Groundwater Healing, Portland, OR Videos

Videos by Groundwater Healing in Portland. Groundwater Healing above all offers a way for you to find deeper connection with yourself, the Earth, and the plants through intuitive bodywork and energy work, herbal medicine, embodiment coaching, earth medicine, seasonal healing, and online classes.

Other Groundwater Healing videos

Welcome Scorpio season! The cauldron stirs! The spiritual overlay of our material lives begins to come in stronger. The radio signal to the beyond starts to click into tune. And the mystery of life draws close. In other words, the veils between the worlds start to thin This time of year feels so special to me It is so ripe for personal questing and spelunking into the inner worlds, and offers vast opportunities for healing and knowing yourself at a deep, intimate level It’s when I have my most rich plant connections and journeys, my most profound plant spirit healings and insights It is a season filled with powerful transformative opportunities if we let ourselves accept its offerings This is why I situated my 6 week plant spirit medicine course right here, beginning at Samhain and going all the way through the darkest weeks of the year Call Into Darkness: Deepening Plant Allyship creates a container that is rich, penetrative, deep, transformative, healing, and supportive It brings you and the plants together to stir awakening, insight, healing, forgiveness, empowerment, alignment, and vast connection within yourself Join us this year for a truly powerful container of plant spirit healing 🖤

Autumn is guided by the element of Water in my ancestral, animistic, pagan tradition. Autumn guides us back to our own inner wells, to refill, reflect, and renew. And also to surrender to any emotional layers that may be lingering, unprocessed from the past year Grief often arises at this time. Sometimes gently, other times like that of a torrential rain. It onsets without warning, and passes through unabashedly, clearing and cleansing the heavy air. And afterwards, a calm, soft spaciousness emerges. After a flood of grief I generally feel more present, grounded, and embodied When we let this Holy Well of Grief move through us, we are transformed. We are cleansed. We are more open and available to meet our life with more presence Read the full blogpost on the Holy Well of Grief thru link in bio #autumn #water #medicineofwater #elementofwater #sacredseasons #seasonal #seasonalhealing #seasonalmedicine #grief #griefjourney #emotionalwaves #wateryrealm #earthmedicine

Today in our Build Your Belonging journey the guided meditation was to invite an element of nature into our bodies to learn from and heal with. I decided to do this one with the group because I felt in need of support The water came. She flowed inside my body, swirled around my pelvic bowl and danced with my edges, inviting softness. She helped me reach out and take in, my arms moving and flowing with this rhythm in the dynamic dance of giving and receiving I’ve been creating and doing and giving a lot lately, and it felt so good to soften and receive from her Which element can bring you wisdom today? If you want to explore dancing with the Earth, the elements, your body, the nature spirits, your soul guides, and more, apply for a spot in the Golden Stone Wisdom School - Wednesday is the deadline for applications!

Devil’s Club is a powerful plant teacher native to these PNW forests. Guardian of the forest, protecting them (and us) from negative or invasive energies, helping heal trauma and stand in our authentic power, Devil’s Club is a majesty This being has taught me so much about claiming my space in the world, and standing tall and proud in my energy and body Plants all have unique spiritual essences, spirits, and energies that are profoundly wise. When we learn to open ourselves to the way they communicate with us, we can begin forming powerful and transformative relationships Join me in my free class tomorrow evening, the Basics of Plant Spirit Medicine, link in bio 🌿

What are you pollinating this Spring? What experiences, projects, people, or landscapes are your senses drawing you towards? What feels alive inside you that wants to display itself externally? Spring is HERE We can choose to hitch a ride on the airstream this season is gifting us. We just have to make the choice To learn more about the medicine of Spring, take a peak at my Sacred Seasons Spring Guidebook filled with all the magic you need for a meaningful and relational season 🌿🌷🌿

The medicine of water. The ebbs and flows, the fluidity of life. The deep and powerful cleansing. The reminder of our rhythmic relation to the Earth The elements shape us, make us, inform everything we are and do. To have a relationship with the elements is one of the most powerful ways to root in connection with the wider world and our bone deep ancestry at once I have an experiential course called Embodying the Elements if you’re called to explore them further. 🌊

Take a moment to realign Take a few intentional breaths as you watch, soaking up in the medicine of Water and the forest Feel your body soften and expand. You can always come back to this place. The more you anchor it in, the easier it is to be there 💚

Can you gift yourself the time to watch this snail for the next minute? 1 minute of an invitation to reorient your pace 🐌 As you watch, notice any stories, sensations, tension, or resistance that comes up. Breathe into them. Keep watching the snail Watch it over again if need be, but do it until your body relaxes, you feel a sense of opening, and you naturally breathe a little deeper If you're looking for more help slowing down, then sign up for my ✨Gifts of the Body✨mini-retreat happening 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 morning. Registration will close tonight We will decelerate to the pace of the body in order to find relationship, healing, and connection