New Vision Center for Spiritual Living

A Radically Inclusive spiritual community, our vision is Revealing the Power of Love.

If you are searching for a community that’s open minded, open hearted, and able to teach you how to think rather than what to think, then you’ll LOVE New Vision Center for Spiritual Living!


Recently, Rev. Lezli Goodwin gave a talk entitled, "Express Yourself."

This is an excerpt of her talk during the Sunday Celebration message.

Watch the full talk:

Learn more about us and consider becoming a member at


Every year, the NVC Ministers ask you, the community, for your ideas and opinions through our Annual Survey. We use this information to plan our annual theme and to set priorities around classes and programs for the next year.

Thank you, in advance, for answering these important questions. You matter, and so does your feedback.

You can access the survey by CLICKING HERE:


Learn mystical truths from many faiths and approaches.
Explore living as a mystic and discover your own mystical perspective.

The Mystical Path offers a journey into Oneness. This course provides an opportunity to study the perspective of a mystic to expand our awareness of the Divine Presence in lights. You will identify the common, timeless truths of mystics, and how these truths relate to the principles, practices and teachings of Science of Mind. You will explore your own beliefs and experiences with the intention to discover your own mystical perspectives. You will be invited into a greater understanding of the growth of consciousness and learn how the principle of Oneness has a direct impact on the life you live.

This will be Rachel Sartori's first time teaching a CSL class - you won't want to miss it.

CLICK HERE to register for this mystical class:


Check out our online Concierge by clicking on the link. Everything that New Vision is doing, classes, retreats, events, announcements and more can be found there.

You can also visit our in-person Concierge every Sunday in the Social Hall. They are a wonderful resource of information and support with signing up for things!


Watch LIVE on YouTube or come in person! Thank you for speaking! Meditation at 9:40 AM AZ time and Service at 10 AM! Learn more about us at

Dear Beloveds,

Sometimes I get a little uncomfortable being the center of attention. After being on the platform a few weeks in a row, whether speaking or singing or hosting, it can feel like a lot. I've been known to say things like, "I think they've had quite enough Lezli lately." I can begin to worry that I'm getting too ego-centered, or that I'm making it all too much about me. Luckily, we have some amazing Practitioners in our community.

Recently, one of them took me to task with a stern, "No! This is your gift! You're not honoring Spirit if you don't share it. Keeping it to yourself is being selfish." WELL! That certainly turned me around, and sent me back to my Science of Mind books.

As can be expected, that talented Practitioner was right. Ernest Holmes wrote, "Self-expression is the keynote of life. Each person exists for the purpose of providing an extension of consciousness through which the Universal may work." If I'm called to do something, be it speak or sing or knit a sweater, that's exactly what Spirit wants to do as me. From that perspective, there's no such thing as "too much." There is no showing off or taking up too much space -- there is simply being the place where God shows up. How might that perspective shift the way you show up in the world? This Sunday, let's explore sharing our gifts. You, too, can learn to "Express Yourself."

Much love,
Rev. Lezli


You will takeaway a deeper knowledge of four spiritual laws and essential practices to support you in living an abundant life:

Tithe to the person or place where you have received your spiritual nourishment
Set clear-cut, tangible goals
Forgive everyone all the time, especially yourself
Seek, discover, and follow your divine purpose, which will help you to assign significance to your life and bring a passion to all that you do

Join us on this Adventure to bring forth a free flow of ideas and an effortless way of life in all aspects, including vibrant health, fulfilling relationships, work you love and financial freedom. It all elevates the quality of our Life!

Tuesday's, October 1, 8, 15, 22
Love Offering
Rev. Karin brings such depth to abundance and forgiveness - please join us.
To register for this class CLICK HERE:


A Spiritual Gathering for Conversation and Practice

Join with Rev. Karen Russo, members of the New Vision Center community, and new friends and neighbors to create a spiritually AND civically minded space!

With spiritual practice, small group conversation, and more we will:

- respectfully share thoughts and emotions about political and world events,

- listen and be heard with empathy whether we politically agree or not,

- directly apply spiritual principles about who we’re being and what we're doing as citizens!

All are welcome - bring your family and friends.

We will specifically refrain from any kind of specific advocacy on causes, candidates, or issues. Our intention is to BE the presence of Peace around all these topics.

Saturdays: August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
New Vision Center
Love Offering
CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming on August 3rd, please:


7:00 – 7:15 am Phoenix AZ time.
Online via Zoom: Passcode: 888888

All are welcome to join as frequently or infrequently as your time permits.

Connect with your Spiritual Community and feel the love and energy as our Ecclesiastical Team leads you through a relaxing and peaceful meditation. Through this Mindfulness, spiritual practice you will be uplifted as you enter into your day. You can even submit prayer requests through the chat feature and your host will incorporate it into this Spiritual Mind Treatment. You can make a request for whatever you’d like to bring into your life such as Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love, Oneness, Wholeness or just Healing for you or a loved one.


Watch LIVE on YouTube or come in person! Thank you for speaking! Meditation at 9:40 AM AZ time and Service at 10 AM! Learn more about us at

Dear Beloved NVC Family,

It has been three months since we have had a chance to be with each other and I want to ask each one of you the question that Ralph Waldo Emerson asks his friends when he has not seen them for a long time “What has become clear to you since last we met?”

I hope you take the time to answer this question for yourself and delight in all that rises within as we sincerely consider this question! Lots has become clear to me, and I am eager to share some of it with you!

This blessed time of Freedom to discover who I am when I am not engaged in everyday living. It has been a time of surprising awakenings, personal transformation, a passion for silence and shifting priorities and so much more.

As you read this, I am on my way back to Phoenix – I jokingly have said my goal is to slide into town with just enough time to have my hair and makeup done before Sunday (let’s see if that happens!)

I am looking forward to many hugs and if you are online, do let us know from where you are joining this incredible community.

Much Love,
Rev. Karin


Recently, Rev. Lezli Goodwin gave a talk entitled, "You'll Never Believe It!."

This is an excerpt of her talk during the Sunday Celebration message.

Watch the full talk:

Learn more about us and consider becoming a member at


You will takeaway a deeper knowledge of four spiritual laws and essential practices to support you in living an abundant life:

Tithe to the person or place where you have received your spiritual nourishment
Set clear-cut, tangible goals
Forgive everyone all the time, especially yourself
Seek, discover, and follow your divine purpose, which will help you to assign significance to your life and bring a passion to all that you do

Join us on this Adventure to bring forth a free flow of ideas and an effortless way of life in all aspects, including vibrant health, fulfilling relationships, work you love and financial freedom. It all elevates the quality of our Life!

Tuesday's, October 1, 8, 15, 22

Love Offering

Rev. Karin brings such depth to abundance and forgiveness - please join us.

To register for this class CLICK HERE:


Yesterday, Rev. Jeff Hargis gave a talk entitled, "There's No Place Like Home."

This is an excerpt of his talk during the Sunday Celebration message.

Watch the full talk:

Learn more about us and consider becoming a member at


Watch LIVE on YouTube or come in person! Thank you for speaking! Meditation at 9:40 AM AZ time and Service at 10 AM! Learn more about us at

In this past month, I have found myself reflecting a lot on what it means to be home again. Of course, this goes much deeper than just a physical structure or a place where we reside. It represents a sense of belonging, comfort, and safety. It is where we feel most at peace, surrounded by love, and free to be our authentic selves. Home is also a state of being—a deep connection with our inner self, where we find emotional and spiritual grounding. It’s a place, both literal and metaphorical, where we can rest, reflect, and feel whole.

I am also painfully aware that many of us find ourselves in a state of homelessness -grappling with questions of identity, meaning, and separation… where the soul longs for a sense of home but feels unable to find it.

Where are you on your own journey home? What might be holding you back from finding peace, safety, and wholeness that only home provides?

Join me this Sunday as we explore the adventure together. I’ve invited some guests as well including Dorothy, The Prodigal Son, and of course, Neil Diamond.

See you there!
In Love and Gratitude,
Rev. Jeff Hargis


Registration is open for the August Women Connected monthly meeting. Registration is not required however, it is appreciated so the team knows how many to prepare for in the Chapel.

This month Kathie Cano Scherff will support us in accessing the Power of Will to achieve the goals we desire in life. Women are invited to attend this fun group on Saturday, August 17th at 9:30 am in the Chapel.

Come and recharge your willpower with Coach Kathie.
CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming:


Request a written prayer by filling out this form. A Practitioner will write a spiritual mind treatment that you can read over and over again that is relevant to the issue you are experiencing. This service is free.

Learn more about us at our website at!


Don’t worry about what you’ll do Friday night. We’ve got ya covered!⠀

Join us this Friday 7:00 PM Arizona Time for a Zoom Room Game Night! We’ll play games like trivia, Pictionary or charades, connect and have a great time. We promise you’ll laugh so hard it will count as an abs workout!⠀

Grab a snack and log in to a fabulous evening! ⠀
Zoom room and PW here:


Watch LIVE on YouTube or come in person! Thank you for speaking! Meditation at 9:40 AM AZ time and Service at 10 AM! Learn more about us at

Dear Beloveds,

Faith is an interesting puzzle, isn't it? It's a topic that often comes up, this idea of how to believe. At New Vision, we say all the time that "we receive as we believe." That's the heart of the Science of Mind. But HOW do we change our beliefs and open up to living in faith? I wish I could give you infallible step-by-step instructions to follow for a guaranteed result, but each human being is beautifully unique. For me, as for many, it has been a game of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. One thing I know for sure is that spaghetti has never jumped up out of the pot and flung itself at the wall. At every turn, I've needed to take determined action to build my faith.

Based on my many conversations on this topic, people seem to want faith and belief to just happen to them like a magic trick. I've had people say that they are waiting for the belief to fully settle, and then they will take action and live differently. In my experience, faith is consciously and intentionally grown. We build it brick by brick, practice by practice, choice by choice. If we don't make that active choice, we are unlikely to ever believe. This Sunday, let's explore how to move from "You'll Never Believe It," to believing we are more than worthy of all the good in the world..

Much love,
Rev. Lezli


Our Safety and Security Team, which is headed by our Leadership Council member Don Powell, is showing two short training videos next Sunday in the Social Hall following munch and mingle at 11:30.

The first is showing us what to do if we are ever in an active shooter situation. Unfortunately, active shooter situations are happening in businesses, schools, social events and even houses of worship. This video will show you what to do if you are ever involved in such an event.

We have a LifeVac device located in the kitchen of the social hall with the first aid equipment. This is an easy-to-use vacuum pump which will remove a foreign object from a choking victim. This short video will teach us how to use LifeVac. This is something, just like CPR, which we all should know how to use.

Please plan to watch these two short videos next Sunday.

Thank you to all who are a part of this important work in keeping our community members safe, secure and informed.

No registration required. Please join us.


Registration is open for the August Women Connected monthly meeting. Registration is not required however, it is appreciated so the team knows how many to prepare for in the Chapel.

This month Kathie Cano Scherff will support us in accessing the Power of Will to achieve the goals we desire in life. Women are invited to attend this fun group on Saturday, August 17th at 9:30 am in the Chapel.

Come and recharge your willpower with Coach Kathie.
CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming:


Watch LIVE on YouTube or come in person! Thank you for speaking! Meditation at 9:40 AM AZ time and Service at 10 AM! Learn more about us at

“Holding a resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.”

Wow! When I first heard that years ago, it rang true.

My judgments, grievances, and hurts — big and small, past and current—were keeping me bound.

Whenever we have unforgiveness operating in our mind, energy, and emotion, we are separating ourselves from the full experience of the infinite presence of God that is ever available and ever present.

Forgiveness is the human practice of choosing to release ourselves from the suffering of hurt, resentment, betrayal, anger, and shame.

Forgiveness is often misunderstood. I remember thinking things like:

Ø If I forgive, am I a doormat or an enabler of hurtful behavior?

Ø If I forgive, am I abandoning my own standards?

Ø What about what they did to me… shouldn’t they be asking for my forgiveness?

In our Sunday message, I’ll address these questions as we understand, embrace, and practice forgiveness.

Imagine choosing to forgive so you can emotionally heal, energetically lighten, and spiritually embrace the Love of the Divine as your true nature.

Rev. Karen


Frank Smith and Vernice Reyes have formed a duo to create a transformative experience. They take you on a journey of Emobodied Peace. Through Sound Healing and Meditation via Flute, Singing Bowls and mesmerizing soundscapes. This experience will be a spiritual mind treatment meditation, taking a deep dive into each step for a most Embodying Experience.

Please join Vernice and Frank on
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
in the Grace chapel for this uplifting experience
from 6:30 - 7:45pm
Love offerings accepted

No registration required.


How amazing is our daily Ernest Holmes text program?!

Every single day, a text comes straight to your phone with a brief quote from Ernest Holmes, and a question for contemplation. In order to make this program financially sustainable, we are moving to a subscription model for 2024 and beyond.

For the very low one-time fee of $6.99, you will get an entire year of daily texts. Give yourself the gift of spiritual inspiration and support your Daily Substantial Spiritual Practice.

Sign up to enroll here:


Thriving 21st century spiritual communities are easily compared to strong and beautiful stained glass windows. They are composed of many individual people who come together to create a deep and meaningful experience where everyone grows spiritually together, and each person is valued for the unique experiences they contribute to the whole.

This four-week interactive book study is FREE for everyone who is interested in diversity inclusion and in being an opening to reveal the power of love.

Book is required: Stained Glass Spirit, Tracy Brown
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE
Dates: 8.7.24 – 8.28.2024 (4 weeks)
Instructor: Rev. Lezli Goodwin
Hybrid - In Person and on Zoom
Cost: FREE but registration is important as there are materials to download and print out

Please CLICK HERE to register:


Watch LIVE on YouTube or come in person! Thank you for speaking! Meditation at 9:40 AM AZ time and Service at 10 AM! Learn more about us at

Dear Beloveds,

I wish you had been there to see it. Inspired by the Olympics, Chrisi and I used to create the most gorgeous synchronized swimming routines in my grandparents' swimming pool. We would gather all the grown ups and make them watch our performances. There was enthusiastic cheering, usually followed by cookies and juice. Now, were we actually doing synchronized swimming? No. At best, it was synchronized water aerobics. In actuality, it was enthusiastic flailing. But we had SO MUCH FUN. A couple of summers ago, Chrisi and I found ourselves in the pool on a girl's trip. We filmed a couple of seconds of our "synchronized swimming" to send to Chrisi's sister, laughing hysterically the whole time.

Some of my best memories are belly laughing with friends over silly adventures or even sillier misadventures. These moments of goofiness bring so much joy into our lives. But we can forget. We get lulled into the myth that we are the grown ups now, and that we should act like it. Don't fall for it! Joy is a spiritual quality, and we need to connect with it to live a balanced life. This Sunday, let's explore "Joy for Joy's Sake" together.

Much Love,
Rev. Lezli


Check out our online Concierge by clicking on the link. Everything that New Vision is doing, classes, retreats, events, announcements and more can be found there.

You can also visit our in-person Concierge every Sunday in the Social Hall. They are a wonderful resource of information and support with signing up for things


A Spiritual Gathering for Conversation and Practice

Join with Rev. Karen Russo, members of the New Vision Center community, and new friends and neighbors to create a spiritually AND civically minded space!

With spiritual practice, small group conversation, and more we will:

- respectfully share thoughts and emotions about political and world events,

- listen and be heard with empathy whether we politically agree or not,

- directly apply spiritual principles about who we’re being and what we're doing as citizens!

All are welcome - bring your family and friends.

We will specifically refrain from any kind of specific advocacy on causes, candidates, or issues. Our intention is to BE the presence of Peace around all these topics.

Saturdays: August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
New Vision Center
Love Offering
CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming on August 3rd, please:

Want your place of worship to be the top-listed Place Of Worship in Phoenix?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

2024 09SEP07 Politics, Prayers & Peace , Sat. 9_7_2024.mp4
Untitled Project.mp4
NVC MMpt2.mp4




18010 N Tatum Boulevard
Phoenix, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 12pm

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