
SimpliFly was created to breathe life into how we bond as families & as a community by highlighting our hobbies and interests.

We're not exclusive to MS & encourage neighboring communities to join us in making memories & new friends across the Gulf Coast.


Good morning everyone. Boy has it been a busy few weeks. Just as I’m sure most of you have been, we’ve been go go go. Now that we’re past Easter, Mother’s Day, and other important things we’ve all been focused on, we’re kicking our weekend flying back off.

Saturday we’ll be out for an afternoon flying session and some beach fun and again on Sunday after church.

I’ll have an event up shortly. We hope you all had a nice few weeks past and look forward to seeing you out to let the kids play and just enjoy some community socializing.

Have a great week! See you this weekend!


Hey Hey Friends!!

I hope you all avoided the traffic craziness and had a great weekend. So far, we have started the week out strong but, sadly, a gross and rainy weekend starts Thursday.

It got our kiddos talking about what we’ll do if we can’t hit the beach or parks. And, now we’re curious how you spend your rainy weekends?
Do you do arts and crafts?
Have a favorite “bored” game?
A movie marathon?

Let’s hear your best rainy day plans! Maybe you’ll give us some new ideas, too!


We need this audio, on loop, playing from 8p til morning. Imagine the vacation dreams we’d have. Great post to start your day.


Good morning friends! We hope you’re all having a great week! Just a reminder, we’ll be heading out to front beach Saturday afternoon around 4 or so, (depending on when the yard sale dies off) to do some flying in, what’s expected to be, some beautiful weather.

Sunday we’ll also be doing our usual post-church fly. I’ll make an event for Sunday’s shortly, but I won’t have one up for Saturday as it’s going to be a shorter time and I’d rather just invite you all directly through a post.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week. We look forward to seeing you this weekend.



Happy Friday friends! So sorry we’ve been so quiet this week. It’s been a busy one, especially with work travel. We hadn’t planned a fly this weekend because, until this morning, it was calling for rain tomorrow, and Justin may or may not have some 2nd degree sunburn making him regret not listening to a particular wife 🤔…lesson learned here is “if you’re peeling from last week’s burn…wear covering or stay out of the sun.”

We’re going to take this weekend to regroup, do some spring cleaning, and plan our fly next Sunday after church. Saturday is going to be a few hours in the evening after our yard sale.

I’ll take this weekend to schedule out our posts and all for next week so we aren’t so absent from your feeds. Thank you for the love and support and helping us to continue growing in our community. We’re working on some new partnerships with other Gulf Coast so that we can reach even farther and have as much fun as possible!!

Have a beautiful and fun weekend. We love you all.

Photos from Ospreys's post 03/31/2022

For those of you who also like getting out and riding in the National Seashore! Really great addition to the trail.


We’re headed out to fly on front beach for a while if anyone wants to join us. Nothing fancy, of course.

Photos from SimpliFly's post 03/27/2022

Just a few shots from today's fun. We loved seeing all the families who came out to fly today. Knowing we're starting to reach the community is a great feeling. We won't be slowing down anytime soon. Just wait for our summer series of meetups. We'll be out and about across the coast and looking forward to meeting as many new friends as we can.

An extra little proud moment for the SimpliFly crew was little Landyn (7yo) overcoming his fear of the Slingshot 2m and showing his brothers that he can hang with them in the stunt dept. We're expecting him to keep impressing us. Just wait til he's trying to hustle some time on dad's Rev 😅

Apple Maps 03/26/2022

Good morning, friends! We’re getting snacks, water, and all our gear loaded up. While the kites will make us easy to find, here’s a pin drop of where we’ll be today.

We’re putting out cones this time for the foils and stunt kites, in hopes that people won’t walk across, through, or under our lines and kites. We had a few situations last week where beach goers laid down their blankets or walked their dogs in the path of low flying kites.

We’ve cleared it with the county beach dept and they agreed it’s a smart move for the safety of the public, you guys, our people, and our equipment.

See you soon!!,-88.911766&q=Dropped%20Pin&_ext=EiYpOowqKtZjPkAxUF4xcK86VsA5Njd24iJmPkBBOKahzgQ6VsBQBA%3D%3D&t=h

Apple Maps Beach Blvd


We are so grateful for all the support and encouragement right out the gate!! Thank you all.

As you can tell, we’re making our way across the coast one weekend at a time. What’s your favorite Saturday beach spot? I think next weekend we’re considering bringing the crew to somewhere in west Harrison County or, maybe, Hancock County!

Help us reach your friends along the coast by inviting them to the page to see what we’re doing and, hopefully, like and share with their friends.

Thank you again for being so welcoming. We look forward to being able to share in the fun filled seasons ahead of us. Happy Fridaaaaay!!

4 Pack Kites-Large Fire Dragon Kite Green Snake Kite Devil Fish Kite Red Mollusc Octopus with Long Colorful Tail for Kids Adults Outdoor Game Activities 03/25/2022

For today's "Whatcha Flyin'?" Let's talk about the "Looky Here!" kites!! These are how we get your attention so you can find us, even if you weren't looking for us 🙃(link on the bottom)

First, lets talk about everyone's favorites! The snakes!
The body is a standard kite with rod supports and 2' long, and the tail is another 33'! We've got two of these and they're pretty awesome!

The 2 octopus kites are frame-less and just need the wind to fly the 2.5' head and 11' tentacles!

Rounding out the party is our 4.5' wide dragon! The body is 2' long and sports a tail just over 29' long!!

These are how you know its us. Almost 200' of kite flying ~130' high!

4 Pack Kites-Large Fire Dragon Kite Green Snake Kite Devil Fish Kite Red Mollusc Octopus with Long Colorful Tail for Kids Adults Outdoor Game Activities 4 Pack Kites-Large Fire Dragon Kite Green Snake Kite Devil Fish Kite Red Mollusc Octopus with Long Colorful Tail for Kids Adults Outdoor Game Activities


We gotta brag a little! We’re excited to say that DR Marketing Solutions, Owned and Operated by our dear friend and local entrepreneur Dylan Rhodes has reached out to partner with us, pro bono, and take the lead on our growth efforts and marketing needs in addition to his very busy schedule.

We are blessed to have such great friends in the community. Thank you Dylan. It means the world to us.

Be sure to go check him out and give a like and share. Local businesses are the lifeblood of The Coast.

DR Marketing Solutions Generating multi-platform marketing packages tailored specifically for your business. Specializing in social media marketing, business cards, flyers, etc. Build more relationships, increase brand loyalty and make more sales. Experience, Service, Results!


What’s your favorite memory of a day out and about? Maybe it was a whole trip? Was it a regular day with an unexpected twist?? Let’s hear it!! 👂🏼 🤩

kizh Kite Octopus Large Frameless Soft Parafoil Kites for Kids and Adults Easy Flyer Kite for Beach Park Garden Playground 150 Inchs Long Perfect Outdoor Fun(Orange) 03/24/2022

Not everyone wants to get a dual-line stunt kite. Some of us like the simplicity and purity of a good ole single line, up-n-away, kite.

Well, we have some GREAT kites to share with you and they're perfect for any age!! (all kites shared should be delivery by Saturday with prime. We use Amazon for most of our kites for many reasons - returns, replacements, shipping speeds, availability, etc.) (remember if you have questions, or need suggestions, reach out in messenger!)

First, our little guys' favorites (Ms. Kristina has one too 😉)
**The Kizh Kite Octopus. Frameless, easy to fly, and they look awesome at over 10' long tip to tip.

**Then we have the Ice dragon or Fiery dragon delta kite . Both easy to fly and 10000% cool!

**Got a thing for ghosts? Well we found a great kite for you! HUGE ghosts and its a 2 pack. Bright, fun, easy.

**If you want some variety, we have a great pack of Ocean Kites. A 15' octopus, a 7' whale with a 8' tail, and a 4.5' turtle! These multi-pack sets are a great option to see what you like more and if you have multiple kiddos or even one that's like Mr. Justin and wants to see ALL THE KITES IN THE AIR, they're pretty great.

**Last, but not least is AGREATLIFE. This link is to the kite section of their store. They have kites for everyone. We're not sure on shipping speed for many of their items, but definitely recommend giving them a look.

kizh Kite Octopus Large Frameless Soft Parafoil Kites for Kids and Adults Easy Flyer Kite for Beach Park Garden Playground 150 Inchs Long Perfect Outdoor Fun(Orange) kizh Kite Octopus Large Frameless Soft Parafoil Kites for Kids and Adults Easy Flyer Kite for Beach Park Garden Playground 150 Inchs Long Perfect Outdoor Fun(Orange)


In our first installment of "Whatcha Flyin'?" We'll cover the various dual-line parafoils you'll see the team flying. (links to all in first comment)

Foils are a ton of fun to fly but take a little patience and practice to learn. Everyone catches on really quickly. Let's see what's in the quiver. (m=meter)

Spencer has an HQ Symphony 1.3m
This is Spencer's first foil. Its a solid intermediate/beginner kite for teenagers +. This 1.3m was a great entry point kite and will keep him entertained for a while.

Cayden has a Prism Synapse140 1.2m and, more weird logic for you, he got this kite because its a new challenge. Cayden cut his "foil flyin'" teeth on the B2 we'll talk about below. After being dragged all over East Beach and leaving hundreds of feet of heel drags in the sand, we knew he could handle something with some speed and edge.

Justin's 2016 2m Slingshot B2 Trainer Kite is our largest foil and #1 go to for easy learning.
Wait? Biggest? Easy? Yep!
The Slingshot is larger and a bit slower to respond and it is controlled with a bar vs wrist straps. From kids (12+) to adults, it is, unquestionably, the most comfortable way to learn to control a foil. And we don't mind letting our new friends try it out (kids gotta ask mom and dad). The B2 is, by design, a kiteboarding trainer kite, but it just works so well as a trainer for dual line flying in general.


Close call this morning! Someone had a "light bulb!" moment and realized that White Ave & 90 are well within the 5mi radius of the nearest airport. Well, we reached out to Keesler Tower ATC (air traffic control) and got the clear as long as we're under 150'.

They DID say there is a slight chance someone could override that and call us to request we pull them down, but we should be fine. We won't be in the line of approach or departure as that runs across 90 & Rodenberg up NE towards Goat Island.

Yes, there are FAA rules around kiting. Especially when we have so many airports here. Typically, when we fly under 150', they won't bother us. Biloxi beach is a more sensitive area because of Keesler.

Fun Fact: Australia's kite rules are the best. Their limit is 400' up...imagine 🤩

The snakes, octopi, and dragon will be around 120'-140' up. Still plenty high enough to see where we are. all of our other rigs are under 80', so all good there.


In the recent conversations we’ve been having with some of you, one topic really stands out.

“So, where would I find a kite, if not locally? What do YOU fly? What do you recommend for someone new to flying and is (insert age here) years old?”

We’re going to do a series of posts that feature what the team flies and what we recommend. We want to answer as much as we can, and cover as many bases as possible but not make a huge post.

We encourage you to ask questions, either in the post or in messenger.


Happy Tuesday, friends!!! We had so much fun this weekend! Some of the team learned a few lessons about Sun protection. We just can’t decide if they’re looking more “beach grilled med-rare” or “tripped and fell into a crawfish pot”…

Just remember friends, don’t be stingy with the sunscreen and, for our more fair skinned pals, rock those lightly colored coverings too. Preventing burns is way easier than treating, reduces your risks for many Sun related dangers, and it lets us play more.

Have a great day! Stay safe! Deets on this weekend’s fun fly dropping this afternoon!


Time to fly!!! We’re setting up right here!! See you soon.


Today was great! We had a little bit of frustrating wind patterns, but they smoothed out. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and we look forward seeing more of you tomorrow.

We’re already looking at the wind forecasts for next weekend to see if we’ll have the right conditions to fly. If not, we’ll bring some balls and the corn hole and have shops ole day at the beach!

See you tomorrow! ~ Justin

Photos from SimpliFly's post 03/18/2022

We got to thinking….”what if they go looking for a kite Locally? Nobody shows stock, and even if they find them, they’re not all great!!”

First! Walmarts app is wrong and when you get there, what do you even pick. (OS Walmart has decent stock left. Diberville has more).

Last weekend, went for a fly and decided to test all 4 product lines they had/have available. Let’s break them down so you know what to expect to see, what we discovered, and help you avoid a frustrated experience and disappointed kiddos.

Our reviews are under the pictures prices below.

We’ll make a post for the incredible options you have online after the event this weekend. We’ll also be flying a wide variety of what’s available online.


Here’s your afternoon wind report. Still plenty of time and perfect wind conditions to fly today!! Tomorrow is going to be gross but we still look good for Saturday.

**Remember to fly in open areas away from power lines, trees, and roadways. And always check here for the most recent wind updates to make sure you’re going out in suitable conditions for your equipment and skill level.**

The Ancient History and Enduring Appeal of Flying a Kite 03/17/2022

Such a diverse history dating back centuries.

The Ancient History and Enduring Appeal of Flying a Kite For millenniums, the airborne objects have mesmerized cultures around the world. Now, a new generation of artists is taking their creation to new heights.


A lot of you are getting invites to visit and, hopefully, like and follow our page. But...WHO ARE WE? I'm glad you asked 😉
Spencer Westberry and I came up with the idea to start SimpliFly after a disappointing realization that we don't seem to have any kite clubs in our area (as far as we can tell..if I'm wrong, I hope they reach out so we can team up) that my boys and I could link up with and share a great hobby. We want to bring a new way for our families and communities to come together over new and existing hobbies and interests.

Now we have SimpliFly. Our goal...our mission, if you will, is to get families and communities together for some wholesome fun. No video games, no giving in to being home bodies (trust me, I'm definitely guilty of that), just getting us all outside to make new friends, enjoy our hobby, and get others interested in it.

As we get things rolling and grow, we'll be hosting what we'll call "Fun Fly's" where we just say "Hey, we'll be here on this day. Come on out and have some fun." As we grow further, we're looking forward to hosting more organized events with competitions, crafts for kiddos, including like diy "color and fly" kite projects. We want to help change the culture of the coast. From New Orleans to Mobile (and surrounding areas, of course), we're going to reach out and bridge communities with something real.

If you would like to see how you can help us out in our infancy, please shoot us a message or give me a call at the page number. Your time is all we will ever ask for. We're working diligently to build this with our, currently, little team. By the way, we aren't just some group of strangers with a crazy idea. Our team, currently, consists of myself, Spencer Westberry, my wife Kristina McKinley, and Spencer’s brother Steven came on board to help with a second group that we'll call our "Junior Board" which consists of Anthony and our 12yo boys who will be working to reach the youth of our communities through various outreach projects and outings.

We can't wait to see where this goes and we thank you all for your support. Our first "Fun Fly" will be posted shortly. We're wasting no time in making new friends!!


"Diamonds in the Sky: The Contributions of
William Abner Eddy to Kiting"

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