Sleek Physique

We are here to share some tips and other ideas about physical and general fitness.


Standing Oblique Crunch with Stability Ball

Stand with feet apart with a stability ball overhead. Lift one knee to the side while lowering your elbow to meet. Return to starting position then switch sides


Best Exercise For Upper Arms: Triceps Dips

When it comes to upper arms, most people think about the biceps, which run along the front of the arm. But actually the triceps is a much bigger muscle, and working it will make the overall appearance of the arm firmer.


Best Exercise For Thighs: The Lunge

The lunge is an exercise that works a range of muscles, alongside improving core strength and flexibility; the lunge is also extremely effective in improving your thighs.


Best Exercise For Glutes: The Squat

You are spoilt for choice when it comes to exercises that work the glutes, but according to research by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the squat always comes out on top. This is because the deeper a squat is, the more muscle fibers it utilizes.


Best For Chest Exercise: The Push-Up

A push-up can be completed anywhere and uses almost every muscle in the body, particularly your chest muscles. Frequent push-ups increase your functional and core strength and can help prevent back and shoulder injuries.


Best Exercise For Abs: The Bicycle Manoeuvre

The abs are often the one area most people want to focus on with their training. This exercise will strengthen your internal and external obliques among other core muscles.


Stair Push Ups

Firmly place both hands on a step keeping it directly under your shoulders. Extend legs in a plank position then bend elbows to lower your chest to the stairs afterwards straighten your arms to get back to starting position.


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Drink More Water

Drinking sufficient volume of water is essential to avoid the dehydration of your body. Drink more water once you get up from the sleep in the morning times. Make sure that you drink 3 to 5 liters of water every day.


Workout in Treadmill

For women’s fitness the treadmill practice is excellent so do follow it regularly. Try to hold a dumbbell of 3 to 5 pounds in hands and maintain the speed do a brisk walk and continue performing shoulder presses, triceps extensions, front and side laterals, biceps curls and standing triceps do it one after the after.



The simplest and effective way to improve your health is through deep breathing exercise. It’s effortless and free. And, the exciting part you don’t have to put any thought into it. Neither it requires any type of equipment and can be done as per your convenience.


Thread the Needle Pose

Thread the Needle is a simple posture exercise that gently helps relieve neck, back and shoulder pain. Take full breaths during the exercise.


Elbow to Instep Lunge

Take a long lunge on your right leg so it is bent on a 90-degree angle while your left leg is fully extended. Twist your body that your right elbow is on top of your right foot and left hand is on the floor. Bring elbows down slowly then return to starting position before switching legs.


Banded Pull-Apart

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a resistance band, hold on each hand and extend arms in front. Pull the band to your sides then return to front.


Eight Angle Pose

This pose is makes the arms and wrists strong. It is an advance pose that also tones abdominal muscles and betters balancing and concentration.


Kneeling Kickbacks with Resistance Band

Get on all fours and wrap one foot with resistance band while the other one is in your hand. Kick back extending fully your leg then slowly bring it back down. Make three sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.


Happy Baby Pose

Lie on your back with your knees on your chest. Hold the outsides of your feet and open your knees wider than your torso while breathing deeply and holding pose for thirty seconds. This pose targets your hips and inner thighs.


Bow Pose

This pose has many beneficial effects such as: a) cures constipation; b) improves digestion and appetite; c) strengthens and flexes back muscles; d) cures menstrual disorder; and e) helps improve the function of liver and pancreas.


Front Box Jump Exercise

Stand with your feet apart, then perform a short squat as preparation for jumping, swing your arms back and forth then jump. Land on the box with the knees bent absorbing all the impact through the legs.


Portland, OR