SoulSpring Counseling Inc.

Offering online and in office psychotherapy in Florida to Free your Soul and Spring Forth your Life! On your terms. We'll be that pillow you need. We can help!

Our team of therapists is here to help you discover a new way to live that gets you through, out, over, and beyond. Our office is that safe escape you've been seeking. You can scream in front of us. We can handle it. Services Offered:
- individual therapy
- couples therapy
- premarital counseling
- family therapy
- child and teen therapy
- group therapy
- addiction support
- faith-based counseling
- caregiver support
- first responder support
- grief/loss recovery


Staggering numbers reveal a drug pandemic is amongst us, but it’s not the only pandemic present. We have a grief pandemic as children are growing up without parents due to substance abuse. Low self-esteem, rejection sensitivity, over-reactivity, and constant approval-seeking or people-pleasing are behaviors linked to growing up without present parents.

If you are someone you know struggles with the effects of losing a parent to drug and alcohol abuse, book an appointment with us today. You’re never alone & we are here to help 💜


🌟2 spots left🌟Are you ready to break the chains of childhood pains and step into healing and empowerment?

Starting June 6th! 📣 Join our therapist led group for adults to heal from the effects of growing up in a dysfunctional home.

Sign up today


Today’s youth are struggling more than any previous generation in our lifetime to find their identities while trying to navigate a world which can be harsh and unforgiving.

Depression and anxiety among young adults is at an all-time high. Sometimes young people need help from someone outside the family system for a non-biased, objective perspective.

A compassionate therapist with assertive boundaries may be just what is needed to help young adults find their way.

Photos from SoulSpring Counseling Inc.'s post 04/03/2024

ANNOUNCEMENT! SoulSpring Counseling has some funky, soothing, "vibing" office space for sublease in Palm Beach Gardens. We are conveniently located close to Prosperity Farms and Burns road. Yet when you drive into this beautiful office condominium park, you will feel insulated and tucked away among the Banyan trees scattered throughout.

Plenty of free parking, 24/7 access to building, and housekeeping for the office and the building are included. The property manager is local and easily accessible when needed. All of the tenants co-exist cooperatively together. No drama here!

Please see photos of our wait room and our offices. Wait room includes wifi, drinks, a soothing atmosphere and a soul-reaching playlist. Furniture in Office #1 can stay or go. All other furniture stays.

I am open to leasing a full room you can have all to yourself for $950/month. Or I am also open to leasing office space for particular times (i.e., mornings only, evenings only, weekends, etc.) for rates proportional to the full office rate. No requests for hourly leases please with one exception: the large office space may be rented out for groups. I plan to remove the large sofa and replace with a love seat.

This is a psychotherapy office, and as such, there are certain conditions we require for anyone who will rent with us. Specifically, confidentiality and noise minimization is key. Ideally, I would prefer to rent to other psychotherapists, but this is not necessary. Persons who work in other industries are also welcome :)

Please see the photos, and, if interested, please call Nick at (561) 223-8203 or email [email protected].

Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to bringing some like-minded folks into our space!

What Younger Couples Want to Know From Couples Who've Been Married 40-Plus Years 03/25/2024

The #1 trait cited by couples who stay together: Commitment

"Commitment. Consistent with studies dating back some 30 years, commitment was the number one glue-secret. Couples told us that commitment was “essential,” “the glue,” “vital,” and “the ultimate important thing.” We were told that commitment encompassed marriage vows, “sticking together” in times of hardship, and actively showing commitment to the relationship “on a daily basis.” For many couples, commitment and the meaning of commitment evolved over their decades. For others “commitment is from the get go, from the very start … we’re in it for the long haul, it’s a marathon, we expect bumps. Divorce isn’t sort of anything that we’re going to accept” (husband, married 54 years). Through interview transcripts, we discerned that couples used the word commitment, on average, more than four times per interview."

Good communication, shared values and "altruism" are also listed as key to long lasting relationships.

Pre-marital counseling, early marital counseling, and anytime-is-a-good-time couples counseling helps create, facilitate, and improve known skills and attitudes that keep couples together. If you're struggling, SoulSpring Counseling is down to help. (561) 463-3078.

What Younger Couples Want to Know From Couples Who've Been Married 40-Plus Years In the largest cross-sectional, global study of long-term relationships to date, we asked younger couples from 14 different countries who had been together 3 to 15 years, “If you could pose a question to couples married over 40 years, what would it be?” The questions they posed should be a sharp...

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Mental Health Outcomes 03/25/2024

"This study found that associations between ACEs and adult mental health outcomes remained after controlling for shared genetic and environmental factors, which was particularly evident after multiple ACEs or sexual abuse. These findings suggest that targeted interventions may be associated with reduced risks of future psychopathology."

Preventing, mitigating, and healing persons who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences is our jam here at SoulSpring Counseling. The ACE screener does not capture the many "less extreme" adverse experiences that lead to compromised mental health outcomes. Children also suffer from chronic arguing, insults, dismissive or teasing parental attitudes, multiple partners of the bio parent(s), parental divorce/separation, and so much more. The common belief that "kids are resilient, they'll be ok," isn't always true. Many times their suffering comes out later in eating disorders, self harm, substance abuse, promiscuity and the like.

Children are born completely unprotected and dependent on their caregivers for food and safety. Parents need all the help they can get to raise their children with the best opportunities. And children need a voice. SoulSpring Counseling is down for both. Life is harsh. We all need help getting through it at some point or another. ACE children/adults just need a bit more. And there is absolutely no shame in that.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Mental Health Outcomes This cohort study investigates the association of adverse childhood experiences with adult psychiatric disorders after adjusting for familial confounding.

Scientists unveil how childhood trauma can 'rewire' brains 02/26/2024

Scientists unveil how childhood trauma can 'rewire' brains The world’s largest brain study of childhood trauma showed how it affects development and rewires vital pathways.

Timeline photos 02/19/2024

Yes!!! Love is measured by actions, not intentions.


We are celebrating love today with it being Valentine's Day and our therapists want to see you flourish in your relationship.⁠

A great sign of a robust relationships is the ability to communicate openly, resolve conflict, and fight fair.⁠

But it's also important to remember that you are individuals with unique and specific needs. Sometimes in the day to day, we forget to fill our own cup.⁠

So appreciate and celebrate with your partner PLUS ALSO....⁠
Buy yourself flowers today. Write your own name in the sand. Talk to yourself for hours. And love yourself!


Happy Galentine's Day! ⁠

Today is a day to celebrate those relationships and friendships with your girlfriends. Through the ups and downs, dance parties, all-night chats, and moments that you treasure, these women are a constant in your life. ⁠

We are so blessed to have a wonderful group of gals that are here to support you! ⁠Give us a call today at (561) 463-3078.


Happy National Man's Day to all the men in our lives. It is celebrated on the Sunday before Valentine’s Day every year, but while VDay is associated with romantic couples, Man Day is purely a celebration of all the men whom you love and appreciate.⁠

From our primary couples therapist Marie Labranche, “The number one mistake women make with men, is expecting them to think, feel, act and communicate like women. Men are socialized very differently than women. They are first responders, not anticipators. They often don't anticipate needs or read a room like women do. ⁠

They do not possess maternal instincts. You gotta ask for what you need. Once you can appreciate them for what they are, as opposed to what they are not (they are not women), you can unlock the key to living in peace and harmony with them.⁠

So here's to all the men in our lives. Today, we just appreciate you for who you are, and the balance you bring to the table. And heck, we can even appreciate the fact that you are not us. 🥰


DYK....Today is National Make a Friend Day? It serves as a reminder of the importance of human connection and the positive impact it can have on our mental health. ⁠

Having strong network of friends can boost our mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being. Studies have shown that those with a rich network of friends tend to be happier and experience better mental health compared to those who are more isolated. ⁠

On this day, let's take the time to reach out to someone new, start a conversation, and see where it leads. A simple act of kindness can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated, while also enriching our own lives. So go ahead, spread the love and make a friend today! 🤗❤️


This hits home for so many of us. Some of are afraid to go against the grain, even if it feels right. ⁠

Let go of that fear, insecurity, and the need to please others at the cost of your own integrity. Bask in your awesomeness. Be you!


Now this is a National holiday we can get behind! ⁠

was started to shine a light on the importance of reaching out to others and being honest about mental health. ⁠

We know it can be daunting to connect and open up about personal struggles, but know that seeking help is crucial in the healing process. ⁠

Let us help you heal! Schedule your first session today. Link in profile 👆🏼👆🏾👆🏿


Embrace the beautiful chaos within! ✨ ⁠

In a world where conformity reigns, let's dare to dance to our own rhythm. Let's embrace the wild, the unconventional, and the vibrant colors of our souls. Because sometimes, it's in our craziest moments that we truly find our wings and soar!


Thank you from the depths of our hearts for sharing your transformative journey with us! ⁠

Your words inspire us to continue spreading healing and hope.⁠ 💕


We love how Joyce Meyer put this! SoulSpring Counseling is all about learning to embrace your authentic self.

Your worth isn't measured by other's approval but by your own self-love and acceptance. Let's celebrate YOU!


At SoulSpring Counseling, we are here to guide you in the journey to unlock the art of mindful listening. Let's trade our reflexive replies for genuine understanding, and watch as conversations bloom into moments of true connection.


Don't forget to register today to see our very own Founder Wynne Stallings in this incredible in-person event! ⁠

She will be talking about how to revitalize your networking experience! Using her expertise in Psychodrama, she'll guide participants through engaging warm-up activities designed to help you connect authentically with like-minded professionals. ⁠

Beyond icebreakers, dynamic problem-solving sessions within smaller groups will deepen collaboration and foster meaningful connections based on shared interests. This isn't just networking; it's a lively and effective way to expand your professional circle while having a blast!⁠

Hope you can make it!!


Embrace the magic of hugs today - on National Hugging Day!

Did you know hugging boosts oxytocin, the feel-good hormone? It’s a gesture that transcends language barriers, brings joy, increases connection, and a sense of belonging.

So give someone a warm hug today and spread those positive vibes!


With the in full swing, we wanted to take a moment and remind you to embrace the joy in every moment! 🎡

At , we believe having fun is a crucial part of mental health. Whether it's taking a ride on the Ferris wheel or simply indulging in your favorite activities, prioritize joy to nourish your soul. Your well-being deserves moments of laughter and excitement.


Register today to see our very own Founder Wynne Stallings in this incredible in-person event! ⁠

She will be talking about how to revitalize your networking experience! Using her expertise in Psychodrama, she'll guide participants through engaging warm-up activities designed to help you connect authentically with like-minded professionals. ⁠

Beyond icebreakers, dynamic problem-solving sessions within smaller groups will deepen collaboration and foster meaningful connections based on shared interests. This isn't just networking; it's a lively and effective way to expand your professional circle while having a blast!⁠

Hope you can make it!!


Most teens who became rebellious have felt unheard, disrespected, invalidated. Rebellion is a desperate means of finding one’s voice and some sense of power in a disempowering environment that isn’t listening.

SoulSpring Counseling is here to listen and validate. Give us a call today!

Photos from SoulSpring Counseling Inc.'s post 01/11/2024

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. It is dedicated to raising awareness and preventing of the illegal practice of human trafficking. ⁠

The horrific injustice of human trafficking can affect people of any race and background, and on this day we are all called to fight human trafficking wherever it exists.⁠

There are some ways you can prevent human trafficking.⁠

1) If there is violence, substance abuse, or sexual abuse in your home, please call for help. If not for you, for your vulnerable children ⁠

2) Provide structure, routine, and accountability in your home. Even for coparenting, communicate the whereabouts of your children to the other parent and stay consistent with parenting plan⁠

3) Show consistent interest in your child's life, stay connected to them daily⁠

4) Teach your children basic self defense techniques and how to talk to strangers safely⁠

5) Call 2-1-1 for resources or 9-8-8 for Su***de and Crisis line

If you believe you are a victim of human trafficking or may have information about a potential trafficking situation, please contact the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline 1 (888) 373-7888. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911.


Aerosmith said it best 🎶⁠

Embrace the journey, trust the process, and let your goals bloom like a garden of self-discovery. At SoulSpring Counseling, we're all about cultivating the commitment to follow through on your New Year aspirations. ⁠

Let's turn those resolutions into soulful transformations! 💪


SoulSpring Counseling wishes you an amazing New Year! Here's to 2024 and making it count 🎉


As the year comes to an end, we can't help but reflect on 2023. It's been filled with so many beautiful moments.⁠

Bring on 2024!


May the highs of your Christmas joy match the high note of Mariah Carey’s “O night divine”!⁠

Merry Christmas ❤️💚


"Dreams don't die. They just regrow in a different place!" - Wynne Stallings⁠

May you have the courage this holiday season to dream, and to dream again and again and again. Thank you for all the lessons and your blessings in 2023 and we welcome the sweet new dreams of 2023.


During this time of hustle and bustle, it can be easy to get wrapped up in your to do list. There are tons of activities and people pulling you in various directions. ⁠

So it is important to start your days with a sense of calm and joy. A great way to do that is to start your mornings with uplifting texts and to spend the day sprinkling random compliments like holiday magic.⁠

At SoulSpring Counseling, we guide you in navigating the chaos with the simple yet powerful art of connection. Spread warmth in the midst of this holiday season.

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Videos (show all)

t's no accident that the day after Valentine's Day is Singles Awareness Day. This is a day to celebrate you! Your happin...
Hey SoulSpring family! It's #NationalGettoKnowYourCustomers Day, and we're on a mission to deepen our connection with YO...
May the highs of your Christmas joy match the high note of Mariah Carey’s “O night divine”!⁠⁠Merry Christmas ❤️💚
At SoulSpring Counseling, we believe in the power of choice and the strength within each of us to create a safer, more m...
Happy Veteran's Day to our country's bravest! We thank you for your service ❤️⁠#soulspringcounseling #veteransday #welov...
Join us in supporting National Prescription Drug Take Back Day - a day dedicated to fostering a safer and healthier comm...
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and at SoulSpring Counseling, we're committed to nurturing resilience and ...
At SoulSpring Counseling, we believe in the power of kindness and support. 💕 October is National Bullying Prevention Mon...
Crank up the positivity, elevate your spirits, wear your brightest smile, burst into laughter, and dance like no one's w...
On this National Opioid Awareness Day, we stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in solidarity with all those affected by...
In a world of instant gratification, remember this: Progress may be gradual, but it's worth the wait. Don't trade your d...
Reflecting on the past and celebrating the present this Labor Day.As we honor the hardworking spirit that built our nati...



100 Village Square Xing Ste: 104
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 9pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 9pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 9pm
Thursday 8:30am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm

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