Texas Fawn and Friends

Hey there!

We’re Texas Fawn and Friends, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and rehab and release facility for orphaned and injured fawns, located in North Texas.


THANK YOU to our friends at for featuring the story of Callie & the fawns in a recent article. Callie is one of our favorite friends around here at Texas Fawn & Friends and we are over the moon with excitement that her sweet friendship made the news. ❤️❤️ Visit the link in the comments below to read the story 🙌🏼


I’d like to stress again how important it is to “ Not” feed the fawn you found !!!!!
This fawn shown in the video unfortunately was fed the wrong formula . More than likely she will not pull thru and here’s why ….
When you find a fawn in distress more than likely it’s dehydrated and stressed . Feeding it a milk product …. puppy , cat and or calf milk , canned milk and even vit d milk will send this fawns system in shut down mode immediately!!
Yes the fawn will drink just about anything at that point bc it’s hungry but you have to hydrate its body first and that means fluids ….This helps the entire body to hydrate. IM fluids ! Then you hydrate with electrolytes! It is hours later and sometimes a day or two before you introduce the fawn to GOATS MILK. Please read that again …. GOATS MILK ONLY
There is a lot of advise on the internet ! Some websites are very informative and some are absolutely incorrect!!
Please educate yourself … or contact someone that knows ❣️This situation happens numerous times thru out fawn season and I will tell you …. It’s a slow , painful and drawn out death for the fawn !!!
Please let’s all educate ourselves to wildlife and the environment that we have moved into !


Everyone tries to do the right thing but Again I’d like to explain….
When you find a fawn …. Please contact a rehabber ASAP. ( Listed on Texas Parks and Wildlife website . Listed beside their name lists what animals they rehab! If fawns are not listed , look for someone else that rehabs fawns )
I try and stress this every year please do not feed the fawns ❣️A fawn that is injured , abandoned or dehydrated will drink anything if they have been out in the hot sun and or not eaten in hours so when you think you are doing the right by giving it powder milk Don’t !!!
Calf milk is for calves , Vitamin D milk in the store is for human consumption, canned milk is for cooking and Cat milk is for cats ….
A fawn needs to be given IM fluids first before given any form of milk . Please read that again …
Their little systems that have been shut down for hours can’t handle anything like that in their stomachs !!
So after you have fed powder milk because you read it on the internet or your Aunt Edna told you to … you now have given this fawn you found a death sentence…..
Ask me how I know?!!
So then when i get the fawn and I ask you “ have you fed it “ and you reply no …. Guess what happens ?!
Not long after I get the fawn , I realize what has happened and I get to watch a fawn have a slow and painful death ! Thankfully, I can keep the fawn comfortable and some what pain free until he passes !!
Fawns are adorably cute !!! Everyone loves Bambi ❤️ but please be smart . Keep the fawn warm, quiet and away from dogs and loud children and Don’t haul it in the back of your Truck!!! Floor boards and or someone’s lap is best !!!!
Please and thank you ….❤️


Carrie Long

When you find a fawn….
The do’s
making sure the fawn is not injured?
Blood, flies , fly strips , diarrhea, broken bones , panting or laying flat out , calling out , and even walking up to you are all reasons to contact a rehabber asap.
At this point its mother can’t help him only you can .And handling the fawn is not a problem if the fawn happens to be ok , its mother will take him back !

** There is Nothing that a fawn would have that would be dangerous or transferable for you to pick up and get help to! We as Humans have way more diseases and issues more so than a ten pound or less fawn so please pick it up , keep it quiet , away from dogs and screaming kids , keep it warm and contact a Licensed rehabberASAP ( they are listed on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website … go to wildlife then rehabbers than county you live in ! If fawns are not listed by their name … then they do not rehab fawns so find someone that does or call me and I can get you help)

The Don’t’s
**Bring fawn inside because it’s cute and you have never seen one before !!! And you want to take 20 selfy of you and the fawn
**Do Not feed the fawn … and I repeat … Do not feed the fawn!
It’s a matter of killing it in just a few hours or knowing that it has a better chance of survival with someone than knows how to treat a fawn .

**Leaving the fawn thinking it’s ok after you have seen it for more than one day and it qualifies for some of the “ need help “ examples … Time is super important so leaving it for 5-12 more hours just prolongs its life or death !
Remember, fawns are left alone for hours at a time because they are defenseless and safer hiding in the grass rather than trying to keep up with Mom. At three wks of age they start to travel with mom.
So fawns hid under cars , in garages , in yards and sometimes on your front porch ! If a fawn is in the grass he will not move but lay flatter on the ground and as still as can be so don’t expect him to move when you are on your lawnmower , tractor or vehicle !!!If you see a doe close by I assure you she has a fawn close by !!!
Please be conscious of your surroundings and mindful of our wildlife ❤️We are in their environment not the other way around !!
❣️❣️❣️please share to keep people educated ❣️


When you find a fawn….
The do’s
making sure the fawn is not injured?
Blood, flies , fly strips , diarrhea, broken bones , panting or laying flat out , calling out , and even walking up to you are all reasons to contact a rehabber asap.
At this point its mother can’t help him only you can .And handling the fawn is not a problem if the fawn happens to be ok , its mother will take him back !

** There is Nothing that a fawn would have that would be dangerous or transferable for you to pick up and get help to! We as Humans have way more diseases and issues more so than a ten pound or less fawn so please pick it up , keep it quiet , away from dogs and screaming kids , keep it warm and contact a Licensed rehabberASAP ( they are listed on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website … go to wildlife then rehabbers than county you live in ! If fawns are not listed by their name … then they do not rehab fawns so find someone that does or call me and I can get you help)

The Don’t’s
**Bring fawn inside because it’s cute and you have never seen one before !!! And you want to take 20 selfy of you and the fawn
**Do Not feed the fawn … and I repeat … Do not feed the fawn!
It’s a matter of killing it in just a few hours or knowing that it has a better chance of survival with someone than knows how to treat a fawn .

**Leaving the fawn thinking it’s ok after you have seen it for more than one day and it qualifies for some of the “ need help “ examples … Time is super important so leaving it for 5-12 more hours just prolongs its life or death !
Remember, fawns are left alone for hours at a time because they are defenseless and safer hiding in the grass rather than trying to keep up with Mom. At three wks of age they start to travel with mom.
So fawns hid under cars , in garages , in yards and sometimes on your front porch ! If a fawn is in the grass he will not move but lay flatter on the ground and as still as can be so don’t expect him to move when you are on your lawnmower , tractor or vehicle !!!If you see a doe close by I assure you she has a fawn close by !!!
Please be conscious of your surroundings and mindful of our wildlife ❤️We are in their environment not the other way around !!
❣️❣️❣️please share to keep people educated ❣️


Make a donation to Texas Fawn & Friends in honor of someone you love, whether it’s to celebrate a birthday, holiday, a special occasion, or in memory of the life and legacy of a loved one. Your gift on their behalf will directly contribute to caring for our rescued fawns and wildlife. Visit the website in the comments to make your gift today.


Important info ❤️


It’s not because we want to hog all the fun for ourselves, I promise. It’s because wild orphans aren’t typically healthy enough to digest food, when they are found.

Many are hypothermic. The body can’t even handle water when its temperature is too low. All energy is going to crucial body functions in that state. If the body has to divert energy to digesting, it will likely be fatal.

Many are very dehydrated. Animals can’t digest properly when they are dehydrated. The body pulls water into the intestines to aid with digestion. If there isn’t any water to pull from, this could cause a domino affect of problems.

All wild baby animals require a specific diet and that diet generally isn’t available in local stores. Feeding the wrong milk could cause an upset stomach or worse. And please, NEVER cow's milk.

All baby animals need specific amounts of formula calculated by their body weight. The percentage differs depending on the species.

Not every animal can drink from a bottle. The correct instrument must be used to prevent aspiration and over feeding.

Bring me a thin, dehydrated, hypothermic animal and I can probably save it. Feed that same animal before you bring it to me…there’s likely nothing I can do to bring it back.

So please, don’t feed any wild orphans that you have found this baby season. Keeping them warm is a huge help until you find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. And please be honest when we ask what you've provided. We NEED to know if they've been fed or given anything.


To the A #% hat or A #%hats that have tried to scam Texas fawn and friends with your scam donation checks. Your scam emails and even your phone calls , I applaud you for your persistence , however even thou you have caused me to spend $ I don’t have to reimburse my fawn account because of the bank charges for insufficient funds , and the time it has taken to change accounts , track deposits and continuously talk back and forth with the bank , I’m still blessed with wonderful people who do send donations that clear the bank and that allows me to continue to help these beautiful fawns . Eighty nine to date this year . I do however , hope that you and yours might get hung in a barb wire fence and hang upside down for a few days and it be 115 degrees in the shade or mayb even just get a tear on your leg and after day three , you have maggots that have hatched and they have eaten their way to your internal organs or better yet , watch your mother get hit by a car and lay beside her on the pavement and it register 120 degrees or hotter .Or mayb let a dog get ahold of you and mangle the hell out of your face , while your hiding in the grass.
So while your trying to scam me out of thousand of dollars that goes toward saving these beautiful fawns …. I guess you think i’m not paying attention or I’m not smart enough to realize this , I would encourage you to actually go get a job and that way you can have $ the ole fashion way …. you worked for it .
Oh and by the way …. I sure hope that if you ever do get in a jam that someone as nice as my donors finds you and gets you the help you need to survive 😊That is all …..


Pray for Rain


Finally….got our Amazon wishlist back up and going ❣️❣️❣️So sorry for the delay ❤️All items listed are always needed❤️Thank you !!!!

Mailing address: PO Box 1 Poolville, TX 76487



Just in ❣️Buck fawn rescued from hanging in the fence ❣️That makes 16 fawns in “ I Love you care” ❤️‍🩹( Broken bones , head trauma and open flesh wounds ) that all have to be treated and cared for inside ❤️Makes for a busy day❣️❣️❣️Thank you goes out to all our supporters ❣️Couldn’t care for them without ya’ll❤️


Pray for Rain and cooler temps in Texas ❣️


He refused a bottle , he refused drinking from a bowl…. But he loves his milk thru a syringe❤️We do what we have to to get these fawns back healthy ❤️
he came to us covered in maggots , had coccidia, and was very dehydrated and very thin ❣️He’s now on his way to recovery❣️All donations go toward helping these fawns ❤️Texas Fawn and Friends is a 5013c❤️


Here’s some important info about these cute little guys !!!! ❤️

The fox clan are getting so big. We have been getting many calls on fox families living under sheds and near homes. Grey foxes are raising their families right now. Mom and dad raise their family together. The perfect home to raise a family just might be under your shed. How do you keep yourself, family, and pets safe? It’s quite simple.

🦊 Keep a safe distance, never approach the foxes. Parents will be protective of their young if you get too close.
🦊 Keep pets up to date on vaccinations. Leash your dog to take outside for walks, play time, or to potty.
🦊 Do not feed the foxes. They do not need our help.
🦊 Secure chicken coops. That is your responsibility to secure the coop. A fox is doing what comes natural to him and that’s to find a meal. Do not kill a fox or any other animal for simply trying to survive. Secure your coop.

This is temporary as once the family is raised they will move on.

Enjoy the beauty of our urban wildlife. Grey foxes are the most common mammal in Abilene. It’s normal to find them in your neighborhood. This is their home too. 🙏🏻


Our newest fawns ❤️Both about the same age ❤️Buck Fawn on the left was found running down access road ❤️Doe fawn on right just came in, was also found in the road in high traffic area ❣️Thankful for kind hearted people taking the time to help these cute little guys ❣️❣️❣️This age can be difficult because they are healthy and been with mom for about three weeks ❤️So they both have a bit of an attitude but we have all the patience in the world ❤️❤️❤️


We have Emotional support animals ready and willing at all times here at Texas Fawn and Friends❤️


Sunshine ☀️ Saturday ☀️Texas Fawn❤️ ( her leg is fine , that’s just how she’s resting )


Saw “ Sweetness” last night … She’s ready to pop!!! Looks like twins ❣️❣️❣️Big healthy doe ❣️


Hello❣️Here’s what I need to continue to thrive here at Texas Fawn❤️ If you would like to help us out with all our orphaned and injured fawns click the link below and get info ❣️
❤️Strawberry pedialyte
❤️Puppy Pads
❤️Land o Lakes Pronurse powder milk
❤️Paper Towel
❤️Cash is used for all medical supplies and medicines , along with Supplements for the fawns
❤️❤️❤️Thank you !!!!!



💥Revised Amazon list💥Thank you everyone for helping me help the fawns❤️Can’t do this without ya’ll❤️Texas Fawn and Friends❤️

Photos from Texas Fawn and Friends's post 05/07/2023

It’s Fawn Season ❤️ ❤️Please be cautious when you mow your grass and or pastures! It’s not uncommon for people to find fawns laying in their garages or even under their cars, flower gardens and out in the middle of their yards in the sun!!!!
Mother nature tells the newborn fawns to lay very still when they hear noise ! If you see a doe , her fawn is in the area ! A doe purposely hides her fawn for hours at a time ! ( The fawn is safer hidden for the first three wks of life )She nurses the fawn at dawn, noon and in the evening and stays with the fawn thru the night !!!
Their are many indicators that tells us the fawn is in distress, injured or orphaned!!!
❣️Dehydration is one of the easiest to determine! (Tips of ears are curled inward, nose is dry )
❣️Crying out
❣️Broken bones , tissue exposed , blood
❣️Flies, ants and or maggots ( yellow clumps attached to skin)
❣️Discharge from eyes, mouth or bottom
❣️Laying flat on side ( a fawn’s normal resting position is upright with legs underneath him. If frightened, a fawn will drop to the ground with his head resting on the ground and a lot of times, his legs might be in an odd position .( this does not mean his legs are broken )(a fawn is like a rubber band the first few days of life )
❣️Hung in the fence
Again , just because you find a fawn alone , hidden in the grass Does Not mean it needs help ❤️
Things to do and not do if you find a fawn in need of help ….
❤️PLEASE. do not feed the fawn ! A fawn in distress , injured or abandoned can
die if given the Wrong milk not to mention go into shock ❗️❗️
❤️Keep the fawn away from small children, dogs and any loud noise!
❤️Moving the fawn- keep him secure to you , please do not place in the “ back of your truck”!!!! Place fawn in floor board of your vehicle or have someone hold fawn in their lap and even put in a cardboard box!
❤️Contact us with Any questions!! It’s best to ask before you grab the fawn !!
PLEASE do not Steal a fawn ❣️Fawns are adorable ❣️but a Healthy fawn that’s taken away from its mother can go into shock and die ❣️❣️❣️
Typical information is to leave the fawn alone but I ask anyone who “ finds a fawn “, and may think it’s in need of help to call first !!! ❤️❤️❤️We are here to save or attempt to save abandoned, injured and or sick fawns !!! Healthy fawns need to stay with their mothers ❣️
Always always find a rehabber that is permitted thru Texas Parks and Wildlife.
This information is available on their website !
Texas Fawn and Friends is a licensed permit holder ! We are also a 5013c charity !
We do not receive any financial help from the state, so we depend solely on your donations ❤️😊
PLEASE contact me with any questions ( 940-577-3444) texting is great as this time of year I get super busy ❤️
Thank you all and I so appreciate all of your donations ❤️
Please share


Pass this along ❤️


Please go to our pages as we are giving helpful hints out in the event that you find a fawn❤️Texas fawn and friends is a ❤️501c3 nonprofit charity ❣️We rescue abandoned, injured and sick fawns in Texas❣️


There are about 360 plus species of hummingbirds ❣️They are the worlds smallest bird❣️ “ Hummers” as they are also called because of the humming sound their wingbeats makes while flying or hovering or interacting with other hummingbirds (it has been recorded at 88 per second )( wingbeats)❣️❣️The Most common hummingbirds in our area are the ruby throat hummingbird and the black chinned ❣️They are both migratory and are expected to be here in any day now❣️Hummers have the highest metabolism of all vertebra animals ❣️Nutrition for the hummers are a variety of insects including mosquitoes, gnats and aphids❣️For energy , they drink nectar ❣️Plant 🌸 Flowers 🌸 Fun facts 🌸


Just a beautiful fawn❣️Preparing for fawn season 23’
Amazon list is available❣️Ordering meds and getting medical supplies ❣️Thank ya’ll for supporting us so we can continue to rescue , rehab and release these beautiful fawns ❣️


More Important information 💥


Being mindful ❣️❣️❣️


True statement❣️❣️❣️God Bless Texas ❣️God Bless Texas fawn❣️❣️❣️


Don’t forget to order your Christmas sweatshirt !!! Only $35 plus shipping ($10.00 usps) You can look cute and help out our fawns !!! All proceeds goes toward the care of the fawns !!!!
They come in grey and white!!! Super cute and super comfy❤️Go to our website to order !!!!!!❣️


Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she camouflaged the deer!!!! Do u see what I see?!? Fall colors ❤️

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Videos (show all)

I’d like to stress again how important  it is to “ Not” feed the fawn you found !!!!! This fawn shown in the video unfor...
Make a donation to Texas Fawn & Friends in honor of someone you love, whether it’s to celebrate a birthday, holiday, a s...
Honorary Donation
Hope everyone has a restful weekend❤️Past graduates of Texas fawn
God Bless Texas ❤️
Durning Rut it’s not uncommon to see Does resting by themselves ❣️Several people have called us inquiring about a doe th...
Our newest fawn❤️Shoulder and neck issues. Will be getting x-rays ❤️❤️❤️soon. We gotten three more  fawns in the last 24...
Pray for Rain and cooler temps in Texas ❣️
He refused a bottle , he refused drinking from a bowl…. But he loves his milk thru a syringe❤️We do what we have to to g...
Enjoying a little watermelon this afternoon 🍉Happy Saturday
Our newest residents here at Texas Fawn and Friends❤️Both are about the same age and both have the same attitude❤️Both f...
Little fawn we got in yesterday, covered in flies ! Always thankful for people who find and contact us❣️❣️❣️He’s got a r...


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