Performance Motoparts

� Florida's best motorcycle parts and accessories store
� English, Portuguese and Spanish speakers
� Located in Orlando FL.

Welcome to Performance Motoparts, where the variety of powersports products is second to none. In all of Orlando, FL, there isn't a friendlier or more knowledgeable staff than ours. We're happy to help you find either the perfect recreational vehicle or the parts you've been looking for. Check out our catalogs to see what we have. If you need help in making your selection, call or stop in—we're al

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/30/2022

Motorcycling can contribute positively in many ways to your life and here we will let you know a little bit about some of them:

Among the benefits of motorcycling, one of the most important is the ability to reduce rider stress. This happes to be scientifically proven.

It is also important to note that riding a motorcycle brings an indescribable feeling of freedom; something impossible to feel when driving a car. This feeling arises from a combination of factors, including speed, the wind in your face and the possibility of escaping the traffic and being alone.

There are also environmental benefits, such as reduced emissions of pollutants when compared to cars.

Send this post on to a friend who wants to start riding a motorcycle and needs to know about these benefits!

O motociclismo pode contribuir positivamente de várias formas para a sua vida e nós iremos te trazer algumas:

Entre os benefícios do motociclismo, um dos mais importantes é sua capacidade de reduzir o estresse dos condutores, fato comprovado cientificamente.

Também é importante destacar que andar de moto traz uma sensação de liberdade indescritível, impossível de ser sentida ao dirigir um carro. Essa sensação surge por uma combinação de fatores, entre eles a velocidade, o vento no rosto e a possibilidade de fugir do trânsito e andar sozinho.

Temos também os benefícios ambientais como, por exemplo, a menor emissão de poluentes, quando comparado a carros.

Mande este post para uma amigo que quer começar a pilotar e precisa saber desses benefícios!

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/29/2022

How about having a greater feeling of freedom than riding a motorcycle? It does not exist!

And to ride your own motorcycle, you require great style, safety and comfort accessories. At PMP you can find them all at the best prices and of the utmost quality.

Come visit our store. 7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL.

Quer maior sentimento de liberdade do que pilotar uma moto? Não tem!

E para pilotar a sua, é preciso acessórios de grande estilo, segurança e conforto. Na PMP você os encontra pelo melhor preço e qualidade.

Venha conhecer a nossa loja. 7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL.

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/26/2022
Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/26/2022

Two-wheel therapy can de-stress you and show you the bright side of life!

A terapia das duas rodas pode te desestressar e te mostrar o lado bom da vida!

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/22/2022

You've been riding for a while and your old companion starts to show signs that it's not meeting your needs anymore. The question is always the same - when do I need to change my motocross boots?

Pay attention to the following signs: check if the cleats and fasteners, the sole and the seams are in good condition and if the inside is good, without rips or anything like that, if not, you already know the answer, it's time to change your boot.

And here at PMP you can find a new pair of the highest quality and at the best price!

Já faz um tempo que você pilota e sua velha companheira começa a dar sinais de que não está mais suprindo suas necessidades, mas a dúvida é sempre a mesma: quando preciso trocar a bota de motocross?

Fique atento aos seguintes sinais: veja se as presilhas e fechos, o solado e as costuras estão em bom estado. E também se a parte interna está boa, sem rasgos ou algo do tipo, caso não estiver você já sabe a resposta, está na hora de trocar sua bota.

E aqui na PMP você pode achar uma nova com a maior qualidade e o melhor preço!

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/21/2022

Shall we compare these two amazing pairs of boots?

ALPINESTARS TECH 10: The Tech 10 design was guided by three priorities. First, improving the overall functionality of the boot. Second, boosting performance. Third, raising the bar for safety. The product is super light, allows for more movement and greater performance, and is very comfortable.

FOX RACING INSTINCT: The Fox Instinct boot is narrower and lighter, so the rider has greater grip sensitivity on the footpegs. It is designed with a low frame that provides smoother gear changes and better rear brake control. The sole and inner calf protector uses our Duratac compound, which provides improved grip and durability. It is a patented technology that is designed for the needs of riders looking for performance, safety and comfort on the tracks.

Comment here to let us know which one is your favorite!

Vamos comparar essas duas botas incríveis?

ALPINESTARS TECH 10: O projeto da Tech 10 foi guiado por três prioridades, melhorar a funcionalidade geral da bota, impulsionar o desempenho e elevar o nível de segurança. É super leve, possui mais movimento e maior performance, além de um ótimo conforto.

FOX RACING INSTINCT: A bota Fox Instinct é mais estreita e leve, para que o piloto tenha uma sensibilidade maior do grip sobre as pedaleiras, desenvolvida com uma estrutura baixa, proporciona mudanças de marcha mais suaves e melhor controle do freio traseiro. A sola e o protetor interno da panturrilha utilizam nosso composto Duratac, que oferece melhor grip e durabilidade. Trata-se de uma tecnologia patenteada, pensada para as necessidades dos pilotos que buscam desempenho, segurança e conforto nas pistas.

Comente aqui qual das duas é a sua preferida!

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/19/2022

Here are some tips on how to increase the lifespan of motocross boots:

1 - Washing after use is very important.

2 - Do not let boots dry in the sun. The sun can dry out the leather of the boot, so leave it in the shade, outdoors. This way the boots can dry while being well ventilated.

3 - Apply moisturizer to the leather from time to time. Leather, despite being resistant, is a material that can deteriorate a lot from drying. That's why you can occasionally apply a leather moisturizer. This product will help maintain the softness and flexibility of the boot.

4 - Only store when it is very dry

Aqui estão algumas dicas de como aumentar a vida útil de sua bota de motocross:

1 - Lavar depois de usar.

2 - Não deixe secando no sol. O sol pode ressecar o couro da bota, por isso deixe-a na sombra, ao ar livre, para que possa secar bem ventilada.

3 - Passe hidratante para couro de tempos em tempos. O couro, apesar de resistente, é um material que pode sofrer bastante com ressecamento. Por isso, você pode ocasionalmente aplicar um hidratante para couro, esse produto vai ajudar a manter a maciez e flexibilidade da bota.

4 - Guarde apenas quando estiver bem seca.

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/15/2022

Ride with all the adrenaline and protection to your eyes

Strata 2 Eyewear has lenses treated with an ultraviolet filter, as well as tear-off pins and foams that work together with anti-fog technology, ensuring that visibility is maintained in any type of weather change, maintaining safety and high protection in your riding.

With the slightly wider strap, its 40mm thickness helps in better accommodation next to the motocross helmet, in addition to a much greater fixation thanks to the silicone band, the Strata 2 Motocross Goggles guarantees all 100% quality for your riding in any modality.

Pilote com toda a adrenalina e proteção aos seus olhos

O Óculos Strata 2 conta com lentes tratadas com filtro ultravioleta, além de pinos para tear-off e espumas que atuam em conjunto com a tecnologia antiembaçante, garantindo que a visibilidade se mantenha em qualquer tipo de troca de clima, mantenha a segurança e a proteção elevadas em sua pilotagem.

Com a tira ligeiramente mais larga, seus 40mm de espessura ajudam na melhor acomodação junto ao capacete de motocross, além de uma fixação muito maior graças à faixa em silicone, o Óculos Motocross Strata 2 garante toda a qualidade 100% para sua pilotagem em qualquer modalidade.

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/13/2022

In addition to being a lot of fun, riding a motorcycle can also improve your health! If you're not part of this world yet, you don't know what you're missing. out on..

If you want to start riding, you will find the best accessories here at PMP. You can ride with style, safety and protection.

Pilotar moto além de ser muito divertido ainda pode melhorar a sua saúde! Se você ainda não faz parte desse mundo, não sabe o que está perdendo...

Se você quer começar a pilotar, ache os melhores acessórios aqui na PMP e tenha estilo, segurança e proteção.

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/12/2022

Would your child like to start training motocross but you are still not sure if it's a good idea? Here are some reasons you should let her / him train:

1. Motocross offers exciting entertainment that is not violent, to the contrary, it is a sport that needs training and discipline and is not dangerous; after all any direct contact with the track is highly avoided.

2. Riding a motorcycle requires good physical levels; after all it is a sport that requires agility, strength and balance. Once the child discovers that his / her body needs to be in good shape to run, he / she will also understand how important it is to be healthy.

3. As a favorite sport, motocross allows kids of all ages to play together and talk about it. That's because there aren't many kids who share the same interests; so, when they find people who do, the friendship becomes stable.

Send this post to a friend who has a child who wants to start!

O seu filho quer começar a treinar motocross mas você ainda não sabe se é uma boa ideia? Então aqui estão alguns motivos para você deixa-lo treinar:

1. Motocross oferece um entretenimento emocionante que não é violento, pelo contrário, é um esporte que precisa de treino, disciplina e não é perigoso, afinal qualquer contato direto na pista é altamente evitado.

2. Pilotar uma moto requer um bom nível físico, afinal é um esporte que exige agilidade, força e equilíbrio. Um vez que a criança descobrir que seu corpo precisa estar bem para correr, também vai entender o quão importante é estar saudável.

3. Como um esporte favorito, o motocross permite que as crianças de todas as idades brinquem juntas e conversem sobre. Isso porque não existem muitas crianças que compartilham do mesmo interesse, então quando eles acharem pessoas que também compartilhem, a amizade se torna estável.

Mande esse post para um amigo que tem uma criança que quer começar a pilotar!

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/10/2022

Here are some reasons to opt for a fundamental accessory that will help you a lot in your riding - hydration backpacks.

Riding dehydrated as well as performing any other physical activity is dangerous, in addition to being extremely exhausting. If you go long distances and don't know the place, not having water is a huge problem, unless you have a hydration pack.

Another reason is to have a place to transport your items the right way. Stay hydrated, and have space, after all, most models of big brands have pockets or compartments prepared for the most sensitive objects or they even contain hidden compartments that help protect your most fragile items.

If these reasons convinced you to use a hydration pack, come to PMP and choose yours! We have the best options for you.

Trouxemos aqui alguns motivos para você optar por um acessório fundamental que te ajudará muito na sua pilotagem: as mochilas de hidratação.

Pilotar desidratado assim como realizar qualquer outra atividade física é perigoso, além de extremamente exaustivo. Se você vai para longas distâncias e não conhece o lugar, não ter água com certeza é um perrengue enorme, a menos que você tenha uma mochila de hidratação.

Outro motivo é ter onde levar seus objetos da forma correta. Tenha hidratação, e espaço, afinal, a maioria dos modelos de grandes marcas contam com bolsos ou compartimentos preparados para objetos mais sensíveis ou compartimentos mais escondidos que ajudam na proteção dos seus itens mais frágeis.

Se essas razões te convenceram a usar mochila de hidratação, venha para PMP escolher a sua! Nós temos as melhores opções para você.

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 09/07/2022

Alpinestars motocross gloves are divided as well as Alpinestars clothing into different categories; are loads for performance, and comfort.

In each of them, the level of protection varies, as well as the materials to face the light or more resistant ones.

So you should think about which level you need and choose what is best.

Did you like the tip? So let's start our page to have more!

Os modelos de luvas Alpinestars para motocross são divididos assim como as roupas Alpinestars em diferentes categorias: são linhas voltadas para desempenho, intermediário e conforto.

Em cada um deles, o nível de proteção varia, assim como os materiais para torná-los leves ou mais resistentes.

Então, você deverá refletir sobre qual é o nível que você precisa e escolher a que te serve melhor.

Gostou da dica? Então, acompanhe nossa página para ter mais delas!


"It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things." — Theodore Roosevelt

Happy Labor Day to you all!


The first step is as soon as you get off the trail or track, put your motocross boots to wash.

Pouring water with the high pressure washer or a hose to remove excess dirt already helps a lot. It prevents the clay or sludge from drying on the materials such as rubber, synthetic leather and plastics which can, due to contamination, and end up breaking, cracking or even getting completely worn-and-torn.

It is always important to be aware that it is not always just mud. Other chemical components are present wherever you ride and they are generally responsible for spoiling the parts of motocross boots. The sooner they are removed, the better.

Did you like to know this? Be sure to save this post so you don't forget!


There's not much of a secret to keeping the graphics up to date and shiny on your motocross helmet; after all, unlike foam, the outer part technically doesn't have a lifespan if it's not taken care of.

When the motocross helmet is dry, giving it a good wash with mild soap and water witha soft cloth or sponge is the basic thing to do.

It is good to be careful to choose the best cleaning materials - cloths, sponges or flannels that do not scratch the paint are essential. In addition, using neutral liquid or low viscosity cleaners and never powder so as not to scratch the hull.

Upon drying, which can be done with a soft flannel, it is also possible to shine using a luster wax, as long as it is thin for a polishing finish.

Send this post to a friend who can also learn how to properly care for their motocross helmet.


We wil soon be launching this incredible helmet here at PMP!

Are you looking forward to it? In just a little while the AGV K6 Helmet - Morbidelli 21 will be on sale in our store. Stay tuned to not miss out!


In order for you and your wife to ride a bike that is in style, is safe and is comfortable, you need the best accessories that only PMP has!

Come visit our store and check out all our amazing products. If the sentence called out to you, double tap this post.


Come to PMP, we have the best products for you and your family to have the best race ever!

In addition, our team is always ready to give you the best advice and suggestions for motorcycle parts and accessories.

Don't waste time, gather the whole family and come see us. Our address: 7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL.


Few helmets have generated as much interest as that of the the introduction of the Shoei Helmet, and with good reason.

It is a true juggernaut of the track, and every line, every angle and every curve has been specially crafted to get the most out of you and your bike. It’s no wonder that the most sophisticated racers in the world are already rocking it readily.

If you think this is the perfect helmet for you, don't waste any more time and come to PMP to get your own. Our team will help you choose the size and design that best suits you!


Are you looking for high quality boots? Boots that are comfortable and provide stability?

Here at PMP we have the tech 7 boot; a product that may exceed your expectations. Come visit us at our store!

Our address: 7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL


The priorities of the Tech 10 Boot are to keep you safe and make sure that every ride is an enjoyable ride!

Maximizing these priorities is the key objective of Tech 10 and the result is a boot with increased movement range and flexibility while offering better control over the flex and torsion forces that significantly improve boot performance.

Have you already secured your own boots? If not, come on down here to PMP and we can get you your own gear at a great price. Take a note of our address and come visit us.

📍7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL


Are you looking for high quality boots? Boots that are comfortable and provide stability?

Here at PMP we have the tech 5 boot; a product that may exceed your expectations. Come visit us at our store!

Our address: 7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL

Photos from Performance Motoparts's post 08/15/2022

Here are the differences between the Tech 5 and Tech 10 boots, this information will help you choose which one is perfect for you! And best of all, whatever is your choice, we have it here at PMP waiting for you.

So, did you find out which one is best for you? Comment below if you prefer Tech 5 or Tech 10.


Take these 3 reasons into consideration as they can make a huge difference when riding!

And It is only here at PMP that will you be able to find such a wide variety of articulated knee braces at competitive prices. Amazing, right?

Bring your family along with you to visit our store. We have a wide variety of products for all of you.


Are you looking for a great quality women's jacket that is comfortable and available at a great price?

So now you know where to find one! Here at PMP we have Alpinestars, and other brands for women’s jackets that might just be what you're looking for.

Come to PMP and find the perfect bike part or accessory for you!📍7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL.
contact us


Come to PMP and choose your motorcycle parts and accessories, doing so with the greatest style, comfort and at the best price!

Our team are here, ready to serve you and help out in the best possible way. Pay us a visit: 7041 Grand National Drive Suite - 130 Orlando, FL.

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Our Story

Welcome to Performance Motoparts, where the variety of products is unparalleled. Across Orlando, FL, there is not a friendlier or more experienced team than ours. We are happy to help you find the perfect product for your motorcycle and for you. If you need help to make your choice, call or send us a whatsapp – we are always ready to help!

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Happy new year’s!!!
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Nova jaqueta Alpinestars Juno Air Textile.Entre em contato com a Performance e garanta já a sua!📞 +1 800 8019818📱 +1 (40...
Novo RPha 70 2020Todas as novidades na Performance Motoparts pra você!📞 +1 800 8019818📱 +1 (407) 308-7581 (Whatsapp)📍 55...
**Nova jaqueta Scorpion com mochila integrada**.Perfeita para aquele longo passeio!.Compre já com a gente:📞 +1 800 80198...
Helmet Arai VX-PRO4 Smooth, not ridged shell maintaining the R75 shape. A vented chin bar with an improved peak for defl...
Shark evo-one 2. Perfect for your adventure ride 🏍💨🔥.Buy it now contacting us:📞 +1 800 8019818📱 +1 (407) 308-7581 (Whats...
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New HJC The Flash Helmet. Be careful, or you gonna miss it! ⚡️🏃🏼‍♂️💨.Contact us:📞 +1 800 8019818📱 +1 (407) 308-7581 (Wha...
#FoxRacing #Casual #PMP



7041 Grand National Drive
Orlando, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 8pm

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