Blue Jean Acupuncture

At Blue Jean Acupuncture we provide effective, natural solutions for pain and other health issues.

Blue Jean Acupuncture is here to give you the ultimate in acupuncture and herbal medicine care. For your convenience we accept PPO insurances, will work on liens for motor vehicle accidents, and are open until 8pm on weeknights. With 15 years of experience in the traditional eastern medicine practice, Roxy Han L.Ac provides gentle and natural healthcare treatments in a personalized setting.


We love this for this opossum! Also, animal acupuncture proves that the effects aren't just a placebo. Who told the opossum that acupuncture is supposed to help??


Often times when you're tired and you think you need more caffeine you really just need more water. As we move into the colder months, sometimes it's harder to remember to hydrate. So here's your reminder. Don't forget to drink water!


“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Blog — Blue Jean Acupuncture 08/24/2023

If you're curious how acupuncture can enhance your IVF success, check out our newest blog post here.

Blog — Blue Jean Acupuncture Design Blog Thoughts & Musings

Sunscreen Guide - Rated by Scientists | EWG 07/28/2023

OOoh so we know we've posted about this before, but it's summer now so it bears a repeat. There's a major difference between chemical vs mineral sunscreens for your health and the health of the planet. Most commercial sunscreens are chemical based ie, they're the bad stuff. All sorts of toxic chemicals from those soak into your skin and right into your body causing hormone disruption, carcinogenic effects, etc. etc. They're also super dangerous for marine life and coral reefs. Mineral sunscreens are much safer for you and the environment so if you haven't yet, make that simple switch. Here's a great guide for safer sunblocks!

Sunscreen Guide - Rated by Scientists | EWG EWG scientists rated more than 1,700 products, and only about one in four products meets our standards for adequate sun protection and avoids ingredients linked to known health harms.


Cupping by Veda! Aaahh pain relief feels so good.


Meet our newest acupuncturist, the amazing and talented, Aman Sahota L.Ac, RN, NP!

Chinese Horoscope 2023 - Year of the Rabbit 01/21/2023

Happy Lunar New Year Everyone! This is new year is the year of the Rabbit. The rabbit is associated with good fortune, and making self care a priority. Your health IS your greatest wealth so we love the symbology of the rabbit for this new year.

Chinese Horoscope 2023 - Year of the Rabbit On January 22nd, 2023, the Chinese New Year will officially kick off the Year of the Water Rabbit. This combination of the Rabbit zodiac…


We are open today folks! And we do have a few appointments left if anyone needs one.


Exciting things are afoot at Blue Jean Acupuncture! We've added 2 new practitioners to our team. You can check out their bios right here!


Stay Healthy this Season with Your Secret Weapon
Roxy Han December 6, 2022
So you’ve heard the drill before, wash your hands, wear a mask, take your vitamin D, etc. Yes! Those are all great things to do to prevent catching one of the many circulating diseases this winter season. But this is already turning out to be a season like no other, Covid cases in Los Angeles County have topped over 10,000 reported within the span of only the last 3 days. Flu is also rampant, with many hospitals already overwhelmed with flu patients, even as we’re just now cresting flu season. And let’s not forget RSV also! We can’t seem to catch a break this year!

We’re absolutely going to need all the defense we can get to get to dodge all of the circulating diseases going around right now. So don’t forget your secret weapon! Chinese medicine!

Chinese medical history is rich and nuanced, with so many brilliant herbal formulas that have been used for centuries for prevention and treatment of colds, flus, and other pathogenic diseases.

While we may have Robitussin and Tamiflu in western medicine, with Chinese medicine we literally have dozens of different formulas in use for different types of colds and flus with different symptoms, for different people’s constitutions, and even how far we are in the disease progression. This customized approach is what makes Chinese medicine so incredibly effective at treating pathogenic disease.

Two of the most popular formulas we have in our arsenal are Yu Ping Feng San and Yin Qiao San. These are so useful that we recommend that everyone keep a bottle of each in their medicine cabinet for “just in case.”

Yu Ping Feng San translates to “Jade Wind Screen.” The symbology of jade in Chinese is a stone of longevity, strength, and good health. “Wind” is the Chinese way of describing the pathogens that are airborne, such as bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc. So the name of this formula means that it functions to create a screen as hard as stone to protect against “wind evils.”

This formula strengthens the body’s innate energies to bolster the immune system. It gently stimulates circulation to the surface of the body to guide pathogens out. And it also has anti viral and anti bacterial properties. This is the perfect formula to take as a preventative if you know you are going to be around a lot of people, or if you feel run down and need an immune boost.

If you’ve already caught a cold or flu, and have fever one of the most popular formulas to take is Yin Qiao San, translated it’s Honeysuckle Forsythia Powder. You can easily find it in pill form also. It’s a staple in many Chinese households and for good reason. This formula is a powerful antiviral and anti bacterial formula. Note, this formula is only for colds and flus where you feel hot, not for the ones where you have chills. It reduces fever, inflammation, and pain associated with colds and flus. It reduces the time you have a cold or flu and also makes you more comfortable while you have it. This formula is best taken within the first few days of having a cold/flu so take it as soon as you feel something coming on.

We carry both formulas at Blue Jean Acupuncture. But if you can’t get to us they are so ubiquitous that you can find them in many Chinese grocery stores, and online also.

Another thing you can do to keep yourself disease free this flu/covid season is to enjoy foods that nourish your lung health. The lungs, and lung system in Chinese medicine preside over immunity. Healthy lungs equal more protection against respiratory diseases. So eat the things that makes your lungs happy, oats, carrots, mustard greens, garlic, ginger, cabbage, radish, turnips, broccoli, kale, pear, and parsley.

Be well and be healthy!

The Surprising Reasons You're Tired all the Time
Roxy Han May 31, 2022
If you’re like many people, you might feel like you just have barely enough energy to make it through your days. Some caffeine might perk you up for a few hours, but your baseline of energy is far from where you’d like it to be.

So why is this happening? Is it just a natural consequence of aging? Are you working too much or stressing out too much? Those things probably do make up some part of your fatigue, but they are not the whole picture.

There are other HUGE factors that can affect your energy levels. And the good news is that these are things that you can do something about!

1. This one is #1 on our list because it’s the most common problem affecting energy. It’s INFLAMMATION. When you consume inflammatory foods, such as sugar, simple carbohydrates, foods that you’re allergic to, transfats, processed foods etc. the brain and the nervous system undergo changes that induce fatigue. So when you're thinking about energy, think in terms of inflammation. To power up your energy levels avoid inflammatory foods and increase your consumption of anti inflammatory foods.

2. Leaky gut; when you’re eating inflammatory foods, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, etc, those things tear down the lining of your gut. When this normal healthy barrier is breeched it sends a signal to your immune system to activate and be on high alert. The problem is your immune system is a major energy hog. That's why you get so tired when you're sick. The energy that was supposed to be allocated for your day to day activities is now going towards your overly activated immune system.

3. Eating raw vegetables! Yes you heard that right. Vegetables in general are excellent for your health, but unfortunately many people are sensitive to plant proteins called lectins. Just like gluten, many people have a sensitivity to them which can cause digestive issues, fatigue, and brain fog. Lectins are found in large quantities in bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, corn, beans, etc. Cooking or sprouting your veggies or legumes before eating them significantly reduces the lectin content.

4. Not eating enough fiber; Fiber is well known for it’s ability to keep us regular. But did you know it’s a major player in your energy production as well? Fiber, specifically soluble fiber, feeds the good bacteria that live in our gut. When these good bacteria are well fed and happy that leads to better energy production signaling and better, sharper brain function. So feed the good guys! Eat plenty of whole, natural plant foods; vegetables, nuts, and fruit.

5. Not giving your mitochondria a break; Your mitochondria are the little engines in each of your cells that make energy out of the food you eat. But just like us, they can’t work 16 hours a day, every day. They need time to rest and repair. When we eat and digest food we are asking our exhausted mitochondria to keep working and working and working. Most of us do this for a window of 16 hours a day, which is a perfect recipe for fatigue! To have better energy you need to shorten your window of eating to just 6-8 hours a day. For example, you could set your eating time frame for between 10am-6pm for an 8 hour window.

6. Individual causes; Of course this is not a complete list of all the reasons you could be experiencing fatigue. Human beings are all individual and complex. If you haven’t recently, check in with your acupuncturist or other functional medicine physician for help with identifying the root causes of fatigue for you. Because life is too short to spend it tired all of the time!

Got Allergies? Then It's Time to be Nice to Your Liver
Roxy Han April 26, 2021
When you’re a sneezy, stuffy, puffy mess you’re likely to be spending a lot of time thinking about your nose. However, shifting your focus to your liver will really help reduce your allergy symptoms.

This hard working unsung hero of organs relates to your allergies because it’s what pulls toxins out of your body, not just alcohol, but also medications, environmental toxins, food additives, pesticides, chemicals in your skin products, and household cleaning products, etc. etc. In the modern day, we’re surrounded by these things all the time. So your liver has a lot of work to do!

However, your liver doesn’t have an infinite amount of resources or energy. It can only do so much at once. So if it gets over loaded and over stimulated, the toxins start to back up.

This toxin build up, and the allergens you come in contact with send a red flag to your immune system. It responds by pumping out histamines and other inflammatory agents.

But that’s not all! You get a double whammy, because if your liver is already sluggish, it can’t do its job of breaking down all the histamine that your immune system is generating. And these overflowing histamines are what cause all the allergy symptoms that make you miserable, the sneezing, the itching, stuffed up sinuses, the puffy eyes etc.

Just like the air or oil filter in your car, the liver’s job is to pull stuff you don’t want out of your body. Imagine what would happen if you never changed your air or oil filter for years and years! Let’s just say it wouldn’t be good.

That’s why we recommend that adults do liver supportive acupuncture, and take liver supportive herbs for a couple of weeks at least once per year. Your body, just like your car, requires maintenance.

If you’re suffering from allergies, then it’s a clear sign that it’s time to put some maintenance work into your liver and other organ systems. There’s no need to be an itchy, stuffy, sneezy mess! Routine health maintenance will help you to stay allergy free.


It's the last day of November, which means that there is only one more month left in the year to use your insurance benefits. Most health insurance will give you a limited number of acupuncture visits per year, and if you don't use them you lose them. So if you have any niggling health issues right now, don't carry them with you into the new year! Start the new year with a new you!

How Simple Exercises May Save Your Lower Back 10/27/2022

Yes! Take care of your back and it will take care of you.

How Simple Exercises May Save Your Lower Back Back pain is common and complicated. But altering your workout to build control and stability can help prevent it.


Did you know that if you expose the gills of your mushrooms to at least 15 min of sunlight before you eat them that they will produce more Vitamin D? It's true! So let your mushrooms have a little sun bath today. :)


Happy Labor Day Everyone! If you have the day off and have some health care needs to take care of, Blue Jean Acupuncture IS open. We are usually open on Monday holidays. And you can make an appointment directly on our website, :)

You probably have "forever chemicals" in your body. Here’s what that means. 08/25/2022

PFA's are a great reason to use water and air filters in your home.

You probably have "forever chemicals" in your body. Here’s what that means. A chemist explains how PFAS can harm us — and what to do about them.

Pasadena Confirms First Cases of Monkeypox in Residents – Pasadena Now 08/05/2022

Oof, there are now 4 confirmed cases of monkey pox in Pasadena. Monkey pox starts off with flu like symptoms, chills, fever, muscles aches, sore throat, etc. So if you're having these types of symptoms or a rash of unknown origin please hold off on circulating in public until you are negative. Be careful out there everyone!

Pasadena Confirms First Cases of Monkeypox in Residents – Pasadena Now Daily Newsmagazine and City Guide to Pasadena, California featuring local news, breaking news, events, weather, sports news, schools news, shopping, restaurants and more from Pasadena Now

Cognitive decline linked to ultraprocessed food, study finds | CNN 08/01/2022

Yet another reason to eat home made food!

Cognitive decline linked to ultraprocessed food, study finds | CNN Eating ultraprocessed foods could set you on the road to cognitive decline, a new study revealed.


Salad for breakfast? You betcha! It's a great way to get more greens, and it's delicious!


Yup yup, sometimes you have foot pain because your legs are tight.

If you drink these types of coffee, you could have a lower death risk 06/02/2022

We love our java too!

If you drink these types of coffee, you could have a lower death risk Depending on how you prefer your coffee, you could have a lower death risk compared to non-coffee drinkers.


Did you know that your clothes can be a source of hormone harming chemicals? Polyester,rayon, acetate, acrylic, and nylon when heated can offgas hormone interrupting chemicals such as BPA and even carcinogenic chemicals into your skin. As we head into the hotter summer months it’s more important than ever to avoid these fabrics. Choose cotton, bamboo, and silk instead for healthier skin, healthier body, and a healthier planet!

Environmental Working Group – Know your choices | Environmental Working Group 05/04/2022

This app is awesome and we're telling everyone about it! Just type in or scan in food, beauty, or cleaning products. It will give you a rating on how healthy it is. AND it will break down the reasons why. Get it! You can get it on your phone too! . .

Environmental Working Group – Know your choices | Environmental Working Group The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping you live your healthiest life.

Why Are Doctors Prescribing Nature? - Chasing Life - Podcast on CNN Audio 04/21/2022

We love this prescription!

Why Are Doctors Prescribing Nature? - Chasing Life - Podcast on CNN Audio Most of us love the sensation of the sun on our skin or the sound of the ocean, but nature doesn’t just feel good; it’s also good for us! Nowadays, doctors are even starting to prescribe time outdoors as part of treatment for their patients. CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta t...

Pasadena to name new public stage after Van Halen, which formed in the city 50 years ago 04/08/2022

If you've seen the construction area just to the east of us on El Molino and Union it's gonna be a park! And they're going to name the stage after Van Halen, a band native to Pasadena. Rock on!

Pasadena to name new public stage after Van Halen, which formed in the city 50 years ago Fifty years after Van Halen formed in Pasadena, the city is paying tribute to the legendary rock band with the naming of a stage at a new park.

Photos from Blue Jean Acupuncture's post 03/19/2022
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90 N Madison Avenue
Pasadena, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm

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