Blue Moon Camera Lab

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A showcase of customer photography, curated by the staff at Blue Moon Camera from the film moving through our optical printing lab and scanning desk, featuring couplets written by Sophia Díaz.


"store bought ⁠
nuclear family."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photographer unknown.⁠

[ID: A black and white film photo of a family next to a parked car. The car is light colored and stands out against the dark grey walls and dirt ground around it. On the hood of the car is a doll in a white dress with a white veil. A child with light skin and long layers on stands with their hand on the side of the car. Crouched next to them is an adult holding up a small dog to stand on their back legs. The person has light skin and dark hair and is wearing a dark suit. Above the family are clotheslines laden with bright white fabrics that contrast with the dark surroundings.]⁠


⁠”revel in the softness,⁠
the space between fingers.”⁠
-S. Díaz ⁠

Photo made in collaboration ⁠between Jocelle Rosano and Annemarie Morach.⁠⁠

[ID: A color film triple exposure of hands and taper candles. Arms reach in from both the left and right side of the frame, glowing a soft orange-yellow from the light of the flames. The hands and fingers are held in different positions in all six iterations across the photo. Along the bottom third of the frame is a webbing of two, small, green tables with ornate spirals and designs. There are three candles on the left table and about five candles on the right. Some of the layers of hands and candles are translucent, showing fingers over wrists, a candle through the back of a hand. All the layering and shadow and bright orange flame creates a surreal sense of movement.]⁠
⁠ ⁠


“warm as ritual,
palms wet with wax.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by Andrej Wiedmann.⁠

[ID:⁠ A black and white film photo of a group of several people who appear to be gathered in celebration. In the center of the photo is a pair, each person carrying their own lit, taper candle. The one of the left wears a dark suit with a matching brimmed hat. They have small white flowers pinned to their lapel and a patterned tie tucked into their jacket. The person at their side is wearing a dress with intricate detailing on the chest. They also wear a head piece with similarly intricacies across the base and a long veil that reaches down beyond the length of their dress. There are several characters in the crowd around them; all of whom are either focused on the pair with the candles or gaze directly into the camera.]⁠


"⁠heat in the body,⁠
mistaken for sun."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Julia Sherman.⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film photo of a person sitting on a horse. Both the person and horse are gazing into the camera with dark eyes. The horse is an american paint horse and has large splotches of white and auburn hair all over their body. Their strong body fills the frame, their torso and shoulders meet the bottom of the frame and their head reaches up to the top. The horse's head is turned in a way that aligns their eyes with the human's. The person is wearing an all white outfit with long sleeves and pants. They have light colored skin and long brown hair. Behind the two is a wall of deep green forest and in the foreground are some tan grasses in soft focus.]⁠


"pulsing blue, thin⁠
skin at the wrist."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Sevin Mundo.⁠

Model: ⁠
Hair + Assist: .aispuro ⁠
MUA: ⁠

[ID: ⁠A blue-hued, color film portrait of a person made using a kaleidoscopic filter on the lens. The person is peering back over their shoulder, gazing intently into the camera. They have dark makeup around their eyes and dark lipstick on their lips, which are slightly parted to show their white teeth. The light glows across their cheekbones and shoulder. They are on the other side of a jagged, circular hole, as if looking through a whole torn in a giant sheet of paper. The filter creates soft multiples of the elements of the photo - there are almost six sets of eyes, four lips, nearly seven edges to the hole encircling them. The copied layers move in a circular orientation from the original, creating a swirling, spiraling kind of momentum to the photo.]⁠


“light finds the fish⁠,⁠
a single, jeweled scale.”⁠
-S. Díaz ⁠

Photo by Jamie Bosworth.⁠

[ID: A color film photo rendered in black and white of the Oregon Dunes. ⁠In the foreground of the photo is a long, black stick and some small pieces of plant debris. These materials standout against the rippled pattern of the sand. In the center of the photo is a shimmering, triangular puddle of water. The slopes of sand leading down into the water have bold and contrasting textures, some smooth and others deeply ridged. The curves of the dunes, along with the angled patterns of their surfaces, give a kind of swirling momentum to the photo.]⁠


"⁠cold in your bones⁠
grey as the clouds."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Sarah Beaupre.⁠⁠

[ID: ⁠A color film photo of a polar bear looking into their own reflection on a small body of water. The polar bear is in the very center of the frame, laying down at the rocky shore along the water's edge. One of their giant paws hangs limp towards the surface of the water. Their head is turned downwards and they have beige fur with a dark black nose and black claws. The bottom half of the frame is all reflection in the water; swirling white and grey clouds over blue sky. The reflection of the polar bear is dark along the edge and shows another angle of their face. Their eyes appear to be looking into the camera, through the reflection on the water. Behind the bear is a rocky, dirt ground that lifts up into a grassy hill.] ⁠


"sky darkening, by smoke ⁠
or night; the clarity of stars.⁠"⁠
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by Darwin Grey.⁠grey⁠

[ID: ⁠A black and white, double exposed, film photo of a person holding a crystal ball. In the foreground of the photo, a hand reaches in from the bottom right of the frame. The crystal sits in the palm of the hand, fingers gently curved in to cup the sphere. Light and reflections of the room itself swirl within the orb. Just behind this layer of exposure, the same person stares right into camera, the crystal ball held across their chest. They have light skin and their body is draped in flowing fabrics. One hand holds the crystal at its base, their fingers are spread wide. The ball is mostly dark but catches some highlights from the open, bright window along the left side of the frame. There is a whimsical, swirling haze that overlays the photo, perhaps the trailing smoke of incense.]⁠

Photos from Blue Moon Camera Lab's post 02/21/2023

"⁠a child opens⁠ their fists⁠
to become binoculars⁠."⁠
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by Tim Wade.⁠

[ID: The first slide is a black and white film photo of rock formations at Arches National Park. In the foreground of the photo are some foliage amongst the rocky ground. The rock formations rise of along both the left and right sides of the frame to meet in a thin, curved archway. The right side of the frame is cast in a deep black shadow, while the sun plays into the detailed texture of the rock on the left side. Just behind the initial arch, curves another, with the shadow of a distant rock just beyond that. The cloudless sky is the characteristic dark grey of infrared black and white film. ⁠

The second slide is a color version of the first slide; created through the tricolor process, using black and white film and filters to create a color image.]⁠


“napkin bunched in hand.
plate messy with cannoli.⁠”
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by David Malmborg.⁠malmborg⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film photo of a person lathering sunscreen on their face and neck. The person has pale skin and short, curly, dark brown hair. They are wearing circular, black framed glasses and their eyes and mouth are shut tight. They hold a bottle of spray-on sunscreen in both hands, their finger poised to spray more onto their face. Thick, white sunscreen streaks across their forehead, cheeks, chin, and neck. They are wearing a long sleeved, collared shirt that has panels of white, grey, and black fabric. There is a teal hose swooping in from the top of the frame and an ornate, red and gold building behind the person.]⁠


"wood warm under⁠
tea, under body, sun."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Kyle McElroy.⁠

[ID:⁠ A black and white film photo of the inside of a home, featuring a cat and a person at a table. ⁠The black cat, backlit by the window behind them, is staring directly into the camera. They are sitting on top of a circular table. The human person has their elbows perched on the table, one hand holding their phone and the other gripped around the lower half of their face. They are looking at their phone. Besides the cat and the elbows, there is a laptop, mug, napkin, cord, pen, paper, and plate on the table top. In front of the large window, behind the scene at the table, hang two potted plants. Along the left of the frame, there is a large, flat white material hanging on the wall of the room. Along the right of the frame, there is a shelf mounted up high on the opposing wall; perhaps a cozy perch for the cat.]⁠


“the synaptic glow
of melody as memory.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by an anonymous Blue Moon customer.⁠

[ID: A color film photo of a baby on a changing table. ⁠The baby has light skin and some dark wisps of hair. Their head is turned towards a wall to their right. Their eyes are opened wide, engaged with the dynamic shadows of hands cast onto the wall. The shadows of the hands are poised to create a specific shape, fingertips held together, one hand turned upside down. The photo is almost entirely in shadow, save for the warm beam of sun shining in through the center of the frame. An intimate moment in time, as fleeting as the sunlight.]


“warm light from the same sun
drawing cornsilk from stalk.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by an ancestor of Bruce Cavallero.⁠

[ID:⁠ A sepia-toned film photo of a person standing in a corn field. The person has light skin and dark, short hair. They have a thick, dark mustache and are holding a cigar between their lips. They are wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a satiny neck tie and black pants with suspenders. In one hand, they hold an ornate pitcher by its handle and in the other hand, they hold a small glass of dark liquid. Behind them, the stalks of corn grow to about the height of their head, with a few stalks reaching into the blankness of the sky beyond.]⁠


"⁠compass needle ⁠
dancing in the verve⁠.”
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by Mark Mirocha.⁠mirocha

[ID: ⁠A color film photo of a young person leaned against a tall, wooden sculpture entitled Archenteron. The person has light skin and straight, brown hair that hangs just past their shoulders. They are wearing a tie-dyed Tshirt and they have a peaceful look on their face. Their shoulders are relaxed and they are looking up and out of the frame to the right. There is an oval of warm, yellow light in the center of the frame. The light catches in a bright stripe across their cheek, highlighting their right eye and their forehead. The wood grain swirls in dark brown patterns across the tan planks of wood behind them.]⁠


“cynosure of expansion,
breathe in the biggest sky.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by Jeremy Bailey.⁠
⁠fieldnotes on⁠

⁠[ID: ⁠A color film photo of a bison in the Black Hills. The bison is looking towards the right side of the frame, and they appear to be walking in that direction, though the photo holds them in the absolute center. The lower half of the frame is a grassy hill dappled with yellow and light green plants. The upper half of the frame is light blue sky with fluffy white and grey clouds. There is one large cloud directly behind the bison, contrasting boldly with the dark features of the animal. They have a lighter brown body with a dark brown, almost black furry head, with small light colored horns peaking out.]⁠
KodakFilm #⁠Symmetry


“lighter now; look
into the face of god.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by Sarah Beaupre.⁠⁠

[ID: ⁠A color film portrait of a giraffe looking over a metal fence. The fence is comprised of thin wire squares in a grid pattern. The top of the fence is a thick dark line across the lower quarter of the frame. The giraffe’s neck extends long and straight. The have deep black eyes with long, lush lashes and they look directly into the camera, though the feeling is soft and sweet. The giraffe’s lower teeth are exposed in a sort of smile. Their coat is checked with their well-known brown on beige pattern. There is a blue sky with white clouds behind them, giving them a dramatic sense of wisdom and grace.]


"dust in throat⁠
cinched like leather.⁠
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by Megan Ketrow.⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film photo of a pack of mules walking on a dusty trail. There are five mules in a line, each a variety of colors ranging from light brown to black. Each mule is loaded up with a saddle and two large bags on either side of their body. The trail is almost white with dust and there is a hazy glow caused by the dust in air around the mules' hooves. There are large, light brown rock formations on the left side of the path and short, dark green shrubs along the other side. The top half of the photo is filled with a bright blue and cloudless sky.]⁠


"⁠decadent in blush,
the opulence of touch.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by Tim Wade in collaboration with .⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film, double exposed portrait of a person and a rose. ⁠The soft pink rose occupies most of the left side of the frame. The delicate petals unfurling outwards to create a kind of veil effect along the temple and shoulders of the person. The very center of the rose is overlayed with the curled fingers of the person, their hand is gently turned back towards their body. The person has light skin, dark long wavy hair and bright eyes looking up and out of the frame. Their lips are slightly parted as if they are just about to speak. They are wearing a floral crown full of warm colored flowers and green leaves. Their body is draped in a glowing, light green tulle.]


"⁠carry oneself ⁠
like pollen in air."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Darwin Grey.⁠grey⁠

[ID: ⁠A black and white film photo of a person seemingly floating in air. The person has pale skin and dark short hair that is done up in smooth pin curls. Their body is leaned back in a seated position, both legs are bent at the knee and the toes of their bare feet are pointed. They have one arm held over their head in a grand flourish, each finger held in a small performance. Their other arm is bent in towards their torso, hand hanging softly from the wrist. Their body is draped in a long, flowing white fabric that trails down over their thighs and into the blackness below them. They are wearing shiny, dark ruffles over their arms, from wrist to just below their shoulders. Behind them is a rich black background that appears to have been decorated with hand crafted stars and clouds and swags of dark grey tulle. The background is as whimsical as the attitude of the person floating through it.]⁠


“impossible trajectory,⁠
sticky hand hurled outward.”⁠
-S. Díaz ⁠

Photo by Grace Slick.⁠local⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film photo of two people on a boat. One person is standing with their arms raised and held loosely up around their shoulders. They have light skin and short brown hair. They are wearing dark sunglasses and long, whimsical coral pink robes that drape over their body. The most serendipitous film scratch mark extends in a bright green line from the back of their hand like some kind of magical beam. The other person has wavy, blonde hair, light skin and is looking down at their phone through sunglasses. Behind the two is the rippling blue of a body of water, a lush green horizon or trees, and a bright blue, cloudless sky.]⁠


“blossom as heirloom
and how long we wait.”
-S. Díaz

Photo by Sasha Drews.⁠

[ID: A close-up black and white film photo of rosemary blossoms. One long branch reaches into the frame from the bottom left and extends nearly to the top of the frame. There is another, shorter branch reaching into the frame from the bottom right, occupying most of the bottom right corner of the photo. The blooms themselves are a pillow of white with dark petals tapering in at the ends. The soft texture of the blossoms contrast with the sharp texture of the grey rosemary leaves that jut out at all angles. The long branch is captured in a range of sharper and softer focus, giving a gentle motion to the photo.]⁠


“the smack of bubbles
rolling in the water cooler.”
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by Skye.⁠⁠

[ID:⁠ A cropped in, color film photo of three people and a sphynx cat. Along the left of the frame is a person cradling the cat in a leopard print sling. The person is wearing plaid pants and a checkered shirt that is pulled up to show a grey bra. The person has a strong grip on the cat, who's full body is wrapped in the sling with only their head popping out. The cat's eyes are wide and staring right back at the camera. ⁠The person in the center of the photo has their back arched towards the camera, showing the almost full range of coverage of the pink thong they are wearing. A shiny white garment covers their lower back. The person on the right side of the frame is also turned with their back to the camera. They have one leg lifted towards the person in the center and they are wearing a pink thong and a white cropped Tshirt. Each person in this photo has light skin with a magenta color cast caused by the Lomochrome Purple.]⁠


"⁠familiarity, to know⁠
the bird by the song."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Caitlin Bagwell.⁠

[ID: A black and white film photo of a dog on a roof. The roof is curved and metal and the dog is standing right at the front edge. The dog has a white body with some darker spots on their face and a dark black nose and mouth. Their mouth is open and their body is postured as if they are midbark. The dog is central in the photo; in the lower half of the frame is the metal building below the dog and the top of a home just beyond that. Along the far left of the frame is a wooden pole with power lines extending back into the murky grey sky, which dominates the upper half of the frame. Just to the right of center is a shiny, metal pole that comes up through the entirety of the photo. The pole has some cables at the top of it and it bisects the straight, white tail of the dog.]⁠


"⁠cradled in color⁠
and the wet of new."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Mallory Jones.⁠⁠

[ID:⁠ ⁠A color film portrait of a person with their arms above their head. The person has light brown skin and straight, dark brown hair that has been pulled back into an intricate knot at the back of their head. Their back is to us and they face a wall of small, jade green, square tiles. Their head is turned toward the left of the frame, highlighting the long earring worn in their ear. Their elbows are bent and their hands are clasped together softly on the top of their head. From the left of the frame, a bright orange and green bird of paradise obscures the full view of the person. The plant is out of focus and moves across the frame in bright, colorful abstractions, similar to big brush strokes.]⁠


"the mercurial pupa,⁠
a return to symmetry."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Jocelle Rosano. ⁠⁠

[ID: A color film photo of a person named Justin breakdancing. The photo has been double exposed and there are two layers of varying opacities that depict Justin in different moments of the air baby. Justin is dancing on a bright cement dock with a larger body of water gently rippling behind him. His hands are on the ground in both positions, while his legs are kicked up into the air, one leg is straight and the other bent at the knee. The layering of the exposures creates a strong sense of symmetry. His torso and head overlapped in the center of the image to form the most opaque shape. His transparent legs, holding their position, extend along either side of the triangular dock at a balanced angle. Justin is wearing a brown sweater, dark pants, and dark shoes and he has dark hair and light brown skin. The watery horizon is lined by forest and above that is a creamy, cloudy sky.]⁠


"curiosity, a captor,⁠
unhinged as a jaw."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Nick Comparone.⁠

[ID: A color film photo of a cat in a window. The cat has white fur and light blue eyes that are open wide, as is the cat's little mouth, apparently wide open in some kind of yell. The cat is looking directly at the camera on the other side of a window, the mesh of the screen creating patterns resembling wood grain across the window. The trim around the window is white and forest green. The house is a pale yellow. The frame of the window is slanted across the center of the frame of the photo, creating a wild kind of energy to the scene.]⁠


"⁠yearn for the roiling rock.⁠
renewal feigning destruction."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Gwen Hopman-Damon.⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film photo of a basalt rock formation in Iceland. The matte black rock dominates the center of the photo, filling the frame in a wide stripe from left to right. The thin layers spill downward in sheets and there is a small but dense cloud of steam where the basalt meets the shore - perhaps this stone is still warm from the lava flow? Along the very base of the frame is a rocky shore with some white stones and a scattering of deep red plant matter. Along the very top of the frame is the view of a far off hill and a sky thick with white clouds.]⁠


"⁠metaverse sliced ⁠
like cake⁠ at a party."⁠
-S. Díaz

Photo by Justin Shreeve.⁠

Driver: ⁠
Event: ⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film photo of a car mid-drift. The car faces the camera at a slight angle. The whole of the car is in the frame and the focus gets sharper moving back from the front bumper to the windshield and top of the car. The hidden headlights are popped up from the smooth blue hood of the car and the front tires are pulled at a sharp angle, causing the car to drift on a red-brown track. The track below the car and the trees behind the car are blurred so much as to abstract their features. The stillness of the car in the center of the frame, its sharp shadow cast along a blurred ground, establishes a surreal inertia and gives the photo an almost centrifugal force.]⁠


“the pearl forms, incidental.
a soft mouthful of tongue.”
⁠-S. Díaz

Photo by Chloé Jarnac.⁠

Model: ⁠

[ID:⁠ A color film portrait of a person reflected in a mirror on the shore. The circular mirror is propped up against a light brown rock with dark swirling patterns in its surface. The base of the mirror is tucked against the tan colored sand, scattered with plant debris. In the mirror is the reflection of a person standing near the water's edge, their arms bent at the elbow and crossed over their chest. They have light skin and short, dark hair and are wearing a dark blue leotard. The sky is creamy with clouds and there are small light grey ocean waves behind them.]⁠

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8417 North Lombard Street
Portland, OR

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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