Palo Alto Animal Control

We are the Animal Control Unit of the Palo Alto Police Dept. 24hr dispatch center: (650) 329-2413

Run by the City of Palo Alto as a division of the Police Department, we provide animal control services for Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills. 24hr emergency dispatch can be reached at 650-329-2413.

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 08/08/2024

We were at Bol Park Tuesday night for . Officer Washington connected with residents alongside and colleagues Agent Marianna Villaescusa and Records Manager Lisa Scheff. What a nice way to spend a summer evening!🐾

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 08/01/2024

CUTENESS ALERT! ❣️ This nestling fell from it's nest on the 900 block University Ave in Palo Alto. Obviously it’s not ready to be on the ground, and was transported to our friends at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA for care.

Municipal Service Center (MSC) Open House 07/25/2024

Join us and Pets In Need this Saturday at City of Palo Alto's OPEN HOUSE from 10am-2pm at 3201 E. Bayshore Rd. Palo Alto!

You'll get to meet staff and see equipment from EVERY city department, and learn what goes into keeping our city running each day.

Officer Washington and her team of volunteers will be there, plus food trucks, and much more! Walk or bike if you can, shuttles will be available. Click below for more info, and we hope to see you there!

Municipal Service Center (MSC) Open House Get a behind the scenes look at City services. Join us for a fun, educational day with food trucks, free ice cream, music, and other activities.


⚠Help!⚠ Donations needed to support our Monthly Pet Pantry for pet owners in need of a little help. Please send physical supplies or monitory donations (to purchase supplies) to:

3281 E. Bayshore Rd.


Los Altos Art & Wine Festival is off to a great start with Officer Washington and friends today!


It’s time for 's annual Fill the Food Bank campaign!

Keep pets and their families together by helping them raise funds for local food banks. 100% of what’s goes toward purchasing necessary food, litter, and supplies for pet parents in need.

Learn more:


Join us Saturday July 13th at the Downtown Los Altos 45th annual Art & Wine Festival!

Officer Washington will be on hand with goodies, animals, and games! Hope to see you all there!


Happy July 4th everyone! 🇺🇸 You know, a lot of people may not like fireworks as much as you might...

Examples outside of our purview:
•Parents of sleeping children (trust me on that one!)
•Combat veterans

Within our purview:

Animal shelters are often busy after the 4th of a July because many pets panic and escape from their homes/yards. Never bring your pet to a fireworks show, instead leave them INSIDE your home, make sure all doors and windows are securely shut, and leave some music or the TV on to drown out the noise. You can also consider a "thunder shirt" or other type of commercial calming product.

Fireworks are dangerous and illegal in Palo Alto and other nearby cities. It's also still quite hot and the fire danger is high (which is still our purview since wild animals get killed in fires and domestic animal need to be evacuated.)

So please leave the fireworks show to the professionals, and have a happy and safe Independence Day from your friends at Palo Alto Animal Control!


Evidently today is "International Joke Day." But you know what is no joke, the heat 🔥 wave that is about to hit our area!

Usually we advise people to not leave pets in a hot car, but if you do, to leave water, crack the windows, and park in shade. This week our advice is plainly LEAVE YOUR DOG AT HOME! It's going to be so hot, it may only take minutes for a dog to overheat in a car even if parked in shade. Even if you don't have A/C at home, it will still be cooler than your car.

Dogs can even overheat on walks, especially brachycephalic dog (those ones with short snouts) and their paws can easily burn on the cement. So try to take your pets out when its cooler in the morning or evening only.

And if you have outdoor pets, bring them indoors (if possible) and always provide plenty of water and shade.

So please, be sure to take care of yourselves AND your pets in the heat. You can learn more at

Ok, if you read this long you get a joke:

"Boy it's hot today, I just saw a couple of hydrants fighting over a dog!"

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 06/07/2024


These little ducklings needed assistance getting out the basement.

After spending over 24 hours in a storm drain, our Officer successfully rescued 12 ducklings and transferred them to the wildlife center. (Momma duck was MIA.)



Alright ya'll... it's HOT today. Yet people are STILL bringing their dogs out shopping or to medical appointments etc.

Calls are coming in left and right for dogs left in hot cars, so we want to remind you how serious, and how quick your pet can succumb to heat...


Not only do you want to keep your pet(s) safe, you also probably don't want us breaking your car window or issuing you a citation. Or even worse, you could be charged with a crime!

So please, on hot days like today, leave your dog at home. And if you MUST bring Fido with you, be sure to park in shade, leave windows down several inches, provide water, and check on your dog frequently (your car may not be moving while parked, but the sun is.)

If you have one of those newfangled electric cars with climate control that can operate while parked, use it. And leave a note on the dash so people know Fido is safe.

Everyone stays cool and safe out there! (oh yeah, and be sure to keep yourselves and your kids safe in this heat too.)

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 05/25/2024

Officer Corrollo has had a good run of bird rescues lately. First it was an owl, then a couple of hawks, and a turkey!

If you need a bird rescued in Palo Alto, Los Altos, or Los Altos Hills… she’s the one to call!*

(*But actually call the Palo Alto Police Non-emergency number at 650-329-2413. Responding Officer not guaranteed. Subject to change, void where prohibited and not our jurisdiction. All rights reserved. Sorry no CODs, we don’t charge a fee.)

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 05/07/2024

Thanks to everyone who joined us at the May Fete Parade and Fair this past weekend, and thanks to Volunteers Dave and Pam for braving the wet weather with Officer Washington and Slinky (the snake).

Palo Alto Open Space
City of Palo Alto - Public Agency

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 04/29/2024

TRIGGER WARNING! Snaaaaakes!⚠️🐍

Last week we received a call for a snake trapped in garden netting. Unfortunately this is a common occurrence with snakes and birds where their bodies or limbs get stuck and they require human intervention to get free (we're not to keen on the use of garden netting). But this call was a little different, you see instead of the typical gopher snake, this was a rattle snake!

Officer Macartney responded and was able to secure the snake and cut enough garden netting away to safely impound the snake. But the snake still had netting wrapped around its body, so it was transported to the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA Wildlife department for care. Needless to say the staff there were also a bit stunned, but offered to attempt to rescue the snake from the netting.

PHS's Wildlife Manager Nicole, and Senior Animal Control Officer Caitie did an amazing job safely removing the netting from the snake, and luckily the snake was not injured.

Now, I know some of you may not like the next part, but it had to be done. Just like with any other native wild animal, Officer Macartney took the snake back and released it into the wild in an remote part of the Arastradero Preserve... away from any garden netting.

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 04/25/2024

This past weekend was a busy for our PAAC volunteers and Officer Washington. This Saturday we held our monthly Pet Pantry at the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park AND the City of Palo Alto's annual Earth Day event at Rinconada library on Sunday. And "Slinky" the gopher snake on loan from Palo Alto Open Space was the star of the show!

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 04/19/2024

This week we celebrated ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER APPRECIATION WEEK! 👮While the week isn't technically over yet, it almost is for this particular Animal Control Officer.

We began on Monday in the City of Palo Alto - Public Agency's council chambers for a special resolution read by Vice Mayor Lauing, and a special statement read by Police Chief Binder. Next our parent company, the Palo Alto Police Department, sent us thank you cards; and our partners, Pets In Need, sent us cakes and social media posts.

We are certainly feeling appreciated this week.

Let's not forget that it is also National Public Safety Telecommunicators’ Week as well. So please be sure to thank your friendly local dispatcher too. 😊

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 04/12/2024

(Trigger warning ⚠️ graphic photos)

Listen, no one likes pests. Whether they are insects or rodents, we would prefer them stay away from our homes. But there are better, more humane ways to deal with pests which do not include deploying glue traps.

Glue traps kill bugs and rodents by keeping them in one place until they starve to death. Not a pleasant way to go.

Often, glue traps catch unintended targets like birds, snakes, and even their human rescuers!

This glue trap design is foreign to this department, however the outcome was the same, a dead bird (and bee) stuck to it. (Bees are good too, we don’t want to kill them!)

Deterring pests is the best long term solution. But if you have to use lethal force, fast, humane methods are preferable. If you have pests in or around your home, consult with the County of Santa Clara Vector Control District to consider less cruel and more effective methods. (Poisons = bad too!)

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 04/11/2024

The Easter bunny has come and gone for most, but Animal Control agencies, Humane Societies, SPCAs, municipal shelters and rescues around the country still see stray, abandoned, and surrendered rabbits all throughout the year.

If you can no longer care for your rabbits, or any animal for that matter, please contact your local animal shelter for help. Never allow domestic animals to roam free or leave them in a park hoping for the best. It is inhumane, and illegal.

For these two rabbits, a kindhearted neighbor spotted them roaming for two days and called us for help. It took a bit of work, but both rabbits were safely caught and are now in the care of the city of Palo Alto's Pets In Need animal shelter. 🐰

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 03/31/2024

It's Easter! 🐰 Last weekend at Gamble Garden and Los Altos was a blast, thanks to all who came out!

Today, lets be sure to have fun, find lost of eggs, eat lots of chocolate, and most importantly keep our pets safe:

• Colorful eggs, plastic eggs and grass, chocolate, and other candy can be toxic to pets if they are accidentally eaten.
• Don't buy animals, especially rabbits and chicks, as impulsive gifts. A stuffed animal is a safer option than a real rabbit (or any live animal) for snuggling.
• Watch out for hazardous flowers and plants. Lilies and other flowers can be very toxic.
• Keep your regular veterinary clinic and a local 24/7 emergency veterinary clinic numbers and addresses handy.

Officer Washington, seen here attempting to catch the Easter Bunny, was only trying to stop the the Easter bunny from taking all of our golden eggs! And for those of you who entered the raffles to WIN a golden egg, the winners will be contacted soon.

Happy Easter from Palo Alto Animal Control! 🐣

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 03/27/2024


Yesterday, Officer Macartney responded to a report of an owl that was stuck in an air duct of a house under construction. The duct was scheduled to be sealed that day, so the owl needed to leave.

The construction workers were not keen on the idea of ripping their roof apart, so Officer Macartney fashioned a hook out of heavy duty electrical wire and used an extension pole to reach down the duct and scoop the owl out (with the assistance of Officer Corrollo and construction workers making noise at the far end of the duct.)

Luckily the adult screech owl was safely extricated, uninjured, and flew into a nearby Redwood tree.


Easter 🐰 is approaching, and there are several events around town to enjoy with the kiddos, meet a real live Animal Control Officer, and grab some goodies bags!

¡March 23rd- Downtown Los Altos Easter Egg hunt:

¡March 24th- Gamble Gardens Easter Egg Hunt:

¡March 30th- Los Altos Hills Hoppin' Hounds:'

We HOP to see you there! 🐣 (see what I did there... "hop"? instead of "hope" ah nevermind.)


Remember folks, our parks and schools are NOT dog parks. Your dog is required by law to be on leash at all times while in public.

Our parks are for everyone to use and enjoy. Most people do not appreciate stepping in dog p**p or having loose dogs run up to them, even if the dog is friendly. Not to mention the increased potential for dog fights and bites, where serious injuries and penalties are very possible! Leashes help maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.

We have 4 sanctioned off leash dog parks in Palo Alto, 1) Hoover Park; 2) Greer Park; 3) Peers Park; and 4) Mitchell Park (and the Community Services Dept. is planning more!)

Additionally, our Animal Control Officers can issue citations up to $250 per violation. We patrol our parks and schools daily.

So please, help us help you. Be a responsible pet owner, and keep your dog(s) on leash!

(📸: 10-12 off leash dogs behind the baseball field at Hoover Park yesterday evening.)

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 01/23/2024

We love our community!❣️

Palo Alto Animal Control always accepts donations of pet food, and supplies to help our local community either via our monthly Pet Pantry at the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park, or our annual Howliday Pet Supply drives.

Recently we picked up donations collected by the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple, and the Mtn. View PetSmart also donated hundreds of stuffies!

Times are tough, and everyone needs a bit of help now a days. Please consider a monthly donation from our Amazon Wishlist (, or you can drop off donations labeled "FOR ANIMAL CONTROL" at the shelter located at 3281 East Bayshore Road. (It would also be great if you donated to Pets In Need too!)

We appreciate everyone's generosity!

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 12/31/2023

On a cold and rainy day last week, Officer Macartney responded to a call for an injured "hawk" on the Stanford University campus. Normally we do not service Stanford Campus, instead Santa Clara Co. officers respond to that area. However, that day, a county Officer was not available, and Officer Macartney had never been to Hoover Tower before, so he said, "what the heck!"

Turns out, the bird was not a hawk, but a Peregrine Falcon, the world's fastest animal! Not too rare around here, but not too common either. The bird was sent to the Peninsula Humane Society for treatment.

According to some, seeing a Peregrine Falcon is "a reminder to look ahead and focus on the future" which seems like a perfect message for all of us as we enter the new year.

Happy 2024 from Palo Alto Animal Control! 🎆 (And remember to bring in your outdoor pets during any fireworks shows, whether they are professional or not!)

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 12/18/2023

Well, we did it! Our 2023 Meowy Howliday events benefitting Buena Vista Mobile Home Park and Project WeHOPE organizations was another success! Thank you to those members in and around our community that donated online, at our designated drop off locations throughout Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills Town Hall, and at the Pets In Need animal shelter.

Thank you to our Santa Paws Elves (better known as Animal Control volunteers) Dave, Pam, Deborah, Kathleen, Jacquelyn, Liney, Belen, Rob, Sophia, Nissi, Magaly, Alison, Kim, and Owen along with several of our own Palo Alto Police Officers. We couldn't have done it without you!

Thank you to Petfood Express for understanding that Animal Control Officers play a big part with helping pets and their owners in need on a daily basis. And lastly, thank you to PetSmart for donating adorable plush stuffed toys to animal control to give away. All of the kids and pets loved them!

Happy Holidays to everyone from your friends at Animal Control!

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 12/06/2023

On November 3rd, first thing in the morning, we received a call for a stray dog that was seen overnight around 11pm on Gailen Ave at Gailen Court. Unfortunately, we did not have an Animal Control Officer (ACO) on duty at that hour, so the call was held for the morning officer. The likelihood of a loose dog staying in the area for that long is low, but it does happen (especially if they’re abandoned).

Fortunately, a second caller reported the dog in the area of Louis and Gailen Ave in the morning, so we knew he was still there.

ACO Washington arrived and spotted a very thin, scared dog, just sitting in the middle of the road. The dog did not want to be approached. He backed away and low growled when Officer Washington got close. The dog made his way to a partially enclosed front yard, but there were many ways the dog could still escape. So, Officer Washington called for backup and tossed treats to keep him engaged until ACO Macartney arrived.

The poor dog was clearly on the thin side with several ribs and to his spine visible, so, it wasn’t surprising that he ate up the treats! Once ACO Macartney arrived, the exits were covered, and he was safely captured and impounded at the Animal Shelter.

The 7-day hold period expired and no one came forward as the dog owner. But not to worry, he is up for adoption at and was named "Mushu".

Thanks to the shelter staff, Mushu’s confidence has come back, and he is a much happier boy. His life changed forever the moment a passerby called Animal Control for help!

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 11/30/2023

THIS is why you want to become an Animal Control Officer!

Earlier today, Officer Macartney was dispatched to a call for a beaver in the Matadero Creek who appeared to be unwell. A perceptive passerby had noticed the beaver huddled up in a pile of leaves within the concrete channel and contacted city government. When Officer Macartney arrived to take a look, he witnessed the beaver laying in the creek bed appearing to be huddled for warmth, and not moving very much. He conferred with the wildlife specialists at the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA who agreed the beaver should be brought in for evaluation.

So, Officer Macartney donned his trusty waders, and entered the creek armed with a net and a towel. The beaver must have been out of sorts because Officer Macartney was able to sneak up, and the beaver didn’t know what was happening until Officer Macartney was already on top of him.

Once secured in the net and covered with a towel, Officer Macartney realized firsthand how heavy beavers actually are as he carried it 20 yards or so out of the creek. He also had to do a little negotiating with the beaver while placing him into a crate. Once loaded in the Animal Control truck, the beaver settled, and enjoyed his ride to the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley for evaluation.

This is the first beaver ever (in recent memory) impounded by our department. Beavers are native to California and have recently been witnessed in the Palo Alto Baylands. The wildlife center will assess his/her health and check for injury or disease.
To learn more about beavers, go to

Hopefully, this beaver makes a full recovery and is released to an appropriate location soon!

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 11/22/2023

It's been BIG BIRD week around town, and we're not talking turkey. 🦃

Animal Control Officers responded to a call for an injured Great Egret in Los Altos, and one for an injured Blue Heron in the Pearson-Arastradero preserve in Palo Alto.

The Egret was unable to fly and was seen playing door bell ditch on residents cameras (video in comments) before being captured by Officer Corrollo. The Heron was found by two hikers, Cal and Nick, who called Officer Macartney to assist.

Both birds successfully rescued and sent to the 's wildlife department for care. We wish them a speedy recovery!


It's that time of year once again for our annual Meowy Howlidays Pet Supply Drive!

Between November 17th and December 15th, we will be accepting donations of pet food, toys, and bedding at multiple locations around Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills. You can scan the QR code below to donate online, or go to

Physical donation locations:

• Palo Alto City Hall and Palo Alto Police Department
• Mitchell Park, Rinconada, Downtown, and College Terrace libraries
• Los Altos Hills Town Hall
• Los Altos Police Department, Los Altos City Hall, and Hillview Community Center
• Ben's Bark Place (2565 California Avenue suite 85 Mountain View)
• Palo Alto Buddhist Temple (2751 Louis Road)

Also, we accept monetary donations throughout the year to help us purchase supplies for our animal rescue efforts, and to help pet owners at our monthly Pet Pantries. You can donate via PayPal here:

We thank you in advance for your generosity!

Photos from Palo Alto Animal Control's post 11/06/2023

Thanks to everyone who turned out at our various Halloween events last week! 🎃 We went from Gamble Garden's Owl event, to A BOO-tiful Halloween in downtown Los Altos, then to Los Altos Hills' for Trick-or-Treat at Town Hall! (Officer Washington needs a sugar rush after all that!🍬)

And special thanks to our new batch of volunteers who helped make it all possible! See you and your great costumes next year!

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Our Story

The City of Palo Alto has offered Animal Control, and an Animal Shelter since incorporation in 1894. The current shelter was built in 1972, and run by the City of Palo Alto’s Police Department until 2019 as an “open door” animal shelter with a 92% save rate. The shelter offered animal control services for the cities of Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills, companion animal adoptions, dog licensing, low-cost spay & neuter and vaccine clinics, and more.

As of February 2019, The City of Palo Alto contracted shelter services to Pets In Need, and retained the Animal Control Officers as city employees to work alongside Pets In Need.

Videos (show all)

It was great to connect with the public and essential workers for a fun day @cityofpaloalto Municipal Services Center Op...
Officer Washington’s here! Come and visit us at the Palo Alto Municipal Services Center’s Open House 🐾
Hope everybody who came out to see us today at Los Altos Art & Wine Festival had as much fun as we did. It was a treat t...
Stuffies are here! Palo Alto Animal Control has partnered with Petsmart to obtain these cute stuffies, and we are puttin...
We had an fun coyote rescue this week. Special thanks to Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley (WCSV) for assisting! Please ...
First thing yesterday morning, Officer Washington was called into a stinky situation! An adult skunk had fallen down a l...
It’s that time of year…


3281 E Bayshore Road
Palo Alto, CA

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