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TranZenDental is the leading North Palm Beach dental practice, specializing in holistic, impla...

TranZenDental is the leading North Palm Beach dental practice, specializing in holistic, implant, and cosmetic dentistry. As a true holistic practice, we take a comprehensive, whole-body perspective considering the overall health of our patients. Our implant dentistry services include the placement and restoration of dental implants. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the highes


✨ 5 Ways to Start the Year with a Healthy Smile ✨

The new year is the perfect time to start fresh. Many people will be making resolutions to be healthier through exercise and/or diet, so why not improve your oral health too? The mouth is the gateway to the body and maintaining good oral health can help prevent other health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

✭ Revisit your flossing routine
Flossing once a day is extremely important to your oral health. A toothbrush is only able to reach 60% of your teeth’s surfaces, and flossing is the only way to remove the other 40%.

✭ Consider switching to an electric toothbrush
An electric toothbrush is often considered more effective than a traditional toothbrush when used correctly.

✭ Don’t forget the tongue!
Your tongue has millions of bacteria living on it and can contribute to plaque buildup resulting in cavities. It also contains taste buds and folds, which can harbor buildup and residue leading to bad breath. When you brush, be sure to gently brush your tongue as well to remove bacteria.

✭ Cut back on sugar
Sugar has a direct relationship to tooth decay. By cutting back on your sugar intake, you can decrease your risk of developing cavities. Limiting those delicious sweets can be difficult, so I recommend trying some substitutions such as sugar-free seltzer water instead of soda or chewing sugar-free gum when a craving arises.

✭ Schedule your next appointment soon
Especially if it’s been over 6 months since your last appointment, be sure to schedule a dental cleaning and exam soon. Especially if you’re experiencing sensitivity or pain, or have an area of concern in the mouth, it’s best not to wait. The longer we wait to address any dental issues, the more painful (and costly!) that issue becomes. Don’t let your oral health fall by the wayside!

With these oral health tips, you and your family can start 2022 on the right foot—and tooth!

Overdue for your next dental checkup?
Call us today at (561) 691-9498 and use CODE "HEALTHY SMILE" and you will get a full oral exam, a gum exam, and a full set of X-rays for just $45.00!!! 🦷✨
(Expires 12/31/2021)

Timeline photos 12/08/2021

The results of such a stressful year appear on our skin in new and unexpected ways. Worry lines, downturned facial muscles, mask-induced congestion and breakouts, and the emphasis on the face while taking video calls.

Laser Resurfacing Treatments is a great high grade service to prep your skin for the new year. 💆🏽‍♀️✨

Laser skin resurfacing is a type of skin care procedure performed by a skin care professional. It involves using lasers to help improve skin texture and appearance.✨

Laser skin resurfacing can be used to treat one or more of the following skin concerns:

✭ age spots
✭ scars
✭ acne scars
✭ fine lines and wrinkles
✭ crow’s feet
✭ sagging skin
✭ uneven skin tone
✭ enlarged oil glands
✭ warts

Call us today at (561) 691-9498 or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 and use CODE "RENEW" and you will get a complimentary Skincare consultation with our esthetician, Kate!!! 🌴✨

(Expires 12/31/2021)

Timeline photos 12/06/2021

✨10 Ways to Naturally Strengthen Teeth✨

The health of our teeth and gums reflects the health of our entire body. A good oral hygiene routine and daily flossing is a great way to keep teeth healthy, however this is just the start. True oral health begins with proper nutrition and diet.

✭ Eat Mineral Rich Foods - Teeth are porous in nature and they can gain or lose beneficial minerals. The key is to ensure they are receiving more minerals than they lose.
✭ Remove refined sugar from your diet - Sugar is the main food source for bacteria that produce harmful acid on our teeth.
✭ Clean your tongue - Keeping your tongue clean by brushing it well during your oral hygiene routine is a great way to reduce bacteria.
✭ Eat foods high in fat soluble vitamins - Foods high in vitamins A, D, E, and K2 are known to improve the health of teeth.
✭ Stay hydrated - Drinking water helps to flush away food debris and bacteria from teeth and gums. As well, it helps to dilute harmful acid caused by bacteria in the mouth.
✭ Use a fluoride free toothpaste - Fluoride is a harmful chemical that can cause fluorosis as well as several adverse side effects
✭ Treat stomach issues - Severe heartburn and reflux can bring acid to your mouth, damaging tooth enamel. See your doctor and treat any gastrointestinal conditions
✭ Treat teeth grinding or clenching - Teeth grinding usually occurs on a subconscious level where the teeth become clenched or ground together. This process can happen during sleep or while awake and it wears down or fractures the tooth’s enamel.
✭ Proper brushing technique - Brushing twice daily for 2 minutes and flossing once daily can strengthen your teeth. When you brush regularly, this helps to remove built-up plaque and bacteria from teeth.
✭ See the dentist regularly - Seeing the dentist every 6 months helps to keep your teeth and gums strong.

Overdue for your next dental checkup?
Call us today at (561) 691-9498 or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 and use CODE "HEALTHY SMILE" and you will get a full oral exam, a gum exam, and a full set of X-rays for just $45.00!!! 🦷✨

(Expires 12/31/2021)

Timeline photos 12/04/2021

Holistic 5-Step Routine For Perfect Oral Hygiene🦷✨

🦷 Tongue scraping

As the function of the bacteria in the mouth becomes more understood, ancient techniques to support oral hygiene are becoming more popular. One practice backed by numerous studies is called tongue scraping. It reduces undesirable bacteria which helps in decreasing the likelihood of dental decay and oral disease.

🦷Oil pulling

Oil pulling is yet another Ayurvedic practice. The procedure involves rinsing (swishing) 1 tablespoon of oil around in your mouth. In order for the therapeutic effect to kick in, a person must swish with the oil for 15-20 minutes each time. The oil "pulls" the bad bugs from under your gums and in between your teeth as though they are being drawn to a powerful magnet. Do not gargle or swallow. And make sure you spit in a trashcan, otherwise spitting in the sink will clog your plumbing.

🦷 Rinse with warm water & sea salt

Salt water rinses are good because they alkalinize the mouth and the alkalinity helps kill the acid-producing bacteria which cause dental disease and tooth decay. If a you cannot stomach oil pulling, this is a good alternative, and as it also reduces inflammation and promotes a good oral pH, the result will be a healthier mouth.

🦷 Flossing

When it comes to flossing, It works great when you do it properly and along with the other recommended steps for maintaining good oral health

🦷 Brushing

Brush twice a day at a 45-degree angle, using a soft-bristle brush to help decrease gum swelling. Choose toothpastes free of fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Overdue for your next dental checkup?
Call us today at (561) 691-9498 or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 and use CODE "HEALTHY SMILE" and you will get a full oral exam, a gum exam, and a full set of X-rays for just $45.00!!! 🦷✨

(Expires 12/31/2021)

Timeline photos 12/02/2021

Happy Birthday to our wonderful Director of Patient Services, Nidia! 💛✨

Hope your day is amazing! We appreciate you at TranZenDental

Love, Your TranZenDental Family 💛

Timeline photos 11/30/2021

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but now it's time for CHRISTMAS.🎄✨

I love Christmas time – it’s a fantastic opportunity for meeting up with friends and family, exchanging presents, and having a break from work; and I love all the yummy food too!

Unfortunately, Christmas is also a time for sweet temptations; there is sugar everywhere!

Here are our top tips for enjoying Christmas while avoiding too much unhealthy sugar.

✨Tips for Avoiding Sugar during Christmas✨

1. Make your own sauces and condiments
Many Christmas meals are accompanied by sauces and condiments like cranberry sauce and apple sauce. Store-bought versions of these products are often very high in refined and added sugar and may contain as much as ten grams per serving.

2. Enjoy high-quality treats
You don’t need to quit sugar altogether during the holidays, but it’s a good idea to focus on quality and not quantity. For example, instead of eating lots of cheap candy that contains a ton of sugar, buy yourself some high-quality artisan chocolates made with dark cocoa.

3. Make your own desserts
Cakes, puddings, and sweet pies are all traditional ends to Christmas meals but are all loaded with sugar – especially when you buy them from the store.

While you could skip dessert altogether, you could do the next best thing and make your own desserts using natural sweeteners in place of all that refined, unhealthy sugar. Good options are stevia, coconut sugar, agave nectar, and raw honey.

4. Set yourself daily limits and stick to them
If the idea of going sugar-free is utterly inconceivable to you, set yourself daily limits instead. For example, you might ration yourself to two ounces of chocolate per day, or one three-ounce slice of Christmas cake. That way, you will limit the damage these foods can cause you but still indulge your sweet tooth.

Don’t let too much sugar make your Christmas unhealthy and fattening! That’ll only make your New Year’s diet even harder than it needs to be. Instead, enjoy a little sugar but make sure you avoid eating so much that you undo all the good work of the year. ✨

Timeline photos 11/25/2021

Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at TranZenDental 🦃🍂

We are so thankful for all the love and support you all have given us. May your holiday season be full of love and happiness.✨

Timeline photos 11/22/2021

Show Your Teeth Some Appreciation This Thanksgiving 🦃🍂

Thanksgiving is day dedicated to giving thanks for all that we have in our lives. The typical thankful sentiments of life, health, family, and friends usually top the list. This Thanksgiving, the team at our TranZenDental wants to give you one more thing to be thankful for, something that’s typically overlooked: your teeth. ✨

We know it may sound silly to give thanks for your pearly whites, but trust us, after we list the top reasons you should appreciate your teeth, you’ll be praising them in no time.

☻ Your Teeth Are One of Your Most Defining Features

According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), your smile is one of the first things someone notices about you. It can also impact your life and others’ perceptions of who you are. In fact, the same AACD study concluded that 74% of those who took the survey believe an unattractive smile can negatively affect someone’s career. But don’t worry, if you’re not proud to show off your grin, cosmetic dentistry from Dr. Leconte will transform your smile and maybe even your life.

☻ They Help Us Communicate
Teeth are an essential part of speaking. Without them, we’d have difficulty pronouncing certain letters and sounds such as ‘f,’ ‘v,’ ‘s,’ ‘th,’ and so many more.

☻ Teeth Allow Us to Eat All of the Delicious Thanksgiving Treats
One of the teeth’s main purpose is to help us break down foods into more manageably sized pieces so that we can swallow easier. Different types of teeth have a different jobs when it comes to aiding in eating.

☻ They Can Improve Digestion
Also related to eating, there’s more that the mouth does to help prepare food for proper digestion other than simply chewing.

We hope our few reasons to be thankful for your teeth this Thanksgiving, and all year around, makes you appreciate a healthy smile. If there’s any concern about your smile, whether it’s cosmetic or functional, we welcome you to call our dental office in North Palm Beach, FL.

Timeline photos 11/19/2021

Malodorous breath, or bad breath, is caused by a bacterial breakdown product that causes an increased release of sulfur gas, in the mouth, called methyl mercaptan.

This compound is released when there is a presence of excessive bacterial toxins, periodontal disease or gingivitis.

Other causes are dry mouth, GERD, and bacterial toxins in your sinuses.

Here are 21 things that help combat stinky breath and will help to keep it away for good! 😁✨

☯︎︎ Alkaline water
☯︎︎ Apples
☯︎︎ Green tea
☯︎︎ Cherries
☯︎︎ Parsley, contains polyphenols
☯︎︎ Whole raw milk
☯︎︎ Spinach, more polyphenols
☯︎︎ Lettuce
☯︎︎ Spearmint, contains chlorophyll
☯︎︎ Basil
☯︎︎ Citrus fruits, eat between meals as snacks
☯︎︎ Yogurt with probiotics especially Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus
☯︎︎ Using Argentyn 23 or OxyMist
☯︎︎ Brush, floss, rinse mouth often
☯︎︎ Oral Probiotic / Multi-strain probiotic
☯︎︎ Chewing Xylitol gum
☯︎︎ Increasing berry consumption
☯︎︎ Increasing whole grains (sprouted is best)
☯︎︎ Increase Nitric Oxide
☯︎︎ Increase Lycopene

Good nutrition is the key to a healthy smile. For even more nutrition tips for healthy teeth or to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr Leconte, Call us at +1 (561) 691-9498 ✨

2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
United States

Timeline photos 11/17/2021

We live in a TOXIC world! Here are a few simple tips to keep your detox pathways open! 🌎 ✨

✭ Drink lemon water
✭ Stay moving - Staying active is super important for YOUR health!
✭ Cut out processed foods and sugar
✭ Eat fresh ginger and pineapple
✭ Take super greens like Chlorella and Spiralina
✭ Use oregano for GI parasites

Overdue on your next dental checkup?
Dr. Patrick Leconte, our experienced holistic dentist, is here to help. With a teeth cleaning, oral exam and x-rays in North Palm Beach, FL from TranZenDental, you can take control of your dental health, and make sure you get the care you need to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Contact us now at (561) 691-9498 to get started, or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. 🦷✨

Timeline photos 11/15/2021

Traditional Treatments for TMJ 🌿

Talk to your dentist about these tried-and-true treatments for TMD:

✭ Medications
Your dentist can prescribe higher doses of NSAIDs if you need them for pain and swelling. They might suggest a muscle relaxer to relax your jaw if you grind or clench your teeth. Or an anti-anxiety medication to relieve stress, which may bring on TMD. In low doses they can also help reduce or control pain. Muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety drugs, and antidepressants are available by prescription only.

✭ A splint or night guard
These plastic mouthpieces fit over your upper and lower teeth so they don’t touch. They lessen the effects of clenching or grinding and correct your bite by putting your teeth in a more correct position. What’s the difference between them? You wear night guards while you sleep. You use a splint all the time. Your dentist will tell you which type you need.

✭ Dental work
Your dentist can replace missing teeth and use crowns, bridges, or braces to balance the biting surfaces of your teeth or to correct a bite problem. Learn more about what causes an overbite, as well as when an overbite is considered normal.

Overdue for your next dental checkup?
Dr. Patrick Leconte, our experienced holistic dentist, is here to help. With a teeth cleaning, oral exam and x-rays in North Palm Beach, FL from TranZenDental, you can take control of your dental health, and make sure you get the care you need to maintain healthy gums and teeth.
Contact us now at (561) 691-9498 to get started, or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. 🦷✨

Timeline photos 11/10/2021

There are things you can do on your own to help relieve TMJ symptoms. Your doctor may suggest you try some of these remedies together. 🌿

✭ Take over-the-counter medications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like naproxen or ibuprofen, can relieve muscle pain and swelling.

✭ Use moist heat or cold packs. Apply an ice pack to the side of your face and temple area for about 10 minutes. Do a few simple jaw stretches (if your dentist or physical therapist OKs them). When you’re done, hold a warm towel or washcloth to the side of your face for about 5 minutes. Perform this routine a few times each day.

✭ Eat soft foods. Add yogurt, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, soup, scrambled eggs, fish, cooked fruits and vegetables, beans, and grains to your menu. Cut foods into small pieces so you chew less. Skip hard, crunchy foods (like pretzels and raw carrots), chewy foods (like caramels and taffy), and thick or large bites that require you to open wide.

✭ Avoid extreme jaw movements. Keep yawning and chewing (especially gum or ice) to a minimum and don’t yell, sing, or do anything that forces you to open wide.

✭ Don't rest your chin on your hand. Don’t hold the phone between your shoulder and ear. Practice good posture to reduce neck and facial pain.

✭ Keep your teeth slightly apart as often as you can. This will relieve pressure on your jaw. Put your tongue between your teeth to control clenching or grinding during the day.

✭ Learn relaxation techniques to help loosen up your jaw. Ask your dentist if you need physical therapy or massage. Consider stress reduction therapy as well as biofeedback.

Overdue for your next dental checkup?
Dr. Patrick Leconte, our experienced holistic dentist, is here to help. With a teeth cleaning, oral exam and x-rays in North Palm Beach, FL from TranZenDental, you can take control of your dental health, and make sure you get the care you need to maintain healthy gums and teeth.
Contact us now at (561) 691-9498 to get started, or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. 🦷✨

Timeline photos 11/08/2021

Happy National X-ray Day!🦷✨

Have you ever wondered why Are X-Rays necessary at the Dentist?!

X-Rays let Dentists look deeper than the surface!

X-rays consist of images taken using high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Soft, low-density tissue such as our skin and organs cannot absorb this radiation, so it will mostly pass through this tissue.

However, more dense and hard material in our bodies, such as the bones and teeth, can absorb the x-ray radiation. Using special film or digital sensors, this absorption can be measured and turned into an image, similar to a photograph.

This is why x-rays are so important at the dentist. They allow your dentist to look past the tissue of your mouth, such as your gums, and into the deeper areas of your teeth and jaw bone. This allows your dentist to look for signs of oral health issues that may be invisible with a visual examination alone.

Overdue for your next dental checkup? Dr. Patrick Leconte, our experienced holistic dentist, is here to help. With a teeth cleaning, oral exam and x-rays in North Palm Beach, FL from TranZenDental, you can take control of your dental health, and make sure you get the care you need to maintain healthy gums and teeth. Contact us now at (561) 691-9498 to get started, or stop by our office at 2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. 🦷✨

Timeline photos 11/05/2021

Like we talked about last week, here are 4 more Nutrition Tips for Healthy teeth 😁 ✨

☯︎︎ Enjoy Green Tea
While water should be your primary beverage of choice, green tea is a great alternative when you’re looking for something with a bit more flavor. Green tea can help improve the health of your teeth and gums by making your mouth more alkaline. This inhibits the growth of cavity-causing bacteria, slowing the progression of oral cancer, freshening breath, and decreasing inflammation.

☯︎︎ Crunch on Raw Fruits and Veggies
Raw, crunchy fruits and vegetables are excellent additions to a well-balanced diet. Consuming raw, crunchy fruits and veggies like apple slices and carrot sticks can help clean your teeth and remove stuck-on food particles that can contribute to plaque buildup. Try to add fresh fruits and veggies to every meal.

☯︎︎ Pick Foods Containing Vitamin C
While there are many vitamins that support healthy teeth, vitamin C is among the most important. Vitamin C helps increase immunity in the body and prevent gum infections. Today, vitamin C is available in supplement form but most people can get a sufficient amount through the foods they eat. Spinach, potatoes, chili peppers, thyme, parsley, kiwi, kale, broccoli, lemons, strawberries, oranges, and many other foods pack a large amount of vitamin C.

☯︎︎ Chew Xylitol Gum After Meals
Finish your meal with a stick of xylitol gum to help support a healthy smile. Xylitol helps increase saliva production in the mouth which prevents bacteria from producing cavity-causing acids. The act of chewing, in combination with the artificial sweeteners in the gum, can help stimulate ten times the normal rate of saliva flow. Avoid gum that is high in sugars which can cause further damage to your teeth.

Good nutrition is the key to a healthy smile. For even more nutrition tips for healthy teeth or to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr Leconte, Call us at +1 (561) 691-9498

2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
United States

Timeline photos 11/03/2021

National Stress Awareness Day: What you can do to reduce stress and improve your mental health

Here are a few simple steps you can take to relieve stress, revive mental health.

✪ Take good care of yourself:
Take time out for yourself, engage in hobbies, and make sure that you do all of this regularly, even if it feels like a lot of useless effort. If you treat yourself as worthwhile you are someone worth treating well, you will start to believe it.

✪ Exercise regularly:
Remember, your body can fight stress better when it is fit. Staying active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from day-to-day worries. Learn and practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, or tai-chi for stress management.

✪ Attention to mind and body:
Living with a chronic illness can add new layers of stressors, but you can take steps that minimise the challenges of living with a long-term health condition and maximise your quality of life.

✪ Say yes to holistic healing:
One can always opt for guided meditation as it is very good to meditate. Meditation is not only good for physical health but also for mental health as well. Taking good care of mental state directly affects the physical well-being and health of a person in general.

✪ Remember you are not alone:
Life is full of ups and downs, at times it hands out more stress than a person can bear. It might happen that some people will not understand you, but that doesn’t mean you are alone. Reach out to those who understand you and talk to them.

Whether you like it or not- stress is a part of life. Learn and practice good coping skills. Make healthier choices that will help improve your physical and mental health. A healthy mind and body will allow you to adapt to changes in your life and cope with adversity with a lot of positivity.

Photos from TranZenDental's post 11/01/2021

TMJ Awareness Month

✭ What is TMJ Disorder? ✭

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a common group of related pain conditions involving the TMJ, jaw muscles and associated structures.

Your temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side, so you can talk, chew, and yawn.

✭ What Are the Symptoms? ✭
TMD often causes severe pain and discomfort. It can be temporary or last many years. It might affect one or both sides of your face. More women than men have it, and it’s most common among people between the ages of 20 and 40.

Common symptoms include:

- Pain or tenderness in your face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak, or open your mouth wide
- Problems when you try to open your mouth wide
- Jaws that get "stuck" or "lock" in the open- or closed-mouth position
- Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when you open or close your mouth or chew. This may or may not be painful.
- A tired feeling in your face
- Trouble chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite -- as if the upper and lower teeth are not fitting together properly. Learn more about the pros and cons of teeth alignment surgery.
- Swelling on the side of your face

You may also have toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).

Give us a call today if you think you might be experiencing these Symptoms, TranZenDental is here to help you. 💛
+1 (561) 691-9498

2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
United States



Timeline photos 10/31/2021

Happy Halloween from TranZenDental 🎃

↓ Let us know in the comments what you're dressing up as this year ↓

Timeline photos 10/29/2021

World Psoriasis Day 🌍👣 observed on October 29, shines a light on challenges faced by those suffering from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis is a disease that results from an overactive immune system and is evidenced by rashes on the skin. While most immune systems take 30 or so days to push new cells to the skin, those with psoriasis push new cells within two to three days. On World Psoriasis Day, psoriasis associations strive to spread information about the condition and improve access to treatment.

✨ Learn more about it here:

Timeline photos 10/27/2021

Here are some Nutrition Tips for ✨Healthy Teeth ✨

Proper nutrition is essential for healthy teeth and gums. The foods we eat supply the body with the nutrients it needs for good oral health. However, a diet high in sugars and starches can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. Lack of proper nutrition can also lead to other conditions, such as high cholesterol, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers, including oral cancer.

What we eat and drink has a strong influence on our smiles. For stronger, healthier teeth and gums, follow these important nutrition tips.

☯︎︎ Drink Plenty of Water
Water performs many functions in the body. It helps neutralize harmful acids in the mouth, washes away food debris, aids in saliva flow, and hydrates the mouth. Drinking water containing trace minerals such as those found in tap water, can also help restore and strengthen tooth enamel through a process known as remineralization.

☯︎︎ Eat a Balanced Diet
When planning meals, try to add ingredients from all five major food groups. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and fat-free dairy foods, and lean sources of protein.

☯︎︎ Limit Snacking
Although you can enjoy the occasional treat without concern, snacking too often can be bad for your teeth. Foods and beverages high in sugars and starches increase the activity of bacteria in the mouth.

☯︎︎ Choose Calcium-Rich Foods
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for healthy teeth. It helps strengthen tooth enamel which acts as your teeth’s defense against erosion and cavities. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and is mostly stored in the bones and teeth. You can help your body maintain an ample supply by choosing calcium-rich foods. Try different cheeses, seeds, yogurt, beans, lentils, and some dark green leafy vegetables.

Good nutrition is the key to a healthy smile. For even more nutrition tips for healthy teeth or to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr Leconte, Call us at +1 (561) 691-9498

2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
United States

Timeline photos 10/25/2021

Bad breath is caused by a bacterial breakdown product that causes an increased release of sulfur gas, in the mouth, called methyl mercaptan.

This compound is released when there is a presence of excessive bacterial toxins, periodontal disease or gingivitis. According to Dr. Rebecca Swan, assistant professor of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital, the number 1 cause for bad breath in children is poor oral hygiene.

✨Other Causes for Bad Breath✨
🚨Periodontal Disease – it’s a huge contributor to the excess build-up of sulfur groups that are produced by the endotoxins that live below the gum line. They live in a medium called the gingival crevicular fluid, which can harbor billions of gas-producing bacteria and spirochete organisms.
🚨 Embedded bacteria in your tongue causing malodor problems. To avoid this issue, use a tongue scraper to clean the top-side surface of your tongue.
🚨Excessive dry mouth caused by many medications and some cancers.
🚨True esophogeal gastric reflux and bacterial toxins from stomach problems.
🚨Bacterial toxins in your sinuses that turn chronic, from bacteria and yeast also producing methyl mercaptan.

12 Compounds That Can Help You Control Bad Breath
◗ Alkaline water
◗ Apples
◗ Green tea
◗ Cherries
◗ Parsley, contains polyphenols
◗ Whole raw milk
◗ Spinach, more polyphenols
◗ Lettuce
◗ Spearmint, contains chlorophyll
◗ Basil
◗ Citrus fruits, eat between meals as snacks
◗ Yogurt with probiotics especially Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Call us today! 🌿
+1 (561) 691-9498

2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
United States

Timeline photos 10/22/2021

Diet and Hygiene are the biggest drivers of oral health, but they’re hardly the only ones. There’s exercise. There’s chronic stress.

And then there’s sleep.

💤 A good night’s sleep strengthens your enamel

Sleeping helps repair your cardiovascular system and blood vessels from any damage sustained throughout the day allowing for essential nutrients, such as calcium and phosphate, to be transported successfully to bone tissue of your teeth.

This helps to repair, replenish and strengthen your tooth’s enamel, which is subjected to plaque and cavities over time.

💤 A good night’s sleep fights infections

Our immune system is what protects us from getting illnesses by fending off harmful bacteria and infections. Getting a good night’s sleep helps recharge the immune system by increasing production of cytokines, a powerful protein our bodies need to battle off infections and inflammation. The same process applies to the bacteria in your mouth.

Because our mouths are filled with bacteria, the immune system needs to know how to fight off any infections that could take hold, which includes gum disease, tooth infections and tooth decay. Sleep is crucial in keeping your immune system strong and maintaining good oral health.

Call us today! 🌿
+1 (561) 691-9498

2000 PGA Blvd
Unit 3120
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
United States

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TranZenDental is the center for Integrative Dentistry led by Patrick Leconte D.M.D.

Dr Leconte understands the physiology of the teeth and the mouth as well as the body and how they all are interconnected.

He is thoroughly educated on the golden proportion of the face and how to restore facial harmony and beauty.

He has knowledge of the complexity of restorative materials and their bio-compatibility with the body as well as how to rehabilitate intricate dental cases and engineer beautiful, and long lasting smiles.

He is experienced in restoring function and aesthetics of patients with very few teeth or no teeth at all using the most advanced dental technology.

Patients in need of regular, general, cosmetic or complex rehabilitative dentistry will find all solution to their needs in a peaceful, relaxed and harmonious setting.

If fear of the dentist and dental services are a blockage on your road to your optimum health, TranZenDental is the place to come to and feel those fears melt away forever.

We invite you to experience the art, science, compassionate and mindfullness side of dentistry.

Videos (show all)

Happy Halloween From TranZenDental ✨
Don't forget to brush your tongue!
Holistic Dental Care
PREVENTION+ Daily Ultimate Protection Moisturizer SPF 50 🌿
TranZenDental Testimonial - Bill T.
VITAL C Hydrating Mist



2000 PGA Boulevard, Ste 3120
North Palm Beach, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 4pm

Other North Palm Beach dentists (show all)
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840 US Highway 1
North Palm Beach, 33408

I practice General Dentistry with care and compassion.

Dr Jason Ehrenman DMD MSD Dr Jason Ehrenman DMD MSD
1216 US Highway 1, Suite B
North Palm Beach, 33408

Dr. Jason Ehrenman offers periodontics, dental implants, and laser periodontal therapy. Call for