F3OakPark, Oak Park, IL Videos

Videos by F3OakPark in Oak Park. F3 is free and open to all men - weekly meet-ups for peer-led bootcamp workouts. Rain/Shine/Hot/Cold every week. Twitter: @F3OakPark for more info.

Name-o-Rama including men from F3chicago F3Evanston F3LaGrange.

The day started w/ 4 for a ruck workout @ #RisingSun, 7 for an EC Run and then 42 for a Co-Nantan Q & passing of the flag midway through the beatdown.

This train is not stopping, F3OP is charging forward.

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Other F3OakPark videos

Name-o-Rama including men from F3chicago F3Evanston F3LaGrange.
The day started w/ 4 for a ruck workout @ #RisingSun, 7 for an EC Run and then 42 for a Co-Nantan Q & passing of the flag midway through the beatdown. This train is not stopping, F3OP is charging forward.

Friday Morning RunClubs!! - Free bootcamp workouts for men
08/13 : Four posted early at #EaglesLanding for a Sheriff RunClub. Then immediately following, Alliance doubled-up and led 10 men at #WreckCenter RunClub. Welcome back Kotter : Baywatch!

05/05 : As men complete the main coupon-beatdown, Sixteen pax endex with FlutterKicks as others rejoin the group. Welcome #Spackler!! The work you put in today earns you a free/lifetime membership. #GotSome

02/17 Donut Shop AO : Eleven men came out for a #Kodak grinder through the local streets. Some rucking, some reps and a little bit of mumble-chatter. BackBlast posted below.

02/15 : Eleven pax started their week STRONG following #Madoff’s VQ in Chicago’s Columbus Park! “Feels like” -18* and a couple more inches of snow will make March/April seem so much easier. Burpees, then Thrusters cause - why not?!? BackBlast coming soon.

02/06 : ONE for an EC Ruck and then Eight of the toughest (physically+mentally) showed up in the cold for a #Kodak Bootcamp. The goal was jst to keep moving and that’s what we did; plus a whole buncha reps. Will re-join later this am to serve in the community.

Round 1 included BearCrawls and a whole buncha pain-stations... too dark for pics. Round 2 included - Blockies - Turkish GetUps - Power Cleans - BigBoy SitUps ... w/ a sprint in between. ... shout-out to #F3SanAntonio for sending us #Brawny. That’s a strong long-distance EH!

... cause what’s a harder exercise than a blockee? (burpee w/ a cinder block) - not much. So why not add a 25 rep set right at the beginning of an #IronPax challenge - we’re all better for it.

8/15 : After a Q switch, Six showed-up and were punished by a #Bronco Beatdown. All left satisfied. BackBlast coming soon.