Morphogenic Field Technique

Morphogenic Field Technique seminars teach healthcare professionals to read and respond to the nutr

Morphogenic Field Technique is an innovative energy signature testing procedure for homeopathic, nutritional and herbal practitioners who want to do more for their patients. It originates (“genic”) positive change (“morph”) and harnesses the power of the body’s energy fields at the cellular level. It is an integrated holistic approach that involves 100% natural and nutritional protocols custom mat

FREE VIDEO: Dr. Springob's Updated Covid-19 Care Procedures 03/07/2021

Watch, listen and learn! Dr. Springob’s updated approach to Covid related care.

FREE VIDEO: Dr. Springob's Updated Covid-19 Care Procedures

You LEARNED Virtually, Now PRACTICE LIVE with M.F.T.™ Basic Level On Location Workshops with Biotics Research® 03/01/2021

***These live, practice events are also open to any student that has taken the other Basic Morphogenic Field Technique Level One (MFT-BP) online or on-location course for Basic: Morphogenic Field Technique Level One (MFT-BP).

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT the Basic Morphogenic Field Technique Level One (MFT-BP) course. This is a practice session in support of the course content. Students with no previous Basic Morphogenic Field Technique Level One (MFT-BP) training will not be able to attend these sessions.

If you are interested in enrolling in the Basic Morphogenic Field Technique Level One (MFT-BP) course, please visit:

You LEARNED Virtually, Now PRACTICE LIVE with M.F.T.™ Basic Level On Location Workshops with Biotics Research® You have been learning MFT virtually, now it’s time to go LIVE!   On Location M.F.T.™ Basic Level Practice Events with Dr. Frank Springob! 

Covid-19 Vaccine: An MFT Perspective From Dr. Springob 01/18/2021

Dr. Springob’s shares his perspective on the vaccine:

Covid-19 Vaccine: An MFT Perspective From Dr. Springob To Our Loyal Morphogenic Field Technique Practitioners,  Right now, much of America is simply waiting. What is it that they are waiting for? They are waiting for some light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. What does that look like to you? I maintain that it looks a bit different for each....



Register for our online class and become a beginner level Certified Practitioner Level One in: The Morphogenic Field Technique(MFT). ******Registration begins today ($500 is the normal price for Certification I therefore there is limited time to register for $250 savings) and the class which you can begin at any time will be live on September 15th, 2020. Your registration details will be e-mailed upon registering. Register now and get access to the LIVE Energy Class co-hosted with Biotics Research NW. (an additional $250 value).

Register here:

Become a Certified Morphogenic Field Technique Practitioner I 09/09/2020

And today, we are happy to announce early registration for the Morphogenic Field Technique Level I (Basic Certification) Online Learning is available! Also, Dr. Springob is hosting a live event and all registrants will be given complimentary access.

Become a Certified Morphogenic Field Technique Practitioner I Today, more of us than ever are discovering the curative powers of working with energy medicine. Scientific studies continue to confirm its validity, and alternative modalities of healing are being called upon now more than ever. 


What inspired us in early 2020 was our vision for the year we wanted to create through the Morphogenic Field. We began developing and testing the C-Storm Kit in the spring. Protocols were written by the Morphogenic Field Technique’s founder, Dr. Springob. Then reviewed and tested by our dedicated research team; revised, reworked and improved many times to make the C-Storm Kit ever more inspiring and effective. This kit paints a picture of the health impact that Morphogenic Field Technique practitioners will create for their practice and patients alike. Contact us for more information on how you can register for the C-Storm kit and it’s corresponding how to webinar. *****Basic level MFT certification for practitioners is required.

The Key Process For Cellular Health You May Be Overlooking + How To Balance It 08/05/2020

As Morphogenic Field Technique you know methylation is critical for optimal health. Why? Read on for MBG’s description of the biochemical process.

The Key Process For Cellular Health You May Be Overlooking + How To Balance It We're big fans of optimizing cellular health around here.

The Power of the Mind and Other Cutting-Edge Research on the Placebo Effect | Goop 02/16/2020

Could this cutting edge research on the placebo effect reveal a powerful mind-body connection and provide evidence of the body’s innate ability to heal itself?

The Power of the Mind and Other Cutting-Edge Research on the Placebo Effect | Goop Every month, we get into a different health topic and explore the research. This month, we’re looking into how something as simple as a sugar pill has mystified scientists—and we’re summarizing the most interesting findings.

Energy Healing - The Science Of Energy Healing | Goop 02/11/2020

As MFT practitioners, how do you define the human energy field? Read Dr. Jill Blakeway’s candid interview with GOOP Wellness for her answer. She also provides her opinion to questions like, “Is there an argument for our energy fields affecting more than just our internal well-being?”

Energy Healing - The Science Of Energy Healing | Goop Accupuncture is actually one of the oldest forms of energy medicine that has been continuously practiced, along with hands-on energy healing.


This event is for Beginning MFT Practitioners and those needing a Basic review.


Here is the information for the San Diego Unplugged Event. Tap here to attend.

How Sleep Flushes Toxins From Your Brain 11/20/2019

Sleep plays such an important role in vital health!! Are you getting an optimal amount?

How Sleep Flushes Toxins From Your Brain How Sleep Flushes Toxins From Your Brain

California Ends Sale of Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos - Sustainable Pulse 11/06/2019

This is a great win in California! Let's get the rest of the US behind this movement!

"The scientific data on the health impacts of chlorpyrifos is clear. Leading scientific and medical authorities—such as the Academy of Pediatrics, the Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health, UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency—have all concluded that chlorpyrifos harms children’s brain development. It reduces children’s IQ and puts children at risk of learning disabilities."

California Ends Sale of Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos - Sustainable Pulse This week, the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) announced that the sale of the toxic pesticide, chlorpyrifos, will end in February 2020

6 Ways to ‘Quiet’ Your Brain and Live Longer 11/01/2019

Here are some great pointers for getting into a practice of mindfulness. Our attitude towards life can be just as important as the food that we choose!

6 Ways to ‘Quiet’ Your Brain and Live Longer Everyone wants to stay mentally sharp as they get older — and it stands to reason that one way to do this is to maintain an active brain.

Amazon Warns Customers: Those Supplements Might Be Fake 10/31/2019

We always warn our clients about the dangers of purchasing supplements online, the price may be less, however the cost to your health could be great!

Amazon Warns Customers: Those Supplements Might Be Fake The company confirmed that it had notified users earlier this week that the Align supplements they purchased were likely counterfeits.

This Super Berry Helps Stop the Flu Virus 10/29/2019

It's the season to make sure that you are stocked up on Elderberry!

This Super Berry Helps Stop the Flu Virus Elderberry contains zinc and antioxidants, including vitamin C and anthocyanins, known for their ability to boost immune function and inhibit cold and flu.

Why Dr. Zach Bush believes herbicides could end life on Earth 10/17/2019

This is an excellent article, and while the title gives the impression of "gloom and doom" and the situation we are facing is serious, Dr. Bush gives us reasons to think positively and a way forward.

Why Dr. Zach Bush believes herbicides could end life on Earth Dr. Zach Bush went from developing chemotherapy to fighting pesticide-makers

Man wins $8bn court case over breast growth 10/09/2019

The medical industry could save your life in an emergency and we are thankful for that. However, when it comes to the quality of your health and vitality, it is sorely lacking and unfortunately driven by money over health much of the time.

Man wins $8bn court case over breast growth A US jury finds Johnson & Johnson guilty of negligence over an anti-psychotic drug.

Glyphosate Can Trigger Aggressive Breast Cancer When Combined with Another Risk Factor - Sustainable Pulse 10/08/2019

"Another concerning aspect of the new study was pointed out by one of the authors, Sophie Lelièvre, a professor of cancer pharmacology at Purdue’s College of Veterinary Medicine. She said, “What was particularly alarming about the tumour growth was that it wasn’t the usual type of breast cancer we see in older women. It was the more aggressive form found in younger women, also known as luminal B cancer.”

Glyphosate Can Trigger Aggressive Breast Cancer When Combined with Another Risk Factor - Sustainable Pulse A newly published study adds to the ever-growing pile of evidence in support of the cancer-causing potential of the weedkiller active ingredient

5 Different Ways to Make Elderberry Tea – LearningHerbs 10/07/2019

Elderberry is a supplement that flies off of the shelf year round but especially during cold and flu season. Here are some great recipes for making Elderberry tea at home! Gaining knowledge about herbs and how they work in the body is a fantastic way to help keep you and your family healthy this season.

5 Different Ways to Make Elderberry Tea – LearningHerbs Get five elderberry tea recipes for cold and flu, strong bones and healthy hair, protecting the heart and eyes, supporting digestion, and boosting the immune system.

Scientists have discovered that even tiny exposures to air fresheners can cause liver, kidney, heart and lung damages, as well as blood clotting. 10/02/2019

"Dr. James Miller of the American Academy of Environmental Physicians states, “Chemicals do their damage to our systems one molecule at a time. Even a limited exposure will cause some cellular damage requiring nutrients, time, and energy to heal. If repeated injuries occur at an interval shorter than that required for complete healing, there will be an accumulation of injury. This will eventually lead to organ malfunction and chronic symptoms.”"

Scientists have discovered that even tiny exposures to air fresheners can cause liver, kidney, heart and lung damages, as well as blood clotting. In most home bathrooms, you will find a can of air freshener. In many public bathrooms, the spraying of air freshener is done via automatic spraying devices. These are supposed to “freshen” the air we

Harvard Trained Immunologist Demolishes California Legislation That Terminates Vaccine Exemptions | Circle of Docs 10/01/2019

This letter was written in response to California lawmakers who voted to take away parents right to choose if their children received vaccines before entering school. It is still valid today and worth the read and share as we are facing more vaccine laws being pushed upon us throughout the country. This does not have to be a pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine debate. This is about our medical freedom and our right to choose. Perhaps you are pro-vaccine for the recommended vaccine schedule as it is now. However what if they add in a vaccine to the schedule, that you are not ok with being administered to your child? The more we allow these types of laws to be passed the easier it becomes to pass them state by state. Look up the bills in motion in your state and see what you can do to support your freedom of choice.

Harvard Trained Immunologist Demolishes California Legislation That Terminates Vaccine Exemptions | Circle of Docs The following open letter by a PhD Immunologist completely demolishes the current California legislative initiative to remove all vaccine exemptions. That such a draconian and cynical state statute is under consideration in the ‘Golden State’ is as shocking as it is predictable. After all, it wa...

Every Minute, Five People Die From This 09/27/2019

"The report, released by WHO, shows that 4 in 10 patients experience medical harm while in primary care and outpatient treatment. Errors regarding diagnosis, prescription and medication use are listed as the most common. According to the report, the error of prescribing the wrong medication costs a whopping $42 billion each year, and surgical procedures deemed unsafe result in the deaths of 1 million people every year. WHO points out that significant financial savings would result from improving patient safety."

Every Minute, Five People Die From This Every Minute, Five People Die From This

82-Year-Old Woman With Dementia Gets Her Memory Back After Changing Her Diet 09/26/2019

Diet is so important! Pharmaceuticals did not turn this woman's health around, adding in food that was therapeutic to her brain did! We all have the choice to include foods that act as poison or foods that act medicinally. What will you choose today?

82-Year-Old Woman With Dementia Gets Her Memory Back After Changing Her Diet A message to our readers: Have you checked out our NEW on demand video platform called CETV? We created it to combat censorship and support the important journalism we are doing. Visit to sign up for a free 7 day trial here. Thank you for your support! Recently, an 82-year-old woman who suf...

Teen birth control use linked to depression risk in adulthood - Neuroscience News 09/25/2019

Teenagers are sometimes prescribed birth control to help regulate painful cycles or control acne. Finding the root cause of these problems instead of prescribing a pill would be the best choice for mental, emotional and physical well being.

It is important that we start talking to our children before they are teenagers about medications and the risks that they carry. Birth control is a very personal choice, but it is one that as parents we should be talking to our children about so that they are comfortable to ask us the tough questions, do not pass the buck here, get present with your kids!

Teen birth control use linked to depression risk in adulthood - Neuroscience News Women who used oral contraceptive pills during their teenage years are at increased risk of depression.


Our very own Alex Hartinger!

We live in the Age of Information. We could literally become experts on any topic that we desire. But many people don’t.

We also live in a world of opportunity. Yet many people are “too busy” to even cook or exercise, let alone chase their dreams or passions.

We live in a time of choice and equality, yet how often are we checking in with ourselves about what feels right? I’m not talking about what feels good. I’m talking about what feels right.

When my youngest son was 11 months old, I was making him breakfast like any other day and I had run out of organic bananas, so I reluctantly cut up a gas station banana that happened to be in the house. He ate everything in front of him except the banana, so I assumed that he didn’t like bananas anymore. Later that morning, I took him to Grandpa’s house and while I was at work, I got a text message saying that they were doing great and my baby had eaten an orange, some strawberries and a whole banana. A whole organic banana.

That tiny human knew better than to eat the banana that wasn’t organic and it seemed foreign to him given that he had only ever had pure food put in front of him up until that point. We all have that in us, that ability to know intuitively what is good for us and what isn’t. When is the last time you ate instinctively or connected with your meal while you were preparing it? Or checked in with yourself to see if you’ve moved your body enough or had too much time on your electronics?

If it’s been a while, it’s no surprise why. We live in a time where we are basically told what to do in every aspect of our lives. HOA’s tell us how many weeds we can have in our lawns (forcing toxic pesticide/herbicide use in many instances), schools tell us how long it should take our children to eat lunch (I just heard of an elementary school encouraging parents to teach their children to eat faster because they only have 20 minutes for lunch and that includes getting through the lunch line), and mainstream media - advertising included -encourages the use of junk food, alcohol, prescription medicines and impulsive spending as a way to “live our best life.” (Read that again).

It feels like we’ve been discouraged to ask questions. It feels like we’ve been discouraged to trust our own instincts. It feels like we’ve been discouraged.

I started to notice these things about the world around me a few years ago when life punched me in the face with an unexpected surprise that left me wondering, What else don’t I know? I went from questioning nothing to questioning everything. I started to surround myself with people who were two steps ahead of me on the journey that I wanted to be on. I decided to trust people who had taken information and made themselves experts. People who prioritized their health and happiness over the pressures put on them by society. People who were living in a way that was individual and right for them.

I didn’t do everything exactly the same as my role models but in almost every instance, I saw that there was another way of living. I stopped rushing. I stopped justifying my poor lifestyle choices as coping mechanisms. I stopped explaining myself. I began to trust myself to make the right decisions for myself and my family.

I realized that we can’t be healthier than the food we eat. I realized that everything I allow into my life, whether it is people, water or music, has an impact on me. I took the responsibility of putting the right food, the right people, and the right “things” in my life and creating an existence based on MY priorities and my good choices.

And as my 7-year-old says when he’s going to sleep at night, I feel free.

Dig in. Do the thing you’ve been meaning to do. Sit with yourself and ask where you want to be and then figure out, no matter what it takes, how to get there. Your freedom is waiting.

How to Tell if You Have a Food Addiction | Wellness Mama 09/18/2019

Food addiction can be physical or emotional or a combination of both. Hormonal imbalance, blood sugar handling issues, being disconnected or poor relationship quality, chronic stress and many other issues can be a trigger for this common addiction. Supportive lifestyle and nutritional changes can be a good place to start to resolve any type of addiction.

How to Tell if You Have a Food Addiction | Wellness Mama Find out if your cravings could actually be food addiction and the physical and emotional factors that might cause an unhealthy relationship with food.

Does Caring About Your Health Make You a Conspiracy Theorist? 09/17/2019

This is a fantastic read about vaccinations. Our freedom of choice is being severely narrowed down in some states, and it is scary. Many people are unaware of the risks vaccinations come with and just blindly follow their doctor's orders. The choice to vaccinate should be up to each individual person with out laws that take away that freedom.

Does Caring About Your Health Make You a Conspiracy Theorist? The pharmaceutical industry is now the most distrusted and poorly regarded industry in the U.S.

Research Shows Nutrition is Much Better at Improving Mental Health Than Prescription Medication 09/16/2019

"Not a single study shows that a Western diet is good for mental health"

There is a short Ted talk included in the article that is worth listening to and sharing with anyone who has not considered the role that nutrition plays in mental health.

Research Shows Nutrition is Much Better at Improving Mental Health Than Prescription Medication Did you know that poor nutrition is a significant risk factor for the development of mental illness.

Commonly used antibiotics may lead to heart problems 09/13/2019

Here is another pharmaceutical to watch out for!

Commonly used antibiotics may lead to heart problems Scientists have shown for the first time a link between two types of heart problems and one of the most commonly prescribed classes of antibiotics.

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Videos (show all)

BECOME A CERTIFIED MORPHOGENIC FIELD TECHNIQUE PRACTITIONER. Register for our online class and become a beginner level C...
What inspired us in early 2020 was our vision for the year we wanted to create through the Morphogenic Field. We began d...
Morphogenic Field Technique
Field Explanation
Morphogenic Field Technique Testimonies
Practitioner Testimonial - Seattle Seminar
Getting to Know the M-Field.


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