The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California, Pasadena, CA Videos

Videos by The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California in Pasadena. Proudly serving the bleeding disorders community of Southern California since 1954. for more information, visit

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It is not too late to donate! Be a Suoerhero and get us to our goal. We are only $10,000 away from reaching our goal. Share with friends and family. So be like these you superheroes and scurry to help us out.

Why We Walk: Emergency Financial Assistance The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California Emergency Financial Assistance program is available to help families and individuals in the bleeding disorders community in unusual, one-time, emergency situations. HFSC will assist these families so that their bleeding disorder is not affected any further. How can I donate: SUPERHERO SCURRY! For $5, your child(ren) can join in this year’s Superhero Scurry, a 50-100 yard run for kiddos ages 1-12 at the Walk! Superhero capes will be provided to use during the run and to keep as a memento! Your donation also will be counted toward your team total! Awards for all who participate. *********************************************************** Por qué caminamos: Ayuda financiera de emergencia El programa de Asistencia Financiera de Emergencia de la Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California está disponible para ayudar a familias y personas de la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos en situaciones de emergencia inusuales y puntuales. La HFSC ayudará a estas familias para que su trastorno hemorrágico no se vea más afectado. ¿Cómo puedo donar? ¡LA CARRERA DEL SUPERHÉROE! Por $5, su(s) hijo(s) puede(n) participar en la carrera de superhéroes de este año, una carrera de 50 a 100 yardas para niños de 1 a 12 años durante la caminata. Se proporcionarán capas de superhéroe para usar durante la carrera y para guardar como recuerdo. Tu donación también se tendrá en cuenta para el total de tu equipo. Premios para todos los participantes.

🚶‍♀️🌟 Why We Walk: Medic-Alerts 🌟🚶‍♂️ Meet the extraordinary Ordonez Family, a living testament to the strength of family unity. We are honored to share the touching video submission from this remarkable family, showcasing their experience in obtaining HFSC-provided, life-saving Medic-Alerts for multiple generations living with bleeding disorders. The Unite Walk is far more than a fundraising event; it is a beacon of support for the HFSC community. Your support and participation in this event make it possible for more families, like the Ordonez's, to access Medic-Alerts at no cost. The Medic-Alerts not only provide a sense of security but also deliver the peace of mind that ensures the well-being of individuals with bleeding disorders and their close family members. 100% of all individual donations raised go directly to HFSC’s services such as the free, yearly Medic-Alert program and others. As of October 2023, HFSC processed a total of 155 Medic-Alerts with accumulative cost for the year of $5,476.23. Register to Walk It is not too late to register for the walk. Come dressed as your favorite superhero. • All registered walkers will receive a ticket for lunch from The Habit Lunch Truck. • All registered walkers who raise a minimum of $25 will receive a Unite Walk T-shirt Register today and support HFSC’s Community Programs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🚶‍♀️🌟 Por qué caminamos: Alertas Médicas 🌟🚶‍♂️ Conozca a la extraordinaria familia Ordonez, testamento viviente de la fuerza de la unidad familiar. Tenemos el honor de compartir el testimonio conmovedores de esta extraordinaria familia, que muestran su experiencia en la obtención de los Medic-Alerts proporcionados por HFSC, que pueden salvar la vida de varias generaciones que viven con trastornos hemorrágicos. La Caminata Únete HFSC es mucho más que un evento de recaudación de fondos; es un foco de apoyo para la comunidad

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate! #HFSC is wishing you tiding, comfort and joy to you and your family.

¡Estamos a menos de 3 semanas de nuestra Caminata el sábado 29 de octubre en el LA Coliseum, donde destacaremos equipos, otorgaremos premios, jugaremos y conoceremos a invitados especiales! Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar que uno de nuestros increíbles donantes se comprometió a igualar hasta $10,000 en donaciones para la caminata SoCal Unite for Bleeding Disorders de este año. A partir de ahora y hasta el día de la caminata el 29 de octubre, ¡CADA DÓLAR QUE DAN - hasta $10,000 - SE DUPLICARÁ! ¡NOS VEMOS EN LA CAMINATA!

We are less than 3 weeks until our Walk on Saturday, October 29 at the LA Coliseum where we will highlight teams, award prizes, play games, and meet special guests! We are very excited to announce that one of our amazing donors has pledged to match up to $10,000 in donations for this year's SoCal Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk! From now up until walk day on October 29, EVERY DOLLAR YOU GIVE - up to $10,000 - WILL BE DOUBLED! SEE YOU AT THE WALK! #hfscwalk