Elizabeth Hansen Fitness

Every day is a new opportunity to learn!

I'm here to help you build confidence and reach your goals through nutrition coaching, adult personal training (in person or virtual), group exercise classes, and/or accelerating youth development in all sports.


When one door closes another one opens. Thank you for the experience. I’ll be around if ya need me.✌🏼💛🖤

Photos from Elizabeth Hansen Fitness's post 06/24/2022

How in the world was this only 3 years ago??? It feels like two or three times as long.

Grandmas was my first race I ever signed up for, my first half marathon. So much has happened since then. I’ve completed 7 full marathons throughout 4 different states and countless other half marathons, 10k’s, and 5k’s. It’s been an amazing experience.

I recently read a quote that pretty much sums it up. “If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to change your life, run a marathon.” I’m ready to head back to Duluth and run Grandmas again. I was recently asked to run Big Sur as well, in 2024. And, I’m eager to run my first Ultra race. Very excited to see what the next 3 years brings!!

Photos from Elizabeth Hansen Fitness's post 05/22/2022

Goodbye Dunlap lacrosse season 2022. See ya next year for more fun! Logan will continue on playing for True lacrosse this summer and I’m planning on having a girls clinic to end the summer. The season may be over for playing, but there’s never-ending learning, planning and promoting for the years ahead to continue to grow CILAX!


Happy EMS week to my fellow providers! These are just a few stories of calls I still think about today.

I probably wasn't even of legal drinking age and I don't think the patient was either. A cold, rainy, but green morning, just like today. He went into the park and shot himself in the head. He lay there in all black. All I saw was his hands that were so pale, white, glass-like, and it reminded me of a porcelain doll. It didn't look real. Was it real? That's what enters my memory often, especially when I'm in the same scenery setting.

Then there's the child less than a year old who's heart and breathing stopped in the middle of the night. With another responder rushing the child into the back of our ambulance I ventilated his lungs while Nick performed chest compressions (yes, we worked many calls together). We didn't have kids at the time. I did have a nephew around the same age though and he's all I could think of. It took everything I had to not become physically sick in the ambulance and even at the hospital after we transferred care. Mind over matter and I focused hard on my duties and nothing more. Remove the emotional aspect or you won't last.

There was that one morning I ran into a large lifeless body hanging in the hallway, purple skin and all. Happy Easter! I can't describe the face because remember, I don't subject myself to details that aren't necessary. Maybe that's why my mentality is still intact.. well sorta!

It probably wasn't the smartest idea in the middle of the night scooping up that gunshot victim in a dark alley all alone (without police) and the shooter on the loose, but hey we're still here to talk about it! Or the time those teenagers were playing Russian roulette and yup, you guessed it, that bullet really did shoot him in the head. When the k9 wasn't as lucky as the officer involved in that crash with a drunk driver......

This is just a little sliver, a tiny percentage or what so many others experience on a regular basis and something so many have lasting issues from. Thank your EMS workers this week! We really can do more than drive a big box.

Photos from Elizabeth Hansen Fitness's post 05/03/2022

Yesterday’s Flying 🐷 Marathon official time: 4:51:19. Not my fastest, but a great, solid run. The orange slices, freeze pops, water showers, ice, and cool towels were awesome! I passed on the candy, beer, and bacon during the race. 60/30 intervals did the trick.

My headphones died around mile 22, but I was mentally and physically capable to carry on strong. Luckily my phone held out because without those intervals I really would have gone downhill. After the race it was sunny and 73° so I sat down and enjoyed my beer and the warm breeze by the river for a bit before I headed home. This was my 7th marathon, but first Flying Pig. Thanks for the memories Lizards!!

Also, the crowd cheering was amazing, especially through a few communities. I’d love to live somewhere that does that, someday.

During my run I used:

🏅 💚


Yo, it’s been one year since I became a trainer! Only 1. I’m still a baby. I was placed by NASM at Anytime Fitness in Peoria where I trained a client over the summer. That led to a formal job offer. At about the same time I began training young athletes at 360 Speed & Performance. Plus, I’m always there for my Beachbody ladies!

I’m still trying to figure out what I want to specialize in as there are just so many things to choose from, but until then I’ll still be doing my thing and gaining experience as often as I can. The passion lives on for both fitness and nutrition and I love learning about them. It’s a win/win! So, if you need some assistance in these areas, let me know and I’ll hook ya up!❤️


Tomorrow we ship out to Punta Cana for a 5 night stay alongside fellow friends and role models. As a Beachbody coach I earned this trip. I’m beyond proud to have been given this opportunity. We will be able to enjoy an all-inclusive and workout everyday with our super trainers (I’m really excited about that because I’m a nerd).

I never imagined I’d be invited to a trip like this, but with the help of my teammates, here I am. I will continue to stay grounded and be the best coach I can be to all of you.✌🏼


I’m excited to announce I’ll be part of the Simple Hydration Run Team in 2022!

When I first started running, just a few years ago, I always used a hydration pack past 6 miles. Over time I wanted to free my back from the pack and turned to the simple hydration bottle. There are different sizes and it tucks into a running belt, compression short, or even the back straps of sports bra, whatever is comfortable for the athlete. I began wearing mine on my runs with Bear as it fits perfectly in the Spindrift belt that holds his leash. I completed all 48.6 miles of the D***y challenge with it as well.

As I learn more about each of my new teammates it’s clear how many amazing people are out there! Seriously, my life seems so boring compared to the others, but I’m honored to be on the team and celebrate each other along the way!🎉


SATURDAY we have another beginner clinic where you receive a FREE stick. No residency requirements for the season. Come on out K-8th grade, boys and girls! If you have any questions please let me know. You must register to attend.🥍💛❤️

Photos from Elizabeth Hansen Fitness's post 01/13/2022

“When you pull on that jersey, you represent yourself and your teammates, and the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back.” —Herb Brooks

Over the weekend I completed the Walt Disney World D***y Challenge. If you’re unfamiliar, this is 4 races over 4 days, totaling 48.6 miles. A 5k (3.1 miles), 10k (6.2 miles), half marathon (13.1 miles), and a full marathon (26.2 miles). My average pace for all races was 15 minutes/mile. If you’re saying to yourself..that’s not very fast..I can do that..the answer is YES, yes you can do it!

The goal of the weekend had nothing to do with pace, but to run with my fellow BOGP (Be Our Guest Podcast) Lizards. Each day I ran with someone new. Someone I had never met before. Together we are part of the best running group out there (I’m convinced)! We are family! We had gatherings, explored the parks, had drinks, and meals together. It was, dare I say, “magical.”

My hydration and nutrition were on point and because I wasn’t running at a crazy fast pace my body felt really good the entire time. Even after all 48.6 miles. The last few miles we each bought a beer in Epcot and walked to the finish line. It. Was. Delicious. And so well deserved by all.

I loved running in the sea of Lizard green (even though on marathon day I decided to support my husband and his fellow firefighters by wearing their shirt). I’m proud to be a Lizard, wear the colors and the name, and can’t wait until our next race together, whenever that may be.💚🦎💚



Merry FitMas! Did you or do you plan to get in your holiday workout?🎅🏻🎄⭐️


Today I completed my 5th marathon. It was a great run, but of course it had its own challenges.

I was nervous to even start. My right calf has been super sore. I had hoped the soreness came from a lifting workout I did on Sunday and not actually a minor injury from my 10k on Monday, but I had no way of knowing. Miles 10-13 took forever. I wondered how in the world I was going to get through another 13 miles.

Then, I received a phone call that I answered, talked to a stranger for a few minutes, and stretched my legs out. That was the break I needed. I was recharged and feeling good.

Somewhere around mile 20 I ran out of water. I had taken 36 ounces in my containers. I really didn’t think I’d even drink that much. I stopped at the dog park. The fountain was turned off. I stopped at the bicycle park. The bathroom was locked. It was a solid 2-3 (thirsty) miles I had to run while rerouting back to my house. So worth it though to drink some ice cold water!! This was my first long run I’ve done without my hydration pack, but I wanted to try out my Spindrift harness purchased through and Simple Hydration bottle combo. It worked well.

Between waiting for a few stoplights, 2 bathroom breaks, refilling my water, and my phone call, I’d say that added an extra 10 minutes or so on to my time. My phone is set to stop the time when I stop moving.

In no way did I plan to run a marathon at 5 hours exactly, but that’s pretty cool! The goal today was to simply finish and in return it was probably my best marathon (overall). I had plenty of aches and “pains” during the run, but no major pain, just discomfort. I can work with that. My legs feel the best they’ve felt after 26 miles. Whether I walk a lot or not tomorrow, I know I can finish this weeks Mock D***y!💪🏼


One week until our event. For boys and girls. No experience needed and no residency requirements.💙🤍🥍🤍💙


Big congratulations to Bear on running his first half marathon (13.1 miles) today. We’ve been training for months. I’m pretty sure he could have ran a half on day 1, but I wanted to train him properly to avoid injury.

Bear is sporting his well deserved medal and I’m holding our bib from virtual race. We’ve ran every race they’ve had to offer so far. When’s the next?!! Check out that great small business to support them as they, in return, support pups in need!

In the picture you can also see Bear’s collapsable dog dish that I have clipped to my hydration pack. It came with our race swag too! I packed 32 ounces of water in my pack and brought Bear’s water in my clipped in my neon Spindrift harness.

We’ve sure learned a lot about running with each other during these past few months. It’s been an amazing experience. Bear has the energy of 100 dogs and I plan to keep running with him a few times a week. Until next time✌🏼

Photos from Elizabeth Hansen Fitness's post 11/11/2021

If you look up the definition of energy you will find the words “10U BOYS BASEBALL” written underneath.😂These little energizer bunnies were bouncing off of the wall when they arrived. 60 minutes later and I’m pretty sure they slept well once they got home haha.

I didn’t hear one complaint from anyone that they didn’t want to be there. They weren’t just there as a team to become better baseball players, but also as a family to become closer and more united (on and off of the field).

At this age we’re focusing on utilizing proper body mechanics, introducing resistance, improving speed, and preventing injury now and in the future. What is done before, during, and after an exercise can affect overall performance. If you look at each day as an opportunity to learn, you’ll be unstoppable!👊🏼


Tomorrow morning! Set your alarm and get ready to learn and sweat! This is less than 4% of your day. Let’s have some fun!!

Photos from Elizabeth Hansen Fitness's post 07/13/2021

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It was an honor and privilege for us to spend the day with Mr. Dean Troutman. He’s a 90 year old on a mission to raise money benefitting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He will be walking 3,600+ miles through 15 states! WOWZA!! But, only if the donations keep coming in. So, let’s support Dean and the kids of St. Jude. The link in my profile directs you on where to donate and you can also check out the Facebook group “Troutman Trek 2021.”

Dean’s buggy is equipped with his entire route planned and mapped out, a small cooler filled with water, orange juice, and cashews, a sleeping bag and pillow (you better believe he’s ready to sleep in any cornfield he comes across), a tape recorder and 20 blank tapes, and of course a picture of his late wife of 61 years, Dorothy (Peggy).

While this is his longest trek so far, it’s certainly not his first. In 2014 he walked 700 miles to raise $70k for playground equipment in Princeville, IL and another $10k a year later, walking 500 miles to Memphis. Let’s help Dean meet his goal by donating today!!

Link to donate: In profile!



Hello. It’s been awhile. I’ve been busy with life so I haven’t posted much. I started marathon training (again) 3 weeks ago. My mileage is slowly increasing. Last weeks long run was 9 miles.

The best time I could run with my schedule was 3:30pm, also the hottest time. It was “feels like” 95 degrees. I made sure to have a cooling towel around my neck, salt sticks every 3 miles, and I packed my hydration pack with ice. Honestly, the heat wasn’t that bad because of cloud coverage a majority of the run. How do you prepare for HOT runs or any exercise you perform outside?


Bear and I took advantage of our sunny, 80 degree day yesterday to bust out our first 5k in over 4 months! We were both on the struggle bus lol, but got through it with a few walk breaks. Bear definitely needed a cool down in his pool afterwards! I’m excited for more runs together this summer. Do you run with your pup?💙



I’m pleased to announce I passed my personal trainer certification exam this morning! Woo hoo! I’ve spent countless hours of hard work over the past 10 weeks preparing myself for this moment. It’s been tough, but the hard has just begun. I have no idea where this will take me, however what I do know is I’m constantly striving for more and want to give people the fitness and nutrition results they deserve.


Today is the 2 year anniversary of unexpectedly losing our Hallie. This picture sums up what a sweet girl she was and the absolute best around the kids! I can still hear Rayna’s giggles as Hallie’s wet nose and whiskers tickled her face.

Frost covered the grass early in the morning as all of the snow had already melted for the spring season. Hallie laid down in the grass and wouldn’t come inside. We later learned she was most likely in so much pain the cold ground helped ease it a bit. Wouldn’t it be nice if dogs could talk? I picked all 70 pounds of her up and headed to the vet. Bailey and all the kids never said goodbye, but we didn’t know Hallie wouldn’t be back. The heart heals over time and now I only have the happiest memories of her.

🌈 🐶

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~from mom of 4 to fit lady~

“I am brave, I am bruised. I am who I’m meant to be, this is me. Look out ‘cause here I come. And I’m marching on to the beat I drum. I’m not scared to be seen. I make no apologies, this is me.”

I love the lyrics in this song performed by @kealasettle We must find strength and beauty in what makes us different.

This picture shows the same strong, independent, fierce, passionate, natural, and REAL rode model I strive to be, but through two different perspectives.

YES, I have rolls, wrinkles, and “tiger stripes.” YES, I am proud of them and YES I have earned them!

“Nothing looks as good as confidence feels.” @shaunt

Love your skin. Love yourself. Have no shame. Trust and believe. YOU are worth it!

Body type: myself.

I’m very passionate about health and fitness. I’ve lost over 60 pounds (from when I was at my heaviest), and then another 40 pounds 2 times over again--thanks to my 4 kids and battling pregnancy and weight gain! Let me help you achieve your goals! This can be done all within the comfort of your own home and with me personally coaching you day by day. We’re not going to wish for it. We’re going to work for it. The only person you have to be better than is the one you were yesterday. Your health is a journey, not a destination. I'm here to help!

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When one door closes another one opens. Thank you for the experience. I’ll be around if ya need me.✌🏼💛🖤
You know what else they do?Believe in others. Lead by example. And help those who need it. #mondaymotivations #womensrun...
Cat/Cow Stretch
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To join the Peoria Razorbacks contact Steve Montez, 309-691-1805