Oneonta Chiropractic Center

We are a Chiropractic and Functional Medicine clinic. We focus on a drugless approach to the recover

Free Laser Opt In 07/09/2024

Free Robotic Laser Treatment - Act Fast!

We are celebrating our one year anniversary of having the most advanced Robotic laser in the Country.

The results that we have seen have been nothing less than miraculous.

We've successfully treated knee, shoulder, hip, elbow, foot and wrist pain

Conditions like peripheral neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, TMJ disorders as well as severe neck and low back pain.

If you have not tried the laser yet, I really want to give you a chance to try it.

We are giving 10 people an opportunity to have a free laser session.

If you or someone you know is suffering from pain and they can't seem to get better, fill out the form below and see if this powerful robotic laser is the answer you've been looking for.

Many people use in it to avoid shots & surgery.

If you're one of the first 10 to qualify for the laser treatment, we will call you and schedule a time for you to get your amazing laser treatment.

Click the Link Below...


Dr Mark Dailey

Free Laser Opt In Do you have pain? We are giving away a laser treatment to 10 different people who may have conditions that it is known to benefit.

Free Laser Opt In 04/15/2024

We are celebrating our one year anniversary of having the most advanced Robotic laser in the Country.

The results that we have seen have been nothing less than miraculous.

We've successfully treated knee, shoulder, hip, elbow, foot and wrist pain

Conditions like peripheral neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, TMJ disorders as well as severe neck and low back pain.

I really want to give you a chance to try it.

We are giving 10 people an opportunity to have a free laser session.

If you or someone you know is suffering from pain and they can't seem to get better, fill out the form below and see if this powerful robotic laser is the answer you've been looking for.

Many people use in it to avoid shots & surgery.

If you're one of the first 10 to qualify for the laser treatment, we will call you and schedule a time for you to get your amazing laser treatment.


Dr Mark Dailey

Free Laser Opt In Do you have pain? We are giving away a laser treatment to 10 different people who may have conditions that it is known to benefit.

MLS Laser Compilation Dr & patient testimonials 2-28-24 03/05/2024

Do you know someone suffering with pain?

Laser treatment may be right for them.

See what you think, watch this short video...

MLS Laser Compilation Dr & patient testimonials 2-28-24 MLS Laser Treatment For Pain

2024 Weight Loss 01/22/2024

We are getting ready to start our 6 week weight loss challenge. If you have an interest in losing weight please click the link below to get more information.

2024 Weight Loss We use a whole food diet supported by pharmaceutical grade all natural supplements designed to burn fat and reduce craving.


Neck or back pain got you down?
Non surgical spinal decompression may be right for you!
Watch this...


MLS Robitic Laser & Wound Healing


Suffering with severe neck or low back pain? You need to see this MRI. Before & After the MLS Robotic Laser treatment

What is the Best Diet For Fibromyalgia? 06/06/2023
What is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet?

What is the Best Diet For Fibromyalgia? Here we will cover the best diet for a Fibromyalgia sufferersClinic # (800) 939-2948Free Fibro Freedom Formula @ www.fibroheroes.comFunctional Medicine Overv...


We are looking for someone to work in our Oneonta clinic Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Must be dependable & willing to learn.
Send resume to [email protected] We will call once we review all applicants.

MLS Laser Therapy - Chiropractor Testimonials 04/12/2023

If you are suffering from chronic pain you need to see what our robotic laser can do..

Watch this video...

MLS Laser Therapy - Chiropractor Testimonials

The Link Between Processed Foods, Gut Bacteria, and Autism 08/22/2022

Three Reasons to Go Easy on Gluten
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP
Gluten has been the topic of hot debate by a growing number of healthcare providers.

The literature is overflowing with the detrimental impact gluten has on the intestinal wall.

When you eat gluten, your body produces a molecule called zonulin. The increase in zonulin is linked to increased intestinal permeability aka: leaky gut.

Leaky gut can create a cascade of damaging health issues including autoimmune disease and many inflammatory diseases.

Three Reasons to Go Easy on Gluten
Although today's article is not intended to do a deep dive into leaky gut syndrome, my objective is to present three additional reasons to avoid gluten.

1: Most of the wheat (gluten) eaten today is termed dwarf wheat and contains amylopectin A. This is a super starch worse than sugar. Of special interest, amylopectin A is a trigger of small LDL particles. When wheat is removed from the diet, these small LDL levels reduce by 90 per cent. Amylopectin digestion may raise blood sugar and insulin levels, causing an increase in triglycerides and cholesterol and leading to fat accumulation

2: Most wheat has been sprayed with the w**d killer, glysophate. There is growing evidence linking glyphosate to cancer, endocrine disruption, fertility and reproductive concerns, kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, microbiome disruption and neurotoxicity.

3: Most wheat contains a preservative called calcium propionate which has been linked to mood, behavior and attention problems.


Although the thought of going gluten-free can be challenging I would simply say that the health benefits of avoiding gluten is worth it.

A viable option is Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat. The unique composition of Tartary buckwheat contributes to its various health benefits such as anti-oxidative, anti-cancer, anti-hypertension, anti-diabetic, cholesterol-lowering, and cognition-improving.

Dr. Jeffrey Bland offers a premium Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat at


The Link Between Processed Foods, Gut Bacteria, and Autism Propionic acid is a preservative used in food production and a by-product of bacterial overgrowth that has been linked to autism. Read more here.


Does Milk Really Make a Body Good? The Other Side of StoryRonald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP

I have to wonder how the government dietary guidelines still recommends consuming three glasses of milk a day.

Where is there evidence?

A 2020 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H., and David S. Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D. reviewed over 100 top studies on milk and found that milk consumption is associated to the risks of fracture, obesity, cardiovascular disease, allergies, and various cancers.

This may be a hard pill to swallow but the scientific literature proves otherwise.

In other studies milk consumption has been found to increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which has been associated with several major health conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive function in the elderly.

If you absolutely love milk than I recommend consuming only A2 casein milk products. Most milk products have high levels of the protein A1 casein which may lead to increased inflammation, allergies and other health challenges

Populations, which consume milk containing high levels of β-casein A2 variant, have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and type-1 diabetes.


#10 Toxic Food
10. Kale, Collards, and Other Leafy Greens

(Photo: Rita Maas/Getty Images)

While the amount of pesticide detected on these greens was not as worrisome as on other produce, the types of pesticides detected were. According to tests by USDA, three insecticides banned from use on most crops—acephate, chlorpyrifos, and oxamyl—were found on kale, collards, and other greens (and on hot peppers), earning them the EWG's Dirty Dozen Plus rating.


#9 Toxic Food
9. Cherry Tomatoes

The many pesticides and fungicides used to keep tomatoes disease-free include insecticides known as endosulfins, which can pose a danger to the central nervous system.


#8 Toxic Food
8. Cucumbers

Among the 86 pesticides found on cucumbers were neurotoxins, suspected hormone disruptors, and probable carcinogens. Of particular concern is carbendazim, a fungicide that's considered a probable carcinogen. Carbendazim has been turning up in orange juice and many other food products, prompting FDA consumer health warnings.


#7 Toxic Food
7. Bell Peppers

Residues of 15 pesticides were found on bell peppers, among them neurotoxic neonicotinoids, which harm bee colonies as well as people.


#6 Toxic Foods
6. Spinach

(Photo: UpperCut Images/Getty Images)

Among the pesticides used on spinach (and lettuce) are acetamiprid and imidacloprid, two pesticides from the family known as neonicotinoids that are known neurotoxins. Also commonly used on celery, grapes, apples, spinach, lettuce, and most cruciferous vegetables (such as cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli), neonicotinoids are now restricted in Europe because of their effect on brain development in children.


#5 Toxic Foods
5. Peaches and Nectarines

If you've ever seen a backyard peach tree, you've probably seen peach leaf curl, brown rot, or one of the many other diseases and pests that afflict these trees. Hence the high number of pesticides and fungicides needed to get a high yield of stone fruit to market in unblemished condition. USDA data show that 96 percent of all peaches and 100 percent of imported nectarines test positive for pesticide residue.


#4 Toxic Foods
4. Celery

This seemingly innocuous vegetable tests high in dicloran and acephate, both possible carcinogens, along with a laundry list of other pesticides and fungicides.


#3 Toxic Foods
3. Grapes

(Photo: Getty Images)

Would you believe that a single grape tested positive for 15 pesticides? Perhaps the most serious is chlorpyrifos, an insecticide known to sicken farmworkers and others living or working close to fields. Immediate exposure to chlorpyrifos causes coughing, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, dizziness, and disorientation. Studies have shown that long-term exposure is toxic to the brain, particularly affecting brain development in children. (Chlorpyrifos is also commonly sprayed on citrus fruit and nuts.) Two weeks ago, the National Resources Defense Council and PANNA sued the EPA in an attempt to ban the use of chlorpyrifos.


#2 Toxic Foods
2. Strawberries

(Photo: Deborah Pendell/Getty Images)

To keep these low-lying berries pest- and disease-free, growers use fumigants, most commonly methyl bromide, chloropicrin, and Telone (1,3-D). All of these have been linked to developmental issues, cancer, and hormone disruption in children, according to the Pesticide Action Network North America. Even worse is the fumigant methyl iodide, which the EPA banned in 2012 but can still be used while farmers’ stocks last.


1. Apples

(Photo: Diana Miller/Getty Images)

This lunch bag favorite tops the EWG’s list because of the chemical diphenylamine, which growers use to coat apples and prevent the skins from darkening from “storage scald” while in cold storage. According to USDA tests, 80 percent of the apples sampled tested positive for DPA. The European Union banned DPA in 2012 because of the risk that the chemical could combine with nitrogen to produce nitrosamines, which are known to be serious carcinogens. This spring the European Commission restricted DPA on imported fruit to 0.1 part per million; the average concentration of DPA on American apples is four times that. (Apple juice, applesauce, and some pears also tested positive for DPA.)


The 10 Most Toxic Fruits and Vegetables. This will blow your mind!
When trying to keep the grocery bill down, organic produce can seem like an indulgence you just can’t afford.

It's true—in most cases, you pay more for fruits and vegetables raised with the extra care it takes to protect plants without chemicals. But what are you really bringing home with those savings? Chemicals known or suspected of causing cancer, harming the brain, and interfering with growth and development—not to mention killing off bee colonies that pollinate the plants in the first place.

Parents in particular should be concerned about pesticides, experts say, because they have a more potent effect on children. In the American Academy of Pediatrics’ groundbreaking statement on pesticide exposure in children, the organization warned parents of links to higher levels of childhood cancer, learning disabilities, and behavior problems.

I will expose one of these foods each day! Please share with people you love.


21 Benefits of Chiropractic you might not have known:
Improves joint mobility, function and health.
Makes tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight and improves the contractibility (thereby strength) of the muscle.
Decreases degeneration of the joint and connective tissues (arthritis).
Decreases the on-­-going inflammatory process associated with the subluxation.
Improves circulation taking stagnant blood out and bringing new blood in.
Speeds up the recovery process.
Improves nerve system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently.
Strengthens the immune system.
Improves individual organ system function (heart, lung, sinuses, digestive, etc).
Improves a person’s disposition (they’re more FUN to be around).
Calms a hyperactive mind and energizes a depressed mind.
Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.
Relieves/Improves Prenatal Discomfort
Decreases length of labor and associated back pain.
Decreases the adverse effects of stress.
Improves athletic performance (for ANY sport).
Improves Quality of Life by enhancing the enjoyment/fulfillment of a person’s Key Values
Prevention ability for sickness, disease and pain.
Improves overall health and wellness for infants and children.
Improves cognitive ability (ability to THINK more clearly).


Hey Oneonta, We are now open on Tuesdays until noon.
50% off new patient special all week long. Tell a friend!
(205) 625-3488


Oneonta Chiropractic is now open on Tuesday until noon.
Come see us (205) 625-3488
Ask about our New Patient Special 50% off first visit.

Low back pain solutions 11/14/2018

Hey Oneonta, Don't suffer when help is literally around the corner.

Low back pain solutions chiropractic is a possible solution to low back pain in Oneonta Alabama

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Videos (show all)

Neck or back pain got you down?Non surgical spinal decompression may be right for you!Watch this...
MLS Robitic Laser & Wound Healing
Suffering with severe neck or low back pain? You need to see this MRI. Before & After the MLS Robotic Laser treatment



1901-B 2nd Avenue East
Oneonta, AL

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 12pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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