Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Videos

Videos by Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia in Philadelphia. Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia. Profilo facebook ufficiale del Consolato Generale d'Italia a Filadelfia

Sempre una grande emozione la nostra bandiera nei cieli.
Le frecce tricolori, un’esperienza incredibile ogni volta!
Next date: 24-25 August in Ocean Beach, Maryland !

Other Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia videos

Sempre una grande emozione la nostra bandiera nei cieli. Le frecce tricolori, un’esperienza incredibile ogni volta! Next date: 24-25 August in Ocean Beach, Maryland !

✈️ The long awaited tour of the Italian Air Force in North America NAT24 has arrived! Aeronautica Militare , with its National Aerobatic Team, is performing an ambitious flying program in Canada and the United States. This program includes the participation in several air shows, of which 2 will be held in Norfolk VA on August 21st, and Ocean City MD on August 24th and 25th. 📅 Mark your calendars: On August 8th, catch the Frecce Tricolori soaring over Philadelphia! Get ready to fly high with us and with Italy! #latuasquadrachevola #AmbasciatoriItalianiNelMondo #AeronauticaMilitarenelmondo #PattugliaAcrobaticaNazionale #TourFrecceTricolori #NAT24

🇮🇹 📢Si informa che a partire dal 15 luglio 2024 gli italiani iscritti all’AIRE nella nostra Circoscrizione consolare possono scaricare direttamente il certificato di attribuzione del codice fiscale tramite il Portale Fast It. Come? 1. Accedi al Portale Fast It; 2. Clicca su “Anagrafe Consolare e AIRE” e poi su “Attribuzione Codice Fiscale”; 3. Conferma i dati e avvia la richiesta; 4. Scarica in autonomia (download) il certificato di attribuzione del Codice Fiscale. Se non riesci a scaricare il certificato di attribuzione del Codice Fiscale: 1. Registrati sul portale FAST IT, oppure accedi se hai già un account attivo; 2. Richiedi la “Associazione Online” cliccando su “Anagrafe Consolare e AIRE” e poi su “Visualizzare la propria scheda anagrafica”; 3. Entro 2 giorni lavorativi dalla richiesta, riceverai sulla tua casella di posta il messaggio di avvenuta associazione. 4. Accedi nuovamente al portale e scarica il certificato. 🇺🇸 📢Please note that from 15 July 2024 Italians registered at the AIRE in our consular district can download directly the certificate of attribution of the Tax Code through the Fast It Portal. How? 1. Access the Fast It Portal; 2. Click on "Consular Registry Office and AIRE" and then on "Tax Code Attribution"; 3. Confirm the data and start the request; 4. Download (download) the certificate of attribution of the Tax Code. If you cannot download the Tax Code Attribution Certificate: 1. Register on the FAST IT portal, or sign in if you already have an active account; 2. Request the "Online Association" by clicking on "Consular Registry and AIRE" and then on "View your personal data card"; 3. Within 2 working days of the request, you will receive the message of association in your mailbox. 4. Access the portal again and download the certificate.

Babette is contemporary jewelry designer based in Florence. Her inspiration is nature, with a fascination of its geometric, archaic and architectural structures. The Florentine Renaissance is another pivotal theme in her creations, its colors, shapes and artistic taste. We are pleased to welcome Babette at the upcoming PMA Craft Show. #pmacraftshow

Giuseppe (Riva GLDF) is an Italian artist in search for a new artistic archetype that can represent various themes using the memory of childhood and play by building his aesthetics on colorful toy cars. His works reflect dramatic and euphoric messages. Giuseppe’s art represents a small avant-garde that speaks of Italian traditions. We are pleased to welcome Giuseppe here in Philadelphia.

Vital records
Are you an Italian citizen abroad with an updated vital record? You are required by law to keep your vital records up to date 📄. This includes: birth, marriage, death, judicial separation, divorce, adoption, name changes, etc. Watch the video for the necessary procedure, and check out the Consulate website for more information.

Chiara is a goldsmith designer from Rome based in Florence. She followed her artistic call and began her apprentice at the workshop of a Florentine goldsmith to learn how to express herself with her own hands. Her jewels convey the movement of the Cosmos and of nature, looking for simple shapes, minimal volumes and blank spaces. Let's give a big shout-out to Chiara for her first exhibition here in the US! #pmacraftshow

We'd like to express our heartfelt thanks to Mayor Cherelle Parker for this year’s proclamation and Ms. Margaret Hughes, First Deputy City Representative for participating in the event!

Are you a foreign national who wants to travel to Italy? You might be in need of a VISA to enter the country. There are different types of VISA available and you should check for which category you should apply on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. If a VISA is required for your situation, schedule an appointment on the Prenot@Mi platform and bring the necessary documentation with you. Watch the video for the necessary requirements, and check out the Consulate website for more information.

Pronti per le vacanze? Controlla la data di scadenza del tuo passaporto. Se necessario, prenota un appuntamento sulla piattaforma Prenot@Mi e porta la documentazione necessaria come mostrato nel video. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta il sito web del Consolato al seguente link:

Annalisa Tessarolo
Annalisa has been a bag designer ever since she was a university student in Venice. With a passion for the history of arts, she draws inspiration from art exhibitions, landscapes, and antique markets. Her unique creations are meant to last, and reflect her authenticity and attention to environmental-friendly choices. A warm welcome to Annalisa for her first exhibition here in the US! #pmacraftshow

Citizenship by marriage
Are you the spouse of an Italian citizen? You too can acquire the Italian citizenship by marriage or civil union. Watch the video for the necessary requirements, and check out the Consulate website for more information.

Pietro and Riccardo Ferro are skilled glassmakers. They were born and raised in Murano, where they learned the art of glassmaking from their father, a master of his craft. Their works are made using a thousand-year-old technique called cold work. We are pleased to welcome the Ferro brothers here in Philadelphia.

Are you an Italian citizen permanently living abroad? Registering online to AIRE has never been easier thanks to Fast It, the online portal of the consular services. Follow the video instructions to register, and check out the Consulate website for more information.

Stenia was born in Volterra but lives and works in Pisa, Tuscany. She creates contemporary jewelry. She learned this craft alongside great artisans. We are proud to welcome her and her creativity. Stenia, welcome to Philadelphia!