Kambo Healing

Kambo Frog Detox


People often ask about the involuntary movements and sensations that can occur in their bodies during meditation – how and why it happens.

Sometimes, when we’re in coherent theta brain wave states during deep meditation, we’re open to information carried on frequency from the field – a “download” of new energy.

Other times, we might be liberating stored emotions – as energy – and releasing that energy out of the body or directly to the brain.

It takes an energy greater than the energy that’s been holding the body in the same patterns to liberate us from past experiences and traumas. It’s not surprising that, sometimes, you’re going to feel it when it happens. The body wants to be joyful and free, and this release of old information can be powerful.

Learn more in Dr Joe’s latest blog, “Interacting With Energy and Information – Part I.” https://bit.ly/3Vrxryj

Mose & Nalini Blossom - Prophecy 03/14/2024

That sweet moment this morning , in wile I’m preparing the car for 4 days of retreat in south Florida ,and in the same time organizing in my mind the big event that I need to attend in the end of the month as part of my work as medicine woman ,and I just realize that one of the artists playing in the event it will be the one that I’ve been using in my special Blueprint Activation Ceremony for more than 4 years now !
We chant and we activate the words of this song over the years every month and some times twice ! I don’t think there is one member of my community that does not have sing this song in ceremony with me !

Suddenly the idea of going to the event work shifted and I believe this event may actually be an opportunity and and treat that I so well deserve as a gift for my dedication and love to my path🙏🏻🤩
Wow Universe!!!

Mose & Nalini Blossom - Prophecy The lyrics and melody were written by Nalini Blossom. Vocals by Nalini Blossom. Recorded and produced by Mose. https://soundcloud.com/naliniblossom

Photos from Kambo Healing's post 02/05/2024

Community Integration Potluck Dinner Tuesday February 6th from 6pm to 10pm.

✨Riverview Fl.✨

NYE Ritual Concert 12/30/2023

A sweet reminder to all my beautiful soul family …
Join us in this conscious community for an enchanted evening with MonÁxi, Daughter of the Earth, who will sing and drum us into 2024, this New Years Eve💖🙏🏻.

Come to be purified, aligned and connected in true unity, and dance into this next phase of your life with intention, surrounded by likeminded beings, under the stars, honoring the fire, giving thanks for life, love and New Beginnings.
With Honor for the Ancestors and All of our Relations, Animal and Plant Spirits we will dance together in Conscious Intention.

This is a potluck dinner event , please be aware to bring your vegan or vegetarian dish to share so we end up with a beautiful dinner …
Abundance 🤩🙏🏻

This is an alcohol/drug free event.**
This event is in a private residence, the exact location will be disclosed after reservations are made, thank you for your understanding.

Ticket Earlybird: $63.
Earlybird Prices are available until midnight of the 30th/31st.
NYE price $72

This year it’s been really impacting for so many of us , so many shifts , changes and challenges , but WOW!
Did we upgrade our selfs !
Did we empowered our selfs !
We did it !
And it’s been so powerful !!!

It’s an honor and a gift to enjoy this special day and welcome the new year 2024 with all of you 😘👌🏻😍

NYE Ritual Concert We can't wait to bring in the New Year with you in the best way possible!


Energy / Ascension Update: 12-12 portal already open. The Final Countdown to a New World. More divine family and beloveds re-uniting / are you ready for your ascension ?

Wow, can you feel the energy shifts and pushing out of any remaining dense energies within ?

We are getting more of our divine power back each day? We feel the deeper awakening of our galactic and multi dimensional true self.

The 12-12 portal with new cosmic energy upgrades is powerful and already opening. We feel it in our chakras, physical, mental, emotional, energetic bodies. 26th of December another major event will happen.

Everything is changing for good, all connections, places, people, beliefs, no longer serving our highest good is falling away.
This is why we all experience so many powerful ascension symptoms.

It all feels like reading a story book but it is all happening for real, we are living our greatest story now!! All the old and false stories are falling away.

The often intense energies and divine adjustments in our mental, physical, energetic, emotional bodies are pushing out of us all remaining dense energies, thoughts, beliefs, hooks, cords and attachments no longer serving our highest and best new life.

Keep in mind we are ascending while staying in our bodies, that is why we have so much clearing and cleansing happen. All dense energies need to get out, we need to be light as a feather 🙂

The light codes, Higher Christ Consciousness, Our cosmic DNA awakening us to our true selves, opening our divine gifts and talents, all to help us remember who we really are, creating a new future for all of us.

The rise of a new world of higher light frequency and unity love, also called the 5th Dimension where all life on planet Earth is going to ascend to.

Many feel big shifts in higher consciousness and leaving the lower vibration consciousness that held Humanity back in growth for thousands of years.

This process started many years ago and we will receive so much love and light frequencies all is going to change within and outside us.

The awakening process has been long and hard for many who dared to be forerunners / wayshowers of light. Throughout our many past lives we gathered knowledge and wisdom preparing us for this time, to break with the past now to help shift our planet and humanity back to 5D.

We see in the world where lower dense energies and consciousness is being dissolved by higher light frequency consciousness bringing truth to all that is not serving our highest and best interest.

Humanity has been lied to, abused and denied real truth and wisdom for thousands of years.

Our governments, big corporations, tech companies, religion, they are still conspiring against humanity as they want to stay in control and stop us the rest of humanity awakening to real truth of who we are and where we come from.

We are part of a quantum field and are multidimensional beings with galactic family.

We are the forerunners in change and ascension and it has not been an easy path to walk. To choose to be sovereign, to be different , to think out of the box and believe in ourselves not following the masses, to stand up for ourselves make us super heroes.

It is amazing how we choose love and light over and over again even after going thru the most difficult situations we rather not talk about.

All what is happening now in the 3D world around us like the wars, chaos, fights for control, climate changes and more is happening to shake up the rest of the world, to wake up the rest of the world and for them to see the truth.

Do not get distracted, we need to be the observer, we can no longer get involved or need to be involved as we are holding the light and love for all who want to ascend.

It is not easy to navigate through all this as emotions are running high everywhere, however we need to choose to stay calm, to work on ourselves, do inner work releasing all grief, pain, anger, frustration and be the observer. We can not change others, only ourselves.

We lead by example.

The 144000 souls that have the mission to awaken and create change and to ascend is not only for them, The mission is to awaken more of humanity.

We all play our part in change, the Starseeds, the Twin Flames, the Empaths and our galactic brothers and sisters are her to support also.

However we are not responsible for others, we only show and tell our truth to all ready to listen. Everyone else has to make their own choice in awakening.

How everything will look like the last 2 weeks of December and coming months of 2024 depends on what timeline you are on, most of us are already on the higher new timeline.

The spiritual battles have been fought and love already won, our future is looking bright.

It is our time to shine. To re- connect with source, god, the universe, the divine and angelic realm we are all part of. We are getting so much support from our cosmic and galactic family, our light brothers and sisters that are helping with this big shift.

True beloveds finally come together, true soul family will re-unite.

This will be the best December celebration month ever with more blessings, love and peace !

May this message give you the courage to continue to do spiritual work on yourself and for all of us to help ascend.

Know you are not alone, we are with millions and receiving support on all levels by the most high, our cosmic family, the ascended masters and more.

With heart blessings 🙏😇❤💫🌈🌠
David Alexander Lightfoot


Hello dear soul…
This is a sweet reminder of our last Community Integration Potluck Dinner of this amazing and powerful year 2023…

Is going to happen tomorrow , December!7th , Thursday starting at 6 pm and at 8 pm we will sit once again in Sacred circle to share and Integrate all the energies that had open and shifted in this year 2023…🤩👌🏻

Is a great opportunity for all of us to close this year with a more clear understanding of what took place in our life’s this entire time and what is our personal work and upgrades that we got from this experience !💜🙏🏻

We will gather in our Community Center :
✨“ Nova Terra , Shamanic School of Awareness “, and home of the “Merkaba aLionce ” Community in Riverview .✨

As usually is a Potluck gathering , so bring a vegan or vegetarian dish to share with your community and if you can bring a bundle of firewood as an offering to the house it will be appreciated as tomorrow will be a shilly 🥶night and we want everyone to feel warm and comfortable 😘🤩🙏🏻.

For any questions ,don’t hesitate to contact me 😉👌🏻

Hope to see you my dear friend 🥰😘.

Naga Natasha .


Spot on!

I recently heard that there are people out there who "want to be an Energy healer" because they "want to make a lot of money without working" 🥲

Which made me laugh and cry at the same time.

Laugh because being an Energy Healer is one of THE HARDEST WORK of all jobs.

Besides learning most Divination systems out there like Tarot, Astrology, Kabbalah, meridians,Human Design, Gene Keys / I ching, Tzolkin and other Archetypal systems out there, which can take a whole life time of just learning 1 system, because they all go so deep.

(Quantum) physics, Biology, the human body and it's organs, astronomy, neuro science, (historical/familial/cosmic) constellations...

It's a 24/7 of Shadowwork, Healingwork, Ancestral Alchemy, Integrating projections, Alchemising trauma, integrating wounds while taking really good care of yourself.

And then I didn't even mention, that most Healers, have the Wounded Healer archetype, because it's their wounds is what gave them their gifts... Sounds Easy and fun right? 😅

Let alone figuring out their Gifts from their madness, because no one is going to tell you how your gifts work, but you.

There's no particular Study that you can follow that certificates you as a Healer.

Yes you can do Reiki, Theta, hypnosis or whatever metaphysical courses that can give you frameworks. But it's up to the Healer to then use these in their advantage while staying aware to not be 'programmed further away' from their own gifts.

And then add to that your own insecurities, connected to these wounds, that affect the power of your Healingwork, forcing you to go through your own s**t and stay energetically clean from Entities.

Clearing yourself daily from cultural programs that don't serve you. Deconditioning your Chakra's. Healing the Heart, Healing the Womb etc. etc.

Giving love to your Wounded ego, not making yourself wrong for making mistakes and not being perfect because all the Survival Archetypes and mechanisms that are still active in your system coming from your wounds, can not be running the show etc. etc.


And it made me Cry because of the damage it could do to people, having the intention to make lots of money with it.

Yes, I believe that Healers should ask good amounts of money as it is absolutely part of the energetic healing process, the power, the transformation and keeping energy clean.

But it can not be the driving force.

The Driving Force is THE PATH, THE CALLING.

and not some shadow calling from a Shadow Rescuer or Messiah Complex shadow... Because that is NOT SUSTAINABLE in the long run.

A true soul calling, that throws you back on the road when you try to escape it when it is too hard.

A soul calling that shows you dead ends in all other ways when you try to do something else, because you decided you don't want it anymore.

A Soul calling because this is what you came to earth for.



Today I’m sharing an event that has a very special meaning and impact in this new stage in my life …

This next Friday December 1st , It will be my bday , my solar return ,and I’m opening the doors of my home , my retreat house , my Shamanic School of Awareness ✨”Nova Terra”✨, in Riverview to everyone to come and celebrate all together this magnificent Creation that I’ve been manifesting and sharing with the Comunity all this year 2023.🙏🏻✨💜✨

Beautiful and amazing experiences we have lived in this place already and more to come , and it’s very personal and deep to me as it’s all I ever wanted …
An incredible beautiful place , with great frequency where there is always an open door for anyone to come and gather , to do very impacting work and where I can share my own Medicine and vibration ….

And it’s here , in Riverview ! And it’s even better that what I ever could imagine …

The year 2023 in this project has been the best time ever , the most impacting work , the most incredible gatherings , the most important upgrades and it keeps getting better and better every sunrise !✨🤩✨

So this Friday we will gather again , enjoy again and celebrate together , as I decided this year to allow my self to receive in my special day instead of putting my self to the service of the work …

I’m very excited to have allowed this year for my bday to just “be and receive” …🥰🙏🏻

It’s been a very busy and powerful year , this Friday we will enjoy with the tribe 😘😍🤩🙏🏻





"Sisterhood is the phenomenon that occurs when women quit seeing each other as mirrors, or reflections of themselves, and start seeing each other as one-of-a-kind works of art.

Sisterhood happens when women view each other as deep wells of support and inspiration — as teammates — instead of competitors.

Sisterhood happens between women who are secure enough to stop being afraid of each other; who do not feel that another woman's different life choices are a judgment of her own choices.

Sisterhood happens when we become curious instead of defensive about our differences.

Sisterhood does not require the same beliefs or thoughts or political parties or churches. Peace is not about becoming the same; it's about becoming okay with being different.

There is so much untapped power in sisterhood."

~ Glennon Doyle
Glennon Doyle

Art: Kimberly Rodriguez
Poeta Goddess



Our hair is the physical extension of our thoughts, it gives us direction throughout our lives; each of our hair represents ourselves, they are strong connection points both of our body and of our spirit according to indigenous peoples.

Men and women of wisdom have long hair; on the other hand, in places where tyranny has been presented in any of its forms, short hair has been obligatory and this, together with other factors, has culminated in the spiritual and physical defeat of the peoples.

Hair has its own language and character, and the way it is styled is extremely important to whoever wears it:

The line in the middle represents the alignment of thought.
The braid, the unity of thought with the heart.
Loose hair means security.
Hair up, conviction.

Currently people comb their hair without knowing the meaning of their actions and the style in which it is used, hair is important because leaving vanity or practicality aside, the way you wear your hair will directly affect our mood.

Going into the thinking of indigenous peoples we will find that the way of wearing hair combed was of utmost importance because this way their participation in various events was described and announced: marriage or war, joy or mourning.

Through the hair and headdresses he wore, you could know the maturity of people, their status in society or the times of peace and war.

Hairstyles were like the seasons; They changed on public, private, and ceremonial occasions.
The hair represented the individual's thoughts and spiritual state; showing the bonds and spiritual unity of his family and defining the cultural harmony and spiritual alignment of his community.

The hair represented the states of nature, flowed in a straight line like waterfalls, or rippled like river water.

Indigenous children were taught to wash and rinse their hair.

In the teachings of many indigenous tribes, cutting hair represented a process of mourning or proximity to death.

Hair was a mystical element in all of them.
They did not allow anyone to touch their hair without their permission.

On the importance of long hair:
For a long time, peoples of different cultures have not cut their hair, because it is a part of who they are.

When the hair is allowed to reach its maximum length, then phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D are produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid and finally the cerebrospinal fluid through two ducts in the upper part of the brain.

This ionic change makes memory more efficient and leads to increased physical energy, increased endurance, and stoicism.

If you decide to cut your hair, not only will this extra energy and nutrients be lost, but your body will need to provide a large amount of vital energy and nutrients to regrow lost hair.

Also, the hairs are the antennas that collect and channel the energy of the sun or (prana) to the frontal lobes, the part of the brain that is used for meditation and visualization.

These antennas act as conduits to achieve a greater amount of subtle energy, cosmic energy.
It takes approximately three years from the last time the hair was cut to form new antennae at the tips of the hair.

Wet hair:
When you pick up wet hair, it will tend to shrink and pinch a little, and even break as it dries.

A better idea is to take the time to sit in the sun once in a while and allow your clean, damp hair to dry naturally and absorb extra vitamin D.

Yogis recommend washing your hair every 72 hours (or more frequently if your scalp sweats a lot). It may also be beneficial to wash your hair after being upset or angry, to help process emotions.

Often when people were conquered or enslaved, their hair was cut as a sign of slavery, helplessness, and humiliation.

The bones of the forehead are porous and their function is to transmit light to the pineal gland, which affects brain activity, as well as the thyroid and s*x hormones.

Just as tribes and entire societies were conquered, the haircut became so prevalent that the importance of hair was lost after a few generations, and hairstyles and fashion became the focus.

Closing cycles:
Our hair, like every cell in our body, has a memory, which is why it is common that when we close a chapter of our life, our being asks us for a haircut, unconsciously due to the need for renewal, as when trees loosen their bark, until to regain its vitality.

Wooden comb
Yogis also recommend using a wooden comb or brush to comb your hair, as it offers a great deal of circulation and stimulation to the scalp, and the wood does not generate static electricity, causing a loss of energy. from the hair to the brain.

You will notice that if you comb from front to back, back to front, and then several times to the right and to the left, it will refresh you, no matter how long your hair is.

All the weariness of the day will be gone.

For women, using this technique to comb hair twice a day is said to help maintain youth, a healthy menstrual cycle, and good eyesight.

If you have balding problems, the lack of energy in your hair can be counteracted with more meditation.

If you are finding some strands of silver (gray hair) in your hair, be aware that silver or white color increases the flow of energy and vitamins to compensate for aging.

For brain health, as you age, try to keep your hair as healthy and natural as possible.

It is said that when you allow the hair to grow to its full length and wind it around the crown of the head, the energy of the Sun, the prana, the vital energy, goes down the spine.
To counter that downward trend, the Kundalini life energy rises to create balance.

Your hair is not there by mistake. It has a purpose."

Author unknown



And it was already 3 years 🙏🏻😘
Thank you kambosito 💚🐸💚

Photos from Kambo Healing's post 02/08/2023

✨Great news to our South Florida Community !

✨I’ll be traveling down to Coral Springs to serve medicine the weekend of February 17/18/19 and a special release and manifestation integration Monday 20th.

✨As usually ,we have limited spots ,so PM for more information and to reserve you medicine sessions👌🏻😘

The Amazonian Medicine that detoxifies , releases and purify.💚

KAMBO is an Amazonian Giant Tree Frog whose secretion is a powerful natural medicine and antibiotic capable of eliminating disturbances in tue human body ,boosting the immune system.

Once apply , Kambo stimulates a strong purge while toxins and “ bad luck” or “ Panema” are eliminated from body and spirit .

Doctors who have already taken and researched the Kambo medicina say and believe that is effective addressing Cancer , HIV , and many others disorders chronic or not because it acts as an enhancer of the immune system destroying the cell membranes of bacteria.
I’m a more deeper level ,also serves to unclog the veins of the heart, circulating emotions ,feelings and love.

Taking ”the frog medicine” is an ancient practice for medical purposes, widespread among the indigenous people of Brazil and Peru.
Among the tribes there is a believe that kambo has the purpose of “get rid of the panema “ or ward off”bad luck” and it’s considered a remedy for many illness, healing of pain in general and even snake bites!

Researches have revealed that the secretion of the Phyllomedusa Bi color contains a series of highly effective peptides and other substances proven to be beneficial for our system.

What kambo can be helpful with:

The vaccine has been studied and as shown good results in people who are in pain and inflammation in general , muscle , spine, sciatica , arthritis , rheumatism , tendinitis , migraines and others .
Fatigue in legs,chronic headaches ,asthma , bronchitis , rhinitis , sinusitis, acne, allergies ,gastritis , ulcers , diabetes , blood pressure , obesity ,circulatory problems ,fluid retention , cholesterol , hepatitis , cirrhosis , malaria , epilepsy, PMS, menstrual irregularities , infertility , impotence , depression and it’s consequences ,anxiety ,insomnia , irritability , insecurity , nervousness , fear , stress , fatigue and chronic fatigue , shattered nervous system , physical , mental and emotional exhaustion ,detoxification ,addition and smoking are areas where kambo is known to be effective .
Also to be effective treating disturbances of ge***al organs ,lungs , kidneys , bladder , spleen , pancreas , heart, stomach , intestines , liver , throat and thyroid problems .

Kambo is suitable for any person who has some kind of disturbance or imbalance ,but also recommended for those who apparently have no symptoms , but are seeking to better connect with their body and boost their immune system .
”The medicine “ acts in our perception , intuition , in our dreams ,3rd vision , our subconscious , our consciousness , and in the blockages that stops the flow of our vital energy.

Viva Kambo !

✨Naga Natasha ✨

Plant medicine chat - revolutionhairco on Twitch 10/12/2021

Plant medicine chat - revolutionhairco on Twitch revolutionhairco went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Just Chatting VOD now.

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