read about how our student Ambassador Savanah Kinney made the most of the summer with an internship!

Senior engineering technology student gains valuable experience in summer internship - News - Illinois State Savanah Kinney didn’t let the COVID-19 pandemic stop her from having a productive summer break.

Brittany Weber, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Bone Scholar - News - Illinois State 08/26/2020

Brittany Weber is a Department of Technology Student Ambassador, read here how she uses the ambassador position to spread awareness of her major!

Brittany Weber, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Bone Scholar - News - Illinois State The Department of Technology is proud to recognize Brittany Weber, a sustainable and renewable energy senior. Weber has been selected as a 2020-2021 Bone Scholar. The Bone Scholar is the highest honor an Illinois State University undergraduate student can receive. Students are nominated by their dep...

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