Nisqually Reach Nature Center, Olympia, WA Videos

Videos by Nisqually Reach Nature Center in Olympia. The Nisqually Reach Nature Center is a small non-profit focused on education and research.

Some of our Pigeon Guillemot surveyors got quite a show following their survey on Anderson Island last week!! These Biggs orcas stayed and played for about an hour! You just never know what kind of magic awaits you out on the beach!

Pigeon Guillemots are an indicator species for the health of Puget Sound and the orcas are just one of the many reasons we are dedicated to this work. All of these beautiful animals are connected by their shared marine ecosystem, and it's so important for us to continue monitoring how well it is functioning so we can better promote its conservation.

A huge thank you to volunteer and past science intern, Erin A., for sharing this video with us!

Other Nisqually Reach Nature Center videos

Some of our Pigeon Guillemot surveyors got quite a show following their survey on Anderson Island last week!! These Biggs orcas stayed and played for about an hour! You just never know what kind of magic awaits you out on the beach! Pigeon Guillemots are an indicator species for the health of Puget Sound and the orcas are just one of the many reasons we are dedicated to this work. All of these beautiful animals are connected by their shared marine ecosystem, and it's so important for us to continue monitoring how well it is functioning so we can better promote its conservation. A huge thank you to volunteer and past science intern, Erin A., for sharing this video with us!

Look closely- this leather sea star is spawning! We can tell this one is male because of the cloudy sperm being released. This species of sea star spawns between April and August. The females release yellow eggs. If the eggs meet sperm in the water, they can be fertilized and develop into zooplankton.

Refilling the aquarium
Watch our main aquarium fill up with water post-cleaning:

Chum salmon are returning to McLane Creek to spawn! If you'd like to learn more about the fish and the natural history of the McLane Creek chum run, our friends, the Stream Team, will have Salmon Steward docents at viewing locations in the park from 10am - 2pm on weekends during November and the Friday after Thanksgiving to give you all the deets! This is a great opportunity to learn more about why it's important to ensure clean water and healthy habitats for our fish! Chum can also be viewed in Kennedy Creek right now. You can make a fun day of visiting both natural areas, if you're feeling adventurous! 😊

Eating all the Halloween candy like...
Eating all the Halloween candy like... Have a safe and fun Halloween! 🎃 #nisquallyreachnaturecenter #crabs #dinnertime #pugetsound #happyhalloween

Orion the Seal Pup
Orion has returned to Puget Sound! The stranded harbor seal pup was rescued from Luhr Beach near Nisqually Reach Nature Center in July. After being rehabilitated by SR3, he was released near Woodard Bay in October. Watch the video to see Orion and two other seal pups swim off into the Sound. Read more about Orion's story in our fall newsletter:

A Barred Owl made a daytime appearance in the trees near the boat launch today.

Wait for it...! 🐙🐙🐙 We had an exciting day at the Zittel's Marina South Sound Light Trap yesterday. We found a juvenile red octopus in the trap (squee!) and we also caught our first (South Sound) Dungeness crab megalopa of the season!! 🦀 Woot! 🎉 (Dungy photo in the comments!) To read more the larval dungeness crab light trap study, click here:

The Nisqually delta is critical habitat for many marine animals, including salmon. Help us promote its conservation by supporting our environmental education and community science programming. Every donation makes a difference! To donate visit: #givingtuesday2021 #unleashgenerosity

We're less than a week away from Giving Tuesday! Real change happens when we work together for a cause. Will you help us in our efforts to promote the conservation of the Nisqually Estuary and Puget Sound? Every little bit counts, and your donations help us keep our environmental education, community science, and outreach programs going strong! #givingtuesday2021 #environmentaleducation #communityscience #nisquallyestuary #nisquallyreachnaturecenter

Cleaning and Preening in Nisqually!