Holistic Body Talk, Acupuncture

Acupuncture, Herbs & Integrative Clinic. Women's Health. With over a decade of experience, I provide I also offer coaching.

Acupuncture and Integrative care for Fertility treatments has created an impact in many lives. I love supporting and creating the possibility to improve body function and mind body heart connection during this process of becoming a parent. Body Talk is a profound healthcare system that allows your body to adapt to stress, heal from long term disease and resynchronize your system so it can function at its optimum potential.


When it comes to feelings we tend to ignore the message….
The subconscious mind holds infinite information from our past. This information is encoded in our cellular memory. Our feelings are a resource of information that provides a guidance to what is true to us or not. Our body receives the information and expresses the feelings if we validate them and come to an understanding.
But if we reject those feelings, we repress our emotions, our body holds tension with that memory that is Locked up.
So when we think we are angry there can be numerous feelings and sensations that will be part of that tip of the iceberg.
The key 🔑 is to dive to the bottom of the iceberg at our own pace, our own rhythm to dare see the seed that unraveled what can be seen by the naked eye.
Let’s start by making our feelings. Shall we?
Dr Maria Laura


Acupuntura y IVF. (Spanish & English)

A recent study published by Carol Smith in Reproductive Biomedicine found that acupuncture increases pregnancy rates and reduces miscarriages in in vitro fertilization (IVF).
There are multiple benefits of an acupuncture treatment including the stimulation of blood flow to the ovaries and uterus, reduction of stress, regulation of hormones to support a healthy follicle and uterine receptivity.
For more information, call 786-220-1415.
Dr Maria Laura Rainer, AP. North Miami
Resource: Https://www.rbmojournal.com/article/S1472-6483(18)30675-8/fulltext

“Un estudio científico especializado en Medicina Reproductiva y publicado recientemente por Caroline Smith 📄revela que la acupuntura incrementa el éxito en las tasas de embarazo 🤰🏻y disminuye la potencial pérdida espontánea durante los tratamientos de fertilización in vitro (IVF).” Existe múltiples beneficios de la acupuntura: incrementa el flujo sanguíneo en los ovarios y utero, reduce el estrés, 🧘🏻‍♀️regula los niveles hormonales para obtener un folículo saludable y una receptividad positiva en el momento de la intervención.

Para mayor información pueden comunicarse al 786-220-1415.

Dra María Laura Rainer, AP. North Miami


Posted •
Here to heal you from physical pain, stress and even a broken heart. Looking to cultivate more self-love and less-worry?
Featured in
True and holistic balance 🧬🫀🧠
Clinic in North Miami
[email protected]
786-220-1415 message 👈🏻

Photos from Holistic Body Talk, Acupuncture's post 03/27/2021

Hydration is key 💦
Our body needs fluids to function properly. Our emotions are reflected in the fluidity of our mind body connection. A water element that tends to get stuck will tend to build up emotions, weight gain, accumulate thoughts and sorties in the mind that will all contribute to stagnation and blockage.
First step is hydration 💧
1️⃣Choose a herb and a fruit.
2️⃣dice and place in ice maker container
3️⃣place in freezer
4️⃣add yo your water especially during summer time or when training to naturally flavor your water + adding nutrients to it.
👌🏻 what tricks do you have to hydrate yourself?


Today come and join me in Yoga Expo Day at 4:30 pm EST.
I will share with you techniques and connect with heart consciousness and awareness.
Happy Sunday!




“Tap into your health” with
Join me in today’s conference about health and wellness. Get to learn key aspects to practice mindfulness and heal past wounds with holistic healing.
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD

Visit Mindalia “s YouTube channel at 4 pm EST time.
See you soon

Photos from Holistic Body Talk, Acupuncture's post 02/18/2021

TCM Botanicals that are we must keep in our medicine cabinet:
🌿cinnamon bark (GUI Zhi)
It is one of the most widely used in TCM pharmacopoeia.
It is used to warm up the body, improve blood circulation, strengthens your immune system when feeling cold, sneezing and sweating, it relaxes the sinews ( many times a cold comes with neck and headache), it is said to balance blood sugar levels and warms up the womb.
🌱ginger (Shang jiang)
Promotes movement and resolution of phlegm, aids in promoting good and healthy digestion, warms up the chest, aids in cases of food poisoning.
Would like to learn more?
Activate the notifications for and let me know which herbs you use 🙌🏻
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
TCM, Acupuncture & Integrative care


May your heart heal those wounds that you have been carrying. May your healing journey spark healthy actions and a healthy mindset.
Happy Valentine’s
Dr Maria Laura


Tai Yang- extra acupuncture point with multiple benefits including:
Eye discomfort
Ear aches
Ringing in ears
Clenched jaws
Tmj pain
How to use this point:
👉🏻rub softly in circles for 30 seconds in three intervals
👉🏻 massage towards the back of the head softly to create space and relieve pressure
👉🏻you can apply essential oils if you are not sensitive
Did you find it helpful?
I’d like to hear... comment below and save for your first aid point collection
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
Oriental medicíname, mindfulness, coaching


How to activate the “Back Shu points”
These are the doors to our irfan systems and to the spirit balancing Heath and our emotions.

You can activate these points with acupuncture, acupressure, electric stimulation, massage, moxa. Cupping.

Image repost: .acupuncture


Stress is a silent visitor that without us knowing becomes the ever lingering tenant of our body mind.
If you feel a symptom repeating itself, observe what is feeding it. Probably stress is behind this pattern.
What is the mechanism?
In simple words, stress contracts and this in turn causes blockages, inflammation, pain, mood swings etc.
So the very first item on your checklist is:
How is my stress level today? From 1- 10
What can I do to improve my well-being?
Have you noticed any repeating patterns?
Have a good week!
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
Fx Nutrition , Mindfulness, bioneuroendocrine health
Image from


Posted •

Show me your tongue and I can tell you what is happening inside your body.
The tongue is a muscle and according to TCM it is a diagnostic tool that will indicate the presence of pathogenic factors, imbalances, nutritional deficiencies or excess conditions.

The tongue can indicate what is going on inside your body according to:
👅the color
👅the shape
👅the body
👅the coating
And more details will confirm what you may need to regain balance
Look at your tongue in the morning and tell me what you see before brushing it 🙌🏻
For more information contact me at [email protected]


The path is a spiral not lineal.
We come back to the lessons we have not learned so we can transcend them as many times as needed.
Observe+ identify+ learn 🙌🏻
Holographic correspondence viewpoint
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
Clinic in Miami and virtual


Posted •

Do you ever wonder what all the fuss is about herbs? Does it really make a difference if I season my salmon, chicken or vegetables?⁣⁣
Absolutely it does!⁣⁣
And there is abundant science to back that up. We have a love of ROSEMARY for its many health benefits: with small amounts you can reap not only epigenetic (gene balancing) benefits but also improve your memory, support your nervous and immune systems and even help fight cancer. ⁣⁣
Rosemary is a wonderful member of your functional nutrition kitchen toolkit.⁣⁣
So now you see the Wonderment of Rosemary, let’s look at some easy ways to incorporate it into your diet.


Wishing you happy holidays and a peaceful transition into 2021 🌈🎄



We are all made of stars. Beautiful words to remind us our essence is our home.
Dr MLaura


The sinews channel of the bladder meridian can show us the relationship of your pain. Did you know that your can access a point in your foot to calm your headaches and on your feet to alleviate sciatic pain?
We are not aware the power of ancient medicine and the fact that we are all connected within.
Have you experienced an acupuncture session?
Find your local professional.
Happy Friday!
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
[email protected]


Our body follows a rhythm.
If you are in sync, you will have health in your life.

Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
[email protected]


Stress has the tendency to blind you from your blessings!
Stress is a silent invader that hijacks our brain and makes us believe we are in control.
Mindfulness is key to notice when this tendency occurs.

Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Clinic in North Miami and virtual
Speaker and educator specializing in mindfulness, consciousness and fusion of modern+ancestral+integrative medicine


If your thoughts have the power to make you sick, there is a possibility that they can help you heal!
The power of the mind

Posted • Yes yes YES! Thank you 🙏❤️❤️


Posted •
"Break the old pattern of present moment denial and present moment resistance. Make it your practice to withdraw attention from past and future whenever they are not needed." - Eckhart Tolle


Sometimes e need to recharge....
Ways to recharge:
🌙warm bath
🌙a book
🌙massage or acupuncture
🌙a long hug
So many different ways as human beings on earth. Have you explored what recharges your energy?
[email protected]


Posted •
TABS OPEN FEELS LIKE You can't switch off feels anxious CLOSING TABS IS a concious process HOW ?👇
🎨 😊

When your mind is constantly on the go, from the moment you are aware in the morning right up to trying to go to sleep = too many tabs open.
Worries from dawn
Thinking of the day to come, dreading it
Mind elsewhere whilst doing everyday tasks like breakfast.
Trying to remember day & future tasks in your mind.
High expectations
Giving yourself too much to do.
Self doubt throught the whole thought process.
PLUS worries about feeling anxious/tired/etc.
=Mind stuffed full of thought, many of which are fearful causing fearful feelings & overwhelm=a cause for your survival mechanism anxiety to be switched on, because all these signs mean danger to wellbeing.
How do you close all the tabs.
1. Accept they're too many
2. Acknowledge the overwhelm. "This is tough"
3. Allow the emotion to come.
4. Practice writing down worries
5. Practice making a daily schedule that's realistic. Plenty of time for each one.
Now thoughts are on paper out of ur head. Easier.
Then try the thought management download👍Click the linktree in the bio

6. Practice mindfulness👇
When waking up, preparing for the Day, eating. Practice trying to bring you focus to the present moment
WHAT am I doing?
WHAT am I eating?
WHAT can i hear?
WHAT can I see?
7. Allow yourself time stations in the day to do nothing but breathe & enjoy being alive.👇
Wake up to gentle music
Start rest time at night an hour before sleep. Turn off screens, pj's, hot drink, favorite book. Kids too. Slow the day down gradually.
Helps you close tabs often, reduce causes of anxiety, able to think clearly, less anxious.
Ps. You're not a computer, try not to tell yourself off for not being able to act like one. You're human, you need regular breaks from everything, stress, tension, worry, all the things that cause anxiety, your family does too. ❤


Posted •

We are unaware of the consequences of unattended stress in our bodies.
[email protected]


Yogis love cupping too!
So many fans of cupping.
Cupping therapy is an effective treatment to alleviate muscle tension, stiffness, including muscle fatigue to recover after training.

Nourishing internal organs
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Clinic North Miami & Telemedicine
Speaker and conferences
[email protected]


Yin Yang, as above so below,
As inside as outside
The yin yang symbolizes the eternal process of transformation.
We live in times of immediate gratification and in search of rapid solutions.
Life doesn’t work that way. Life is a cycle within a cycle. By honoring the process, we allow ourselves to connect with the ever present energy of life itself.
Dr Maria Laura Rainer OMD
Clinic North Miami, & Virtual
Speaker, events, conferences
Email: [email protected]


Te has preguntado cuál es tu propósito?
Si aún no lo has hecho, es momento de prestar atención a tu deseo que proviene del corazón. En este proceso podrás autodescubrirte y recordar virtudes que permanecieron ocultas. Podrás sacar a al luz aquello que te da felicidad y te hace olvidar del tiempo!
Si aún no las hecho, es probable que estés siguiendo el propósito de otra persona y por un tiempo colaborar es maravilloso si eso lo haces de corazón. Y ahí ya tienes una señal del camino a seguir.
Ahora toma un momento y respira y preguntate cual es mi propósito HOY.

Dra María Laura Rainer OMD
Medicina Oriental y Acupuntura
Clínica en North Miami y Virtual
Speaker & Educadora de La Salud holistica y mindfulness
Sigue mi cuenta para más vídeos e información sobre la salud y el bienestar.
🌟únete al grupo privado gratuito “Botiquin del Alma” y se parte de esta hermosa comunidad de mindfulness y consciencia.
🌟Nuevo Programa Exclusivo!
Transforma tus pensamientos en 21 días!!! 4 semanas conmigo por zoom. Te animas?
La registracion está en el enlace de mi perfil!👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
🌟Suscríbete a mi canal de YouTube María Laura Rainer para disfrutar de vídeos y entrevistas a tu tiempo y gusto ❤️

Nos vemos!!


Tu puedes activar tu poder de manifestar eligiendo las palabras que repites y te dices a lo largo de tu día. Ese diálogo interno impacta en tu comportamiento y tu ánimo.
Práctica está técnica para identificar cuáles son esas palabras que usas y como te describes a ti mism@.
Ya lo Gad notado? Ya sabes que palabra es la que mas repites en tu día?saludos y feliz noche

Dra María Laura Rainer OMD
Medicina Oriental y Acupuntura
Clínica en North Miami y Virtual
Speaker & Educadora de La Salud holistica y mindfulness
Sigue mi cuenta para más vídeos e información sobre la salud y el bienestar.
🌟únete al grupo privado gratuito “Botiquin del Alma” y se parte de esta hermosa comunidad de mindfulness y consciencia.
🌟Nuevo Programa Exclusivo!
Transforma tus pensamientos en 21 días!!! 4 semanas conmigo por zoom. Te animas?
La registracion está en el enlace de mi perfil!👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
🌟Suscríbete a mi canal de YouTube María Laura Rainer para disfrutar de vídeos y entrevistas a tu tiempo y gusto ❤️

Nos vemos!!


El miedo se cuestiona constantemente... como hare para llegar a mi destino? Y duda, se juzga, se agobia, se estresa.

La fe no se cuestiona, SABE que llegará a destino a su propio tiempo.

Dra María Laura Rainer OMD
Medicina Oriental y Acupuntura
Clínica en North Miami y Virtual
Speaker & Educadora de La Salud holistica y mindfulness
Sigue mi cuenta para más vídeos e información sobre la salud y el bienestar.
🌟únete al grupo privado gratuito “Botiquin del Alma” y se parte de esta hermosa comunidad de mindfulness y consciencia.
🌟Nuevo Programa Exclusivo!
Transforma tus pensamientos en 21 días!!! 4 semanas conmigo por zoom. Te animas?
La registracion está en el enlace de mi perfil!👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
🌟Suscríbete a mi canal de YouTube María Laura Rainer para disfrutar de vídeos y entrevistas a tu tiempo y gusto ❤️

Nos vemos!!


Que pasaría si supieras que no hay nada que te impida cumplir tus miedos?

Toma nota de aquellos miedos que te impiden cumplir o acercarte a un objetivo personal o profesional.
Luego observa y pregúntate si son válidos y verdaderos esos miedos. Es decir si son reales, si están ocurriendo o están trayendo una memoria y programación de tu mente.

Una vez revises tu lista, seguramente observarás que muchos de esos miedos sino todos son una ficción de tu mente.

Pon tus pensamientos en cuarentena en un cuaderno, en una caja y allí déjalos que se desvanezcan.
Liberate de lo que te impide avanzar.

Feliz sábado
Dra María Laura Rainer OMD
Medicina Oriental y Acupuntura
Clínica en North Miami

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Videos (show all)

“Tap into your health” with @mindalia_com @mindalia_tv .Join me in today’s conference about health and wellness. Get to ...
Simple ways to rest your neck muscles and relieve all the tension you carry on your shoulders!.📌fold a towel and roll to...
Posted @withregram • @eckharttolle ."Break the old pattern of present moment denial and present moment resistance. Make ...
Tu puedes activar tu poder de manifestar eligiendo las palabras que repites y te dices a lo largo de tu día. Ese diálogo...



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North Miami, FL

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
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