Keystone Chiropractic

Get out of pain naturally and do more of what you love. Voted Best Chiropractor for 7 years.

At Keystone Chiropractic, we understand what it's like to be struggling through pain. So many people are told that they have to live with it, that they'll need to take pain killers and muscle relaxers, or maybe even injections such as cortisone. Some even tell us that the pain is preventing them from keeping up with the kids, focusing at work, or having a comfortable sleep. The truth is, you don't


Does your back hurt after you sneeze? That might be a sign of a pinched nerve, and we can help!

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



You ever feel like you got a pinched nerve in your low back? We can help!

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



Sciatica BE GONE!

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⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



If you’re struggling with low back pain, don’t stretch it! Shorten it!!

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



Did you know we also offer spinal decompression of the low back? It works really great for things like sciatica, disc bulges, disc herniations, and even just low back pain in general.

The way it works is we basically open up the disc spaces in the low back, taking pressure off of the nerve and allowing it to heal. It actually feels really good because it’s almost like a stretch in the low back that you’re never really able to stretch yourself.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



Have you ever gotten out of bed one morning, and wake up with a crick in your neck? Maybe from sleeping funny, or turning your neck too fast? Well we got the perfect solution for you because they are quite easy to fix. All we need to do is find out what side and which bone in your neck the kink is on. And to be honest, you’ll most likely know exactly where it is because you’ll feel that pinpoint tenderness. In this case, she woke up with a crick in her neck from sleeping on the couch and has been pushing on that spot with the cap of her highlighter all day while she was at work. When she came to our office that evening and explained to us the entire situation, we went to work on the left side of her neck. When she got up off the table, she immediately felt the tension release, and said goodbye to the crick in her neck.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.


Ever wondered if neuropathy can improve and actually heal, without just covering up the symptoms with strong nerve pain killers? Our approach is simple but extremely effective. Watch this video where Dr. Josh explains what we do to help improve neuropathy, and schedule your consultation and exam with Dr. Josh for only $49!


If you’ve been carrying a lot of stress or tension in your upper back, neck, shoulders, or right through the mid back and between your shoulder blades, let us work our magic for you to unlock those areas. We’ll even take a set of xrays to show you exactly where those problems are and how we’re going to fix it. And we’ll do one even better. We’ll take another set of xrays after a few months or so to actually see and prove that things are improving. And trust me, the adjustments feel great and we’ll help relieve a lot of the stress that you’re carrying in the upper back and shoulders.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.


The bones in the neck should be curved like how you see the yellow curved line in this picture. Often times, we’ll see a straightening of the neck, sometimes due to posture, but also due to whiplash injuries from car accidents or even sports. Once we identify exactly which bone we need to address, we’ll start working on that bone to get it into a better position. The adjustments are quick and painless, and we will never be twisting or popping your neck. In this specific case, you can see that the curve in his neck has drastically improved in just 6 months.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.


Valentine’s Day raffle winners ‼️

1. Grace
2. David
3. Lexi

We’ll be reaching out to y’all via text message to let you know you’ve won and to claim your prize!


When someone comes to my office with neck pain, stiffness through the upper back or shoulders, or even headaches, we’ll take a series of xrays on the neck to see exactly which bones we need to work on. Once we identify them, we’ll start working on the bones to unlock them. The adjustments are quick and painless, and we will never be twisting or popping your neck. After a period of a few months or so, we’ll take another set of xrays to verify that improvements are taking place.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.


One of the questions I’ve been getting a ton of recently is: What does our style or method of adjusting even look like? So when it comes to the neck or upper back area, we analyze the xrays and motion xrays to find exactly which bones to adjust. And once we identify them, we don’t do any of the old fashioned twisting and cracking. In fact, we just have you lay face down on our table, and we raise up the head piece and chest piece to help adjust the bones in a specific vector or angle to get them to start moving again. Adjustments in and of itself are really quick and painless, and once the bone is unlocked, you will often experience less stiffness, more flexibility, decreased headaches, and even better sleep.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



Valentine’s Day raffle!! 3 chances to win, and each prize includes:

1. $100 gift card to Bob’s Steak and Chophouse
2. Free 60 minute massage with
3. Chocolate
4. Bottle of either a 4 roses single barrel bourbon, or a 2019 cabernet or 2018 merlot from Napa Valley.


‼️Before and After Xray‼️

When it comes to tech neck, we are specifically looking for which bones in the upper back and neck are moving, but more importantly, which bones are not. Once we find them, we start the process of unlocking them via specific adjustments without any of the traditional twisting, popping, or cracking.

For this particular patient, we took a second set of xrays after about 4 months of adjustments. With the drastic increase in the range of motion, the patient reports a huge improvement in her pain and stiffness, as well as better sleep, and less discomfort while working with kiddos. She also reports being much happier as she no longer needs to deal with lingering discomfort.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



‼️Check out this Before and After‼️

This xray is a picture of someone while they were looking up. When we analyze an xray like this, we’re specifically looking at the range of motion of each spinal bone in the neck and upper back. When we find the exact bones that are stuck, we start the process of unlocking them via specific adjustments without any of the traditional twisting, popping, or cracking.

After 3 months of adjustments, we took another xray to verify that improvements were taking place. With the increased range of motion, the patient reports a huge improvement in her neck pain and stiffness, as well as better sleep, and less discomfort while working at her desk.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



⁉️Do you have a neck hump⁉️

We have a number of people who come to see us specifically because they’ve been told or they noticed for themselves that a bump formed right near the base of their neck.

If you have a neck hump or if you know someone who does, the 3 steps I shared in this video will be helpful. I’ll be sharing more about this topic in the near future, so stay tuned!

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



‼️This is our secret sauce‼️

When we analyze someone’s neck, one of the main things we’re looking for is how the bones in the neck are moving. We do this by taking an xray while looking straight ahead so that we can see what it looks like in neutral, and we take another xray looking up and another looking down. This will reveal to us what the biomechanics look like, and which bone we need to start working on to get the best results in improving the stiffness, tension, and headaches associated with tech neck.

❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



‼️How do we help tech neck‼️

What separates us from all other treatment options is the xrays we take. But not just the plain old xray, we take additional xrays of you looking ⬆️ and ⬇️ so that we can visually see how the neck is moving and which exact bones we need to adjust to improve the biomechanical movement and structure of the neck and upper back. Once we pinpoint the exact bones we need to unlock, we will explain the entire process so that you have a clear understanding of what we’re working on, how we’re gonna work on it, what you can do to assist the process, and what kind of results to expect. We take great pride in making sure that you understand exactly what we’re doing, and we’ll even take the xrays again after a few months so that we can confirm that improvements are taking place.

Oh and by the way, did I mention that we don’t do any twisting, popping, or cracking of the neck???

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



🛑Stop looking down all the time🛑

Research shows that the muscles in the upper back and neck have to carry 10 lbs of extra weight for every 1 inch the head moves forward from its natural position over the shoulders. No wonder the muscles are always so stiff and tight! 🤯

But why does this happen? It’s because a lever is being created. Let’s use an example with a purse. When you carry a purse like you normally would, it wouldn’t feel that heavy. But when you take that same purse and carry it out in front of you with a straight elbow, that purse will all of a sudden feel heavier. Why is that? The purse is still the same weight, but a lever has been created and your shoulder muscles are working to support the lever. Same thing happens with the neck as we spend so much time looking down to read, scroll through instagram, watch something on netflix, respond to emails, etc. For every inch that the head moves forward, the muscles need to support about 10 lbs of extra weight. If we simply remove the lever by not looking down, the muscles won’t need to support the extra weight and can start to relax on its own.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



‼️Treatment options for a stiff upper back‼️

When we’re feeling a lot of stress and tension through the upper back and shoulders, most people will instinctively want to stretch it. We talked about good stretches in a previous video, so make sure you go back and watch them. But what are some good treatment options that can help? Great question!

Massage is actually an excellent option to help relax the muscles. Some will want to take muscle relaxers or pain killers. Some may try chiropractic, and others may opt to do yoga or some other type of exercise. While all of these options are great, they don’t address the source of the problem.

When we spend a lot of time looking down (which practically everyone does), a bone in the neck or upper back will get stuck. The body is gonna try to fix this by making all the muscles in the upper back tense because it’s trying to pull on the bone to unstuck it. But because we spend so much time looking down, the stuck bone gets worse and worse over time. If it gets really bad, you might develop a little bump right around the base of the neck.

The secret is to take an xray of the upper back. Specifically an xray while you’re looking straight ahead, and another xray while you’re looking up because this will reveal which bone is actually stuck. When that specific bone starts to get adjusted in the proper direction, it’ll start to become unstuck and will eventually start moving again, allowing the muscles around that area to release the tension and relax on its own.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



⁉️Do you have upper back tension⁉️

When we spend a lot of time looking at a screen, whether it’s a computer or a phone or the TV, it’s very common for the head to start falling forward, putting extra stress and tension in the lower neck and upper back, sometimes through the shoulders and between the shoulder blades. Does this sound like you?

An easy way to combat this is to do the exact opposite. From a neutral sitting or standing position, rock your shoulders back and down, and move your entire head backwards. By doing so, you should be giving yourself a double chin or maybe multiple chins. The trick while doing this chin tuck is to remain looking straight ahead. Many people will actually tuck their chin by slightly looking down, which we don’t want to do. Remain looking straight ahead, and shift the entire neck backwards.

🙌 Try it out! While this may not be very comfortable, it helps to bring our neck into a better position to take pressure off the upper back. Hold this position for about 10 to 15 seconds to start, and do it maybe once per hour. As you progress, you can hold the position for longer times and do it more frequently.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇 And don’t forget to share this with someone you think it may benefit.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



⁉️ Stiff neck after being on your phone ⁉️

I’m sure we’ve all been here at some point where our neck and upper back feel stiff and sore after we’ve been scrolling through instagram for 30 minutes. I definitely know I have, so I’m guilty of this too.

When we’ve been looking down for a while, a bone in the neck will become stuck in that position, which is why it kinda hurts when we look back up again. When a bone becomes stuck, the body is gonna try to get it unstuck by telling the nearby muscles to start pulling and yanking on it. When this happens once or twice, it’s usually no big deal since the muscles are able to get the bone unstuck. But the problem arises when we constantly look down at our phones which will make the bone become more and more stuck. And so the muscles become tense and all the stress is being carried through the upper back and shoulders because it’s struggling to get the bone unstuck.

The secret is to find the bone that’s stuck, and to help the muscles out by getting the bone to move again. But how do we find the bone that’s stuck? Great question! We take an xray of the neck while you’re looking up toward the ceiling to see exactly which bones are moving, and which ones are not. Once we can pinpoint the exact bone that’s stuck, we can start the process of unlocking that bone to get it to move again. And let me be the first to tell you: once the bone starts to move, the muscles can start to relax on its own because it no longer needs to constantly pull and yank on it.

🙌 I hope this can help you or someone you know. If you’re interested to see how we can help you, shoot me a DM and we can schedule you an appointment to see exactly which bone is stuck. Save this for future reference, and share this with someone you think it may benefit.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



⁉️Stiff neck from a desk job⁉️

When we’re working at a desk all day, it’s very common to experience stiffness through the neck, upper back, and shoulders. But we don’t wanna stretch it out by pulling our neck down or to the sides because we’re only gonna be pulling on muscles that are already being pulled. We actually wanna shorten the muscles by doing the complete opposite and looking ⬆️!

🙌 Try it out! You can do this while working at your desk, or basically anytime throughout your day. On a previous video, I went into more detail of why we wanna stretch out by looking ⬆️ rather than ⬇️. Go give it a watch if you haven’t already done so.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇👇

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



‼️End of week neck stretch‼️

We’re already spending so much time looking down at phones and computers, so don’t stretch out by pulling your neck ⬇️. Stretch out by doing the complete opposite and look ⬆️!

🙌 Try it out! You can do this while working at your desk, or basically anytime throughout your day.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below 👇👇

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



⁉️ Upper back and neck feeling stiff ⁉️

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always heard that we need to stretch if a muscle feels stiff. So if we’re feeling a lot of tension and stiffness through the neck and upper back and shoulders, it would make sense that we would want to stretch out those muscles.

The truth is, we actually don’t wanna be stretching them because they are already being pulled as we spend a major part of our day looking down at our phones and computers. What we actually wanna do is shorten those muscles by looking up toward the ceiling 🤯

🙌 Try it out! I hope this can help you or someone you know. Save this for future reference, and share this with someone you think it may benefit.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.



TECH NECK - ever heard of it? 😫 Are you experiencing stiffness in your shoulders and upper back, neck pain, or even headaches? 🤕

Tech neck is becoming a real epidemic in our society as we spend more and more time looking down at our smartphones, laptops, work computers, tablets, etc.

Here are 3 easy steps and progressions you can do while you’re at home or at work to fight against this epidemic.

🙌 Try it out! I hope this can help you or someone you know. Save this for future reference, and share this with someone you think it may benefit.

❓Questions or comments? Send me a DM or leave me a comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content on this page is for general information and entertainment purposes. It is in no way meant to replace an actual evaluation or examination.




Also hailing from Hawaii, moving to Northern California for school before moving out to the great state of Texas, meet Dr. Dan, his beautiful wife Alice, and their son Ezra.

Dan always knew that he wanted to work with the human body, so he got his bachelors in kinesiology from the University of Hawaii with the intent on becoming an athletic trainer or a physical therapist. So why did he become a chiropractor instead? Glad you asked!

While Dan was completing his kinesiology degree, he found himself interning at his chiropractor’s office. During that time, he was able to witness firsthand the lives that were being changed on a daily basis. He saw new patients walking into the office barely hanging on to hope, and leaving with newfound freedom that other doctors were never able to provide. He saw people walking in with a certain demeanor and attitude, and walk out with the biggest smile. He saw people come into the office barely able to stand, and walk out on their own two feet. He saw that people actually enjoyed coming in to see the chiropractor. So after a 6 month internship, he made up his mind. He was gonna apply to chiropractic school.

He later founded and opened Keystone Chiropractic in Plano with his twin brother, Dr. Josh



Hailing all the way from Hawaii, then moving to Northern California for school before moving out to the best state in the land, meet Dr. Josh and his gorgeous wife, Kat.

Josh originally planned on going to dental school to eventually become a periodontist


Keystone is 5! 🥳Help us celebrate all week by taking a cookie from Cookie Society!😍

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Videos (show all)

Pinched nerve
You ever feel like you got a pinched nerve in your low back? We can help!❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment belo...
If you’re struggling with low back pain, don’t stretch it! Shorten it!!❓Questions or comments? Leave me a comment below ...
Did you know we also offer spinal decompression of the low back? It works really great for things like sciatica, disc bu...
Have you ever gotten out of bed one morning, and wake up with a crick in your neck? Maybe from sleeping funny, or turnin...
Ever wondered if neuropathy can improve and actually heal, without just covering up the symptoms with strong nerve pain ...
If you’ve been carrying a lot of stress or tension in your upper back, neck, shoulders, or right through the mid back an...
The bones in the neck should be curved like how you see the yellow curved line in this picture. Often times, we’ll see a...
Valentine’s Day raffle winners ‼️CONGRATS to:1. Grace2. David 3. LexiWe’ll be reaching out to y’all via text message to ...
Upper back adjustment
Upper back adjustment




8604 Preston Road #118
Plano, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 1pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday 3pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
Thursday 10am - 1pm
3pm - 6:30pm

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