Fitness Whiz

Fitness Whiz will give you tips and advice to achieve the body you desire.


Zercher Squats with Sandbags

Place sandbags on the inside of the elbows. Squat with a neutral-positioned spine with chest fairly high. This exercise strengthens the core and upper body because of the added extra weight of the sandbag.


Decline Skull Crusher

Lie on a decline bench with feet tucked firmly on the foot pads. With a barbell or dumbbell positioned by the head of the bench, grasp it with your overhand grip and lower it above your forehead then back to starting position. Make sure to keep your upper arms fixed.


Bent Over Row to Neck

Bend over in front of a barbell with feet shoulder-width apart and hands on an overhand grip. Pull the bar straight up to your neck, hold for one count then slowly lower back to first position. Remember to squeeze rear delts when the barbell is on top and repeat movement for desired counts.


Rotational Inverted Row

Start in a hanging position under a suspension trainer while gripping the handles, arms extended, palms facing the feet and legs straight. As you row up, rotate the wrists so that it is now facing the opposite direction. Rotate wrists again as you lower back.


Standing Alternating Dumbbell Row

Stand tall with feet a few inches apart and dumbbells on each hand. Lean forward, bend hips, tighten abs and let arms hang in front. Alternately row each hand for 15 to 20 counts each side.


Triceps Pushdown

Attach an angle or straight bar to a pulley and grab it with your overhand grip. Stand in front of it and pull down bar until it touches the front of your thighs. This exercise increases your lockout strength and upper body mass.


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Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift

Stand with a narrow stance, torso straight and holding a barbell near the knees. To lower barbell, bend forward while tightening buttocks and locking the knees. As you feel the hamstrings being stretched, return to starting position.


Overhead Forward Lunge

Start by standing tall with a barbell overhead. Take a forward lunge bending one knee on a 90-degree angle and perform 10 to 15 reps. This exercise will workout the quadriceps, core, hamstrings and shoulders.


Elbow Extension Plank

Start in a regular plank position then slide a few inches backward so that elbows are now in front. Make sure that forearms are flat on the floor and feet are together.


Hand Release Push Up

Start in a high plank position then lower body onto the floor. As the chest touches the floor completely, lift hands up for a few seconds then push body back up in starting position. This will help strengthen back and biceps.


Seated Barbell Oblique Twist

Sit on a flat bench with a wide stance and a light barbell placed at the back of the neck. Slowly twist body left and right as far as you can with back firm and straight. Remember to keep abs tight during the movement.


Overhead Press

With your feet shoulder-width apart, position a bar on your upper chest, gripping it with hands just wider than shoulder-width apart. Brace your abs, gluts and quads as you press the bar straight upwards. Pause at the top, then lower.


Bent-Over Row

Hold the bar with a shoulder-width grip, bending your knees slightly, and then bend at the hips until your torso is at a roughly 45° angle to the floor. Pull the bar up to touch your stomach and then lower under control. If you’re moving your upper body to shift the bar, the weight’s too heavy.


Bench Dips

Dips are an effective complex exercise as you lift your entire body weight. Use your full extension while performing dips. If you face any kind of trouble performing a dip you can take someone's help who can hold your legs.



Crunches are again something you can easily do, it will help you build muscle mass in and around the waist. The crunches are not like the old sit-ups, is much more effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles and your overall core muscle group.


Portland, OR