Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center

Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center is the top choice for physical therapy in Orange County, Cali

Dr. Grace Walker Gray’s Book Bye-Bye Back Pain 06/23/2022

Drawing on a background as a physical therapist and holistic health care practitioner, Dr. Grace Walker Gray delivered care for more than three decades focused on ailments such as musculoskeletal pain. As author of Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from Sciatica, Lumbago, Slipped Disc, and Backache, Dr. Grace Walker Gray draws on her experience in physical therapy delivering traditional and holistic treatment....


Dr. Grace Walker Gray’s Book Bye-Bye Back Pain Drawing on a background as a physical therapist and holistic health care practitioner, Dr. Grace Walker Gray delivered care for more than three decades focused on ailments such as musculoskeletal p…

Mattress Firmness for People with Back Pain 06/24/2020

Dr. Grace Walker takes a holistic approach to physical therapy. Through her Amazon best selling book “Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from Sciatica, Lumbago, Slipped Disc, and Backache Dr. Grace Walker draws upon her career as a physical therapist to help individuals find pain relief. Many things can be done to reduce pain, including using anti-inflammatory herbs and making lifestyle changes. [ 161 more words ]

Mattress Firmness for People with Back Pain Dr. Grace Walker takes a holistic approach to physical therapy. Through her Amazon best selling book “Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from Sciatica, Lumbago, Slipped Disc, and Ba…

Key Points from Book Bye-Bye Back Pain by Dr. Grace Walker 04/18/2020

Based in Orange, California, Dr. Grace Walker holds a doctorate in physical therapy and has nearly four decades of experience caring for patients. As a therapist, Dr. Grace Walker believes in using a combination of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and holistic health care to treat patients suffering from a diverse range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain.Her new website is www.DrGraceWalkerGray.com. [ 226 more words ]

Key Points from Book Bye-Bye Back Pain by Dr. Grace Walker Based in Orange, California, Dr. Grace Walker holds a doctorate in physical therapy and has nearly four decades of experience caring for patients. As a therapist, Dr. Grace Walker believes in using…

How Adjustable Workstations Can Improve Health and Productivity 03/17/2020

The director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center, Dr. Grace Walker recently wrote the book “Bye-Bye Back Pain,” drawing on her 35-plus years of experience as a physical therapist. In addition to writing books, Dr. Grace Walker regularly publishes articles on her website, drgracewalkergray.com, on topics such as lessening and eliminating back pain. These include the article “A Call to End Tushy-Time.” [ 131 more words ]

How Adjustable Workstations Can Improve Health and Productivity The director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center, Dr. Grace Walker recently wrote the book “Bye-Bye Back Pain,” drawing on her 35-plus years of experience as a physical therapist. In add…

Common Herbs and Oils for Pain and Inflammation Relief 12/25/2019

A veteran physical therapist, certified health coach, and a holistic healthcare practitioner, Dr. Grace Walker Gray has been providing physical therapy services since 1982. Over the years, Dr. Grace Walker has been advocating for the use of natural remedies, such as herbs, to relieve pain and inflammation. Some common herbs and oils that may help include: 1. Rosemary - Essential oil extracted from rosemary has been touted by researchers as capable of treating bone and muscle pains. [ 101 more words ]

Common Herbs and Oils for Pain and Inflammation Relief A veteran physical therapist, certified health coach, and a holistic healthcare practitioner, Dr. Grace Walker Gray has been providing physical therapy services since 1982. Over the years, Dr. Grac…

Importance of an Integrated Back Pain Management Approach 11/02/2019

Dr. Grace Walker Gray is a Southern California physical therapist and clinical nutritionist who is currently writing a book entitles, "Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from Sciatica, Lumbago, Slipped Disc and Backache." She also writes a blog and in the article “Three Painful Reasons You’re Being Scammed Out of Back Pain Relief” (found at Dr. Grace Walker Gray draws attention to addictive opioid prescriptions and diagnostic challenges as two reasons why back pain treatments are often ineffective. [ 104 more words ]

Importance of an Integrated Back Pain Management Approach Dr. Grace Walker Gray is a Southern California physical therapist and clinical nutritionist who is currently writing a book entitles, “Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from …

Alternating Between Standing and Sitting to Save the Spine 10/27/2019

Dr. Grace Walker Gray is clinical nutritionist and physical therapist who is the past Director of Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center,. She is currently writing. a book entitled Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from Sciatica, Lumbago, Slipped Disc, and Backache Dr. Grace Walker Gray also writes a blog and acrecent blog article at Dr. Grace Walker Gray emphasized the importance of decreasing “tushy-time.” [ 125 more words ]

Alternating Between Standing and Sitting to Save the Spine Dr. Grace Walker Gray is clinical nutritionist and physical therapist who is the past Director of Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center,. She is currently writing. a book entitled Bye-Bye Back Pa…

Holistic, Exercise-Grounded Pathways to Addressing Back Pain 09/04/2019

Licensed as a physical therapist and certified as clinical nutritionist, Dr. Grace Walker guided the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center for over 30 years. She is knowlegable about client-centered therapy and holistic health care that maximizes the body’s own ability to heal. One issue that Dr. Grace Walker commonly works with is back pain. She addressed the issue in a blog article at [ 157 more words ]

Holistic, Exercise-Grounded Pathways to Addressing Back Pain Licensed as a physical therapist and certified as clinical nutritionist, Dr. Grace Walker guided the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center for over 30 years. She is knowlegable about client-cente…

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder 08/22/2019

On her website, www.DrGraceWalkerGray.com and her book “Bye Bye Back Pain,” accomplished physical therapist Dr. Grace Walker Gray offers holistic treatment options for managing chronic musculoskeletal pain. For more than three decades, Dr. Grace Walker has directed operations at her private physical therapy practice, Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center. The Center treats multiple nerves, muscle, and tissue conditions through integrative and noninvasive treatments, including innovative ML830 laser light therapies that effectively treat chronic conditions such as TMJ. [ 86 more words ]

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder On her website, www.DrGraceWalkerGray.com and her book “Bye Bye Back Pain,” accomplished physical therapist Dr. Grace Walker Gray offers holistic treatment options for managing chronic musculoskele…

Aromatherapy for low back pain 03/18/2019

A graduate of the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions as a Doctor of Ooccupational Therapy and a Doctor of Physical Therapy Dr. Grace Walker Gray has had over 35 years of experience with low back pain as the Director of Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center In addition to her degree in occupational therapy, Dr. Grace Walker has achieved a diverse range of certifications, including a Master of Aromatherapy certification from the Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy. [ 183 more words ]

Aromatherapy for low back pain A graduate of the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions as a Doctor of Ooccupational Therapy and a Doctor of Physical Therapy Dr. Grace Walker Gray has had over 35 years of experience wit…

New Matresses and Low Back Pain 03/15/2019

Dr. Grace Walker, a certified clinical nutritionist and holistic healthcare practitioner, has spent nearly four decades as director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center. A graduate of the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions as a Doctor of Occupational Therapy and a Doctor of Physical Therapy Dr. Grace Walker Gray has had over 35 years of experience with low back pain as the Director of Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center In addition to her Doctorate degress in Therapy, Dr. 248 more words [ 235 more words ]

New Matresses and Low Back Pain Dr. Grace Walker, a certified clinical nutritionist and holistic healthcare practitioner, has spent nearly four decades as director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center. A graduate of the…

At Home Remedies to Manage Plantar Fasciitis Pain - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 08/09/2018

Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is a condition of the foot where the tendon that runs along the bottom of your foot, from the heel to your toes, is inflamed and causes pain. On top of common pain relief measures, such as a proper warm up before physical and activity and taking a pain relief medication, you can incorporate these 5 ways to manage your pain! [ 244 more words ]

At Home Remedies to Manage Plantar Fasciitis Pain - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is a condition of the foot where the tendon that runs along the bottom of your foot, from the heel to your toes, is inflamed and causes pain. On top of common pain relief measures, such… Continue reading →

Avoid Text Neck - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 08/02/2018

How To Text Without Pain Part 2 Have you heard of the newest epidemic that you can see where ever you go? It's called TEXT NECK! A British survey recently described how the recent smartphone explosion has left almost 1/4th of the population with pain in their neck, back, or shoulder. Do you know what they all have in common? [ 219 more words ]

Avoid Text Neck - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by How To Text Without Pain Part 2 Have you heard of the newest epidemic that you can see where ever you go? It’s called TEXT NECK! A British survey recently described how the recent smartphone explosion has left almost… Continue reading →

How to Text Without Pain - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 07/31/2018

Text Without Pain Today! Part 1 In today’s day in age, people can’t go a few minutes without checking their cell phone for a new text or the latest email. Whether its texting, scrolling through Facebook, or playing your favorite game app its important to understand how these everyday activities can cause you pain. Hand injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and other ailments are common for people who use a handheld device often. [ 312 more words ]

How to Text Without Pain - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Text Without Pain Today! Part 1 In today’s day in age, people can’t go a few minutes without checking their cell phone for a new text or the latest email. Whether its texting, scrolling through Facebook, or playing your… Continue reading →

Fix My Back: 3 Ways to Attack the Back - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 07/24/2018

Fix My Back Back pain IS one of the top complaints that doctors receive from their patients. Back pain can drive you crazy, especially if your job has you doing any heavy lifting or spending long hours at a desk (i.e.- pretty much everyone). The other thing that can drive you and your doctor crazy is that there is no easy fix! [ 335 more words ]

Fix My Back: 3 Ways to Attack the Back - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Fix My Back Back pain IS one of the top complaints that doctors receive from their patients. Back pain can drive you crazy, especially if your job has you doing any heavy lifting or spending long hours at a… Continue reading →

6 Tips to Prevent Falls - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 07/23/2018

Don't Let Falls Get You Down It can happen in the blink of an eye. One minute you’re walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, the next minute you wake up in a hospital bed. Falls are the leading cause of all non-fatal injuries and the most common reason for visits in the emergency room. Did you know one in five falls leads to a significant injury, such as broken wrists, hips, legs, arms, and head traumas? [ 179 more words ]

6 Tips to Prevent Falls - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Don’t Let Falls Get You Down It can happen in the blink of an eye. One minute you’re walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, the next minute you wake up in a hospital bed. Falls… Continue reading →

Driving with Dementia? - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 07/19/2018

What is dementia? Dementia refers to a group of different symptoms. Symptoms including memory loss, word-finding difficulties, impaired judgement, and problems with day-to-day activities. Injury or loss of brain cells are typical for patients who suffer from Dementia. Therefore dementia combined with driving could get a little bit dicey. What is normal? Dementia is not a normal part of aging… [ 350 more words ]

Driving with Dementia? - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by What is dementia? Dementia refers to a group of different symptoms. Symptoms including memory loss, word-finding difficulties, impaired judgement, and problems with day-to-day activities. Injury or loss of brain cells are typical for patients who suffer from Dementia. Therefore… Continue readin...

Frozen Shoulder: Why and What Next? - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 07/17/2018

Frozen Shoulder: What, Why, and What Next? Periarthritis Humeroscapularis Periarthritis humeroscapularis (frozen shoulder) is a pretty big word! But what it mean is that there is arthritis between the humerus (upper arm) and scapula (wing-shape bone on the back/shoulder). Many people with frozen shoulder have difficulty raising their arms. Our shoulder is the joint with the greatest range of motion. It moves like no other joint in the body! [ 262 more words ]

Frozen Shoulder: Why and What Next? - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Frozen Shoulder: What, Why, and What Next? Periarthritis Humeroscapularis Periarthritis humeroscapularis (frozen shoulder) is a pretty big word! But what it mean is that there is arthritis between the humerus (upper arm) and scapula (wing-shape bone on the back/shoulder).… Continue reading →

- The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 07/10/2018

Going on a Cruise This Summer? Don’t Bring Motion Sickness Home With You! It’s normal for you to feel as if you’re still at sea once you return home from a cruise. You continue to feel as if the floor is moving and your body is swaying, rocking, and bobbing as you try to sleep or stand in the shower. [ 271 more words ]

- The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Going on a Cruise This Summer? Don’t Bring Motion Sickness Home With You! It’s normal for you to feel as if you’re still at sea once you return home from a cruise. You continue to feel as if the… Continue reading →

Why It’s Time to Buy a Foam Roller - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 06/12/2018

Why It’s Time to Buy a Foam Roller Foam rollers have become very popular in the past decade. They are everywhere- from gyms to bedrooms. Foam rollers have become very popular because they are effective and inexpensive. Foam rollers are great for everyday stretches and therapeutic use. You don’t need to be recovering from an injury to utilize them. People who use foam rollers find them beneficial in gaining range of motion, increased circulation, and relaxation. [ 311 more words ]

Why It’s Time to Buy a Foam Roller - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Why It’s Time to Buy a Foam Roller Foam rollers have become very popular in the past decade. They are everywhere- from gyms to bedrooms. Foam rollers have become very popular because they are effective and inexpensive. Foam rollers… Continue reading →

Walker PT 06/07/2018
Double Trouble: Arthritis and Knee Meniscus.. AT THE SAME TIME!? - Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center 06/07/2018

Are you at risk for even MORE knee injuries?

Double Trouble: Arthritis and Knee Meniscus.. AT THE SAME TIME!? - Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center   Adults today are more active than ever. Prevention and continual exercise are often discussed between between adults and healthcare professionals. The benefits of proper exercise run deep; however adults with a history of arthritis and knee injury might want to be cautious. Arthritis is a painful...

You Might Be Suffering from TMD and Not Even Know It! - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 05/22/2018

Do you know what TMD is? Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or also known as TMJ disorder, is a common problem that affects 12% of the population. But most people, and even medical professionals, don’t seem to acknowledge the condition. So how many people does it REALLY affect? Good thing that Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist, wants you to understand TMJ because… [ 234 more words ]

You Might Be Suffering from TMD and Not Even Know It! - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Do you know what TMD is? Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or also known as TMJ disorder, is a common problem that affects 12% of the population. But most people, and even medical professionals, don’t seem to acknowledge the condition. So… Continue reading →

3 Reasons to Stand Tall – Part 2 - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 05/18/2018

We hope you have been checking your posture throughout your day since our Part 1 post! Posture can affect your health in many ways! Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist, wants you to know 3 ways that poor posture affects your health: Thoracic outlet syndrome – Poor forward head posture and slouched shoulders restrict nerves and blood flow in the lower neck and upper chest that limits the blood supply to your arms. [ 165 more words ]

3 Reasons to Stand Tall – Part 2 - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by We hope you have been checking your posture throughout your day since our Part 1 post! Posture can affect your health in many ways! Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist, wants you to know 3 ways… Continue reading →

3 Reasons to Stand Tall – Part 1 - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 05/15/2018

Whether it’s a long work day at the computer or you are sitting at your child’s baseball game, most of us aren’t consciously checking our posture. But we should! Posture can affect your health in ways you probably aren’t aware of. Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist, wants you to know 9 ways that poor posture affects your health: [ 245 more words ]

3 Reasons to Stand Tall – Part 1 - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Whether it’s a long work day at the computer or you are sitting at your child’s baseball game, most of us aren’t consciously checking our posture. But we should! Posture can affect your health in ways you probably aren’t… Continue reading →


Everyone walks throughout their day; why not put those steps towards good use? Students at Old Dominion University in Virginia have created Fitbit-like socks that track your steps and activity level. The purpose of their research is to use the information gathered from these socks to help people with neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease. These are washable and re-useable… [ 140 more words ]


Runners with Knee Pain? It could be IT Band Syndrome! - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 05/08/2018

Are you suffering from an annoying pain on the outside of your knee? This is a common symptom that runners, cyclists, or any similar activity suffer from! Although some believe that IT Band Syndrome is felt as a pain running up and down the side of your thigh, it isn’t. Your IT Band (Iliotibial band) is a thick sheet of connective tissue that attaches the muscles of your leg to your hip and to the side of your knee. [ 305 more words ]

Runners with Knee Pain? It could be IT Band Syndrome! - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Are you suffering from an annoying pain on the outside of your knee? This is a common symptom that runners, cyclists, or any similar activity suffer from! Although some believe that IT Band Syndrome is felt as a pain… Continue reading →

Getting Involved with APTA Advocacy 04/28/2018

The recipient of a doctor of physical therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Dr. Grace Walker helps patients achieve healing and regain mobility. Complementing her work at Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center in Orange, California, Dr. Grace Walker holds membership in professional groups such as the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Formed by 274 charter members in 1921, the APTA has grown over the past century into a prominent organization encompassing 95,000 practitioners around the United States. [ 164 more words ]

Getting Involved with APTA Advocacy   The recipient of a doctor of physical therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Dr. Grace Walker helps patients achieve healing and regain mobility. Complementing her wor…

5 Reasons Why Outpatient Surgery Could Be for You - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 04/24/2018

With hip and knee replacement surgeries becoming more technologically advanced, our care after these procedures have come a long way. People think that a joint replacement means lying in a hospital for weeks on end… that’s not the case anymore. With outpatient surgery most patients are home and up and walking around in a few days! Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist, wants you to know the advantages of outpatient surgery (if your doctor thinks you are a good candidate): [ 275 more words ]


5 Reasons Why Outpatient Surgery Could Be for You - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by With hip and knee replacement surgeries becoming more technologically advanced, our care after these procedures have come a long way. People think that a joint replacement means lying in a hospital for weeks on end… that’s not the case… Continue reading →

Are You Affected by Headaches? - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog 04/19/2018

Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist says that “headaches are often the result of pain from the upper cervical extensor muscles” and that “headaches are often related to stress”. When a person is under stress, they tend to tense their body and have poor posture (a head forward position adopted with chin jutting and upper cervical extension). [ 119 more words ]


Are You Affected by Headaches? - The Walker Physical Therapy & Pain Center Blog by Dr. Grace Walker, physical and occupational therapist and nutritionist says that “headaches are often the result of pain from the upper cervical extensor muscles” and that “headaches are often related to stress”. When a person is under stress, they… Continue reading →

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1111 W Town And Country Road, Ste 1
Orange, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 6pm
Tuesday 7am - 1pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 12pm

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