Recontrol Health
There’s NOTHING more important than health. Offering Holistic Mind, Body, Soul recovery methods! There's NOTHING more important than your health.
Serving Oxford since 2010! Many in clinic and online wellness options to choose from at
A mindful life is a living meditation.
Also take time to sit quietly, and allow The Divine to speak to you and then have awareness to actually be able to Hear.
To be Guided from the surrendering.
Be Still and Be Told.
Then you will Know.
You have everything you need already.
Being busy is a clue to what is needed and why there is sickness. Busy isn’t just doing, It also includes a busy overthinking mind.
with .repost
Your daily reminder that meditation doesn’t have to involve sitting cross-legged in silence for 30 minutes 🤍
It’s election season. Caution. Hard to find a single grain of Truth anywhere in that arena. So, do not listen. Use discernment and watch with Real Eyes. No. Commenting. Below. This is simply wisdom. Political post will be blocked and banned. This page is NOT FOR SIDES. I’m here for You, Us All and Hope. Healing mind, body and soul, not worldly.
My client meetings are A GREAT deal of talking. Back and forth. I need to hear you use your voice. I need to “see” what you are actually saying between the lines. I use discernment to hear you. All of you. The masked up versions that comes out once the real you reveals itself immediately after safety has been established. It’s an entirely different conversation and session. We talk for 3-4 hours literally. I. Want. To. Hear. You. The Real You. The hurt part that has been hiding. That part, or parts, will come out and ask for help the second they know they are truly safe. No safety, no self-love, no self-acceptance… I promise you… no healed. “All it takes”, 🤨 (the way is simple), the process not at all easy, but are the steps to escape the imprisoned Self hiding within. Sickness is just the clouds that covers up the Light within you. Let’s flame the fire within and blow all that smoke out now. Het out the smoke and health restores as much as possible. Even fully in my case.
Nothing good happens while in long-term Survival mode. The world isn’t the safe haven, but the Kingdom within certainly is available.
We heal in POSITIVE community that is open to hearing Truth even when it contradicts life long held beLIEfs that are very obviously self-harming. We don’t focus on sickness. We speak Life for Healed.
Surround yourself with Peace & POSITIVE (not fake).
I've had this happen on numerous occasions, but never made the connection until I read Dr. Mark Hyman, MD's post. Maaaan, it's SO true for me.
And women suffer greatly too from their childhood lessons. (Also for men most definitely but I can only speak from my female perspective of living in the Bible Belt of America).
Be good. Be nice. Be pretty. Shut up, sit up straight and be silent. Be a good girl. Be a nice girl. You can not ever have public body noises or smells! That is a MAJOR no-no (digestive problems anyone? Here’s your root cause). Your hair? Your skin! Acne or wrinkle or heaven help both! You wearing that? Did you gain weight? Lose weight? You pregnant yet? You had s*x, shame on you. Nobody loves fat people. Don’t be too smart. Or too pretty. Or too much. Definitely do NOT be too happy, sad is much prefer. But God help us Be something that EVERYONE will be comfortable with it all the time. Do it right? Don’t ask, you are supposed to be born knowing. Help the mother and the dad and the siblings and the children and the congregation, all while bleeding one week every month most of your life and fitting in some rest time somewhere in there.
Sleep perfectly, and look incredible when you are sleeping. Because rolling out of bed ready to go is truly the only right way. Real floozies show their asses, but not too much because that’s okay, in fact encourage but, the line is so so so specific no one ever gets it right. Or maybe so, you’ll know instantly.
And then they think there is something wrong with them. Stop the Insanity (used to be a trademark).
Created in the Image; however, tainted by the Lies of others.
Raise them in love not the societal fears and idiotic expectations.
Boys and girls. All children. If they fear you, they will curl up, remove themselves from living and die inside a little each day.
So, let’s stop doing that. Many chronic health problems are NOT the physical alone. It finally shows up as physical because the emotional/Soul has been ignored and dismissed for 40 years.
How’s that working out for me I ask myself? Then I choose for my future self, not my current situation.
Find yourself. Always return to Self. You are Perfectly equipped. I do not doubt that at all. -Sherie Holland
☀️ BeLIEve as a human Doing or BeLIFE as as Human BEing!☀️
BEing Integral means
“Enter Great the All”, as in, only Good/God exist. When you put pressure on something, what comes out is Truth.
Squeeze a fruit and you get only that fruits juices. Squeeze a 🧟♀️ you get 💩.
Squeeze a 💃🏽🕺☀️ and get 💘✨
You kNow what is within! Clear as a 🔔! 👀
Real eyes 👀 realize Truth 🌞 .
It is Done instantly. No guessing. Should I stay or should I go? 🎶
The present life condition is a direct reflection of what is currently Integrated fully now.
As within, so without. As above, so below.
No exceptions. It’s Quantum Physics. Literally science proven.
They “aren’t sure” 😘 🌞 the how it happens but they know they Know now.) Know means Updated factual Knowledge.knowledge/Now.
It all, in Ur ☀️ 💃🏽 🌍 ✨ world, happens According, Hans Solo, to Your (🧟♀️👵💃🏽🗺️) OR Ur 💃🏽☀️)
partial or full participation.
You are in charge!
Or are you letting others all chime in on your life?
Your life or their life.
Results do not lie.
You are Spirit so Spear it! 💘 Life I mean!
No Thing to False Evidence Appearing Real!
Except the fear chosen and created by 🧟♀️ 👵.
AWESOME day dream 💃🏽☀️, not the life focused on the stuff filling space around you currently 🗺️👵🗡️👻🧟♀️!
As soon as this 🧟♀️ turns on the 💡 in that 🧟♀️, then this 🧠✨, awakens🤩 and then dreaming of 😊 🧞♀️, of great, then DEFINITELY 🛑 participating in the 👵 and instantly do life as the new version💃🏽 ☀️ , without doubt ⛈️🧟♀️ 👵, then it is yoU as a Soul ☀️ 🌞, not living as a 🧟♀️ on 🗺️ !
Do not look back once you decide what you Do want to BE Human 💃🏽 ☀️ . Quit the 🧟♀️ 🗺️ ROLE!
It’s time to become the You of Now Knowing.
Just watch… let 🗺️ time unfold to catch up to 🌎.
I can help you see clearly.
When you are ready.
Long term suffering is optional.
I can teach you that is a false beLIEf so choose be BeLIFE instead.
And living by that false belief is the result because results do not lie.
You will know by the fruits.
🧟♀️ or 💃🏽
I have the power to protect my peace. The calm in the storm. Even from the world. When I find peace, I find health. Because Health is Your Truth and so Is Peace. If anything else is presenting besides Health, then peace has been disrupted. To what level will be a direct reflection of ease or un-ease. The body isn't the main problem (believe the world/business of medicine if you want, but I now know better - lies for profits over people). The false beLIEF is the root problem causing lack of peace within.
Remove/resolve/heal/deal with what your perspective is about the problem, and the problem neutralizes as well as the unease, dis-ease, illness and health returns.Restored from resolution of disharmony.
What is causing disharmony IS WITHIN not without. The world out there is not the problem. The world within is either in war or in peace. Results do NOT ever lie. You will know them by the fruits they produce.
I did not know I even had this option until I learned and I didn't learn until 50! I had to first learn how to remove what was blocking the peace. Then... life changing things happened instantly since I have been working at this for my entire adult life. The integration happened as soon as I removed the block(s). It isn't a miracle, but it sure feels like one. It actually is a miracle but not enough experience it due to greed and lack of knowledge. Healing has been suppressed for sickness profiting long enough, so let's bring it back. One person at a time. Who is next?
Don't delay because vitality is yours to claim. If you missed the memos for upgrading like I did early in life, get it now. or else.... cancer (dark mass of unhealed baggage) is already 1:2 ratio! Heart disease (hurt hearts) is skyrocketing. and Autoimmune (I can't or I am not good enough attacking within) is all linked to stress, emotional unhealed memories that are stored in the body waiting for you to heal them. If you don't, the world can offer drugs, surgery or worse, but the resolving of the hurt is healing at the root. and No drug or surgery ever heals, but it is costly and it does distract again, until it shows up somewhere else. The cycle continues until and only until.... awareness of the body's cries for love and acceptance, not rejection, abandonment and avoidance or fighting the message (any and all symptoms are calls for your personal healing attention, not wanted to be SILENCED, ignored and suppressed and turned over to a stanger to deal with the symptoms.... but healed.).
Just like we are taught to ask, seek, & knock for Higher Power help, the body does the same thing. Ask higher power, You in this case, for help and instead of a Christ healing, we turn it over to sacrifice. It trusted you to ask for help. This time. How long have we been ignoring our own request for help and healing? A long time I guess. But now you and I know, so now we are the care taker for our body, mind & soul for Health Not sickness.
Let someone teach you how to heal. Not the world's version of pills for sick management but by the intelligent design of "Created in the Image". If you have difficulty healing, let us teach you how to find peace within, then see how this option works better. Healing is not for a select group or the rich. It is free and happens within with proper guidance and a peace and hope filled spirit There is no vitality in sickness, but remove the block and the vitality, always been there, returns.
Welcome back. We have missed you. Freedom is Peace. Health is Peace. If you don't know how to do anything other than pills, supplements,, diet and exercise and fad trends for health, you are a expert product of the world. The world doesn't heal, but the Kingdom Within does. No matter your religion.
Do Less for health. Work smarter not harder. The body is equipped to do what you and I have taken a lot of time and energy and resources and funds to make happen externally. Get out of the way and allow it to do it the proper and healing way.
Healing happens within. With right integrity, no action is problematic. NONE! With integrity! If there is a problem presenting after right action, there is wrong thinking involved, not wrong action. Get our of your head and stop getting in your own way like I have done for years. That way doesn't work and still won't 10 years from now. But feel free to keep on keeping on.
If it works, continue. If not, regroup and find another way with assistance.
This is what I teach for healing. If interested, I have 2 spots only for September currently. Learn to live life in a healthy and vital way instead of the world guidelines that have the state of the world in this exact sick state. Choose health and choose a teacher of healing. If healing isn’t happening, the wrong information is being followed, so new information needs to be learned. If sickness is the end result, then health and healing have not been taught. If you need a teacher, I know experts.
Health and Freedom and Growth are…
The solution isn’t to add more chaos and “things to do for health”. No hardship. Please 🛑!However, a person not doing the inner healing (this work that reverses dis-ease at the root) will have to spend a great deal of time and money and energy and resources taking care of themselves by outside resources instead of the unlimited supply provided within. So carry on UNTIL you are ready to heal and life life as the original design. Healthy, integral and with vitality !
God is not a God of the Dead, only the Living. And of that soUl ☀️ within is dimmed, that’s darkness. When our light dims within, we either need to fuel the flame within (I teach this) or allow it to continue to fade.
What do U want? What does your SO(u)L or (SO☀️L) want? Word magic forms and breaks spells. Get out of the web of deceit and step in to the Ligjt of Trith. No matter your BeLiefs. If there is a problem in life, it is a beLIEf issue. Work smarter not harder. Let someone show you The Way. Your way, not others way. That hasn’t ever worked so… stop the insanity.
Ask me how I know.
Good gracious, this side of healed is much, much easier and lighter. Literally. Healed. And never worried about a return because healed knows how to stay healed. Once you know, it is done. No fear anymore. Life will have ups and downs simply like the waves of the ocean. The down is necessary to have an up and the up is necessary to have a down otherwise it’s a boring ass journey. Enjoy it instead of fearing it. How’s fearing/blocking your True Self working for you so far? It didn’t for me and when I got sick and tired enough… Chains broke.
Freedom means… “nothing left to lose” (inspired by Kris Kristofferson & Janis Joplin) so the fear, evaporates. Fear is a trap. Fear IS truly a gift of guidance not to run from but embrace and learn. I teach this! It allows for Intantant recovery within; however, the physical needs a little more time to catch up with the kingdom within. (I pray you know this experience or have it soon!)
A game changer for my life, my health and my business.
I learned for myself and my clients that the more “maintenance” we had to “be doing” meant the more running away from the root cause was happening. Costly! Timely! Not effective!
We stopped doing and started investigating. The entire practice changed.
I learned… this is our True Self 🌞. However, storm clouds enter and if not able to move along, start dimming that fire and vitality within. As early as birth (more than 50% of children have chronic health problems today yet people go back to the system that does NOT heal! Our poor children!
Using the external resources to assist for health sustaining means health hasn’t been rediscovered within yet. (Its smoldering within. Let’s feed that flame now!) Why? Either no one is looking (no awareness yet, which is my job NOT a prescribers professional expert area unless you want external maintenance for the rest of your life and that is okay if so- I’m here for those wanted resolution not maintenance), or possibly and 95% likely, there are storm clouds within that still haven’t finished storming but… no one has been trying to move to a brighter side of life to dry up the fog, so, health is blocked and stagnation enters. Unease. Chronic dis-ease.
Understand how I teach You your personal healing and resolution From the inner dark environment (if this resonates, make an appt to get started now and if not, please do not make an appt with me yet):
You are full☀️! This is Truth. Made in the image and likeness. So Truth or no? Debatable that you were born with perfect health? If so, continue, if not… continue as well.
So being born perfect health yet not having that same perfect health today issue is not about you, because you are ☀️, so nothing to fix because nothing is broken.
So… here is where I help when called upon…the real issues are… within, visible or not, and it is always visible to the trained eye, they have eyes to see, and ears to hear, There are blocks 💔 , and cysts 💣 and fears 🌧️ smothering out ☁️ that inner ⛅️ Truth🌞 . And it isn’t a great long term plan but sometimes necessary to maintain during a few hours or days of “life” at times. This is supportive and the benefit of supplements. Doing this long term, because the bocks of health are being overlooked in preference of productivity and denial (no self-care) is asking for a hard sick life. Besides, long term, The prices now reveal this fact. Not sustainable. So, let’s regroup asap and skip the “doing” of the hard world things and get back to the natural abilities of the genius of the body.
If it isn’t healing, you haven’t learned how or are blocking it. This isn’t gaslighting, this is an opportunity. Again, ask me how I know healing is possible for all. Just because it isn’t seen in your world daily like it is in mine does not mean it doesn’t happen. Full reversal. If your medical professional doesn’t know how to teach healing, then find a health professional that does and fire the sick doctor. I am pro choice and my mission is only for others to know options. What you choose once you know options, I love we get that freedom. And I respect others decisions for themselves.
We allow the body to heal by getting out of the way. Not forcing/battling sickness away. Stop fighting already
Allowing health to shine from within is the preferred option because that is where it already exist. Why keep looking outside of yourself still?!? We don’t do MORE, we remove what in life and false programmed beLIEfs are the issue preventing full health. Do less for health! Because full health is your authentic self.
Now my job once you ask for assistance is to help you have eyes to see and ears to hear how the vitality within is being suppressed. Not against you, but For you! Yes! Let me teach you how I help you discover what is preventing that health that is truly you from shining through and performing its brilliant design and living from that place. It. Is. Time. To. Choose. Health and Healed. I’m here for you.
Let’s find that together and watch what unfolds.
People who talk to you about detoxing heavy metals are centralized SHILLS looking to separate you from your money. All you need it to learn how to turn on POMC to get melanin and you'll take care of your own problem. Reject centralized fiat shills. Marketing is legalized lying.
Some people live life like this octopus… fear based. How do I stay defensive. (I am very familiar with!)
Some people are like this cat… what fear? I have all I need and no worries, because it’s my life to author.
Life is always for life. Natural life is always abundant. Until it is interrupted by unnatural created obstacles.
Direct and to the point: Health/Healing is not found in false fear. If health is missing, false fear is present. If health is present, no false fear exist.
Health is vitality. A burning fire within. A 🔥 🌳.A metabolism/chemical reaction. Energy. The Sun within. (BTW: The Sun is never sick.) A healthy person has strong vitality and light/sun/flame/energy within.
Want health and healing? Do this simple practice daily: Imagine the 🌞 within you now. At your center torso. Getting brighter. So bright! Even brighter than the outside ☀️ . (But if it’s bedtime, dim it a bit (like the 🌖)But don’t block it or smother it.
That is the real you. The Truth is the Truth. Each of us an individual expression Filled with the Solar of vitality. Vitality IS AT YOUR CORE, so if we don’t feel it, or aren’t experiencing it in reality, then it means something is blocking that existing light within. It does NOT MEAN you are broken. (This is what makes my practice different.) we aren’t broken so we don’t fix that! What we do is… Let’s go find what’s blocking the vitality within and get rid of the obstacle preventing your vitality from expressing. It’s there, it never left, it’s just currently blocked. Let’s remove it finally. Whenever you are done dealing with that issue, it can be over. Proper guidance is available.
When sickness occurs, it isn’t the germ, because the germ is always around, and it isn’t the body turning against you. That is a false beLIEf. However it is the loss of vitality within. I am revealing this so those who are ready to hear, can get the message.
When health problems present, as a root cause drugless practitioner, the main question to ask when any dis-ease or ill health presents is… what has dimmed my light/flame/sun within? And MOST importantly skip that and ask… what do I do now to fuel that flame of vitality within? Then go do that.
Did-ease can be caused. It can be prevented. And it can be reversed as well as healed.
It is never th germ or the body that is the problem. At some level deep within you Know this Truth. The problem lies in the “what” that presented before that then makes the always been around germ now successful within.
When you learn this Truth, you won’t fear “catching”. Because you can’t “catch” health from anyone, so pray tell why can you “catch illness” from anyone? That germ is NEVER not around but it was successful now?!?
I believed that because Someone told me and i chose to continue to believe it. Until I learned better information.
According to your faith (Truth),it is done.
Mark 11:24
• Modern Verse: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
• Original Greek: “διὰ τοῦτο λέγω ὑμῖν, πάντα ὅσα προσεύχεσθε καὶ αἰτεῖσθε, πιστεύετε ὅτι ἐλάβετε, καὶ ἔσται ὑμῖν.”
Octopus needs more arms!
This is a bold face lie! Or maybe it is the truth? Sickness happens because we trust when it wasn’t healthy to do so. Learn from the lesson sooner rather than later.
Have you read these “rigorously tested” research papers? I’ll give you a hint… just look at how long, or how short, a time frame these were rigorously tested. Nothing else needed but hopefully it will peak your interest and you’ll finally read the conclusions for yourself. Clearly this doctor hasn’t. Or maybe they have? Go look!
Then come to your own conclusion. If one expert says it’s safe, you’ll have another identically qualified expert saying the opposite. What do you do then? If you choose convenience, that’s at your risk.
Do not trust blindly unless you do desire someone in charge of your life and death (and life and death of your family and Children), other than yourself.
I am 100% pro your choice to choose. I just want to make sure you know you do have options. Zero medication in this country is legally mandatory to live in this county.
No need to state laws according to states. Most states do not force medications. And the ones that do, find the loophole and/or stop supporting state tyranny of forced pharmaceutical products.
👇👇👇👇 This is why I distrust any physician who pushes those 'safe & effectives'. Link to the truth is info in comments.
Truth. 100% success rate so far. Same for you!
We do what we do on the daily… because we’ve been shown how to be. It’s often isn’t authentic. Its autopilot. Being chronically ill or in pain or not well… is a byproduct.
We. Learn. To. Be. Sick! In this world, Be IN the world but not of it, We learn how to be everything BUT ourselves! Either you see this now or now. I will not convince anyone.
The task if we understand the assignment, and Jesus says this too, is to stop putting that lamp under the table. You are the Light of the world. Why are we being someone else? The table in this story for this analogy represents OTHERS expectations and other as in not of me. Think of it as a block of stone. You are the beautiful price of art within but until you chisel away every piece that doesn’t belong to you originally… it will feel heavy and hard.
This is wisdom.
Plain and simple… we mimick.
The question I now ask people (because I did this work for myself already) is WHO are we mimicking. And even more than that… who ALL are we mimicking. Because mimicking leads to disharmony. Mimicking is NOT authentic. Even those that mimicking OFTEN never see it for themselves. Sometimes a clue is you won’t recognize yourself in pictures or videos or even cringe because it doesn’t “feel” like you.
We do this because we are wired to do this until we are sovereign and stand on our own as ourself. This is normal. But what’s not normal is the unawareness and the escape out of it. They forget to teach us this part for good reason.
Results do not lie. You will know them by the fruits they produce. If it is pure… fruit. If it is tainted… no fruit. Results do not lie. Look at the outcome. People are only able to improve based on their ability to see the Truth about themselves. It’s not easy, and our ego loves to point fingers (we learned this in Genesis). But blame never resolves. Resolution is the solution.
The only way to get from Other back to Self is awareness.
This dog video, one of many I’ll keep sharing, is a step to ask yourself… if I am not well, am I truly myself or who am I mimicking and becoming mostly other. Results do not lie.
The task, if we each dare to take on, and none of us HAVE TO, but will ultimately be forced to, this round or a next or next?, is to return to Self Whole and Holistically. The quest is to find that True Self within. The Kingdom is within.., chisel away that which is NOT yours.
It is in this place where healing and recovery can occur.
For further reading if interested or seriously stop now:
The more TV we watch… the more sickness there can be (if you are not Self yet) because the TV is Programming us to be “other”. It channels. Its broadcast. It programs. Our movies and music too. We become as we are trained. These things teach us how to be. Not be you but be collectively. The masses are sick. The most commercials on TV are Harmon’s fast food. (Put on your detective hat and start being aware!)
There is ZERO problem using these for entertainment. I do myself. And watch funny things as often as possible. You will experience the same emotions internally as what is presented. You cry at sad parts and laugh at funny parts. Stress at intense parts and feel a sense of relief at resolution. If this is how we experience emotions typically… this is NOT you. This is mimicking.
The awareness allows you to not be hypnotized in to what is being entrained in the brain.
As a Freedom from Self Sabotage coach and Holistic Transformational Consultant, I very well understand we have a lot of teaching to do. I have dedicated almost 20 years to learning and teaching. Now is when it matters more than ever.
Trust me it is never “fun” for me to “stick my neck out “ to teach these untraditional yet very much science based information but… that is the purpose I was assigned. So I show up. Even when I shake and my palms sweat. I can not speak up and teach. I needed someone like me when I was young. So… here I am now hopefully for someone else. This is who I am and how I live and think. Perhaps it may help someone understand the nonsense that is happening and not many are revealing. Break free.
If you fell for the last world event, preparation should have started to protect yourself from the next and the fear. Fear is our biggest danger. Nothing else. It will come again. But fear not! If fear is present, find out why? Start today!
No fear. Only a return to Self. If you are “hobbling down those steps” and actually don’t need to “anymore”. When you realize we don’t need to continue “anymore” as the old way, we upgrade instantly to the accurate and now way.
What would you, the Soul, like to do this next hour. What would your true self like to do… over what you habitually do. Choose consciously. This is how we start to switch out of automatic into Self Actualization. Doing life from Self Awareness… is the golden ticket. It’s your passport to anywhere. In the world, but NOT of it. Live life by choosing from the Authentic Soul (our True Self-designed by God as the Temple of the Living God, yet live understanding the ways of the world (the world is NOT conducive to living Authentically… it wants us all to be the same). If we are Same… we are not the same”Light of the world”. We are no different that the dog in this video.
That is Not our calling or Purpose. Mimicking is NOT our assignment. If you don’t know what the purpose is, I will gladly discuss Recontrol Health and will be doing more teaching calls and Lives after summer over in RECONTROL Health - Lifestyle & Nutrition Group. Request to join when you are ready to break free. Not doing it voluntarily often leads to what we refer to as a mid-life crisis I’d like to show you how to have a Life Awakening. Not because of a Crisis. But to each his own. I did it the crisis way myself. Not advised but as highly effective as the volunteer.
Awakening is uplifting. A crisis, can be hard and end up… well you have seen this plenty of times. Most people do this via the crisis way if it ever gets done this life. I’m here to make this transition more fluid and pleasant for those interested. 🌺
The mimicking stops the second you awaken.
If you want to assist us all, please share, like send or else social media hides these post. They demand I pay (it’s a business page) or you help voluntarily teach by sharing for others to be able to learn for free.
I will NOT pay anyone to teach others for free. I’m sharing what I’ve already paid to learn. Please care by sharing as often as possible.
Attention: This actual business will LIKELY close the end of 2024 due to NO NEW views being seen NOR ANY INTEREST. And this is okay if that happens. There is no point in paying for a business I do not myself need when I am keeping it open as a service to help others. It is wonderful that so many have figured out how to heal holistically! Thank God!
If this business is no longer needed, the end is approaching. Countdown is on and the deciding factor is interest. That’s just how business works.
I’m still here. This business is for others. I’m here for you. If others do not need the business… then that will be eliminated asap. And it has been a pleasure to serve under this business entity all these many years!
(Apologies for typos, I walk and talk to text often without proofreading. Perfection is not the goal. The lesson is!)
Dog totally mocks teenager's broken leg "walk" Check out how the Sawyer the dog walks into the room after a kid hobbles in before him on crutches with a broken leg. Super insensitive dog or insane coincid...
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Cryotherapy is an extreme cooling process that exposes the skin to temperatures ranging from -200 to
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This company was started with the sole purpose of helping as many people as we possibly can. We care about what we sell and who we sell to so we track our products from the soil to...