End Child Poverty CA, Pasadena, CA Videos

Videos by End Child Poverty CA in Pasadena. California has the worst child poverty in the nation: 1 in 5 children are affected. Together, we can

💪We know that #ItTakesAVillage to raise a child. THANK YOU @AsmMiaBonta for championing the fight for California’s Cradle to Career Networks. We are community-led, success-driven hubs that ensure our hardest hit communities are supported in the ways they need. We led a heart-filled, powerful campaign to pass AB 1321 (double check bill number) this year. Even though it didn’t pass this year, we are all committed for the long haul to see this through!

We sent dozens of postcards, emails, and letters. We gathered in Sacramento. Families sacrificed work and a day’s income to join us to tell their stories. This is a community-centered movement and we are proud of our networks across the state!

We will continue our work with the Cradle to Career Coalition to advocate for policies that create long-term community solutions & we encourage others to join this amazing network!

Other End Child Poverty CA videos

💪We know that #ItTakesAVillage to raise a child. THANK YOU @AsmMiaBonta for championing the fight for California’s Cradle to Career Networks. We are community-led, success-driven hubs that ensure our hardest hit communities are supported in the ways they need. We led a heart-filled, powerful campaign to pass AB 1321 (double check bill number) this year. Even though it didn’t pass this year, we are all committed for the long haul to see this through! We sent dozens of postcards, emails, and letters. We gathered in Sacramento. Families sacrificed work and a day’s income to join us to tell their stories. This is a community-centered movement and we are proud of our networks across the state! We will continue our work with the Cradle to Career Coalition to advocate for policies that create long-term community solutions & we encourage others to join this amazing network!

🗽New poverty numbers are out from the U.S. Census Bureau.📈Child poverty doubled from 2021 to 2022 because of Congress’ decision to discontinue pandemic-era relief. ❤️‍🩹The jump to over 12% is the largest one-year increase ever. 🌻These are our families and our children. 🫂Caregivers want the best for their kids, but are struggling to feed their children, pay rent, get medical care, and protect their kids from toxic stress. 📈The data show the worst outcomes for Black, Latinx, and immigrant children. This is a racial justice issue. 🗳️Poverty is a policy choice. Congress took away Child Tax Credit expansions and cut food support for families.☀️The End Child Poverty CA Coalition and our partners imagine a future where all our children are nourished, secure, respected, valued, and free. To get there, the government must renew and invest in the policies that we KNOW will work. Read: https://www.endchildpovertyca.org/census-data-underscores-that-poverty-is-a-policy-choice/ (link in bio on Instagram)Video shows an image of the US Capitol Building, with a blue sky and clouds moving in the background. In the foreground, five tweets rotate, which each offer reactions to the devastating new child poverty numbers. #EndChildPoverty #ChildTaxCredit #CensusData

Shimica Gaskins joins the conversation about #ReimagineCalWORKs disrupting the systems that perpetuate poverty and ensuring that our core programs lift children and families to true economic mobility. @APHSA1 #EMWB23

📢Wealth gap like poverty is a policy choice‼️ If bad policies created wealth/opportunity gap, then policies like #HOPEAccounts (based on #BabyBonds) can help fix it. Let's continue to re-write history💪🏽❤️ End Poverty in California Michael Tubbs Liberation in a Generation John Burton Advocates for Youth

📢Ending poverty = closing wealth gap, especially #RacialWealthGap #BabyBonds are gov-funded trust accounts that grow, so when kids hit 18, they have $$ to help achieve dreams. #HOPEAccounts will create CA's 1st “baby bond program”‼️ Michael Tubbs End Poverty in California

Change doesn’t happen in isolation. To end poverty in California, we all have to show up together and make it clear that we have the policies and the resources to make this change. Check out End Poverty in California and Michael Tubbs for the full recap of the #UpsetTheSetup rally!

📢The wealth gap like poverty is a policy choice. If bad policies created the wealth gap which is tied to the opportunity gap, then policies like baby bonds can help fix it. Right now in CA, we can take the first step to make baby bonds a reality. #UpsetTheSetup ❤️End Poverty in California Michael Tubbs ❤️

For kids born into poverty, dreams are held out of reach not by a lack of talent, but by a lack of wealth. #BabyBonds can help remedy this injustice, starting with California’s foster youth and kids who lost a guardian to #COVID. Let’s #UpsetTheSetup and make baby bonds a reality. ❤️#Hope4Children State Senator Nancy Skinner End Poverty in California Michael Tubbs❤️

📣It’s time for Congress to “check in” on the future and #ThinkBabies! @ZEROTOTHREE #StrollingThunder is bringing families from all 50 states and DC to meet their Members of Congress. ❤️Support babies and families today for a stronger tomorrow. https://www.thinkbabies.org/take-action-congress/

1.7 million children fell back into poverty due to the loss of expanded federal relief. We have the power to life as many families out of poverty with #AB2589 CA has proved to be bold & intentional in the past, we must do so again! Assemblymember Miguel Santiago

End Child Poverty in California Advocacy Day - HYBRID
On Monday, March 28th, we’re rallying together as anti-poverty champions for our End Child Poverty California Advocacy Day. In the wealthiest state in the country, we have the power to end child poverty in California! This pandemic fell heaviest on families, children, and communities experiencing poverty. But child poverty is an ongoing emergency that requires action NOW! Together, our Coalition identified our 2022 Priorities and the need for a $10 billion package to fight poverty and ensure we use California’s immense wealth to deliver prosperity to all children and families living in poverty and build a more equitable economy. Join us in announcing this courageous package on Monday, March 28th! Planned Schedule of Events 11:30am -11:35am Welcome Prayer by Sister Christina Maggi Opening Remarks by Shimica Gaskins - Announcement of $10 billion package to Fight Poverty 11:35am- 12:30pm Legislative Anti-Poverty Champions - Senate Budget Chair, Nancy Skinner - Majority Leader, Eloise Gómez Reyes - Senate Appropriations Chair, Anthony J. Portantino - Senate Insurance Chair, Susan Rubio - Chair on the Select Committee on Poverty and Economic Inclusion, Asm. Isaac Bryan Community Anti-Poverty Champions - Parent Voices CA - Child Care Resource Center - Golden State Opportunity - The Children's Partnership - Hayward Promise Neighborhood 1:00 pm-4:30 pm: HYBRID Legislative Visits - Virtual Lobby Visits - Walk the Halls: Lobby Visits- Self-registered & In-person Leave Behind Drop Offs Currently, the rally will take place virtually and HYBRID Lobby visits will be encouraged. Budget and Legislative Priority leave behind materials will be sent prior to 3/28. For Those Participating in Legislative Meetings: Please note that this year, scheduling visits with your legislators will be done on your own and in advance!**

Cradle to Career Legislative Briefing
Please join us for our #CALeg California Cradle to Career Coalition, sponsored by Assemblymember Marc Levine, End Child Poverty CA, StriveTogether, & California Forward. Speakers include: Dolores Huerta. Harlem Children's Zone founder Geoff Canada, State Senator Nancy Skinner and C2C Coalition Leaders from Mission Promise Neighborhood, Cradle to Career Fresno & SBCS

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