Mountain Yoga Oakland, Oakland, CA Videos

Videos by Mountain Yoga Oakland in Oakland. Mountain Yoga is the friendly yoga studio in the Oakland hills, devoted to caring for you, body and s

Welcome to the wondrous world of Michael Wertz! Michael is opening his home to 12 lucky people for an afternoon of drawing, tunes, treats and good company. Register to save your spot. Can’t be there? Join us over zoom for a sweet respite from the vagaries.

With Michael Wertz
Sat Feb 3, 2-4pm
In the home of Michael Wertz
(Near Lake Merritt, register for address)
In-person or via zoom

No skills or talent required.

REGISTER using link in bio or visit

#wewanttotakeyouhigher #meditativedrawing #michaelwertz #yogaforbodyandsoul #wertzateria

Other Mountain Yoga Oakland videos

Welcome to the wondrous world of Michael Wertz! Michael is opening his home to 12 lucky people for an afternoon of drawing, tunes, treats and good company. Register to save your spot. Can’t be there? Join us over zoom for a sweet respite from the vagaries. MEDITATIVE DRAWING With Michael Wertz Sat Feb 3, 2-4pm In the home of Michael Wertz (Near Lake Merritt, register for address) In-person or via zoom No skills or talent required. REGISTER using link in bio or visit #wewanttotakeyouhigher #meditativedrawing #michaelwertz #yogaforbodyandsoul #wertzateria

40 hours a week at a desk, countless hours looking at our phones and… no wonder our necks are wrecked. Dr. Baxter Bell is here to help. Learn how to avoid ‘tech neck,’ arthritis and other chronic neck issues through yoga and mindful movement at his upcoming workshop. A little discussion, a simple practice, and tools to take home that will have you feeling better in no time. Yoga for Healthy Living: Neck with Baxter Bell, M.D.⁠ Saturday, Dec. 9 2:00 - 4:00pm⁠ In-Person or via Zoom + 14 Day Recording⁠ Part of the Yoga for Healthy Living Series⁠ ⁠ REGISTER:⁠

Can yoga help prevent Alzheimer's Disease? Yes!! Up to 40% improvement, confirms recent studies.! Discover how in the upcoming workshops with Dr. Baxter Bell. Become more empowered to combat this crushing disease through the latest information and the practice of yoga. Yoga for Alzheimer’s Prevention with Baxter Bell, M.D.⁠ Saturday, Nov. 18 2:00 - 4:00 pm⁠ In-Person or via Zoom + 14 Day Recording⁠ Part of the Yoga for Healthy Living Series⁠ ⁠ REGISTER:

MY transformative arts recommendation this month is a super special one: “Self_Less" by my dear friend Edward Schocker couldn’t be more yogic. ⁠ ⁠ In researching this piece Edward interviewed numerous people about their experiences of self and “no self” to serve as it’s foundation. The Korean ensemble PHASE will be performing this premiere direct from Korea. And it’s FREE, though registration is required.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ October 7th, 6pm⁠ Self_less ⁠ Hour performance with live projections by Keith Evans⁠ NOHSpace⁠ 2840 Mariposa St ⁠ San Francisco, CA 94110⁠ Free with reservation (space is limited. make a reservation now to guarantee your spot)⁠ ⁠ REGISTER TO SAVE YOUR SPOT:

Find your frequency with Morning Meditation, now 5 days a week. Sound Meditation With Ann Dyer Cervantes M/W 8am via Zoom Mindfulness Meditation With Jessica Samuels TU/TH 8am via Zoom Pranayama + Meditation With Jessica Samuels FRI 8am via Zoom JOIN OUR DAILY MEDITATION:

Fear of falling? It’s part of life — but how can we do it with greater ease? Yogasomatics (feldenkrais + yoga) may be the answer. Learn how to live with greater stability and resilience in our upcoming workshop, Standing + Falling. Mind | Body: Standing + Falling w/ Gail Wallace + Mary Armentrout Saturday, Oct. 21 2:00 - 5:00pm In-Person or via Zoom + 14 Day Recording Video by @yoann_bourgeois REGISTER :

No glutes, no glory! ⁠ ⁠ Dr. Baxter Bell shares his yoga toolkit for waking up the power of the glutes, your largest muscle group.. Learn how strong glutes can keep you out in nature, on the court, and in your element.⁠ ⁠ Yoga for Healthy Glutes with Baxter Bell, M.D.⁠ Saturday, Oct. 14 2:00 - 4:00pm⁠ In-Person or via Zoom + 14 Day Recording⁠ ⁠ REGISTER:

Does movement aggravate arthritis?⁠ ⁠ Dr. Baxter Bell says nothing could be further from the truth! Movement helps, but it has to be the RIGHT movement. Come learn how in Dr. Baxter Bell's upcoming workshop.⁠ ⁠ Yoga for Arthritis with Baxter Bell, M.D.⁠ Saturday, Sept 23 2:00 - 4:00pm⁠ In-Person or via Zoom + 14 Day Recording⁠ Part of the Yoga for Healthy Living Series⁠ ⁠ REGISTER:

Our sweet, stalwart meditation community formed like a diamond under pressure during the challenges of the pandemic, and continues to meet regularly today. Come September, meditation teacher Jessica Samuels will be offering a new Friday meditation and pranayam, allowing you to meditate five mornings a week with Mountain Yoga. Join us for the power of “stopping, resting and sitting” Mondays thru Fridays 8AM this fall. Sound Meditation With Ann Dyer Cervantes M/W 8am via Zoom Mindfulness Meditation With Jessica Samuels TU/TH 8am via Zoom New Fall Class! Pranayama + Meditation With Jessica Samuels FRI 8am via Zoom Starts 9/29 JOIN US FOR OUR DAILY MEDITATION. REGISTER VIA LINK IN BIO. #MountainYogaOakland #SoulfulYoga #VitalLiving #YogaCommunity #YogaInspiration #OaklandYoga #YogaForEveryBody #MindfulnessMatters #YogaJourney #YogaLove #DigitalDetox #HealthyAging #CommunityMatters #SpiritualGuidance #LifeBalanceJourney #meditation #dailymeditation #meditatedaily #meditationgroup #jessicasamuels #mindfulness

“Ooooh….Morocco!! What is it that makes people ooh and aah at its very mention? Morocco is, in a word, seductive. A place for the senses. A place of sublime beauty — of every kind. Join Ann on her fourth trip to Morocco to experience its monumental sites as well as personal highlights off the beaten path collected by Ann over the years. We will stay in a majestic Kasbah in the Atlas Mountains, North Africa’s highest mountain range. Share a meal in the village home of a Berber family. Visit to the former home of renowned designer Yves St Laurent, and wander the labyrinthine walkways of Marrakech brimming with hidden gardens, picturesque cafés, and one-of-a-kind galleries, boutiques, and markets. We’ll sleep in the lap of tented desert luxury beneath a canopy of desert stars, and attend a private performance of Sufi music held in the salon of a 16th-century riad. And more. Much more. Yoga every day (sometimes twice!), luxury accommodations, 5-star service, expert guides, and a friendly group of like-minded travelers. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Join us? Yoga and Culture in Morocco with Ann Dyer Cervantes March 16 - 24, 2024 EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS AUG 16 Register Now via link in bio. #MountainYogaOakland #SoulfulYoga #VitalLiving #YogaCommunity #YogaInspiration #OaklandYoga #YogaForEveryBody #MindfulnessMatters #YogaJourney #YogaLove #DigitalDetox #HealthyAging #CommunityMatters #SpiritualGuidance #LifeBalanceJourney #yogaretreat #moroccoretreat #anndyercervantes #earlybirdpromo #travel

Mountain Yoga is committed to transformative arts via our own programming and by pointing you toward extraordinary Bay Area events each month.⁠ We have a deep devotion to the healing properties of all the arts- particularly sound and deep listening (as practiced every Mon/Wed in our early a.m. Sound Meditation sessions and featured in our own Yoga Sound Experiment deep listening sessions.) For this month’s cultural recommendation, we’re zoning in on the Oakland-based interdisciplinary sound artist @venvoisey, who has built a composition around and about the space at the historic @audiumsf. In this new piece Voisey works with field recordings from Audium’s building and surrounding neighborhood as a starting point for a sonic experience that will be projected in through Audiums 176 speakers. He responds to the space with his voice to explore the structure inside and out; considering the notions of shelter and sanctuary, utilizing dynamic range, and yes, swells. DON’T MISS THIS IMMERSIVE SOUND EXPERIENCE! DETAILS AND TICKETS AVAILABLE VIA LINK IN BIO. Swells: Ven Voisey August 3 - 26 Thursdays-Saturdays at 7:30PM “From my first experience of Audium, it struck me as sacred space; not just an environment constructed for the ritual of intentional listening, but an instrument built for playing one’s relationship to space.” #InspirationSeries #BayAreaArt #MountainYogaOakland #SoulfulYoga #VitalLiving #YogaCommunity #YogaInspiration #OaklandYoga #YogaForEveryBody #MindfulnessMatters #YogaJourney #YogaLove #HealthyAging #CommunityMatters #SpiritualGuidance #LifeBalanceJourney⁠ #venvoisey #audiumsf #sound #soundhealing #soundexperience #deeplistening #deeplisteningmeditation #YSE #YogaSoundExperiment #paulineoliveros

There’s a place for everyone at Mountain Yoga, in fact, there’s room for you and a friend at our free rooftop yoga this Friday.⁠ Cillesa Ullman will be leading us through a light-hearted, mixed-level practice sure to help you shake off the week. Grab your mat and head on over, it’s free!⁠ ⁠ SUMMER OUTDOOR YOGA⁠ Fridays 5:30 - 6:45pm⁠ Free! Pre-registration required ⁠ Free parking! (park at the roof top)⁠ Montclair Garage Rooftop, 6235 La Salle Ave, Oakland ⁠ ⁠ ~ 365 degree scenic views⁠ ~ Flat clean surface w/ astroturf⁠ ~ Bring your own mat⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #MountainYogaOakland #SoulfulYoga #VitalLiving #YogaCommunity #YogaInspiration #OaklandYoga #YogaForEveryBody #MindfulnessMatters #YogaJourney #YogaLove #DigitalDetox #HealthyAging #CommunityMatters #SpiritualGuidance #LifeBalanceJourney #Montclair #Outdooryoga #montclairyoga

There’s a place for everyone at Mountain Yoga, in fact, there’s room for you and a friend at our free rooftop yoga this Friday.⁠ Cillesa Ullman will be leading us through a light-hearted, mixed-level practice sure to help you shake off the week. Grab your mat and head on over, it’s free!⁠ ⁠ SUMMER OUTDOOR YOGA⁠ Fridays 5:30 - 6:45pm⁠ Free! Pre-registration required ⁠ Free parking! (park at the roof top)⁠ Montclair Garage Rooftop, 6235 La Salle Ave, Oakland ⁠ ⁠ ~ 365 degree scenic views⁠ ~ Flat clean surface w/ astroturf⁠ ~ Bring your own mat⁠ ⁠ Register here: ⁠ #MountainYogaOakland #SoulfulYoga #VitalLiving #YogaCommunity #YogaInspiration #OaklandYoga #YogaForEveryBody #MindfulnessMatters #YogaJourney #YogaLove #DigitalDetox #HealthyAging #CommunityMatters #SpiritualGuidance #LifeBalanceJourney #Montclair #Outdooryoga #MontclairYoga

Welcome Dari! Dari taught her first class with us yesterday — and the students already love her. What's not to love? Dari has been on the Bay Area yoga scene for over twenty years, first on staff at Namaste and later as owner of Loka Yoga. She's a seasoned teacher with deep commitment to helping her students. Check out her many talents for yourself: Tuesdays Gentle Yoga 11:30AM Sundays Mindful Flow 11:00AM In-person or via Zoom REGISTER: Already know Dari? Share with us what YOU love about her teaching!

Dear Friends, I invite you to join us for Healing Through Nature + Poem Making, an afternoon writing workshop with John Fox, poet and Director of the Institute of Poetic Medicine. John is a trailblazer in transformative arts. He is a unique facilitator in his capacity to make poetry accessible and healing to all. John’s work in Poetic Medicine and depicted in the documentary Healing Words: Poetry and Medicine, became central to my life when I found myself battling cancer during the middle of the pandemic. Illness awakened me to the healing power of trees and nature.I was immune compromised and quarantined at home. Stillness allowed me to see and perceive the diverse eco-system of the old oak trees that surround my home. I participated in several of John’s workshops during that time, especially Writing our Relationship with Trees and Poetry of Witness, then I completed a training for writing facilitators in his method at the Institute of Poetic Medicine. In one of John’s workshop, I wrote about Taxol and the Yew Tree of the Pacific Northwest. Taxol was the main chemotherapy drug I was taking to fight cancer and comes from this tree. I have since learned that 40% of all our medicines are derived from plants. Even if we haven’t battled cancer, each of us have our own great challenges. Especially with the intense impact of technology in medicine, we very likely sense that nature is not only enjoyable but essential and necessary to our health and well-being. John’s workshop will help us slow down to access that medicine of the natural world. I am thrilled that John accepted my invitation to come teach in the Yoga of Writing series at Mountain Yoga on September 17, 2-5PM PT via zoom. I hope you will join us and enjoy the opportunity of cultivating your words into pearls and finding the medicine in nature and writing. Please be in touch and let me know if you have any questions about the workshop. Looking forward to writing with you, Nina HEALING T

Cooling yoga tonight with Ann! Seated. Slow. Senuous. Via Zoom @ 5:15PM PT REGISTER: #coolingyoga #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclass #onlineyogastudio #onlineyogaclasses #onlineyogateacher #yogaforbodyandsoul

Look up, and recognize your true nature. Meditation to clear the air Monday-Thursday mornings at 8AM. Sound Meditation with Ann Dyer Mon + Wed Mindfulness Meditation with Jessica Samuels Tues + Thu

Let your imagination take flight. Wonder. Dream. Bethany is back! Live via Zoom for Yoga Nidra this Friday at 5:30PM! Profoundly relaxing, occasionally epiphanal! REGISTER: Pay with your membership or class series.

Find peace thru drawing? Learn a modern approach to the ancient meditation practice of mandala drawing this Saturday with illustrator Michael Wertz. Modern Mandalas: The Art of Meditative Drawing with Michael Wertz Saturday April 30, 2-4 pm Via Zoom 7 days access to recording REGISTER +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From Michael: "Traditional Mandalas are tools for meditation in an abstract form, most commonly represented as a series of complex wheels with figures and shapes within. The center is a dot, which is a symbol considered free of dimensions. It is interpreted as the starting point, the beginning of contemplation, and devotion to the infinite. From there, the dot might be surrounded by lines and geometrical patterns that symbolize the universe, encompassed by the outer circle which represents the cyclical nature of life. We will consider a few of these traditional forms, then relax into making our own mandalas based on simple geometric shapes and patterns using some simple tools. This class is an open, easy approach to mark-making that emphasizes generating a experience over product. Join us!" @wertzateria