
Bringing Hope to Abandoned Children with Compassion, Christ-Centered Homes, and Kingdom Mission-Driven Technology.


Solving the world's orphan problem is a demanding challenge to say the very least. @ Orphans.com we are doing our part by developing a fundraising platform for all orphanage operators in the world. We know this won't solve all the problems, so we would love to hear your solutions. Write them right here or private message us. We have to stop waiting for "someone else" to do this. If you have a solution that works, let us know, we would love to help!


One man I have previously written about and someone it has been my great honor to get to know is “Naqash.” He got his start in orphan care by responding to a su***de bomber attack eleven years ago and to this very day continues to help children he found that day and many others. His heart, soul, and every fiber of his being are Christian, and he knows no comfort other than to comfort others.
There are many people in the world, and God Bless every one of them, that take care of more orphans than he, but Naqash does everything he can in pursuit of his aspirations to help the vulnerable. He cooks, serves food, washes clothes, and relentlessly campaigns for support, at night he sits nearby waiting for children to wake up afraid in the night so he can reassure them and get them back to sleep. He does not stop until he has accomplished the task at hand.
He is gracious, thankful and humble, and a tireless worker. Recently Naqash told me that his orphanage lacked a safe water purification system and that it was unacceptable to let the children he watches over drink the water in the public system. But before I could even acknowledge his need, he went out and found others to help and yesterday sent me photos of him and some of his children installing a brand-new water purification system.
Currently, Naqash has organized his orphans and they collected clothing and milk donations to give to the flood victims in Pakistan, there is absolutely no end to this man’s Christian efforts. He is supporting the community around him, the same community that often are negative towards him. God Bless this man!
Naqash operates the Blessed Orphans Centre, a Christian orphanage situated in Lahore, Pakistan, a country that is 97% Muslim, and he defies all the odds. Please visit his profile on Orphans.com and send him some support. Every dollar counts, and Naqash is the king of stretching them out to get the best return on the money he spends. Bless this man and the children he supports. Blessed Orphan Centre https://www.orphans.com/current-needs/blessed-orphans-centre/food-support-for-orphans-children-to-make-food-bank

Photos from Blessed Orphan Centre-Shelter Of Orphans in Lahore's post 08/28/2022

A Moment of Joy, a Future of Promise.
Often in our discourse about orphans, we examine the negative aspects of their life challenges, their hardships, and the things they lack. Today, after 1.5 years of getting to know two sweet and wonderful fatherless children of poverty, something genuinely incredible occurred.
Their mama is a fantastic mother who has raised four children by herself and is now twice a grandmother. She goes daily to the shores of the Caribbean and collects beer cans that the tourists and locals discard. Her plight reminds me of the story of Honda, whose founder used to collect empty gas cans discarded by American pilots as they manually refueled in flight. He turns those cans into pistons, and a massive company was founded on incredibly humble beginnings.
Mama’s sole source of income is her collection of cans. Her children help too, but she is careful to let them play too, even though she must collect about 72 cans to make 20 pesos, roughly equivalent to one American dollar. On an extremely good day, she will gather more than 3,000 cans. Cans that she crushes by hand, one by one, to ease their transport to the depot where she sells them as scrap aluminum. On an average day, she will collect half of that.
Her children are polite, honest, open, friendly, and genuinely happy. Each child is a testament to their mothering. They don’t have money, but she won’t let that define them. They are all touched by God. Everyone in the community knows them and loves them. If anyone ever attempted to harm one of these children or any child, they would be dealt some swift, merciless street justice. But “Mama” had this one oddity that I couldn’t understand or accept; she did not want this wonderful brother and sister to go to school. Her older children did and do, but she had different plans for her youngest. Due to language barriers and respect for her role as their mother, I felt challenged to try and pressure her. Who was I? A Canadian tourist, some Gr**go, some guy that should keep his English-speaking mouth shut?
So I did the next best thing I could think of, I pressured the kids for months and months. We communicated via online translation services, and I told them how important it was, no matter what, that they MUST go to school. I was relentless, and I think they got it. But I wasn’t sure because they were charmers, and they might be just appeasing me so they could continue to use my cell phone each day to play video games.
Each day, seven days a week, they would arrive outside my home, generally between 12 and 2, and Edwardo would summons me as he screamed “Perwy,” not ever being able to perfect the pronunciation of my name, Perry. And they come about 363 days a year, no matter what. Today at 3 o’clock, they hadn’t arrived, so I thought, well, it is a super slow day on the beach. Maybe it is a rare day off.
I stood on my deck and looked up the street, and I could see them running towards me, and I could hear “Perwy” being screamed. I went down to the street to greet them. Edwardo was allowed by his sister to tell me their news as they huffed and puffed, catching their breath; he screamed with pride and joy, “Perwy, Jimena, me school Perwy.”
We celebrated with me, throwing them into the air, catching them, and tickling them until they begged me to stop. We laughed and ate mango to celebrate some more. In the aftermath, I reflected on the joy, relief, and satisfaction I felt because of their news. I guess I really did love them. They made me feel a part of their new life, they made me feel a tiny bit responsible, and I was thrilled to know they were at the doorway to unlocking their future. Like Mr. Honda, Mama was turning the discarded waste of others into treasure; her two beautiful children were getting a chance to escape the vicious cycle of poverty.
I thanked God for allowing me this experience and the children for giving me my treasure, the incredible brightness of their smiles and laughter in my life. When they go home each day, their laughter continues to echo in my heart, and they are always there.
Sponsor a child, two, three, or as many children as possible. You will never regret it; while you are helping them, they will enrich your life and empower you in ways you never imagined. It will be the most significant investment of your life. Please visit https://www.orphans.com/


Orphans.com has a mission to empower as many orphans and impoverished children anywhere in the world. Please consider joining us in our efforts. You can visit our site at Orphans.com or our blog at blog.orphans.com. We invite your comments, prayers, and support. Thank you for taking a moment to consider the plight of the vulnerable.


Response to a Su***de Bombing Leads to a New Orphanage

The plaque on the wall read, “This church is erected to the Glory of God and dedicated to the memory of All Saints in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 1883”. This is from the All-Saints Church in Peshawar, Pakistan, which opened on December 27th, 1883.

A hundred and 30 years later, this Christian church still stood in a country with less than two per cent of its population being Christians. It was a joyous symbol of love and faith, but in September 2013, two su***de bombers entered the church.

Fueled by radical ideology and blind hatred, these two men decided to end their own lives while destroying as many innocent lives as they were capable of.

With nearly 500 people attending service, they triggered their explosives and unleashed a fury of merciless destruction that killed 85 God-fearing souls. They injured over120 more people.

Pieces of human flesh and skulls were blown all over the church and its parishioners. The photos and videos of the disfigured people, the living, and the dead were broadcast worldwide. Just moments before, these very people emanated love; they embraced the rapture of Christ and were about to rejoice in a humble meal of rice when they were mercilessly obliterated. Mothers mutilated trying to shield their children, unsheltered or unfortunate, were slaughtered without mercy, exterminated like vermin.

Outrage and anger raged in Pakistan and the rest of the world, but this didn’t change the reality of the survivors.

People lay dead or dying; others tried to offer aid, prayer, and hope. The temperature was unbearable, and the stench of death rose quickly. Disbelief ran rampant as scenes of chaos, screams of horrific disbelief, and emergency service sirens rang out from every direction. Bewildered people died in the arms of strangers professing their love for their children, partners, and Jesus Christ. People were killed explicitly because they loved Jesus. It was so senseless and catastrophic it could have made a rock cry.

As humanitarian, medical, and security personnel arrived, a surreal sense embodied the scene, a grace of God to help process the tragedy. Children covered in blood cried, and cried, and cried, hysterically screaming for their mothers.

In the immediate aftermath, most people succumbed to emotional outrage and pain, but some collected their faith and strength and offered what assistance they could.

One such man, Naqash Javed, who heard the news and his associates from the Save Souls Ministries, brought food, water, bandages, and medicine to offer comfort. Their supplies were quickly diminished. Mr Javed was answering a calling, and he wanted to do more. “I could not abandon these poor grieving children,” he said.

Naqash Javed did not know it then, but what happened that day would be the impetus for the creation of the Christian Blessed Orphans Centre in Lahore, Pakistan. Along with so many others, this day of infamy altered his life forever.

Nearly nine years later, Naqash Javed works daily to support the All Saints church bombing victims at the Blessed Orphan Centre. In a country where they are a tiny minority often targeted with hate, these are devout Christians doing their best to serve Christ, forgive their aggressors, and enjoy a joyous, loving, and fruitful Christian life.

Please empower the Blessed Orphan Centre. https://www.orphans.com/current-needs/blessed-orphans-centre/food-support-for-orphans-children-to-make-food-bank


A father wears many caps, that of a provider, protector, teacher, tutor, coach, psychologist, friend, supervisor, chef, doctor, and general advisor, to name a few. It may sound complicated, but anyone with a just heart can do it.

You don’t need to be handsome, rich, or famous for your children to love you. If your child hears the floor creak in the middle of the night, they are not envisioning “Spiderman” coming to their rescue; when they peek out from under the covers, it is their father, their real-life hero who they want to see.

A father is a man who seriously respects the responsibility of raising his children (or the children of others). Their safety, welfare, and well-being are all “job one.” To a father, his children are not a burden; they are a joy, a reward of life for life.

Children have a fantastic gift that is rarely acknowledged. They might be the most incredible battery packs on earth, compiling all the strength you give them until you need some back. When “Papa” finds himself in a pickle, his children’s trust, smiles, and hugs will provide him with love, energy, and strength he did not know he possessed. That is the grace of God.

However, some misaligned males turn their back on their sons and daughters. These are the mere shells of man. Our research could not determine the number of fathers who abandon their children worldwide. Still, in the United States, it is estimated that 18 million males do not participate in raising their children. This is a travesty to the children, their mothers, and humanity.

If any person walks down a street and finds a child in distress, 99.9% of people will assist that child, a perfect stranger, because their hearts wouldn’t let them do anything else.

Yet millions of fathers abandon their own flesh and blood; God help them and their children.

That leaves good people everywhere to bear the responsibilities to help, support, and empower fatherless, vulnerable orphans. Worldwide, adoptions annually assist less than one percent of the orphan population. Less than one percent!

Sponsoring an orphan in an orphanage or enabling a child to live in an orphanage is the best we can do until we catch up with the ever-growing orphan population. The good news is you can help, your neighbors can help, and even your children can help.

Sponsor a child or ten children. If you have the means, your rewards will be heaven-sent.
Please visit orphans.com today and sponsor a child today; if not you, then who?


Happy Solstice everyone. This image I shot demonstrates all so clearly the hand of God. The majestic Caribbean, the miracle of flight, the colors of the sun fueling our world, and the grace of God. Go forth in this new season, be fruitful and make it rain for the helpless. For the love of God, please sponsor an orphan. Orphans.com


If you run an orphanage or are hoping to start one, let's chat and work together for orphans everywhere. Contact by PVT msg please.


Full House and Empty Plates, the Stories of Orphans

All over the world, the needs of the orphan population and the orphanages that support them are increasingly going unfulfilled. There are no empty beds only little empty stomachs.

There is no “teddy bear cute” way to say it but every day thousands of children learn their parents are dead. Before they even have any idea about the concept of life, they are dealt a cruel life-alerting blow.

At a time when their biggest accomplishment might be tying up their own shoes suddenly the axis of their lives is gone. No more of Mommy’s hugs and kisses. No more cookies, or bedtime stories. There is no more catch with Dad or sitting in his lap. No more being a son or daughter. This is the indoctrination of every newly orphaned child.

Each day another record is set for the number of orphaned children in the world today. For millions of orphans, the reality is not what we envision for children.

Too many people turn a blind eye to the issue of orphans and never realize that there are simple solutions available. (They just need participation) The mere scope of the problem breeds complacency and a general numbness permeates the thinking of too many people. This is terribly wrong! This is catastrophic!

The plight of orphans is far greater than their daunting numbers, which by generally accepted estimations exceeds a membership of over 100 million children. Additionally, orphans are often treated with disdain and considered the scourge of society even though they committed no crime.

Starving children with no means or knowledge would succumb to eating food that did not belong to them and became villainized because of it. Tired, cold orphans with no place to sleep or feel safe would sneak into anywhere that had the promise of a temporary sanctuary, safe from the darkness, the weather, the wild dogs, and the evil that men do.

Filthy children with uncut, disheveled hair, and muddy faces, wearing torn and tattered rags roaming the streets, picking through garbage, suspicious of everyone, and ready to run away in an instant, like wild animals avoiding predators. Almost everything about these poor children lent credibility to the misbelief that they were nothing more than filthy vermin.

Nothing could be further from the truth for these children.

Sadly, in many regions of the world, orphans are still treated with this same disdain and disgust. Innocent children are made out to be villains so that they are easier to abuse and exploit. It is human nature that you don’t run to help someone you dislike, if you can help, you might.

Humanity must empower orphans, protecting children is our most fundamental and innate responsibility. After all, without children, we are no one.

More than ever, the time for widespread action is right now!

With the world teetering on the brink of World War 3 and indeed many saying it has already begun we must mobilize support for the vulnerable children of the world.

Orphans.com is bringing solutions to provide just and loving care to orphans all over the world. Please join us. Let’s talk about orphans, let’s listen to them and get to know them. Then we can learn how we can help them grow up into happy, contributing members of society. Tell your friends, and your family, tell your church groups and organize fundraisers. To learn more about orphans, please click here.


Shree is a little 11-year-old girl, she is a semi-orphan whose biological father abandoned her and Shree’s mother leaving them alone and destitute in a hostile world of poverty. An environment that threatened their safety and futures. Her mother, desperate to fulfill her duties found work as a housemaid but is paid monthly, less than the cost of filling up your gas tank just once.

The financial shortfall put Shree in a vulnerable position subjecting her to a life in the bowels of poverty. Her mother who knew all too well the dangers of this made the soul-crushing decision to protect Shree by giving her up for adoption to an orphanage. Therewith all the other orphans, Shree would be safe from child traffickers and abusers. She would also develop friendships, have the opportunity to learn and pray free from negative influences

The CROSS Happy Home situated 100 km from Bangalore, India is an orphanage for hundreds of Orphans. When the staff at the Happy Home heard of Shree’s problems, they gladly accepted her into their Godly environment for orphans.
There Shree likes to play a game of Kho-kho, a traditional Indian sports game of tag that dates back to ancient India with her peers, the other orphans she shares her life with now. She also likes volleyball and music, but most of all she just loves playing anything with her friends.
Already in the 8th grade, Shree applies herself to her studies as she enjoys learning, especially science. Like many who have experienced such heartache and massive disruption in their lives, Shree finds it rewarding to help others. When Shree was asked what she liked, she replied” I like to help others”. She wants to become a police officer.

If you met her, you would love her, Shree is just a beautifully innocent, trusting, and very real little girl.
Today, Shree needs your help.
Sponsoring Shree will empower her to grow up safely in a Godly environment with the proper guidance and structure to mature into a young adult and contributor to our community.
To learn more and empower Shree today please click here.


Dinesh is a 14-year-old boy who was orphaned when his mother died. Unfortunately, his father battles consumption addictions and is unable to care for his children. Dinesh has an 11-year-old sister.

The two orphaned children now reside at the CROSS Happy Home,100 km from Bangalore, India. Happy Home is a care facility for hundreds of orphans, visually challenged, hearing impaired, orthopedically handicapped, and mentally challenged children.

In spite of his young age and tragic circumstances, Dinesh is developing a strength of character that embraces integrity, responsibility, and faith. He loves his sister, and he loves Jesus. He lists Jesus as his hero, and he is pleased to tell you that he prays every day.

His interests are a smorgasbord of activities and endeavors. He enjoys cooking and always has an appetite for noodles, Dinesh likes music and studying math and he likes to play and watch football.

His professional ambition at present is to become an officer in the Indian Army.

He believes in his duty to serve others and he is the first to help anyone that needs it. He is a role model for the other orphans at the Happy Home orphanage.

Dinesh exceeds most people’s expectations for him as he transitions into his teens. All orphans need and deserve our support and if it was up to Dinesh, he would prefer one of his fellow orphans was sponsored before him. He clearly demonstrates that he is a potential leader in the making.

Certainly, some kind soul will empower Dinesh by rewarding him with sponsorship. This gracious act will empower him to continue to learn, pray and develop into a leader in his community.

Someone in the military would make an exceptional sponsor and mentor for Dinesh but anyone with a kind and caring heart is welcome.

To learn more, or to empower this courageous young orphan, Dinesh, please click on this link. God bless you.


The Reality of Orphans.

Almost the entire problem with enlisting aid for orphans is a lack of communication between orphans and adults. There are very few people in the world that will turn their back on a child in need. (It shouldn’t even be possible.) Our human default response is to administer aid, nurture, comfort, and reassure any child in need at any time, anywhere.

But orphans always seem to be only “heard of,” rarely do we meet an orphan, and enjoy the blessings of their presence. To hear one’s voice and their giggles. To observe their innocence and trust. To watch one smile being congratulated on a task well done. To show them you care simply by playing catch with them. Unknowingly, they beg for your help, care, and friendship. Their hugs will melt stone.

If you are walking down the street and you come upon a child alone and you do not offer aid you are no one this world needs. The good news is this rarely happens, certainly, the demented do walk among us, but more often than not, almost anyone will help an abandoned child. The less encouraging news is that there are more orphans in the world than there are miles of streets, roads, and lanes connecting our entire planet.

But there doesn’t have to be, we can change the world, one orphaned child at a time.

Most often the orphan doesn’t even understand the financial contribution you make to his or her life, but they all know that somewhere out in the world someone cares for them, someone thinks they are special, and they want to prove you right. They want to know you and they want to make sure you love them as much as they love you.

Orphans are not society’s burden, they are a largely untapped source of love, inspiration, and joy. The amazing thing about empowering an orphan is not only that you help a helpless child, but that child will help you too. You, the sponsor are empowered in a way that forces you to reinterpret your focus in life.

All of this for basically the cost of a cup of coffee a day.

Orphans.com helps connect orphans and sponsors. Visit us today to learn more and to empower a child. Thank you


The Orphan Epidemic.

The real epidemic in the world today is the abuse and exploitation of our children. Both, in-family and orphaned children are being neglected, abused, and forgotten at levels that demand massive action and changes. New initiatives must be implemented to help these lost children.

Estimates vary widely on the number of orphaned children in the world today, but it is sufficient to say that there are too many. In fact, possibly over 150 million orphans globally. Adoption and foster care programs can only begin to address the needs of orphans today. Approximately 650,000 children resided in US foster home programs in 2020 and the United Nations reports that roughly 260,000 children are adopted each year – worldwide.

So where do all the vulnerable children go?
Tragically some are stolen or kidnapped by those that would harm, abuse, or otherwise exploit these gentle souls for child labor and financial gain. Others become homeless and learn how to survive, instead of learning how to live. Some find love and shelter with relatives or friends, but the majority need a group home or orphanage to grow up safe.
Financial considerations aside, the totality of these children’s need to be addressed so that we can nurture them in wholesome, and Godly environments of empowerment.

Anyone can give a few bucks to buy a kid a meal, (and please do) but it takes a caring individual to develop a relationship with that child and help guide them through the mass complexities of growing up in today’s disconnected and often hostile planet.

Sponsoring a child in an orphanage is a practical and loving act that empowers both the orphan and the sponsor. Almost anyone with a job has the financial means to sponsor a child and many could sponsor so many more. The time has come to help all children

Orphans.com is your connection. We partner with orphanage operators around the world and share the stories of the orphans in their care. We diligently vet their facilities and provide, honest, factual information about each child’s circumstances and the orphanage caring for them.

To sponsor a child or to learn more please visit Orphans.com today.

Please, share this post. Thank you.


Orphans.com is a not-for-profit mission of Kingdom Companies, LLC, a Christian fellowship compassionately acting in God's will. We welcome those whose hearts call them to get involved. Join us by volunteering or donating now!

Empowered by advanced technology and the word of God, we lift up, serve, and support organizations that care for orphans who have been estranged from their birth parents.

Orphans.com can help your orphanage with your funding requirements allowing you to focus on empowering the lives of the children in your care.

If you operate an orphanage or are working to develop a new facility to meet the demands of your community, we would be more than happy to assist you with your funding and the other necessities of providing quality, ethical care for abandoned children. No funding requirement is too small or too big.

We fundraise on the behalf of properly vetted organizations anywhere in the world, via our networks, associates, partners, and the general public. We do not charge for this service.

Orphans.com has the unique capabilities to accept donations in the form of cash, cryptocurrency, and a wide range of other assets that we can convert to cash and securely deliver to your location in the currency of your choice.

If you are already fundraising, we can show you ways that Orphans.com can help further your reach and simplify the mechanics of your efforts.

Orphans.com may fund individual orphans, or support your efforts for facility expansion, repairs, and the acquisition of equipment, furniture, etc. If it is something you need to provide care for the orphans in your facility, Orphans.com would like to help.

Visit our website at Orphans.com to learn more or please contact us at [email protected]. We would be happy to discuss your needs and show you how we can help.

Pictured, children at Blessed Orphans Centre receiving school supplies.


The whispers of dreams and the stories of orphans most often go untold and unheard. 7.9 billion people are living on earth and together we have produced over 153 million orphans that need our care and support. As children rarely write their stories, their tender voices, their desperate pleas, and their dreams of hope often disappear unnoticed like snow falling on the ocean. Sadly, most of us never know who, why, or where.

At Orphans.com we care, and we know there are billions more who also care.

To learn more please go to https://blog.orphans.com/stories-of-orphans/


Welcome to Orphans.com! Join us in bringing hope to the more than 150 million orphans around the world!

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One man I have previously written about and someone it has been my great honor to get to know is “Naqash.” He got his st...


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