Nathallie Hughes

Empowerment, Mindset Coach helping you to release limiting beliefs and boldly manifest your desires.

Photos from Nathallie Hughes's post 06/04/2024

Have you secured your spot for the 🎉 Drop The Defense 🎉 training event yet?! This AMAZING free training is made to help you attract trustworthy men, in general; *and* to help you allow in your soulmate. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

I have three days of JUICY goodness planned (we just finished day one and it was absolute 🔥🔥🔥), and I'm delivering it all to you for FREE. You're done feeling unsafe around men. You're done feeling afraid that the man you're interested in might ghost you or hurt you.

And that feeling of safety and security that you're looking for is only ever going to come from INSIDE OF YOU. 💣🤫

That's why I created the drop the defense training for. To teach you how to create an internal experience of safety and security around your soulmate (and men) which allows all of the good hearted men of the world to show up for you right HERE, and right NOW. And who doesn't want that?

You deserve to be safe and relaxed in the world as a Divine feminine, who was made to be supported and protected. And of course, you don’t *need* men’s protection– life just feels relaxed and safer and more enjoyable with it. And you deserve a soft life. No more trying to prove that you can do it all on your own. Proving your strength is overrated. You have more interesting things to do like experiencing full body relaxation and the ability to be present in the moment without worry.

Here's what I know for sure: food tastes better when you feel safe and protected. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I wouldn't miss out on this training.

The sign up and replay to all days will be available until Friday, June 7th 11:59 PM PST.
Get the deets and join us here:


The first place that your soulmate lives is in your imagination. When you create an internal experience of being in love and being united with the one that God created to love you… you call it in. When you get clear on who he is for you, and how his presence powerfully serves you… you allow him in. Journal prompts are my absolutely favorite way to do this.

Here are 3️⃣ prompts to help you tap into the vision of your soulmate. ⬇️

1️⃣ Think of the version of yourself who is taken care of by her man. What does she know to be true about romance, men, and herself?
2️⃣ Your soulmate is here, now. He goes above and beyond to make you feel loved and taken care of. What does he do? How does that make you feel?
3️⃣ What kind of love do you choose to believe that you are destined for?

Take the time out of your day to answer each question and really ponder them. As you answer, you are tapping into the vibe of your soulmate and dream relationship. Want 10 questions just like this, inside a full workbook made to help you align with and call in the loving man of your dreams? Click the link to get access to the 12+ FREE resources (journals, workbooks, meditations, EFT scripts, and more) inside of my new resource library!

Photos from Nathallie Hughes's post 05/27/2024

How do you go from screaming “pick me, choose me, want me” (even just in your head) to being clear, certain, and calm that the love of your life is your inevitable destiny?

You learn to use your past to get your desired future.

Every rejection is an indicator of SOMETHING alive within you. A belief about who you are and what you get to have in romance is calling in the unwanted experiences in love. And trust me, I’ve been there. I have begged for closure and a response and gotten… nothing in return. I have been abandoned completely. I have been treated like I am absolutely worthless.

And in every situation, I was able to find a part of me that believed, expected, and was willing to accept that treatment. And my job, as the woman responsible for my happiness, was to heal those pieces of me. One rejection at a time.

Your job is to identify and heal the pieces of you who misconstrued your childhood to mean that they deserved to be hurt. Your job is to bring love to those parts of you and to build out the belief system that supports the highest truth: you were made to be loved by men. You were made to be loved by *your* man. Your soulmate. Your life partner.

And he can’t come in or show up while you’re telling the story that you’re the unwanted, rejected, and lonely girl. You don’t have space for him in your life while you’re telling the story that men are incapable, unwilling, and averse to showing up for you.

You are the woman responsible for your happiness. You are the woman responsible for clearing space so that the man of your dreams can show up for you. And the Love After Loss course was made to help you do this. Inside, you will heal those rejection wounds at the root. You will learn to use your previous heartbreak to identify what unsupportive stories you’ve been telling. And you will heal the pain from your childhood and previous romantic connections.

This course is a powerfully deep vessel for your healing, encouragement, and empowerment. You’re ready to allow in your soulmate, now. And this course is ready to help you do that. Follow the link for the details + testimonials + enrollment:

Photos from Nathallie Hughes's post 05/25/2024

The dating pool isn't full of sh*t. Your mindset is. 👀🤐

Here's the truth: Your subconscious mind is taking in an abundance of information from your reality at any given moment in time. The RAS of your brain is tasked with keeping your conscious focus on what’s most important.

When you find yourself constantly harping on all of the things wrong with that last guy and how he approached you and how he dressed and all of the things he just didn’t do… you create an experience where your RAS will overlook the positive qualities in a man (like the fact that he took masculine leadership and initiated connection with you by asking you out), and it will focus on the fact that he used the wrong “your” when he messaged you.

You want your soulmate. And your soulmate gets to be a man that proofreads his messages; BUT you will miss those wanted behaviors because you’ve trained your brain to ignore them!!

So, what do you want to do about it?

1️⃣ You want to focus on the good in men. What are the things you absolutely loved about your ex’s or the last guy who approached you? TRY your best to find great things, and deliberately seek to find the good in the men around you.

You will find whatever you’re looking for, and it won’t be long before you RAS takes note and you start to notice all of the great things men are doing for, and around, you all of the time.

2️⃣ And to implement this mindset practice, you’ve got to feel SAFE to let your guard down with men. With your unresolved hurt, abandonment, and betrayal wounds from men like your father & past lovers, you don’t feel safe to shift your focus to the positive.

You’ve got to process that pain so you can move forward and shift your perspective to one that supports you in aligning with and NOTICING your true love when he shows up.

Module’s 1 through 4 of the Love After Loss course were made to help you do this. Throughout these modules you will purge, process, heal, and shift your negative experiences with men so that you can finally feel safe enough to focus on the good in them… and you can allow them into your world and heart so they can love you.

Get a complete breakdown of the 5 module course, view testimonials, and enroll here:


The version of you who knows that she’s got this moves differently. She speaks with confidence, and she's heard when she shares her heart.

The version of you who is wildly successful knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that her work is worthy of money.

& The version of you that is confidently living in her purpose? She is supported in everything she does. The people who want what she has to offer are SEEKING her out.

When you live as the version of you who is afraid, worried, and unsure of themselves… you get results that make you feel afraid, worried, and unsure.

But when you get clear on who you want to be, where you’re going, and what it feels like to be that confident, successful you… you get results that reflect back that energy.

When you’re sharing on social media, or speaking in interviews are you seeing yourself as someone in need? Or are you seeing yourself as someone who is obviously made for their dream?

When you’re talking to the new guy you’re dating, are you seeing yourself as someone worried and anxious about whether or not things will work out? Or are you seeing yourself as someone who was made for an amazing love?

💡 How you see yourself impacts how you show up in the world. Your identity impacts how you behave, and how you expect others to see and respond to you. 💡

When you’re ready to get new results, you’ve got to be willing to assume a new identity.

What if you were confident in who you were? What if you were confident in your prices? What if you were confident in your lovable-ness? What if you were confident in your ability to pick the right guy?

When you ask yourself the right questions, you get the right answers. The Self Concept Digital Journal Series is a collection of 8 digital journals full of questions made to steer you in the direction of your desired self so you can call in all that you were made for.

Whether you’re looking for body confidence, money confidence, love confidence, or career confidence… the Self Concept Series has something that can help you align with, and embody, who you want to be.

Click the link to learn more and grab what you need.


The woman who doesn't receive thinks:
🚫 What if they can’t afford it?
🚫 What if they say “no”, reject my offer… and I lose out on an opportunity?
🚫 What if I don’t find anyone who wants to pay me that much?

Those thoughts prompt her to close herself off to receiving what she desires; making her feel uncertain, unworthy, and unsafe asking for, or expecting, more.

If you’re thinking thoughts that make you feel unsafe asking for more… then you’re going to stay where you are...

You want to be the woman who receives. She thinks thoughts that OPEN HER UP to getting what she desires.

The woman with the receiver's mindset thinks thoughts like ⬇️
🏁 It's only right that my wellbeing and lifestyle are supported by my work. How can I get in front of people who are eager to support me by paying for my work?
🏁 Hermes is still in business. People have money, and they're spending it every day. My ideal customers have the money to pay me in their savings or through their disposable income.
🏁 I'm a high quality woman, offering a high quality service. The price won't be an issue for my ideal client who's looking for a quality service that will truly meet her needs.

Your THOUGHTS impact how you FEEL about what you’re asking for.

This means, your job is to think thoughts that impact your emotions (and vibration) in a positive way. This isn't only about feeling better. It's about being a vibrational match to what you desire so you can receive!

To help you with this, I created The Receiver's Mindset.

The receiver knows that she gets have what she wants. She spends her time arguing in favor of her every desire (in love, career, and everything else in between).

Through the 12 trainings, and additional digital journals, and exercises, you will use this self-paced program to assess your current relationship with receiving before healing those wounds at the root.

With this program, you will transition from the woman who receives sometimes, or the woman who is always unsatisfied... to becoming the woman who receives what she wants. on demand. always.

Link in my bio to learn more, hear what my previous clients and students are saying, and enroll.


Going on a rampage is one of the greatest ways to shift your energy and step into the frequency of your desire.

Here’s how I do it ⬇️⬇️⬇️

I imagine that I’m receiving my desires.
Then, I talk. Seriously, that’s it. I say whatever comes to my mind.

🟡 I talk about what’s going on in my (desired) reality. I describe what’s hapenning.
🟡 I talk about how I feel as everything I want comes in.
🟡 I talk about it as if it happened just as I wanted it to.

Here’s an example of what I would say to myself outloud ⬇️⬇️⬇️

"My soulmate clients are all coming in. They are showing up. They are finding me. They are seeking out growth and empowerment and healing. They are open to what I have to say; and they are loving me! They are loving my work and my energy. And they are buying. Thank you, God! They are buying! There is so much abundance pouring into my business as these soul-aligned women come into my world and purchase the products that were made to support them. I feel so aligned and empowered. I did this. I called it in. I made it happen. It’s here. It’s all here. They’re all here. And they’re coming in more and more each day. I’m doing it. I’m safe. I’m abundant. I’m successful."

As I go on a rampage of abundance, I am spending my time in the frequency of my desire. I am magnetizing my desires to me.

💡 Ideas, thoughts, epiphanies, inspired actions, and my desired results MUST come to me as I spend more and more of my time in the frequency of my desire. 💡

That’s your goal when manifesting: spend as much time as possible in the frequency of your desire.

The more you rampage, the more these new thoughts begin to run in your subconscious mind. From that place, you subconsciously attract your desires (meaning it takes no conscious effort for you to manifest because your subconscious is doing the work for you).

At that point, receiving your desire is your normal, natural life experience. It’s how you think. It’s how you life. It’s “how you be”, like Amanda Frances says.

Try creating your own rampage, or reading the one that I wrote aloud.

Let me know how you feel and/or what you come up with in the comments!


🧲 The law of attraction states that equal vibrations SEEK one another out. 🧲

This means, that when you are in the vibration of wealth… wealth begins to seek you out.

Want to get into the vibration of wealth?
Here's how. ⬇️

When you are seeing yourself with financial abundance, you begin to feel financially abundant. And from that feeling, you begin emitting the frequency of financial abundance.

And the frequency of financial abundance does what? It attracts financial abundance, of course!

This means, when you are emitting the frequency of financial abundance… the thoughts, people, places, situations, and experiences that align with financial abundance MUST come to you.

When you see yourself with the investments, income, and financial experiences of your desire... you are emitting the frequency of financial abundance. From that place, you ATTRACT money making thoughts, ideas, and experiences!

💡 This is what it means to BECOME to attract instead of using your effort through actions to achieve your desires. 💡

What scenes do you script or visualize to tap into the frequency of financial abundance?

Try this journal prompt to start:

✍🏾 Write for 5 minutes as if you’ve been living in the financial reality of your desire for the past 6 months.

Get any epiphanies from this post or your journal entry? Let me know in the comments below!

love ya!


I used to have the belief that I'm not lovable... or likable.

Obviously, I love myself. But when it came to allowing in more sales, and expanding my social media platform, I felt like... people just wouldn't like me enough to buy from or follow me.

(I know, I have over 35,000 people across social media. It's never about the physical reality. It's all about what's going on inside. And inside, I believed that people didn't like me, and that they wouldn't want what I had to offer.)

Have you ever felt this way?

Like maybe you were too needy or too sensitive to be loved?

Or like maybe you were too loud to be accepted and cherished?

Sometimes it can feel like who we are is just unlovable. But that's not rooted in truth. It's just the consequence of your lived experience.

And as I worked through that limiting belief one day, I heard God say, "I like you. And I made your personality lovable on purpose."

And that's when I realized: I was made to be loved by millions.

God didn't make a mistake when He made you or when He gave you your desires.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made. made to be loved.

When you believe that you were made to be loved, and you expect others to love you, then you make it easy for your people to find you.

Just because you haven't met them yet, doesn't mean that they don't exist. Your reality is a reflection of your thoughts, not the truth.

And it's your job to clear out the beliefs saying you can't be loved and celebrated for who you are and what you have to offer.

When you expect your people, they must come.

What would life be like if you were loved, adored, and wanted? in your career? in your friendships? in your community? in romance?

Journal on that to start vibrating in alignment with your people.

And if you want support releasing the beliefs that say you aren't lovable... and you want help opening up to the idea that people out there could be ready, willing, and eager to love you... tap that link to learn more about the Receiver's Mindset course.

The landing page, testimonials, and course content breakdown will help you decide that this program is where you were always meant to be. 💗


In her testimonial, she continues, "Because when you realize that you've been telling yourself stories that you’re unworthy and that you are only surviving, then you are struggling as a result of the momentum these stories have created.

But when you realize that you are creating your reality, co-creating with the universe, suddenly feeling better is not a black and white concept, it becomes a choice. "

Don't we have the most amazing, eloquent women in our community?

What I love about Hailee's testimonial for the RRR course is that she isn't just talking about how great the course is. She's talking in a way that demonstrates how much she's learned from the program.

And that's the goal. It's not about checking boxes and being able to say you "finished" the program.

I create offers that change the way the women in my community think and feel about themselves, God, and the world around them.

A common denominator among my clients and students is that they all leave my programs feeling more self aware than ever before.

When you enroll in my programs, you are signing up to learn more about who you are, and why. You are signing up to learn more about what's going on in your reality, and why.

And when you have self awareness, you're halfway to wherever you want to be; or whatever you want to receive.

Manifestation isn't about saying things that sound good in the name of "affirming". Manifestation is about changing your mind. It's about becoming intimate with yourself, and choosing to change anything that doesn't support you having the life of your desire.

The first step is, and will always be, self awareness. To help you develop this skill, I have created the free 6 Steps From Stuck To Self Aware Bundle. You'll use the meditation, prayer, and 6-step-template included to identify the limiting beliefs at the root cause of any struggle.

From that place, you'll know EXACTLY what's not working, and what needs to shift.

You don't need more affirmations. You don't need a 365 technique. You need to know exactly what thoughts, feelings, and beliefs aren't working for you.

Link in my bio to learn more, read testimonials, and grab your free bundle.


Abraham Hicks says, "the energy that creates worlds flows through you." 🌌

Infinite intelligence flows through you.
Source energy flows through you.
God flows through you.

And if I know anything... it's that God is deliberate.

Our existence on this planet is... almost fragile, but not really.

Like... if the matter of the Universe had been even a little bit different.. life wouldn't be able to exist here. Think about it.

🌎 Earth rotates around the Sun at the perfect distance.
🌎 We are "lucky" to have an atmosphere that supports our survival.
🌎 Every planet isn't habitable.

The more you learn about science, the more you understand that our solar system, and planet, has been precisely calculated and measured and placed to support our existence.

Our planet has been been placed so perfectly. and it has been "decorated" so beautifully.

🤎 Something wants us to be here. 🤎

The God that created the atoms and the laws of physics wants us to be here. The Source of all things wants us to be here.

Do you understand what that means?

Like our planet, you are not here on accident. You are not existing by surprise. You are existing by design.

God, who was smart enough to create a time-space reality as complex and beautiful as this, is smart enough to make you perfect for your every desire.

God lives within you. breathes life into you. on purpose.

This means you can trust:
❤️‍🔥 your desires for more.
❤️‍🔥 your desires for creative self expression.
❤️‍🔥 what's been put on your heart to share with the world, and to create in your own life.

There are no mistakes.

This earth and this life was made for your pleasure. by a deliberate God. And it's time to accept all that you have been created for.

Inside of the Receiver's Mindset Course, you'll learn how to think and feel and vibrate in alignment with all that you've been made for; so you can attract what you desire on demand.

We've already established that infinite intelligence is on your side. Now, the only one who has the power to hold you back is you. and this program was made to get you out of your own way.

Tap that link to learn more, read testimonials, and enroll.


Sometimes, it can feel like you're unlucky. Or like you keep running into closed doors. Or like it's just one bad experience after another for you.

But that's not all that's available.

The experiences in your life are being created... attracted in... by you. your thoughts. your feelings. your vibration.

💡 Here's what I need you to know: You have always been in control of what you receive. You have always been the ultimate authority in your life. But you haven't always been aware of your power. 💡

When you're done letting your default expectations (that you created in your childhood) create your life experience... then you're ready to consciously step up into your power.

🏁 Your ready to consciously examine what thoughts and feelings are at the root of every single unwanted dating experience, conversation, salary, car, home, wardrobe, etc.

🏁 You're ready to consciously debunk those thoughts and release those feelings– because it's *never* true that you can't have what you desire.

🏁 And you're ready to create new experiences, by deliberately tapping into the vibration of your desire. The more clear you are on where you're going, why you get to be there, and how it feels on the other side... the faster and easier you call it in.

When you have mastered each of these practices, you have mastered your reality. You have become empowered: able to receive your desires on demand.

The Receiver's Mindset Course was made to help you master all three of these steps.

It's time to confidently decide who you get to be, how life goes for you, and what you get to receive.

Your time is now, and your focus is just as much of an investment as your money is. How can you spend those resources in a way that your future self will thank you for?

Tap that link to learn more, read some client testimonials, and enroll.


Hi there! I'm Nathallie Hughes, and I love face masks. I love self care. I love self love.

Over the years, I've worked on my relationship to receiving... and I've realized that it's all about self love. Like doing face masks.

When you're doing a face mask, you do it because you love how it feels. like pampering yourself. like taking care of yourself.

And you do it because you love the end result. smaller pores. smoother skin. a glow.

Receiving is about self love in the same exact way. When you receive, you're taking care of yourself emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically.

It feels good to be a priority in a man's life. It feels good to be the coach that someone trusts to support their transformation. It feels good to receive the money that you need for the clothes, vacations, and savings that you want.

Receiving is about feeling good; and it's sad to thing about how many of us have been taught the opposite.

I grew up feeling like receiving was bad. selfish. inconsiderate of others.

I thought receiving attention was something I wasn't supposed to do. and I felt broken for wanting to be loved.

Because of the way I was conditioned, I closed myself off from receiving. I closed myself off from receiving the things I needed for self care.

The desires you have aren't frivolous. They're worthwhile. Your happiness is worthwhile. Your fulfillment is worth your time, energy, and effort.

And the thing is... the world won't reflect that worthiness back to you until you're willing to show up for it.

Over the past 5 years, running this business, I have learned how to show up for my wellbeing. I have learned how to love myself. That looks like prioritizing what I want and need. And using my mindset to support my every desire. relentlessly.

I see quitting on my dreams as a form of quitting on myself. So, I show up for my goals as a form of self care. Just like doing a face mask.

I show up, journalling and EFT tapping and scripting and working with my favorite mentors as a form of self love.

What about you? How do you practice self care?
Let me know in the comments.


Your reality is just feedback. It's just a reflection of your dominant vibration. Which is just a reflection of your feelings. Which are just reflections of your thoughts.

No. Big. Deal.

Instead of only looking at what's unwanted... like the guy who never texted you back asking for a second date...

start looking at what's alive within you.

When you take the unwanted and start inspecting it like the mirror to your internal world that it is... you can see exactly what's not working inside of you. Then, you know exactly what to shift.

When you look inside, you'll find that a part of you doesn't think that you're good enough to be loved by a guy that's so handsome.

And when you think thoughts like "what if no one wants what I have to offer?", you can look inside and find that part of you doesn't feel like you're likable enough to attract people who will want to learn from you and be in our energy.

Instead of taking these bad-feeling experiences and thoughts personally... you can take them as feedback.

You can take them as an opportunity to get more intimate with yourself.

And when you're aware of what's not working, you become aware of exactly what gets to be shifted.

So when you approach coaches, courses, or amazing free content (like this); you can approach with specifications around what you're ready to shift.

You can say, "I feel incapable of making more money without getting a higher degree"; and it makes it that much easier for you to be helped or to apply what you're being taught.

You can say, "I feel unlovable and afraid to let a man in. I think he's going to just abandon me because I'll do something wrong on accident".

And that is much easier to fix than saying "I want to find a husband, but I keep attracting piece of sh*t men."

The words you say matter because the right words make it easier to shift your energy and reality.

To help you get clear and start identifying what's *actually* attracting the unwanted sh*t, I created the 6 Steps From Stuck To Self Aware Bundle. You can grab your bundle [FREE] now using the link.


What is your relationship with your desire?

Do you see it as something you have "in the future"? Do you see it as something that God is "blocking" from you or withholding from you in the name of preparation?

What if I told you that all of that was bu****it?

What if I told you that you could receive right here and right now? What if I told you that you could receive today? What if I told you that the only thing holding you back from receiving today was your beliefs and expectations around receiving quickly and easily?

When is the last time you played around with the idea of getting what you wanted today? How would you respond if you got your desire right here and right now? Would you be shocked? Surprised? If so, why?

It's your job to see yourself having it. It's your job to see yourself receiving it. It's your job to expect to get it. today. now. quickly, and easily.

Why don't you try it? Pull out your journal or notes app and write as if you just got your desires. It just showed up. It just manifested.

How does that feel?

The more you practice this, the more you call it in.

That's what speeds up your manifestation. That's what gets you into the vibration of your desire.

The thing about calling in your desires RIGHT NOW is that you've got to be willing to see and release EVERYTHING contradicting what you want.

It gets intense.

What part of you is afraid of getting what you want? What part of you is afraid that you might f**k it up, that you can't handle it?

To soothe these fears, you choose to spend more time in the vibration of you desire. You choose to spend more time seeing yourself living the life of your dreams. or relishing in what you want to receive.

You need a process for debunking those fears and doubts because they're based in bullsh*t, just like the idea that you can't have it now. And you don't need to keep telling bullsh*t stories, do you?

If you want to steal my process for receiving NOW, then I'll meet you inside of the "Receiver's Mindset" course where you'll learn how to let go of all the bu****it between you and your desired reality.

Click the link to learn more and enroll.

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