Beauty Begins Within by Bryan

I believe in healing the world through the art of transformational beauty, relaxation & high vibrational experiences #BeautyBeginsWithin

Photos from Beauty Begins Within by Bryan's post 07/26/2024

Deeply grateful. Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality. I thought I was done with doing hair however, as it turns out, “doing hair” isn’t done with me and there is no better place to provide my services than in this gorgeous suite designed by and


: ruled by Mercury is a day of communication, receiving insight and messages.

After the Full Worm Moon 🪱🌕 that invited us to have a deep soulful examination of ourselves and every aspect our life the Last Quarter Moon 🌗 in Capricorn ♑️ is helping us to integrate our profound spiritual experiences of self examination and restore balance between our physical Earthly existence and our spiritual awakenings and aspirations.

The Moon 🌗 is trine Venus in Aries ♈️ which is initiating and activating new dimensions of self-love, unconditional love and even tough love. There is also cooperation between everyone's emotional being and their loving nature. Peace and happiness heightened today with this cosmic aspect.

Worm Moon in Virgo 🪱🌕♍️

Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Venus is a day of beauty , self-care and romance.

The Waning Gibbous Moon 🌖 is in Libra ♎️ which is encouraging us to be more conscious of how we react, interact and relate to one another. Libra encourages us to evaluate all of our relationships in our life in order to be at peace and in balance within ourselves and everyone around us.

The moon is trine Mars which is calling us into action in our pursuit of inner peace and healthy relating.


Lunar Destinies


The Spiritual Significance of the

Lunar Destinies


: ruled by the Moon is when we have a greater sensitivity to our current emotional state and well-being.

In preparation for the Full Moon tomorrow the Moon in Virgo is guiding us to sort through all the details of our being: our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, our direction & life path as well as, our divine purpose & innate powers. Virgo is an incredible sign for helping us to get ourselves back in divine order. The Virgo/Pisces axis of the Moon and Sun is the health axis inviting us to take a look at our health in all the dimensions of well-being

The Moon’s trine with Uranus, the planet of revolutionary enlightenment is creating a harmonious cooperation between our deep inner emotional being and our expansive spiritual insight which can lead to emotional breakthroughs and revelations within your being:

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo
Sun in Pisces


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Saturn is a day for taking care of chores, errands and, tending to your personal to-do lists like learning new things and working on personal projects.

Today the waxing gibbous moon in Leo continues to nurture and tend to our wishes & dedications that we declared during the New Moon cosmic inhale of creation energy. As the moon continues to charge into its fullest potency on Tuesday.

The Moon symbolizes our intuitive inner and emotional self and when it is in the sign of Leo we are likely to feel a boost of confidence, strength and joy. This aspect is amplified by the Moon’s trine with Jupiter the planet of expansion and good luck.

These powerful positive energies are helping us to look at and consciously move through unresolved traumas in our life as the moon is also trine with Chiron the planet of healing concealed traumas. This dynamic of powerful cosmic support guiding us through our inner healing work is preparing us for the monumental Full Moon that is quickly approaching.

Reading charging this lunation

Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Mercury is a day of communication, receiving insight and visions.

Today the First Quarter Moon in Cancer continues to nurture our wishes & dedications that we declared during the New Moon cosmic inhale of creation energy.

When the moon is in Cancer we are likely to experience more openness, receptivity and sensitivity to the energies around us so make sure you are fully resourced, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically with strong healthy energetic boundaries to protect you from being affected by lower frequencies that may cross our path throughout the day.

The Moon is trine Saturn which is helping us to identify where our self-imposed limitations are so we can bring our conscious attention to these places within our being so we can begin the transformational process of growing and stretching beyond the confines of our old self.

The Sun is helping to facilitate this movement with our being with its trine with the Moon gifting us with powerful energy to reap seeds of wisdom from the New Moon in Pisces last week. (Check out video linked below)

Reading charging this lunation

Lunar Destinies


: ruled by the Moon is when we have a greater sensitivity to our current emotional state and well-being.

The first quarter moon is in Gemini strengthening our mental capacity to learn and grow as human beings. The moon’s sextile with Chiron today, our inner wounded healer, is helping us to move into a healing place within our being which is supported by the moon’s sextile with Jupiter the planet of good luck, growth and expansion which is magnifying our emotional fortitude, wisdom and sensitivities. This increased emotional awareness can help guide us through difficult transitions, break through self imposed limitations and stretch us into greater perspectives. This aspect is also encouraging feelings of joy with the moon’s sextile Venus the planet of love, beauty and money which is bringing us happy, peaceful and romantic vibes!

First Quarter Moon in Gemini
Sun in Pisces


Lunar Destinies


If your looking for something fun to do tomorrow come check us out!


The Sun is officially moving into Pisces along with the New Moon 🌚 and when the Sun moves into Pisces, we can enjoy the wisdom and characteristic traits of the fish.

If we take a deeper look into the symbolism of Pisces it is the time of two halves. One fish swims against the the flow of water, while the other allows the current to guide it downstream.

Thus this Piscean energy poses a choice within us. Do we fight an uphill battle? Or do we go with the flow? If we look around at all the people in our life we will see both examples in everyone we see, including ourselves.

Each of us will have a different answer to this question. The Sun is Pisces will have us looking within for clarity. Transformation is key for creating new beginnings in your life.

Here is how you can work with Pisces in your life 👇👇


: ruled by Venus is a day of beauty, self-care and romance.

The Waning Crescent Moon remains in the ambitious and hard-working sign of Capricorn. This energitic dynamic is supporting us in accomplishing a great deal on our mental and emotional “to-do” list and preparing us for the new lunar cycle on Monday.

The Moon, representing our inner emotional being, is trine with Uranus, representing revelations in consciousness. This dynamic can bring forth an emotional awakening and breakthroughs within our consciousness.

The Moon is also sextile Neptune, representing our higher spiritual connection thus strengthening our intuition and clair-abilities opening us up to new streams of consciousness.

The Moon is conduct Pluto, the planet of deep transformation guiding us towards profound healing and preparing us for the powerful SUPER New Moon in Pisces this Monday which is setting the tone for the rest of 2023.

Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Jupiter is an empowering day of growth, expansion and good luck.

The Waning Crescent Moon has entered the ambitious and hard-working sign of Capricorn. This energitic dynamic is supporting us in accomplishing a great deal on our to-do list bringing a strong sense of fulfillment and preparing us for the new lunar cycle on Monday.

The Sun and Moon are in a sextile gifting us with a nice ease-full feeling in the air. There is powerful energy to harvest the seeds of wisdom arising at this time that were sown during the previous New Moon. Today we are supported in finding the path through to success with our projects.

The Moon represents our inner emotional being and is also in a sextile with Saturn is the planet of restriction, control and structure. This aspect is clarifying our thoughts, feelings and emotions preparing us for the powerful SUPER New Moon in Pisces this Monday which is setting the tone for the rest of 2023.

Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


, ruled by Mercury, is a day of receiving messages, visions and communication.

The last quarter moon is in Sagittarius which is likely to be fill the air with optimism and enthusiasm. Sagittarius is the joyful explorer so we are likely to be more in touch with our curious and inquisitive nature today.

The Moon is trine with Jupiter and Chiron in Aries which is illuminating and initiating our healing journey. The cosmic exhale of the waning moon is all about healing, learning and integrating and, the energies today are supporting this inner healing exploration.

Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Jupiter is a day of growth, expansion and good luck.

The Waning Gibbous Moon initiates the cosmic exhale of energy after the waxing process building up to the Full Moon. This is the time to relax, reflect, gather wisdom and, integrate. The Moon is currently in Libra which is helping us to find balance in all of the relationships in our life: personal, career, family, romantic, etc. Today is a good day to socialize, express ourselves and, share your unique charm and grace with the world.

The Moon represents our inner emotional being and is trine with Pluto, the planet of transformation. When the Moon is trine Pluto we have the ability to heal our deeply buried emotions initiating a profound regeneration. Everyone can more easily tune into their deeper needs today with an exceptional level of depth to feelings with powerful insight and revelations. Today we have the power for truly profound healing and rebirthing of ourselves.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


, ruled by Mercury, is a day of receiving messages, visions and communication.

After the Full Moon in Leo on Sunday the Moon has been hovering in Virgo in all of its fullness for nealy 3 days helping us to sort through all the details of our being: our mental and emotional wellbeing, our direction & life path as well as, our divine purpose & powers.

The Moon symbolizes our deep inner emotional being and Uranus is the planet of revolutionary enlightenment. With the Moon trine Uranus there is a harmonious cooperation between our emotions and our expanding and shifting insight which has the potential for us to experience an emotional awakening and emotional breakthroughs today.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Jupiter is a day of growth, expansion and good luck.

Today the waxing gibbous moon in Cancer continues to nurture our wishes & dedications that we declared during the New Moon cosmic inhale of creation energy.

When the moon is in Cancer we are likely to experience more openness, receptivity and sensitivity to the energies around us so make sure you are fully resourced, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically with strong healthy energetic boundaries to protect you from being affected by lower frequencies that may cross our path throughout the day.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


, ruled by Mercury, is a day of messages, visions and communication.

The waxing gibbous moon has gone void of course until 3:11pm when she arrives in Cancer. is when the Moon is traveling from one sign to the next and is not delivering any zodiacal influences from any sign. This is a great time for peaceful meditation, reflection, relaxation, healing and self-care.

The Moon which represents our deep inner emotional self is trine Saturn the teacher planet of restrictions and limitations which is helping us to feel into and acknowledge our limitations because once we are aware of our limitations we know where we can grow and improve.

The moon is also square Neptune the planet of spirituality and psychic visions which is challenging our current spiritual perspectives and beliefs breaking our current belief systems free and expanding ourselves into new visionary dimensions.

Waxing Gibbous Moon Void of Course to Cancer
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by the Mars, is a day to take divinely-inspired action.

The first quarter moon is in Gemini strengthening our mental capacity to learn and grow as human beings. The moon which represents our deep inner emotional self is sextile with Chiron the wounded healer, opening our deep inner emotional self up for deep transformational healing. We can more easily tune into our unresolved traumas today and Gemini is giving us the clarity of perspective to open us up to new healing possibilities. The Moon is also conjunct Mars which is giving us the courage and strength to travel through this healing experience should we allow ourselves the experience of healing.

First Quarter Moon in Gemini
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by the Moon is when we have a greater sensitivity to our current emotional state and well-being.

The first quarter moon is in Gemini strengthening our mental capacity to learn and grow as human beings. The moon which represents our deep inner emotional self is sextile with Jupiter the planet of growth and expansion which is magnifying our emotional fortitude, wisdom and sensitivities. This increased emotional awareness can help guide us through difficult transitions, break through self imposed limitations and stretch us into greater perspectives.

First Quarter Moon in Gemini
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Venus is a day of beauty, self-care and romance.

Today the crescent moon continues to grow in its cosmic inhale of creation energy in Aries until 4PM when the moon goes void of course until 6:42PM when it enters Ta**us.

Aries is infusing us with the courage and motivation to break new ground within ourselves and our life. Adding to this endeavor is the sextile with the Moon and Saturn encouraging us to break through our own limitations.

The Moon is still conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, connecting our deep inner emotional being with deep transformational healing. We can more easily tune into our deeper issues today and Aries is giving us the courage and strength to face, acknowledge and accept our traumatic past so that true profound healing can happen, but it must begin with acceptance of what is there.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries to Ta**us
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Jupiter is a day of growth, expansion and good luck.

Today the crescent moon continues to grow in its cosmic inhale of creation energy in Aries. The first sign in the zodiac is filled with pioneering energy that is infusing us with the energy to break new ground within ourselves and our life.

The Moon is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, connecting our deep inner emotional being with deep transformational healing. We can more easily tune into our deeper issues today and Aries is giving us the courage and strength to face, acknowledge and accept our traumatic past so that true profound healing can happen, but it must begin with acceptance of what is there.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


, ruled by Mars, is a day to take divinely-inspired action.

The waxing crescent moon is beginning its cosmic inhale of creative energy in Pisces. Today we may be feeling extra sensitive to the energies within and around us activating the emotional and creative aspects of ourselves. The Moon in Pisces is also activating our intuitive abilities.

Our extra sensory nature is so enhanced that it is possible for you to take on the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others, potentially making it difficult to even clarify and define what you feel. Our sensitive awareness and ability to feel deeply and compassionately is powerful today.

The Moon sextile Uranus the planet of revolutionary enlightenment offers us the potential to experience an emotional awakening, or a sudden turn of events that can result in a mental, emotional and spiritual breakthrough.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces
Sun in Aquarius


Lunar Destinies


Today is the New Moon in Aquarius: A Turning Point for Humanity

Time to declare your dedications for the new cosmic inhale of creation energy and 28 day lunar cycle.


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Venus is a day of beauty, self-care and romance.

The waning crescent moon is continuing its cosmic exhale of energy in one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac, Capricorn. It's a wonderful day to nurture your more ambitious nature. This is a hard-working Moon position, and you can accomplish a great deal of inner-work that will bring to you a strong sense of deep mental, emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

The Moon represents our deep inner-emotional self and is conjunct with Mercury—the planet of communication. This gives us the emotional awareness needed to work through and tend to things that are in need of healing and, Capricorn gives us the fortitude to travel through this healing journey.

The Moon is square Chiron, “the Wounded Healer,” the planet of healing and acknowledgment of hidden and buried trauma. We are more easily attuned to our deeper issues today which could have people reacting from a place of pain and suffering however, profound healing is possible, but we must first acknowledge and accept what is there.

Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn
Sun in Aquarius

Lunar Destinies



: ruled by Jupiter is a day of growth and expansion.

The waning crescent moon is void of course until 2:11PM.**

Today at 2:12PM the Moon enters into one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac, Capricorn. Delivering us the much needed discipline and practical nature to access our inner authority in order to develop our self mastery.

The Moon represents our deep inner emotional self which is sextile with Saturn, the planet of restrictions and structure. This cosmic dynamic delivers an opportunity for us expand ourselves and breakthrough our self-imposed limitations.

We will be feeling more attuned with our spiritual senses today, and may be sensitive to our own energies as well as the energy of others, both positive and negative. Our intuition is heightened which could make us sensitive to our own and others’ pain and suffering which encourages us to get in touch with what “emotional baggage” we are holding and decipher what is ours, what is someone else’s and what within yourself is ready to be healed. Allow the strong Capricorn energy guide you away from falling into an escapist fantasy.

Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn
Sun in Capricorn

** is when the Moon is traveling from one sign to the next and is not delivering any zodiacal influences from any sign. This is a great time for meditation, reflection, relaxation, healing as well as, peaceful and introspective self-care. It is said to not make any important decisions while the moon is void of course.


Lunar Destinies


, ruled by Mercury, is a day of communication.

The waning crescent moon in Sagittarius is giving us the perfect time for spiritual expansion and knowledge seeking. This is the time to connect with your ancestors, spirit guides and your True Divine Self to gather the wisdom you need in order to be more present and prepared for the New Moon and new cosmic inhale of creation energy this Saturday. This pursuit may mean exploring new experiences, making new connections and/or perceiving new perspectives.

The Moon which represents our true inner-emotional self is trine Chiron, commonly referred to as the Wounded Healer, the planet of healing and acknowledging of hidden and buried trauma. This brings us a harmonious flow between our emotional self and the profound transformational healing we need. We are more attuned to our deeper issues today including traumas from long-buried past events which can bring up uncomfortable feelings. True profound healing is possible, but we must first acknowledge and accept what is there.

Today is the last day of Mercury in retrograde before it goes direct for the New Moon. In this final day of ask yourself: Where am I heading in my life at this particular juncture? What wisdom can I gather from my past? How can I strengthen my intuitive listening and communication skills and, put all of these abilities and wisdom into practice?

Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius
Sun in Capricorn
Mercury in Retrograde


Lunar Destinies


, ruled by Mars, is a day to take action in your divine purpose.

The last quarter moon begins the day void of course until 12:33PM EST. is when the Moon is traveling from one sign to the next and is not delivering any zodiacal influences from any sign. This is a great time for meditation, reflection, relaxation, healing as well as, peaceful and introspective self-care. It is said to not make any important decisions while the moon is void of course.

The moon enters into Sagittarius at 12:33PM and remains in this sign for 2 days which is the perfect time for spiritual expansion and knowledge seeking. If you are feeling stuck on auto-pilot in life, now is the time to explore new experiences. The Moon is in a sextile with the Sun so there is an air of confidence and inner strength which gives us powerful energy to reap the seeds of wisdom that we have been seeking.

The Moon is also sextile Pluto so there is cooperation between your inner emotional self and deep transformational healing. We are more aligned with our deeper spiritual needs today so stay tuned with the divine guidance from your spirit guides today.

Mercury remains in retrograde for one more day which our celestial reminder to ask yourself: Where am I heading in my life at this particular juncture? What wisdom can I gather from my past? How can I strengthen my intuitive listening and communication skills and, put all of these abilities and wisdom into practice?

Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
Sun in Capricorn
Mercury in Retrograde


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by the Moon is when we have a greater sensitivity to our current emotional state and well-being.

The last quarter moon is in Scorpio strengthening our intuitive and psychic abilities helping us to learn and heal from the past, receive the wisdom and power to overcome challenging obstacles in our life and, heighten our clair-abilities to envision the next steps in our journey of the soul.

Scorpio is the cosmic energy of death and rebirth and today our feelings and emotions are highly attuned to this energy giving us the ability to conquer some extremely difficult emotional terrain. This is the time to step away from and clear out old habitual patterns, cycles and ruts that are no longer leading you to your highest most powerful, luminous and radiant being.

Mercury remains in retrograde until 1/18/23 which our celestial reminder to ask yourself: Where am I heading in my life at this particular juncture? What wisdom can I gather from my past? How can I strengthen my intuitive listening and communication skills and, put all of these abilities and wisdom into practice?

Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio
Sun in Capricorn
Mercury in Retrograde


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Venus, a day of beauty, self care and romance.

The waning gibbous moon is in Libra helping us to find balance in all of the relationships in our life: personal, career, family, romantic, etc. Today is a good day to socialize, express ourselves and, share your unique charm and graceful demeanor with the world.

Mercury remains in retrograde until 1/18/23 which our celestial reminder to ask yourself: Where am I heading in my life at this particular juncture? What wisdom can I gather from my past? How can I strengthen my intuitive listening and communication skills and, put all of these abilities and wisdom into practice?

Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra
Sun in Capricorn
Mercury in Retrograde


Lunar Destinies


: ruled by Jupiter is a day of growth and expansion.

For nearly 3 days the Moon has been hovering in Virgo helping us to sort through all the details of our being today: our mental and emotional wellbeing, our direction & life path as well as, our divine purpose & powers.

The moon is square Neptune which represents the universal ocean of oneness with all beings. Therefore, Neptune is highly compassionate, idealistic, imaginative, dreamy, inspirational, psychic and spiritual. This celestial dynamic is helping us to connect our inner emotional self with our greater cosmic awareness and cosmic identity. Today our intuition is likely to be extra perceptive.

Mercury remains in retrograde until 1/18/23 which our celestial reminder to ask yourself: Where am I heading in my life at this particular juncture? What wisdom can I gather from my past? How can I strengthen my intuitive listening and communication skills and, put all of these abilities and wisdom into practice?

Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo
Sun in Capricorn
Mercury in Retrograde


Lunar Destinies

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