Groundwater Healing

By slowing down and listening we can tap into wisdoms held deep within our bodies, unearthing long-held patterning to be witnessed and transformed.

Groundwater Healing above all offers a way for you to find deeper connection with yourself, the Earth, and the plants through intuitive bodywork and energy work, herbal medicine, embodiment coaching, earth medicine, seasonal healing, and online classes. Bodywork, guided visualizations, energy medicine practices, and herbal healing can facilitate this process of tuning in, allowing us relaxation an


Here I am (maybe 10yrs ago?!) playing with one of my favorite plant allies, Quaking Aspen

She was one of the first allies to draw me into the work of plant spirit medicine, and has been a powerful initiator for me across thresholds on my medicine path

This tree is so beautiful for anxiety, for helping us feel supported and not alone, and for helping us lean into our creative potential, rooted in the deep streams of interconnected waters

Come join me on Friday at the next Plant Wisdom Circle to meet her yourself, and see what realm of wisdom she wants to share with you 🌿


Quaking Aspen…

In 2018 I had the privilege of visiting Pando, a quaking Aspen grove that could be between 8,000-12,000 years old.

It is considered the world’s largest “tree,” spanning 106 acres. Aspens are a clonal species, so the tree itself is the root ball beneath the ground, and it shoots up genetically identical “individual” trees, that are technically the exact same tree.

Aspen is one of the most ancient medicines, the most profound and beautiful medicines I’ve sat with, and has been a crucial ally for me in claiming my medicine path

Come meet her this Friday!

We’re sitting with her in the next Plant Wisdom Circle. I’m so excited to see what she has to share with people 🤩🌿💛


Who wants to learn from the amazingness of the plant spirits with me this Sunday?

I’m teaching an Intro to Plant Wisdom class so we get to sit together, and be with the plants in circle.

You’ll get to experience the medicine of a plant you’ve been intrigued by, and also practice listening when you have no idea who the plant is. It’s gonna be fun and beautiful 🌿


We can learn so much from the trees about being embodied

Nature always reflects to us who we are, because we are not separate from nature

The practice of embodiment is just that: a practice. A living art. It is a relationship of always turning towards the self and deepening your knowing

Go stand with a tree and breathe. See if you feel more like yourself after connecting with a nature being 🌲

I’m teaching a free class on loving embodiment tomorrow!

Check it out in the link in my profile 💫🌿


Learning to listen to your body with love and compassion not only helps transform your relationship with yourself, but also helps you become more connected to all of life

Because the more we become embodied, the more of a spiritual experience life becomes

The more we learn to feel and experience life through our bodies, the more connected we are to the felt experience of being a part of nature, a part of the living earth

Come practice tenderly listening to your body this Tuesday with me in my free class:

✨Loving Embodiment: Cultivating Self-Acceptance and Body Connection✨

You know where to find the deets 💛

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 08/22/2024

One of the first steps to repairing our ruptured relationship with earth and life, is to return to the wisdom of our own bodies

Can you love yourself, right here, right now?

Can you really listen to, and have compassion for, all the parts of yourself that have felt challenging?

Join me in making this first gesture.

You know where to find the info!


The next Plant Wisdom Circle is this Friday! And we’re sitting with a MYSTERY PLANT! (This will be a local, medicinal, non-psychedelic plant spirit.)

This is one of my *favorite* ways to practice developing trust in our ability to commune with the plants, and in our intuitive nature

When we sit in circle, without any preconceived notions on what the medicine of a plant is “supposed” to do, we open ourselves up as a blank slate to receive what the plant has specifically for our system in this moment

Come join the fun ✨🌿✨


It’s always a blessing to witness folks feel, in their bodies, the real experience of meeting a plant spirit, and understanding that herbs aren’t just for physical use.

I had the privilege of sharing a workshop , Softening into Self Love with Rose Medicine, and got to see people’s souls ignited to work with plants in a spiritual way.

This is one of my all-time, favorite things.

I love when people can finally see, understand, and appreciate the true spiritual beings that plants are.

There is always a fire, a wild spark, in their eyes. A passion ignited, but also a recognition.

A relief that pours over when one remembers, in their body, not just their mind, the sentience of the Earth.

When this is awakened, everything changes.

If you’re curious about plant spirits, or just want to spend more time with plants, join me for a free class this Tuesday, How to Connect with Consciousness of Plants (without Psychedelics)

No matter if you’re a total beginner, or want to deepen relations with the plant beings, you are welcome.


I just returned from a truly beautiful, wild, and powerful week , a women’s gathering that exceeded all of my expectations.

I soaked up so much inspiration from, and appreciation for, every single woman I met there. No exceptions.

The container was devoted to cultivating empowered community, caring for one another, honoring the land as much as the human realms, centering mothers and their children, honoring elders and indigenous wisdom, pouring love into one another’s businesses, personal depth and joy, and allowing all experiences to be held, honored and loved.

Thank you to for dreaming this into being, and for each of the women I met there for contributing to the unfolding of the container. Such beauty!

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 08/07/2024

Happy Lughnasadh Dear Ones!

As always if you want to go deeper with seasonal medicine, my sacred seasons guidebooks and summer inner well course are available ☀️💛🌼


It is the season of Lughnasadh, as we near the half way point of Summer. The first harvest is upon us, and we get to relish in the true generosity of the Earth.

We get to reap what the partnership of sun, rain, and soil has transformed from seed to fruit.

This truly magical alchemy, that we often take for granted, is showcasing itself to tell us: magic is real. And it lives inside and through every inch of this Earth.


Just need to shout out this group of beautiful folks for sec…

I spent last weekend with this group of Golden Stone Immersion grads, basking in mountain energy and plant ceremony at our Golden Stone Nature Retreat.

I am seriously in awe of these wise, courageous, and deeply-feeling folks.

I felt so connected to each of their souls this past weekend, as they bared their tenderest parts and the true wisdom and beauty that is stored there.

There was so much depth. So many tears. So many insights and understanding shared. Songs, hearts, and words.

AND we had so much fun! There was so much laughter and joy-sharing and beauty in being in community.

Thank you all for showing up so fully, for being so generous and loving with one another, and for helping me live into my dream of holding space like this!

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 07/15/2024

I’m settling back into day-to-day life after a weekend immersed in the wild mountain meadows on the Golden Stone Nature Retreat where we practiced deep listening to the living world

Holy s**t, it was so rich and beautiful

It was nourishing and healing on a level I can’t even describe, being with fellow sensitives and soul-based plant people who understand the world is alive, and want to grow relationship with it 💛

We need one another right now!


POV: your client knows you so well and delivers the most fragrant bundle of Tulsi to you at their session

So grateful for my clients, for the abundance of the plant medicines right now, and for getting to be in magical space with people all day 🤩

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 07/02/2024

It’s always amazing to me how such a small patch of land and garden can produce so much abundance of medicine and food

I would not say I’m a gardener, but I let the volunteer “weeds” do their thing

St. John’s wort volunteered in my garden and is now big enough to produce enough flowers for a good amount of tincture or oil each year

Lemon balm too

And simply pruning my rosemary gave me a quart of medicine

The land is so generous

Dandelions, cleavers, plantain, self-heal, wild carrot… you don’t have to be a gardener to grow these things

And most people will eradicate them because they’re “weeds.” But if you let things grow, and watch what wants to volunteer in your yard, you’ll likely find a whole apothecary waiting for you 🌿🌼🌺🍄‍🟫


We’re officially in the arms of Summer and she has so much to teach us.

How does the energy of summer impact you and your body?

What can you do to align with her and her gifts more meaningfully?

What aspect of Summer is living inside you awaiting recognition or love?

I just created a new Summer Inner Well online course that deepens and expands on the Sacred Seasons Summer Guidebook to support your witchy and magical path of earth connection and healing

✨ It’s discounted through the weekend ✨

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 06/20/2024

We honor the light, and we welcome it fully into our bodies and lives

For more depth of connection to the magical seasons, check out the Summer Inner Well course which is discounted through Sunday 🧚‍♀️💫


I don’t share this story very often, but when I met the Dogwood spirit 13 years ago they were being hit hard with a blight that was weakening and killing the native trees

When I connected with her, I could feel the potency of her medicine, and also her deep need for spiritual support

I asked how I could help her, and I felt her desire to be honored by song every day. I had received a song from the dogwood in my yard that honored her beauty, and I promised I’d sing it to her daily for a month

Every day when I’d sing, I could feel the way she soaked it in, receiving the medicine of the frequency of the sound and words

I could feel the way that when my heart was true and open, I was impacting her well-being. I could feel our connection and relationship growing stronger, and I could feel the way humans and plants have helped one another for time immemorial

Tomorrow at the Song Ceremony with Dogwood, we’re gonna sing that song, plus a couple others, to a large grandmother dogwood tree at Powell Butte. We’ll honor her, and then receive from her medicine in turn

She’s been one of my biggest teachers and guides these past 13 years, and I’m so excited to hold space for more people to receive from her graceful dignity and clarity

Join us!

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 02/26/2024

I’d love to have your beautiful, sensitive heart in my community

Let me know if I can add you to my weekly Embodied Earth newsletter, where I share a lot more in depth content and where I’ll be offering private invitation to my membership space.

DM me! Or sign up through my website


In tonight’s Plant Wisdom Circle will be connecting to the spirit of Cottonwood, a beacon of light to draw us out of the winter season

Together we will create ceremonial space to journey with cottonwood’s medicine

You’ll have time in silent meditation to connect and I’ll also lead a guided journey to connect with the spirit of renewal for this late winter time of year

Happening in person at SomaSpace 💛

Link in bio

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 01/30/2024

So let’s connect with our heart shall we?

*Place your hands on your heart

*Take several deep, slow breaths, and invite a softness to surround the heart

*Let your heart know it’s safe. That it’s ok to feel

*Now, conjure all the compassion for your own heart and self that’s available to you

*Beam yourself compassion for whatever it is you’re feeling or going through. Let this compassion surround the heart like a soft blanket

*After that feels complete, beam out compassion and prayer to all those suffering right now. Known and unknown

*When you’re finished welcome yourself back to the room. And let your heart guide you in an action of love for the world


In Celtic pagan tradition, the Winter season is associated with the element of Earth

The elements provide a framework and a lens through which we can view the world, and see more deeply into the energy patterns of our world

As we progress through this season, notice the element of Earth in your daily life, and invite the wisdom of Winter and Earth in to your spiritual practices

Begin to erect a framework for your life that can house your values

Dream into structures in the collective that honor both the sanctity of all life, and also the voices of the dead, so we can eject ourselves from the looping roads of destruction and terror that have plagued us for far too long

Offer your money to structures and systems that are supportive to the Earth-you-know-is-possible

Plant your roots into the fecundity of rich soil, knowing that as you claim your own self and values, you help solidify the dream of the collective, and the manifestation of a world where our more-than-human friends are honored as well

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 12/21/2023

Happy Solstice dear community 💛



💛Helps us to trust when there’s no ground beneath our feet

💛Gently restores and regenerates the spirit

💛Brings a golden balm of healing to our wounded parts

💛Brings us back into our dignity when there’s been trauma, shame, or loss of worth within the Self

This generous spirit is a Winter gift, helping us regenerate the spirit during days of darkness and loss of hope

A beautiful plant to call on during the solstice hour. Winter solstice arrives tomorrow!



Guardian spirit of light and fire

Helps us orient to the light within us to fuel our sacred work in the world

Helps us cultivate inner fortitude and strength to persevere when times are difficult

Come meet the spirit of the Grandfather Juniper tree in Plant Wisdom Circle tomorrow

✨ Details in my bio ✨


These darkest moments of the yearly cycle can offer us deep contemplative space for birthing change, both individually and collectively.

In the darkness we can see even the smallest shimmers of light and hope more clearly if we allow ourselves to orient to them, and through our awareness, help them grow more brightly in the sky of our collective unfolding.

For those local to Portland, on Friday 12/15 I’m holding a Plant Wisdom Circle to sit with the spirit of Juniper.

Juniper is a guiding light in times of darkness, and a powerful force of hope and perseverance.

Come sit in community circle and soak in the wisdom of Juniper, ancient being of light, illuminating our path through dark times

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 12/06/2023

I’ve been contemplating these questions daily

How am I contributing to the world I want to see?

How I am cultivating the energies of what I wish to transpire?

Small actions and shifts in our energetic ways of being matter too

“Look closely at the world you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming.” - Alice Walker


Grief holds inherent in it a vision for another possibility of the world’s expression

Whether grief of something that didn’t come to pass, grief of how events are unfolding in the present, or anticipatory grief of a damaged and ravaged world, underneath it is a story untold

And inspiration for a different, or shifted, way of living

Grief in its highest can guide us to unfold a new story. One that lives in service to what we’ve loved and continue to live for

For grief is at its heart, an expression of love and life


Turning 40 has helped me settle into myself a new layer deep

Less trying to please others. Less hiding

More standing in my own alignment. More confidence in myself

I feel another level of leaning into my medicine for the world

Another level of devotion to the earth and plants. To the liberation of our bodies and interweaving communion between body and earth, and the spiritual plane that flows through it all

I feel so passionate about helping you create loving relationship with your body and the multidimensional fabric that resides there

I feel so excited about uncovering the portal into a magical way of perceiving the world around you. And helping you feel that you belong deeply to this world. You embody the energies that flow through this entire Universe, and are built from both earth and sky

You are an incredibly unique creative expression of Life. And who you are matters greatly

Thank you for being with me here in this little corner of space 💛

Photos from Groundwater Healing's post 10/31/2023

For more ideas, see my short video class on How to Celebrate Samhain with Ritual and Plant Medicine

AND join the group of plant people and plant allies intentionally journeying together through the next 6 weeks

Today is the last day to sign up for Call Into Darkness to ensure you receive your tinctures before we begin on Sunday 🌿🖤🌿

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Welcome Scorpio season! The cauldron stirs!The spiritual overlay of our material lives begins to come in stronger. The r...
Autumn is guided by the element of Water in my ancestral, animistic, pagan tradition. Autumn guides us back to our own i...
Today in our Build Your Belonging journey the guided meditation was to invite an element of nature into our bodies to le...
Devil’s Club is a powerful plant teacher native to these PNW forests. Guardian of the forest, protecting them (and us) f...
What are you pollinating this Spring?What experiences, projects, people, or landscapes are your senses drawing you towar...
The medicine of water. The ebbs and flows, the fluidity of life. The deep and powerful cleansing. The reminder of our rh...
Take a moment to realignTake a few intentional breaths as you watch, soaking up in the medicine of Water and the forestF...
Can you gift yourself the time to watch this snail for the next minute?1 minute of an invitation to reorient your pace 🐌...



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