Faith Fueled Mama

Faith Fueled Mama

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I am a disabled mom of 6 beautiful children. I am fueled by hugs, kisses and most importantly, my faith.


While my kids began their day utilizing their Atlanta CityPass, I went to Dollar Tree to pass the time until my best friend of 27 years arrived. The item I needed wasn't available at that specific location, so I decided to go a few miles away to another location.

I recognized some landmarks on my way there and many memories rushed in. When the bad memories flooded my good ones, it began to physically hurt my heart. Around the time I experienced these unexpected emotions, I drove up on a roundabout that didn't use to be there.

The chiropractor I used to see was now a different business altogether and all the places I recognized didn't seem so recognizable anymore. The new bridges, on and off ramps, and new exit numbers were foreign to me.

In that moment, God showed me that my life has changed even more than the roads in Atlanta. He showed me that when I repented of my sins, my life did a roundabout and I shouldn't recognize anything from my past because everything has been made new. The peace that He gave me took over all the emotions I felt. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Then, my best friend arrived. Although we always pick up where we left off the last time we spoke, even our friendship completely turned around. In our lives, we went from drinking alcohol to drinking living water, from gossiping to testifying, from complaining to praying, from putting our hands on our hips (Da’ Dip - Does this show our age? πŸ˜‚) to putting our hands in the air... Not like we don't care but in praise! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

I praise God that I don't live in the past anymore, figuratively, literally, and spiritually. I praise God for my β€œiron sharpens iron” friendships! I praise God that he allows me to change direction or to do a complete U-turn! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


From the manger to the cross... From the cross to the grave...
From the grave to the sky...

He is risen indeed!

May God's fire burn in your hearts forever.
May His wings cover and protect you, and your families.
May His son, the greatest man in history, who had no servants, yet was called master, had no degree, yet was called teacher, had no medicines, yet was called healer, He had no army, but kings feared him, He won no military battles, yet conquered the world, He committed no crimes, yet they beat and hung him on a tree, He was buried in a tomb, rose in three days and lives today through people like you.

Thank you for seeing our worth and not defining us by our past and for having the faith that we can all be changed for the Glory of God.

Love in Christ,

Bill & Michelle Ellis

Happy Easter!

Jachelle, Skye, Madison, Bubba, Corey & Makayla

Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without this memory... 11/24/2022

Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without this memory... I am an imperfect Christ follower, Prayer Warrior, Survivor, Unbreakable, Unashamed, Faith Fueled Mama to 4 beautiful daughters and 2 handsome sons. I am called to share my faith with the world. I am also called to pray for you so please reach out to me if you have a request that needs lifted up. Pl...


better LOVE the graduation sign I'm making her! I was going to have one made for her but I got a table saw and a Dremel for Christmas, so I figured, why not?! Lol πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Educate yourself on the true meaning of love before you give it away. Then, give it away daily. Happy Valentine's Day πŸ₯° 1 Corinthians 13


My morning routine consists of getting up at 3am to spend the next 2-2.5 hours alone with God. I read several devotions, I write, I pray and before my social media break, I posted the verse of the day from 3 apps. Actually, for a couple weeks, I still posted those. I opened YouVersion on 12/31 to see my 2021 snapshot. I was shocked because I figured it'd be less. I never paid attention to my "streaks". I don't open the app for that. When we get to heaven, is God going to say, "There's 30 days that you didn't get your streaks, read the verse of the day, so therefore, I don't know you."?
Notice, on my snapshot, there aren't many plans, highlights, bookmarks, or badges. Does that mean I'm not spending time with God? No. In fact, I intentionally set my alarm for 3am to make SURE that I do! He's important to me. I understand why they do streaks. I'm not knocking it. I'm just saying that people have become addicted to getting them on many platforms. The way we APPEAR to others has become more important. I've got something to tell y'all! I'm actually proud and excited to be the one to give you the 411! If you know me well, you already know it. If you don't know me well but you hear about this from someone else, be careful. That's gossip. 😁😘

You ready for it??
I'm NOT perfect! Never claimed to be! Jesus is only perfect person in the world! I cry, yell, occasionally cuss, my house is nowhere near spotless, lose my temper, get angry, get jealous, sin... You and me, we're the same. We just sin differently. I don't get 365 streaks a year in the bible app. I'm not the best believer known to mankind. I am a believer in Jesus, a disciple. I'm a part of this fallen world, a sinner. I'm an example of his goodness, part of the forgiven. I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, daughter in law, sister in law, aunt, friend, sister in Christ. I don't want to portray that I have it all under control, that my priorities are perfectly lined up or that I don't stumble. I do want to portray that I'm more concerned with how many streaks I have in my prayer life or how many streaks I've gotten because I've shared Jesus. I should have so many that I can't keep count. The sad reality is... I really don't. Do you?

Photos from Faith Fueled Mama's post 12/25/2021

Merry Christmas, from the Ellis family and the 108 people/families that mailed me cards this year!


I'm thankful for parents that didn't give me everything I asked for. I'm thankful for growing up poor. I'm thankful for having to work for what I have. I'm thankful for homelessness. I'm thankful for the bumps & bruises I've received through life. I'm thankful for the horrible mistakes I've made. I'm thankful for the people who have hurt me. I'm thankful for the addictions I've had. I'm thankful for the loss I've suffered. I'm thankful for MS. I'm thankful for the excessive heat, the excessive cold, the days when it feels like we are in a drought and the days when it feels like the earth just might flood once more. I'm thankful for the hurt, the pain, that I've caused and what's been done to me. I'm thankful for brokenness. I'm thankful for experience in all that is wrong so that I can be thankful in all that is right! To be truly thankful, we must know what we COULD have instead... We couldn't possibly know unless we've experienced it. Or at least some of it! Just my 2Β’. Happy Thanksgiving!

Photos from Faith Fueled Mama's post 08/27/2021

Four of my six kids were tested for Covid yesterday. Only sinus infection type symptoms but I still wanted to be sure. After receiving negative results, I stopped by Walmart for a few things that we needed. When we left, my daughter turned this song on. Even though I've heard the song many times before, each time feels like the first. It's no secret that 2020 was a stressful year and 2021 has proven to be the same. I'm sure that I'm not alone in feeling that. However, I'd have to say that EVERY year of my life has been stressful for me. Some of it, I brought on myself, some of it, I'm overcoming the stuff I've brought on and then some of it is just life. I always get emotional with this song because I've heard the testimony of Jason David and it always amazes me when someone not only survives something that should have killed them but praises God through the struggle of it. At this point, I'm starting to feel the emotions that I typically have during this song. The sun was shining bright but it had been thundering for a couple hours. It certainly didn't look like it was going to rain or had rained. I turn at the light and immediately see a piece of a rainbow. I drive about 20 more feet and the rainbow got bigger and brighter. It almost didn't look real because it seemed so close and the colors were perfect! I had never seen a rainbow so bright. I pulled over, let my daughter take a quick picture and got back on the road. As I got a little further, the rainbow got larger and brighter. I had this rush of peace come over me, as if the peace that I already had wasn't enough. I drive another 100 yards, we see a full size rainbow! We could see the profound separation of colors. I pulled over again. We snapped some pictures just in time for the bottom to fall out of the sky, for it to get dark and the rainbow disappeared. My first thought was, "The rainbow might disappear but God's promises ALWAYS remain!" This rainbow, depending on where you were walking/riding/driving at the time, was hovering over some areas that our family has frequented in the last couple weeks and will continue to frequent in the next couple of months. It was a very clear message to me and one that had me in tears in my van. No matter what I've done or what I've said, He continues to show me that He loves me. He graciously takes care of my every need far beyond what I could ever deserve! I'm so grateful to have such a Father who wraps His loving arms around me each and every single day! He is so worthy of all of our honor and praise!!!


I am sure there are quite a few people who can relate to what I'm about to share. It has been a rough 2.5 years for my family. Loss of income, our home, our normalcy in life, quarantining with 6 children (insert pulling hair out emoji here - why don't we have this emoji?) at the end of last school year... All moments where we thought we were going to fall apart but God has given us some unexplainable peace. We didn't even know why we felt so calm! We've had moments of pain or frustration which resulted in tears. A good bit, actually. However, He has put people in our lives at just the right time to show us that He's still in control. We've learned that there is a purpose for our pain AND that we can have peace in the midst of it. God is so good! πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’š


I made kabobs for supper a few nights ago. My kids liked everything on it except for the baby bella mushrooms. I don't make them suffer through a full plate of stuff that they don't like but I do have them make an honest attempt at trying new things or things that they didn't like, cooked in a different way. I told them they only had to eat one mushroom. They almost always save it for last and start the "yuck" face before it even touches their lips. Why procrastinate? When they do get it in their mouth, they don't want to admit that there is a possibility that they could like it. As I'm watching two of my kids start their yuck stage, they don't even try to chew or swallow it. They just sit there with it in their mouth. My thought was, "I remember doing this as a child but why would I sit here for 10 minutes with something in my mouth that tastes nasty?!" So I asked them that, letting them know that they are delaying the inevitable because I said one mushroom. Immediately following, I felt the Holy Spirit say, "You do it, too, when you put your problems at the foot of the cross and pick it back up. You do it when you ask for forgiveness but don't forgive yourself. You do it when someone has wronged you and haven't forgiven them. You do it when you don't trust me." WE make OURSELVES miserable! Why? Just let it go! Or chew it up and swallow it!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:4‭-‬7 NIV




So thankful He has prepared a place for me.
He can prepare a place for you, also.


I ran across a picture this morning that I thought was absolutely beautiful but was unsure if it was edited or not. Upon further investigation, it turns out that a video was attached. As I'm watching the video, I actually seen a couple of rainbows appear. One, while the guy was in the middle of the storm and this one as the storm was going away. It is clear that the picture wasn't edited. I also ran across a meme that said, "It's funny because we ask God to change our situation, not knowing that He put us in the situation to change us." It can hurt, deeply sometimes, but ask God what He wants you to learn in the midst of the storm. Sometimes, it might just be that He wants someone else to watch YOU walk in faith. Trust His promises because He never fails. Video -

Edited to say that God does His best work in the middle of the storm.


Embrace whatever situation you're in. You will get through it stronger if you allow His peace to bring healing. Ask him for strength and peace. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer - God Will Use Your Abandoned Boat 05/01/2021

I just got done watching this and felt it, on my heart, that someone else needs to hear it too. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation. Are you?

Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer - God Will Use Your Abandoned Boat Be encouraged. If you’ve been working hard to accomplish something and are not seeing the level of benefit that matches your level of investment, remember Si...


The verse of the day is one that I didn't understand for a long time. How does being still change my situation? It doesn't. I eventually (took me a good decade or two) asked myself an even better question that changed my world. How does being upset, angry, anxious, and full of worry change my situation? It doesn't. In fact, it made me absolutely miserable. I couldn't focus on anything else but my problems. Nothing made me truly happy. At least, not until I truly gave it all to God. Truly giving it to Him requires us to leave it there, never to pick it back up again. Notice that Jesus is telling US to be still, not the storm raging all around us. It might not make sense to us but He knows the plans He has for us. His plan is flawless. It's perfect. Trust Him while the wind is swirling and the waves are crashing down. Trust and faith together brings peace. πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’š

Psalm 46:10 - He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Psalm 37:7 - Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.


I used to hate this verse. Why would I be joyful when I'm hurting? Then I was faced with the 2nd hardest hit in my life. It was through that, I learned that if I truly relinquish all of my worries at the foot of the cross, He provides an abundance of peace. It still hurts but I see the healing. There are scars where there was once an open wound. You don't always see the wound healing while it is doing so but it is always amazing to look back on it. That makes it easier for the next trial to just trust Him. So... Just trust Him! Be joyful while you're trusting Him! πŸ˜β›ˆοΈπŸŒˆ


He has risen indeed!


A few minutes ago, I was standing in my kids bedrooms, listening to them fuss and then joke with each other. By the time we said goodnight, they were making me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. I got to thinking about how earlier in the day, my sister and I were discussing how she blinked yesterday when her son was 6 months old. Next week, he will be 7. My oldest is going to her 11th grade prom in 2 weeks. My kids have been blessed to be Beulah Bobcats. Having 6 kids can be challenging but it's also nice that they usually always have someone they can talk to or play with. Even argue with... I got to thinking about how different our lives must be from Jesus' life. He probably never needed someone to comfort Him. He most likely didn't get to play games, let alone, play on a school sports team. His mother knew that He was special and He was going to change the world. We pray that our children change the world. Mary had to watch as her son gave his life for ours. Can you imagine watching your child do that?? I know I can't. I do know that I am thankful that He gave His life up for you, me and everyone one in the world! The true meaning of Easter isn't about an Easter bunny leaving us a basket full of eggs and candy. It's about Him giving up His life for us to spend eternity in Heaven. God loves us that much! Happy Resurrection Day!

Kingdom Muzic Presents Bryann T - Intercede Ft. Drew Ava 03/24/2021

Kingdom Muzic Presents Bryann T - Intercede Ft. Drew Ava Red Letters dropping soon stay tuned!!

Kingdom Muzic Presents - Perfect Portait ft. Monica Hill Trejo 03/24/2021

Kingdom Muzic Presents - Perfect Portait ft. Monica Hill Trejo Here is the visual for "Perfect Portait" ft. Monica Hill Trejo. Go and grab Carry-On if you haven't yet! Filmed/edited by HisElect Media.

Calm the Storm (feat. Monica Trejo) 03/24/2021

Calm the Storm (feat. Monica Trejo) Provided to YouTube by TuneCoreCalm the Storm (feat. Monica Trejo) Β· ASAP PreachNew Seasonβ„— 2017 The Body IncorporatedReleased on: 2017-12-25Auto-generated b...


My thoughts after Bubba's second game... I've been too sick to post it so I'm posting it now.

Bubba's team didn't win but let me tell you, I am one proud mama. Last week was his first game and the first time meeting the players on the other team. It is rec ball so the team consists of 9-12 year olds. Bubba turns 13 in 12 days. He's suddenly hit a growth spurt and is almost as tall as me. 🀦😭 The 9 year olds are tiny. Like, my daughter (who is 9) is taller than them. After the game, I said "Bubba, you are more aggressive with your sisters! What's up with that?" He felt like he was going to hurt them so he didn't play like he knows how. This week, my Bubba came out. He put his all into the game. The first quarter, he was wide open, got passed the ball and finally took the shot. Nothing but net! Oh my goodness, I could see his confidence build from across the court and my heart was singing! Then in the 3rd quarter, my phone fell into the bleachers. As I was picking it up, I heard Madison & Skye yell "SHOOT IT, BUBBA!" followed by clapping and screaming. I didn't get to see that one. I was disappointed and sad. A rush of emotions came over me and then I felt peace. This may sound weird because it's just a basketball game but I thought about how when we are waiting for God to reveal His plan for us... We get a sudden change that makes us happy. It gives us a burst of energy to get us through the next storm because we see His faithfulness and love for us. If we take our eyes off of Him, we lose focus which usually ends in disappointment. So if we put away the distractions (whatever is distracting you), refocus on the one who knows the plans, we can watch the game in it's entirety. Feeling like God could drive home a point through a rec basketball game gives me a burst of energy to keep me focused. Thank you, Jesus, for being with me in the good times, the bad times and the ugly times!"


My previous post, I've been adding onto since the 1st. I've not felt well so I just never posted it. I always do my online devotions first (so that I can wake up good before the light invades me) and then I turn to my devotional bible. Today, I did my online devotions and finished the post I've been trying to get to for 8 days... Then I did my devotional in my bible. The devotional (Abraham's obedience & faith) was amazing in itself. Then you add this little prayer and "final thoughts" to it... 🀯 God continues to daily blow my mind. I love how He speaks to me!

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