YOUniquely Knitted

Helping young women reaching their greatest potential with the best of integrity with intention.


Saw this and had to share!


Pure beauty!


So many reasons for me to take good care of myselfā€¦ here are 6 of them!

For some reason I had given myself permission to give up on my health.
Iā€™m over 50, Iā€™m too old for all this.
I have teenagers running me ragged, I donā€™t have time!
I work a ton.. very stressful, Iā€™m just too tired.

I could go on but Iā€™m sure you already know the restā€¦ because so many of us let our inner bully talk us OUT of all the amazing possibilities in life.

I learned a new way to handle this and itā€™s been life changing.

Can I let you in on this?

Join me April 1st as we hit the reset on our stinking thinking. Weā€™ll start a 10 week Couch to Movement that will transform not just your body, but your mind and spirit.

I canā€™t wait to do this with you!

Photos from YOUniquely Knitted's post 03/20/2023

šŸ”¦šŸ”¦šŸ”¦ Mentor Monday Spotlight šŸ”¦šŸ”¦šŸ”¦

My amaingly loving friend Sherri!

God brought Sherri into my life about 8 years ago. We met at our fitness classes at church and immediately I was drawn to her gentleness and kindness.
Her endless smile and gentle spirit always made me feel loved and comfort! The thoughtfulness of her little gifts, birthday surprises (and so much more) makes every person around her feel special! She always took time to listen and respond with zero judgment and absolute acceptance.
She exudes love for Jesus, her husband, children and grandchilden! When I hear her talk of her kids and grandkids, I feel joy in my heart!
When I learned that I was going to be a grandma for the first time, one of my first thoughts was of Sherri! I knew I wanted to be like her!
Sherri, you are a gift to every life you touch and a sweet light to all those around you! Keep shining your love for Jesus, and your love for life!


Happy St Patrickā€™s Day!!
Seriously get lucky. Make your own day! šŸ’š


Transformation doesnā€™t happen over nightā€¦. Itā€™s one step at a time, one day a time, trusting the process.
Choose today, to take one stepā€¦then plan to do that each day.
Step one: Decide
Step two: Find your people
Step three: Plan ahead
Step four: Work the plan

Sounds easy right? What if it were just that easy?

I would love to share so much that I have learnedā€¦


This is my morning workout partnerā€¦ If only I could work out as hard as him and be just as cute! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤—šŸ¶


Are you feeling STUCK? I know that feeling all too well!

I want to invite you to join me on a Couch to MOVEMENT - Mind and Body Transformation.

As we look toward spring and all that it stands for, with BLOOMING new seasons, I thought it would be fun to come together and renew our bodies and minds to kick off a great summer!

Starting April 1st we will renew our thought patterns, our energy, our perspectives on relationships and transform ourselves as we get stronger through the weeks.

What does this cost you? NOTHING but your time and commitment to the process.

Each week has intentional movement along with a devotion I'll share with you to meditate on during your time of movement. I'll have an email and set up a group text for interaction during the week.

I did something like this not too long ago and it was incredibly impactful for me and I just can't help but share it with YOU!

Would you join me? Have others that may be interested? Please share! I love sharing these types of goals with friends and doing them together. body


I did that!
Thoughts transformed from
Iā€™m too old for that
Iā€™ll never move at that level again
I donā€™t have time
Iā€™m just too busy
I need to focus on other things

People - I have a lot going on right now - but I canā€™t do any of that if Iā€™m not healthy myself.

Itā€™s not about the physical workout! I promise.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming Tuesday where you can join me on a journey to be transformed.


ā€œCharm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.ā€
ā€­ā€­Proverbsā€¬ ā€­31ā€¬:ā€­30ā€¬ ā€­ESVā€¬ā€¬


Every dayā€¦.


*** Mentor Monday Spotlight ***
My sister Dianeā€¦
Man - God has been so good to me.
I have yet another sister, so different from me. I revel in this as I get older. How could we be so different when we had the same parents, same upbringing and same room most of our lives. But God - his creativity is so amazing. Each of us YOUniquely knitted!
Diane has been such an inspiration to me at her hard work, determination to grow, and her absolute adoration of our parents.
There have been many times in my life that I could get caught up in envy of her ability to master just about anything.. see, Iā€™m a jack of all trades, master of none - but Diane - masters whatever she decides to!
Sheā€™s a true treasure, and although we live miles and miles apart, our love connects at just the right time, every time. Iā€™ll be eternally blessed by being her sister. Love you sis!


Coming in to 2023 I had myself convinced I was stuck. I was giving myself all kinds of excuses why I couldnā€™t reach goalsā€¦.
Iā€™m just getting older
Iā€™m not a finisher
I need to just be content
Iā€™m not as disciplined as I used to be

With some help () and divine intervention- I realized those things were only true if I decided to let them to true..

So I made up my mind that new things would be true for me!
I AM a finisher
I can do hard things
I have a good body that will carry me to accomplish hard things.

And I set out on a 10 week journey to finish a program. Each day writing my goal and my new thoughts to practice.

Today was my finish line and I did it.

Now I canā€™t wait to set new goals! Want to join me? I dare ya, because we wonā€™t fail!


Life is full of choicesā€¦. The great part isā€¦ YOU GET TO CHOOSE.
Choose wisely.
Donā€™t allow yourself to get stuck.
Time flies - donā€™t waste it.
Want to work together on this?


Iā€™m a recovered perfectionist.. now I strive for progress. A little better everyday.
And I forgive myself on the days I just didnā€™t..
each day a new day with new opportunities to learn.


šŸ”¦šŸ”¦ Mentor Monday Spotlight šŸ”¦šŸ”¦
This week I want to honor my Sis, Tonya. I love her so much.
Not only is she my bestie, my rock, my 2nd mom, the boss of the familyā€¦.
But sheā€™s an amazing mom, wife and daughter!
When both mom and dad were fighting cancer at the same time- she held us all together! She was a bad ass boss babe keeping all the appointments straight, doctor call, and managing sibling crazy. She was the strength that pulled us tighter as a family!
I look up to her, (quite literally as she got all the height too) every single day and my first call when I need talked off the ledge.
Sis, I love you more than words could ever express and God made you so very special! Iā€™m so grateful for you!


Know what the first characteristic of LOVE is?
Love - not just a feeling. Only an emotion for a hot minute.
Then its a choice.
Loving those that are easy to love is well-too easy!
But can you love those that are hard to love?
Letā€™s face itā€¦ arenā€™t we all a bit hard to love in our own ways?
Letā€™s make a decision to do the hard thing and love first.
Lead with love, kindness, gentleness, patience, self control.


Two reasons I love this photo! It speaks truth of who I am, AND it shows my family right beside me.


šŸ”¦šŸ”¦Mentor Monday Spotlight šŸ”¦šŸ”¦
My amazing Mother-in-law - Patsy.
I hear so many crazy stories about mother in laws and daughter in laws!
Every! Time! I recognize and am so grateful God blessed me with Patsy. šŸ„°šŸ¤—
She has been such an amazing mentor and mom-in-my life for over 20 years now.
She quickly accepted me and my two babies into her life (but how scary could that have been?!)
She has always been the calm when things got crazy, a voice of truth and reason when I felt unsure.
She has taught me how to be a mother-in-law with grace, compassion, love and self control (to keep my mouth shut when itā€™s not my place!)
I know Iā€™ll be a better Grandma because of her example.
God has been so so good to me with the treasure of her in my life!


Not sure why, but the emoji with the big toothy grin is my favorite. I love a big smile and I love to smile big.
Whatā€™s your favorite?


What you say and how you say it matters.
Our photos can be unfiltered, but our words need some work!
Words cut deep and leave wounds for years to come. Canā€™t we be a people that build each other up rather than cut deep?
Iā€™m not saying be silent. Not at all.
You CAN speak LIFE.
Words that are good, helpful, encouraging, speaking truth in love. And you can feel good about this!
ā€œJust as nutritious food gives life to the body, wholesome words that heal and help give life to the soulā€ Christina Patterson
This not only relates to how you speak to others, but how you speak to yourself. Donā€™t be your own bully! Be kind.


We all have a story. Our own personal journey. No two alike. YOUnique in every way.
Our trials and tough season, our trauma, can become our greatest strength.
Through these, we build perseverance, and through this we build character.
You get to choose how these chapters become your testimony.
But sometimes we get stuck and need others to help us through ā€¦.
Accepting help is a great sign of strength.


Humility is not a weakness, itā€™s mature strength!
Itā€™s not making yourself a doormat, but rather - recognizing that you were put here for a purpose greater than yourself!
Youā€™re given a gift that ONLY YOU were given, and to not share it with those around you is truly sad.
There is a fine line between humility and arrogance and frankly, itā€™s easier to fall on the side of arrogance.
It takes practice and self awareness to walk humbly into this world. But I promise you will achieve greater richness in life if you do the work.
And it has nothing to do with money!


Mentor Monday šŸ”¦SPOTLIGHTšŸ”¦
There have been many that have poured into my life as a mentor over the years that I intend to hightlight each Monday. I canā€™t wait to honor them!
Of course I have to start with this beautiful woman.
My mom! ā€”
Sheā€™s taught me perseverance, integrity, work ethic, and most importantly the love of Jesus.
Such a strong woman of God, teaching me that through it all, He will carry me through anything this world can throw at me.
Sheā€™s a 3 time cancer survivor, mother of 5 (and not an easy 5! Weā€™ve challenged her!), grandmother to 20 and great grandmother mother to (Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get this wrong) 21 and counting with more due this year.
Married to my dad for 53 years and a widow of 5.
The legacy she already has in her children to the 3rd generation will follow for several more.
Iā€™m so proud to be your daughter momma and I pray I can impact my children and teach them to love and hunger for Jesus as you have taught me. There is NO greater legacy.
Do you have a mentor that has impacted your life? I would love to hear about it!


I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to pursue perfectionā€¦
I realized when I do that, I miss the progress, I miss the journey.
Life is too short to miss anything.
Take time live in today. To see the little things that show progression. To keep progress as your goal.


This is me.
Unfiltered, armored for the day.
Word. Worship. Workout.
Coffee, lots of coffee.
This is how I start my weekend. How about you?


Just because you ā€˜canā€™ say it doesnā€™t mean you ā€˜shouldā€™ say it.
To speak kindly, but live boldly, sets you apart when we live in a culture where you can say anything you want to say - anonymously.
It should have nothing to do with sarcasm, belittling, or humiliating others. It should be far from disrespecting authority, tearing down, or putting down people.
Dare to be different - dare to have self control, and find ways to be KIND! It has everything to do with speaking the truth in love, building others up, and being the example of what we would ask from anyone else.


What are your thoughts telling you?
It was a crazy moment when I realized I was my own biggest bully!
I told myself things about myself that I would never speak of anyone.
Our brains are tricky that way.
Then I learned how to capture these thoughts, turn them, practice new thoughts.
It was a huge shift! It changed EVERYTHING.
Are you caught in ā€˜stinking thinkingā€™? Have you caught yourself thinking really cruel things about yourself?
I can help get you unstuck. Can we talk?


My first grand baby. YOUniquely knitted in my baby girls womb.


I have 4 amazing daughters. I always wanted to be a mom. I had all these ideas how I would pull it off and be a great mom.
Iā€™ve done a lot right. But Iā€™ve done so much not right too. But through it all, Iā€™ve been incredibly blessed!
Parenting is not for the faint of heart.
Each season I thought it was gonna get easier the next seasonā€¦ haha
I wanted to be that mom that the girls could tell me anything. Open, honest relationship.
But, no matter how I tried, each in their different way kept certain things close to them and just couldnā€™t tell mom everything.
I learned that they needed a mentor, a safe space to be truly transparent without judgement or fear of losing trust.
Iā€™ll be forever grateful to the women that stepped up and came along side my girls during their teen years.
Iā€™ve had the honor of mentoring other girls and love being their safe space.
If your young woman needs a mentor, consider reaching out to me. We can talk about how I can help you and your daughter.

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