Diverse CTI

Diverse CTI

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Founded in 1984 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma , Diverse CTI has a long history of building lasting busi


Remember back when phones were only used to make calls? 📞Those good old days are long gone.

Now we walk around with a mini-supercomputer in our hands at all times. While these devices are convenient and make life easier, they also make us vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 😳

Whether you are or , there is a security feature on your phone that you should have enabled.

We’ll tell you what it is in today’s blog.

Click here to read now - https://www.diversecti.com/2024/02/16/new-security-features-to-protect-your-phone-in-2024/


One of the biggest issues we see is a disjointed relationship between the organization’s business leaders and the IT team.

Technology is an integral part of how a business operates. When business leaders loop in IT professionals, they can make informed decisions about what technology to deploy to make long-term growth and scalability easier and more efficient.

Here are a few areas in which your IT team should act as a strategic advisor:

Optimizing business operations to streamline processes and improve productivity
Selecting the best line-of-business software
Upgrading old or outdated hardware and software
Implementing cybersecurity best practices
Deploying cost-effective and scalable cloud solutions
Creating a predictable IT budget that doesn’t rely on break-fix solutions

Ready to make IT a strategic business decision?
📲Book a 10-Minute Discovery Call to get started – https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


E-mail security is critical! It is the number one way cybercriminals install malware on your network.

If you haven’t trained your employees on how to spot risky e-mails, you are making yourself vulnerable to an attack.

Invest in cybersecurity training for your team. It could be the difference between experiencing a business-ending data breach or not.

Need help putting together a training plan?
📲Book a 10-Minute Discovery Call to get started – https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


Can you spot the difference?

These are small mistakes that are easily made and put you at risk.

Criminals take advantage of this using something called cybersquatting. This dangerous tactic involves hackers sneakily pretending to be you in order to trick your customers!

It could be happening right now, and you don’t even know.

In today’s article, we’ll dive into what cybersquatting is and how you can check to see if someone is impersonating your brand.

Click here to read more - https://www.diversecti.com/2024/01/19/beware-of-cybersquatters/


Okay, we might not have a crystal ball to see the future, but there are a few trends in the cybersecurity world that can help us predict what the big issues of 2024 might be!

Here are the top 3:

1.)Ransomware attacks will continue to increase
2.)Hackers will use AI but it will be an even more important tool for cybersecurity companies to use to defend companies from attacks
3.)Phishing attacks will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated

Make sure you’re protected!

📲 Book a 10-Minute Discovery Call with our team and we’ll help you map out a plan to get started – https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


Is your phone listening to you? If you haven’t adjusted the settings, it might be.

👉 If you have an iPhone - go to Settings and search “Siri.”
Toggle “Always Listen for ‘Hey Siri’” off.

👉If you have Google Assistant, you can turn off “Hey Google” activation through settings

👉 If you have a Samsung, you can turn off “Hi, Bixby!” through Settings > Apps > Bixby voice settings > Turn off voice wake up.

📲Schedule a FREE 10-Minute Discovery Call to find out more ways you could be vulnerable to a security issue - https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to cut costs and increase profitability. 💰
You can try as many new fancy AI tools and hacks as you want, but the fastest way is to leverage technology and streamline your operations.
We’ve put together a 15-point road map listing out critical areas of your business to focus on to help you create a more efficient business in 2024 and beyond.
Click here to read now - https://www.diversecti.com/2024/01/12/your-15-step-it-profitability-road-map-for-2024/


Business Owners - Can you guess the top 3 types of cyber-attacks mostly likely to impact you?

1.)Social Engineering - This is very dangerous because it relies on human error rather than technology and it’s much easier to trick a person than a security system.
2.)Third-Party Exposures - Even if you have a security system in place, hackers can target you by going after vendors that have access to your systems.
3.)Configuration Mistakes - A study by Rapid7 showed that 80% of external pe*******on tests encountered an exploitable misconfiguration from setup. If you’re doing your own security, this number increases even more.

Avoid being a victim of a cyber-attack due to mistakes like this! We’ll conduct a FREE Security Assessment and help you put a plan in place to stay secure.

📲Book a call here to get started - https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


Finally, you can take a breather!

Our team is here to support you. Whether you’re looking to…

⚡️Reduce costs
⚡️Improve productivity
⚡️Sleep at night because you know the hackers that are after business owners like you can’t touch your network

We are here to help.

📲Book a 10-Minute Discovery Call to get started – https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


In our last blog, we shared the two most popular billing methods for IT services.

But the bigger question is, what do those services actually cost?

In today’s blog, we’re breaking down the fees IT companies charge for both methods so you know what to expect or help you find out if you’re currently overpaying for service that underdelivers.

Click here to read now - https://www.diversecti.com/2024/01/05/how-it-support-companies-charge-for-their-services-part-2-of-2/


Nearly 80% of reported security incidents are phishing attacks!

There are many types of phishing attacks, but the most common threat we see is bad links sent via e-mail.

One of the most important things you can do to protect your company is train your employees on how to spot these attacks.

It could prevent you from being the next victim.

📲Book a 10-Minute Discovery Call to get started – https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


If your webpage isn’t loading correctly, you might need to clear your cache and refresh.

Press Ctrl + Shift + R on a PC (or Cmd + Shift + R on a Mac) to instantly clear your cache and refresh the page.

🛎️ Follow us for more tech tips!


There are two main ways an IT services provider will charge you.

Both have upsides, but one makes more sense in MOST situations. 👍

In our latest blog post, we dive into these two methods, helping you determine if your business is currently utilizing the best one.

Click here to read now - https://www.diversecti.com/2023/12/29/how-it-support-companies-charge-for-their-services-part-1-of-2/


Technology is the secret weapon of successful people!

They know how to leverage tech tools to get more done in less time with fewer resources.

As you think about 2024, what technology you invest in to help your team move forward faster should be a key part of the planning process.

To help, we’ve mapped out a few areas of your business where implementing technology can have a big impact.

Click here to find out what they are - https://www.diversecti.com/2023/12/15/7-ways-to-maximize-workplace-productivity-with-tech/


Recently a woman received an email from ‘Amazon’ stating she needed to update her debit card information or her recent order wouldn’t go through.

Seconds after she entered it into the form, a notification flashed on her phone that $1,000 had been taken from her account.

She spent hours at the bank and on the phone trying to get the money back.

The scarier part is, that woman is an admin at a hospital. Had she made that mistake at work, she could have cost the organization thousands or more.

👉Train your team. They can’t protect you if they don’t know what to look out for.

📲Schedule a FREE 10-Minute Discovery Call to find out how we can help you do this - https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


Data privacy policies do not guarantee your data is secure. Let us explain! 👇

Data privacy policies simply define how your data will be used.

It does not mean that the company has a policy of protecting your privacy.

That would be a data PROTECTION policy and is much different!

Always read the find print and never assume a company will keep YOU safe. It’s up to you to make good decisions about your data.

Business Owners - Do you have a data protection policy? We can help you secure your network so your customers can have peace of mind working with you.

📲Book a call here to get started - https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


There are a lot of myths out there about cybersecurity, and falling for them can significantly increase your risk of an attack. 😱

Let’s bust a few of the most common and dangerous myths so you can head into the holidays and the New Year with peace of mind!

Click here to see the top five myths debunked - : https://www.diversecti.com/2023/12/08/out-with-the-old-debunking-5-common-cybersecurity-myths-to-get-ready-for-the-new-year/

There is a lot of skewed information about Myth #5. The truth often surprises people. Let me know if you know the real answer.


Cybercriminals are tricky! They can secretly install ransomware by…
Sending scam e-mails with bad links or infected attachments
Sneaking into your server through vulnerabilities and installing malware
Using infected websites to automatically install malicious software to your devices
Make sure you have someone you trust continuously monitoring your account to detect and remediate any issues like this.
📲Schedule a FREE 10-Minute Discovery Call to find out how we can do this for you - https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


QR codes make it easy to access links on the go but they also make it easy for hackers to get you to access malicious links.

The scary part is, it’s still difficult to detect and mitigate the threats spread by this method!

Here are two tips to keep in mind:

👉 Be cautious about where you are and what you scan
👉 Do NOT scan QR codes from emails. Go to the site and look up the page.

Already scanned a bad code and need an assessment to find out if you’ve been compromised?

📲Book a 10-Minute Discovery Call to get started – https://www.diversecti.com/discoverycall/


If your Facebook or other social media gets hacked, who is responsible for any losses?

Is it Facebook?
Is it your bank?
Is it YOU?

This recently happened to the CEO of a big marketing company who thought he had a strong enough password.

Check out today’s blog to find out what happened to the money he lost and what this means for anyone with social media accounts, including you!

Read here - https://www.diversecti.com/2023/12/01/when-your-facebook-or-other-online-account-gets-hacked-whos-responsible-for-the-losses/


What does reliable and fast IT service really cost?

If you’re not sure, you could be overpaying for service that under-delivers. 😳

We’ve eliminated the guesswork. Get a copy of our FREE I.T. Buyers Guide which shares important information for CEOs like…

✅ 21 questions to ask BEFORE you let anyone work on your network
✅ How cheap I.T. companies advertise a low price and then nickel and dime you relentlessly
✅ What quality I.T. service ACTUALLY costs

And more!

📲Click here to grab your copy now – https://www.diversecti.com/itbuyersguide/

Photos from Diverse CTI's post 12/08/2023

Shout out to Ben Winters Photography for our photo shoot last week!

"Picture day with IT technicians: Trying to convince the camera that we're just as photogenic as our code. Expecting our photos to go viral as the hottest binary portraits on the internet. Smile.exe initiated!


Browser extensions can perform hundreds of helpful functions, like blocking ads, organizing bookmarks and more!

However, hackers can use some extensions to get into your device.

They can use them to steal sensitive information, install spyware and integrate into your browser. 😳

Make sure you ONLY download extensions from reliable sources that review all apps for security risks, like the Chrome or Edge Add on Store

🛎️ Follow us for more tech tips to keep you secure!


⚠️NEW and URGENT Bank Account Fraud Alert! ⚠️

In 2022, one of the most advanced and dangerous malware variants made its way around European banks wreaking havoc.

It has now made its way to the US.

This sneaky piece of malware is so cleverly disguised that anyone could make the mistake of clicking it.

In today’s article we’ve outlined everything you need to know to prevent this dangerous piece of malware from tapping into your bank account information.

Read here - https://www.diversecti.com/2023/11/24/new-and-urgent-bank-account-fraud-alert/
👉🏻And don’t forget to share with family and friends so they know what to look out for, too!


Is someone spying on your phone, reading your messages, peeking through your camera, or tracking your data?

How scary! 😱

Here are 7 signs your phone might be hacked.

New apps that you didn’t download appear
It’s running slower than usual
It feels hot, even after turning it on
Your battery is draining quickly
You have service disruptions
You’re getting strange pop-ups
There is a surge in data usage

Your phone is a computer, so you SHOULD have additional security protection for it.

If you’ve experienced any of these, it’s a good idea to have a professional look at it to make sure you’re not at risk.


Unfortunately, most people think they know cybersecurity, but then find out the hard way they don’t.

We don’t want that to be you!

In today’s blog, we list 10 big things everyone needs to know about cybersecurity. If you’re a business owner, this is particularly important for you when planning for next year.

Most people overlook #10, but it’s arguably one of the most important.

Read here - https://www.diversecti.com/2023/11/17/10-things-every-business-owner-should-know-about-cyber-security/


Such a wonderful experience this week to volunteer and serve alongside some fellow entrepreneurs with EO OKC at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum. We had the honor of washing the chairs that stand in place to remember the ones lost on that day.


Debit cards connect directly to your bank account! This means if you purchased something from a fake website or a phishing website and a cybercriminal stole your information, they could have direct access to your phone.

Credit cards or third-party payment sites like Paypal are much safer options for making online purchases.

Be cyber-smart so you can enjoy the holiday season with peace of mind.


The holidays are here! Are you doing any online shopping this season? 🎁

My guess is you probably are because, let’s be honest, ‘one-click ordering from home in pajamas’ beats out ‘fighting against the crowd for the last massage chair in stock’ any day.

Unfortunately, the cyber-schemers and scammers out there know this, and they’ve been preparing.

BUT, this year, you can be prepared.

We just posted a short blog sharing four of the most popular scams you need to watch out for.

Find out what they are here - https://www.diversecti.com/2023/11/10/the-danger-of-holiday-phishing-scams-how-to-recognize-and-avoid-them-to-stay-safe-this-holiday-season

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Videos (show all)

Are you struggling to manage your IT? We can help! Diverse CTI is your local managed IT services provider. We go above a...
Managing IT can be tough, but with Diverse CTI, it doesn't have to be. As your local managed IT services provider, we de...
Are you struggling to manage your IT? We can help! Diverse CTI is your local managed IT services provider. We go above a...
We're going to talk about the difference between Backup Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity in under 60 seconds!FO...
The Cloud — How We Seamlessly Expand Business Data
Lightsaber Attack at Diverse CTI



2248 NW 40th Street
Oklahoma City, OK

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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